
- 12/3/98 Uploaded Part 1 of the Mage's Quest onto the site

- 13/3/98 Final HTML modifications are made, Ring of Dragons symbol and links are added

- 16/3/98 Credits, About, and Help are redone as HTML from the old text, and this revisions list is added ;-)

- 18/3/98 Counter reset, some finishing touches made, and the site is 'officialy' opened to visitors

- 20/3/98 Minor changes to About, Index, and Help.

- 6/4/98 E-mail address changed on all pages

- 15-19 March 99 Part two added! New graphics created using CorelDraw 8 were added. Part one was made into one web page -- for some reason Geocities wouldn't let me do that before, I had it split into two pages.