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Local Trenton Weather is:

Trenton Amateur Radio CLub

Trenton Amateur Radio Club

I am an Amateur Radio enthusiast, and my call is VE3JFD. I am currently confined to the Canadian No-Code regulations, and frequencies, so an HF QSO will unfortunately not be possible. I reside in Trenton, Ontario, approximately halfway between Ottawa, and Toronto, on the shores of Lake Ontario. I monitor the TARC Repeater at 147.015

Link to Radio Amateurs of Canada

Radio Amateurs of Canada

The Lion's Den BBS is another of my hobbies. It is heavily Ham oriented, with approximately 197 Mb worth of Ham files, (about 1700 of them). All other facets of a normal BBS are also supported. We are hooked up to FIDO as 1:249/303, and you can send me FIDO Netmail at that address, or Internet E-Mail to the address below. The BBS has one line connected to a 28.8 Bps modem. If you are interested in calling, (613)392-8896 is the main Node. Please leave a message to sysop if LD. You may also telnet to the board using "telnet://lionsden.darktech.org"

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