Who Am I? Very simple question with a very complex answer. To be totally honest with my readers, a bit of mundane information is in order.

  • I'm female, 25 years old and a Libran.
  • I'm happily married and have been for 2 years to Sladethesniper. His website addy is: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/1397
  • I have two children, Rayna Alexandria and Elijah Evan (who will, eventually, both have pages dedicated to them on this site).
  • I am a part-time fiction writer and a stay-at-home mother currently.
  • I have been role-playing for years and DM'ing almost as long. I have no particular prejudices against other systems besides AD&D but it was my first one and I am fond of it.
  • I am a Christian, Nondenominational, and VERY proud of it. This site is for FUN only and is not to be taken seriously.

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