Title: High Imperceptor
Name: Lord Zanatose Everhate
Description: A foul, cruel shell of one of the darker faefolk, Lord Zanatose quickly accended the hierarchy of the church through less than noble means. He took the churches doctrine of murder a bit more seriously than most. His undead status gives him an aura of power and mystery. Many fear him and more should.
Title: High Dread Mistress
Name: Ariadne Raynor
Description: Rumored to be a bit more mad than her master, Ariadne sits proud as the second in command of Cyric's faithful on this plane of existence. Her accendancy into the station she holds was one by accident more than design. She is, definitely, in love with her deity and zealous to a fault.
Title: First Strife Leader
Name:Lucian McCaine
Description: Handsome and outgoing, he doesn't seem up to his job tasks at first, but he can switch into his 'alter-ego' in a matter of mere seconds...making him a deadly opponent indeed for he kills without conscience and without question. Many people have miscalculated him and found themselves dead at his feet for doing so.
Title: First Lord of Illusions
Name: Adrian Killebrew
Description: There is never really any way of telling exactly what Adrian looks like. Everyone assumes only his mother truelly knows his appearance. He often appears dressed opulently in robes that constantly change colors between black and purple as he moves. His hair is, normally, long and white, but it's been seen worn shorn entirely off. When his hair is worn this way, you can see a symbol of Cyric plainly emblazoned on the top of his shining skull. Little things about Adrian change daily in his appearance. He never goes anywhere without his 'face' on. Illusions are like breath to him. He casts them almost without thinking. Most of his illusions are deadly and nearly impossible to disbelieve or dispel.
Title: The Third Hand of Cyric
Name: Aryion Enigma
Description: Aryion keeps to himself. He doesn't have a lot to say, but he gives the impression that he knows a lot more than he lets on. Everyone knows his position in the church. Many believe he holds the title of Highest Intregue unfoundedly since it seems he's never doing anything intreguing. This, however, is untrue. He is ALWAYS involved in everything. He's just really good at hiding it. If there's a subplot, he wrote it. You can bet he's a major player in all things. He tends to dress in somber clothing...mainly black, cowled robes that hide his face. Noone knows what his face looks like as noone has ever seen it.