hal sutton - 09/17/00 12:20:43
My Email:hdsutton@hotmail.com
i read your fiction on realmsofevil.com and enjoyed the story so far. i would be happy to read anything else you have to offer. i work nights in hawaii at tripler army medical center. so, occasionally i have time to browse the web and read a good story.
yours has potential.
look forward to hearing from you
thanks, hal
AriadneRaynor - 05/28/00 05:55:25
Checking out the guestbook after a couple of minor changes.
- 03/31/99 02:08:24
Jack Knife - 12/09/98 06:10:38
My Email:knifejack@hotmail.com
I think you gotta fix this geustbook. Here's my e-mail by the way. Check out the Church of Fire!
Jack Knife - 12/09/98 06:08:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/knifejack/index.html
Nice page you got going here. I haven't kept up
with Forgotten Realms in a long while. I you could, give me a brief update. Thanks! Check out my page.
CliMaX - 11/20/98 14:59:11
My URL:http://www.geocities/Area51/Dreamworld/4808/
Comments: Dark!
This page is just plain dark.
but thats the effect you were after right?
Really funky.
Better hope the harpers never find this place!
sladethesniper - 11/15/98 10:08:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/1397
My Email:you know it...
Comments: Just letting you know I've got a link to you now.
I doubt you really want them here.
Haplo - 10/16/98 17:54:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/6464
My Email:Churchboy@goplay.com
Comments: Cool Picts
I like the page so far and I'll come again to check up on it. Hurry and get it done It has great promise. Besides Cyric was the coolest character in the Avatar trilogy.
10/15/98 09:32:34
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Slade - 09/29/98 10:09:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/crater/1397
My Email:phu_nham@hotmail.com
Comments: Is Cyric feeling OK?
Is Cyric a Horse addict? Why is he holding his arm like that? I'll tell you why, I broke it. I, who shall rule this puny planet with the power of a god, the instincts of a killer, and the mind of a genius. Hahahahaha, it is I DOOM. Doom shall rule.
Ariadne Raynor - 09/28/98 01:40:21
My Email:ssambra@hotmail.com
Testing out the new format and design.