The Next Stage..... Feb 5, 2001
Not a lot has happened this week.... although the shed is ready to live in. All we are waiting for now is power, water and sewer to be connected....and they canot be connected until the house goes!!

Rick is still waiting for a permit from the council to demolish the house, although it is looking fairly demolished inside!!

At this stage we are still living with Mum and Dad in Malvern, but they move to Monbulk on the 16th! Will we be moving to Monbulk with them?? Stay tuned!!!!
The Shed. Looks cosy!!
The House..... It's going... slowly!!!
Back to the start
8:29pm Feb 5th

News Flash! News Flash!!
Darren has just called the Builder, and the permit came through to him in the post today!! He will have the house gone this week and the digger is booked to do the footings for the new place on Monday!! Hooray!! Go For it Bedrock Constructions!!

Other News....
Darren's finger is still awful, and he goes to see the specialist tommorow. Will they fix it?? Or will they have to cut it off????
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