To all the People in United States

And the People around the World

Today,  We were hit hard in Our Home Land

Today we lost Our loved ones, and Friends

Pray for the ones who may survive 

Don't hate each other, but love one another

Don't call each other names, or fight

But come together as Brother and Sister

Give Hugs, not a fist in the face

Give a Hello, not ugly words when meeting each other

When will this day come when ALL NATIONS around the World

Come together as ONE

We came together at the Olympics

We gave smiles to one another, and  pats on the back

Why can't we do this every day

Be friends to each other

Stop the HATE

Before it's to late.

My Heart goes out to the Firemen, and their families

(My late-Father was a fireman, and in the Army, 

who served during the Korean War)

Rescue workers, volunteers, hospital staff

All of You are HEROES

Our strength is with you, as you go forth.

So please send this page on to a friend

And who knows one day it might happen

