History of the Blak Garde
The Blak Garde was first conceived in early January A.S.
XVIII (1984) by Baron Robert de la Tor, Baron Volf of
Novgorod, Lorde AEschere Dene , Alasander Cuin, and
Langen of Ilsig as an alternative battle levy to the local
SCA shire. By March of A.S. XVIII, the five founders had
been joined by Count Jehan de la Marche, Gunther, and
Random. On April 14th A.S. XVIII (1984) then King Viktor
and Queen Sedalia, granted the Blak Garde's Charter, from
that date we technically mark our birth.
Pennsic War XIII was the Blak Garde's first war together,
Count Jehan, Barons Robert & Volf, Lorde AEschere,
Rhys ap Dromghule, Gunther, Alasander, Gregor, Wulfgar, Octa,
Godwin, Wolfrem, Luther, Khet, and myself (only a lad of
15 years at that time) formed the first Blak Garde war levy.
The unit was organized into 2 battyls (or wings) composed of
2 banners (or squads) each. Each banner had 2 weapon and
shieldmen and 1 long-weaponsman, the recommended
weapons mix. In the woods battle, the Garde, by
conservative compilation of eyewitness accounts and
claimed "kills", accounted for 43 enemies while losing 27 of
it's own number. The next day, in the bridge battle, the Blak
Garde formed square under it's banners ( the "Black Flag"
and the "Flag of the Two Barons") and was held in reserve
by then King Hasdrubal and finally committed to the center
bridge with the Tuchux, thereat the Garde died to a man but
accounted for 19 enemies. The Blak Garde Regiment was
one of the first non-territorial, Kingdom-wide,
Royally-Chartered, professional military units of regimental
strength in the SCA. In the 19th year of the SCA the Garde
was born, and 4 months after it's birth it fought in it's first
War, there accounting for a "kill" ratio of 3 to 2 in it's
favor; not bad for it's 1st year.
By the following Pennsic War, the Garde had grown,
adding more fighters to the ranks as well as Ladies,
brewers (Woo Hoo!), minstrals, and artists to the group. It was
at this point that we had enough committed people to form a
shire, the Blak Rose. The Blak Garde is a landless
mercenary fighting unit and is therefore not officially
connected with the shire of Blak Rose, although we camped
with them and would defend them if need be, after all, we
were all friends and they supported us greatly!
The next Pennsic War was the best.The Blak Garde had
grown measurably. There were over 20 fighters in the
Garde and we all had our black & crimson tabards and
mantlets, and marched as a unit with banners and drums to
battle. The Blak Garde had the privileged duty of guarding
then King Ronald's Royal camp. That year and the next I
believe were the pinnacle for the Blak Garde.
Unfortunately by 1988 alot of the older Gardesmen retired
from fighting, or left the SCA, or moved on to other groups,
and most of us younger guys (at the time) had mundane
commitments like college, the military or the like, and left
the SCA. What was left was a shadow of the former Garde
that would eventually fade away.
10 years later, in the fall of 97 some of us came back, but
there was no sign of the Garde. So we, Wolffrem Mikosevaar, Alasandyr St. Claire (aka Takashi Naga), and myself, Alaric the Bald,(aka Dyverd Deerhorn) having returned from the crusades to find our brethren dispersed, needed to recruit new swordbrothers and rebuild the Blak Garde.
1998 was the Blak Garde's first full year back. We have been joined by new swordbrothers and even some veterans from yesteryear. I believe we have accomplished much during 98 and would like to thank my brethren and all our SCA friends who have helped us out in our revival.
The start of 1999 had dawned an even stronger Garde with Earl Master Ruslan Novgorodcev in command and the unit streamlined to men with a warriors spirit. Due to the success of training through the winter, and the hunger the brethren had to excel in combat, the Garde looked forward to a great year. Unfortunately, Y2k brought with it another big change for the Garde. Master Ruslan and several Gardesmen left the brotherhood and only a few Gardsmen remained. Thus flows the ebb and tide of life in these current middle ages, so in the future don't be surprised to see the black flag flying and a couple Blak Gardesmen wading through the fallen on the field of battle