Lexor Sha' Ducar - 11/17/00 17:29:59 My Email:oynxknight@netzero.net SCA Kingdom: East Kingdom SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings and salutations. I have returned from my two and a half year long sojourn to the snowy realm of Northstar in the Middle Kingdom. I will be again fighting in the East and ask for the companionship of my long ago household, the Blak Garde, to join me. Please feel free to e-mail me at your convenience. My hopes is to uplift the Balk Garde once more to loose the dogs of war upon our common enemies. Until then... |
- 09/09/00 13:52:25 | Comments: |
Glen - 07/28/00 20:13:19 My Email:gpanzajoe@aol.com SCA Kingdom: East Kingdom | Comments: Greetings from the prodical warrior... would love to join your proud ranks once again ..... I shall be returning rather shortly, hehe, by the way, who penned me Glenzilla? There shall be words about this! Take care gardesman and, I shall see you on the fi ld soon! |
Lorde Wolffram Mikosevaar - 06/11/00 03:46:54 SCA Kingdom: Orientalis SCA Shire/group: Blak guarde | Comments: Do not worry mein Leiblings....the Guarde WILL be back..it's incarnations are as constant as the ebb and flow of the tides.The fellowship will again commence whenever there is a need for extreme battle.The Guarde will never die as long as strong men of ac ion and aggression exist.Till then I personally endorse Haus Blutwatche as THE premire martial organization.Think of the honour and strength that we could generate if both such groups were combined! |
Random - 04/25/00 00:17:37 My Email:randhawkyns@hotmail.com SCA Kingdom: An Tir SCA Shire/group: Aquaterra | Comments: My most fondest of farewells to all of my comrades. Please pass the word to all former Gardesman that Random has returned to his home in An Tir and has started his life anew. I wish all of you good fortune and prosperity. |
Kruger - 04/18/00 01:59:30 My Email:Kruger von buren SCA Shire/group: Blak garde | Comments: A fond farewell |
Andreas Gunter Anschlaghammer - 03/09/00 20:54:36 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/warhammeraks/index.html My Email:warhammeraks@yahoo.com SCA Kingdom: Meridies SCA Shire/group: Delvingrim | Comments: Greetings from the hills and holes of Meridies. I look forward to seeing you at Pensic sometime. |
alaric the bald - 02/14/00 02:45:00 SCA Kingdom: east SCA Shire/group: blakgarde | Comments: due to other commitments this site will be in a state of limbo indefinitely... |
Alsandyr - 01/30/00 13:07:55 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Farewell my friends, it has been grand knowing you all. This personification no longer exists. I hope to see all of you... in the future, Bon Nuit! Alsandyr de St. Claire |
Einarr - 01/19/00 22:25:08 My Email:cchristianson@knowledgesoft.com SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: Greetings all, I actually didn't fall off the edge of the earth. Found out back in Oct/Nov that I was fighting with a torn biceps for the last year or so... So I had to go get that taken care of. Hope you all are doing well, drop me a line sometime. Einarr |
- 01/04/00 00:07:07 | Comments: who can say what the new millenium will bring. Things will take their own course, and in time all will be revealed. What are you going to do? |
Wulfbrand - 01/02/00 02:43:14 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Is it true? Is our fine brotherhood becoming undone? What's happening? |
- 12/19/99 04:43:16 | Comments: Is that the death knell of a once proud military unit I hear??? The curse of "two years" rears it's ugly head.....for the third time.......till next we meet my brothers........SIRRAH! |
Alaric - 11/12/99 00:59:56 My Email:blakgarde@yahoo.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Mats Brekstad and Kristoffer Vansvik's insightful comment confirms their status as denizens of the bottom of the gene pool, and their lack of a return email addy confirms their cowardice... |
Doug Fieldhouse - 11/10/99 18:42:08 My URL:http://www.voicenet.com/~fieldhdj My Email:fieldhdj@voicenet.com SCA Kingdom: n/a SCA Shire/group: n/a | Comments: I'm interested in your organization. Whom do I contact? Best Regards, Doug Fieldhouse |
Mats Brekstad and Kristoffer Vansvik - 11/10/99 11:32:24 | Comments: Fuck you |
Kristoffer Vansvik - 11/10/99 11:28:54 | Comments: |
ASC - 10/20/99 00:19:13 SCA Shire/group: B Garde | Comments: To answer the recent requests- The East made do with the resources at hand, we were lucky in that regard. We took it to them, we TOOK the field that day! Warriors all! Vivant! |
Historicus - 10/14/99 16:29:06 SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: Yes, Historicus too would like to hear the news from Kingdoms Crusade. How was it that the tide turned against Atlantia? Although they are our erstwhile allies I cannot resist asking "How now, fair Atlantia? |
Wolffram - 10/12/99 00:53:27 SCA Kingdom: orientalis SCA Shire/group: you all know! | Comments: WELL??? lets hear about how the East won Kingdoms!! Or am I being punished for not being there...believe me..I nearly "ate" my own gun after working two shifts on desk.Do you know what that's like?..hello? My husband is drunk and I want him to leave....my son won't listen to me...take him somewhere....there are 5 kittens in the street....I find myself hating humanity.I would have gladly taken an unhelmeted flat snap from Sir Gregor than be chained to that desk..... |
Alaric - 09/16/99 23:09:03 My Email:marshalg@mindspring.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Many thanks to my Brethren for always making me feel welcome back to the ranks (kinda like the prodical son:) Although I'm swamped, my growing gut demands my presence on the field for "physical therapy", besides, nobody should deny their body a weekly bea ing... |
Wulfbrand - 09/16/99 00:25:40 My Email:sdietric@epix.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: A hearty welome once again to our bald brother. Our ranks and mugs missed his presence. Best of luck to Lord Alsandyr and Lord Wolffram. May their swords meet their mark and their tongues remain calm in the fair regions of Dunstable. |
Lord Alsandyr - 09/13/99 23:41:58 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings, just a quick note to say that I am very pleased to announce to all of his fans out there... Lord Alaric of the shaven pate has donned helm and shield, and will be returning to the Pack! I can gaurentee that secondary to this development, an Atlantian is going to have his feelings hurt! By sword, deed, or word! Just a little pre-"kingdoms" playful banter. The Gardes recruitment looks promising, lets hope that the new ones can handle the kind of abuse that The Garde seeks out in the fray. The ladies are kicking arse in their own domain, they have a lot of cool things to unveil in the near future. Well, its off to "Legends of Chivalry" Lord Wollfromm and myself will be in Attendance. ---Out here--- ASC |
Lord Alsandyr - 09/13/99 23:25:29 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: |
Lord Roderick of hastings - 09/08/99 05:05:18 My Email:squiresca@gw.total-web.net SCA Kingdom: Meridies SCA Shire/group: formerly East, now Meridies | Comments: Greetings Alaric! I am Duke Sir Ronalds Senior Squire, formerly of the East Kingdom, transported to Meridies(Atlanta, GA) about 6 months ago. Great web page! I am sure we have met at some point, you picture does look familiar.. Email me at some point, as the topic where we were talking at GlockTalk is now closed, and I do not have your email address. |
Alsandyr de St. Claire - 08/23/99 00:43:49 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Pensic- This was the best Pensic I have done... I have done 4 of them maybe 5, but this was the best! A combination of things made this what it was, but the most important one being- I was with my best friends! The Garde was lucky to have been invited to join House Silver Keep on their plush expanse of turf. I issue a hearty thanks to them! I would also mention that the culinary skills of her excellency, Baroness Magdelena Weigand, and lady Drussila, were a g ds-gift! The fighting was good... Thanks to his Grace, Duke Timothy, Baron Manfred Von Valstearn, and the rest of the Southern Region Command, for their use of The Garde... Glad to have been of service! That night in Hell was pretty cool too! Thanks to that bastard spider who bit my instep( glad it wasn't a hemotoxin) and the two bees who lost their lives stinging me, in the woods battle. I have survived the plague rat, now hopefully I will survive the return to mundania... To all who read this, I wish you the best, In service to The Garde, The crown of the East, and causes that sound exciting... Alsandyr |
Jonas Iscariet - 08/06/99 20:59:27 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/DAYOFWRATH My Email:arien_storm@yahoo.com SCA Kingdom: east SCA Shire/group: none I'm afraid | Comments: I'd like to say that this site still holds true, and that I have come very fond of it. Peace be to all, and may your cup never empty |
Ruslan Novgorodcev - 08/03/99 03:33:14 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic,net SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: Greetings Brethern, I would like to congratulate you one and all for the exertions that you have put forth over the last 9 months. We have come a long way in a very short period of time. These efforts have been recognized and as such Lord Wolffraam, Lo d Alsandyr, Baron Wulfbrand and Talon will join Lord Ryggar of House Silverkeep in the Unbelted Champions Battle at Pennsic this year. Additionally, Lord Alsandyr has been chosen as one of the 15 unbelted fighters to represent Her Majesty Moruadh in the Queen's Champions Battle. The Hounds of War have been a hunting and the meat is fresh. IN SERVICE, Ruslan |
no thanks - 08/02/99 09:09:16 SCA Kingdom: east | Comments: WOW! |
Brent M. Coomes - 08/01/99 19:41:33 My Email:bmc0945@cs.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: none looking | Comments: Hi look for some people to go with and traing with. if you can help or point me the right direrction please do. thank you.A little background on my self is I'm from Washington state but sence I'm in the navy I'm stationed here in Willow Grove I'm an inste tior in Manios Ekerima thats filpino stick fighting. I stared traing in Washington but in jioned the navy. so please give me a hand thank you again. |
Alsandyr de St Claire - 07/25/99 21:59:01 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings one and all, It seems a long time since I have signed something like this. Yesterday, The Eastern Kingdom got together in Jim Thorpe, PA for a little workout. Bridge battles mostly, then a 30 minute res. battle- I assume for conditioning. Wi h the humidity-the index was close to 112 degrees f-. I sweated so much that my feet were wrinkled and wet from the sweat running down my legs. We had a great time. Congratulations are in order to Ryggr and Eric Appolinaris squires of Master Wulfgar, for their Award of Arms. Now I'm off to soak my battered body. I hope you all get what you want-ASC |
Aquila heliaca adalberti - 07/24/99 00:39:07 My Email:eagle@hotmail.com SCA Kingdom: eastern SCA Shire/group: wind group | Comments: just noticed that some of the key players have been missing from the conversation, where has Alaric been, or Master Novgorodcev, or Wollfromm, it seems as if things are getting stale. You guys are great, hope to see you out there... Imperial Eagle |
Alsandyr St. Claire - 07/23/99 01:48:33 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: It seems as if a season has passed since we swung sticks with our friends, it will be good to see so many familiar faces on saturday. We will be few, AGAIN, but we will represent the group well- I have little doubt. Pensic will be here, "before you know it," get ready!! -out here- ASC |
Ivar Bloodhand - 07/21/99 05:34:44 My Email:norsetrader@home.com SCA Kingdom: none SCA Shire/group: same | Comments: I am a sergent in one of, if not THE best, fighting houses in MARKLAND. I must say that you are excellent fighters, as I was always led to believe. If you are TRUE mercenaries, however, then I assume you would travel to distand lands and fight slightly ifferently if the pay was good enough....am i correct? We of Vairgard are always interested in new allies. We are also always looking to improve our house by entertaing new prospects for membership. I would like to talk to "the head honcho" if I may, a d perhaps we can find ways to help each other. |
john frazier - 07/01/99 21:40:00 My Email:osgar@webtv.net SCA Kingdom: east SCA Shire/group: black dragons | Comments: had to check it out i didnt know you guys had that many fighters... coool later |
Einarr Thorgrimsson - 06/30/99 19:35:15 My Email:einar@cvn.net SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: Greetings all, just wanted to say I'm still around. Haven't seen anyone in a while since thursday practices seem to be problematic for me. If a practice at wulfgar's comes up I'd appreciate it if someone would send me an email. thx Einarr |
steven skwaryk - 06/22/99 20:43:14 My Email:extreme_firefighter@yahoo.com | Comments: im back. |
Wolffram Mikosevaar - 06/19/99 04:35:36 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: B.G | Comments: BARREN SANDS.....could not find "Crabby's" Restaurant after the fighting and was force to eat Chicken Marsala at a local diner...oh the pain of French cusine.Very impressed with Der Usterblichen consisting of Bloodguarde and Bakhail...they always field tons of fighters and it always seems that we match up right across from them....looking forward to Pennzant where we can line up beside them......Very nice site and drive....not interrupted by Jers ys finest or any other Jandarme for that matter..always makes for a good day...no injuries or armour failure..so all and all...a great day had by all...Rus even garnered a few "looks" by the locals proving that "he still has it"....I hope he gives some to me... AND AGAIN...NO ONE was made to feel distressed or alarmed or harassed to my knowledge and I have alabi witnesses as to my conduct... SIRRAH! Wolffrempt |
Tarkis of Blak Guarde - 06/08/99 02:58:02 SCA Kingdom: Orientalis SCA Shire/group: El Guardia Negro | Comments: Northern Region warpractys: Traveled far north to experience Northern hospitality and was not dissapointed.It was very good to be joined by our southern brothers...Haus Blutwache and Bakhail.Although attendance was a little thin...a good time was had by a l..a very nice site too! Around 95 dergree heat made for a sweltering day to be sure.See you all at Barren sands...the great swamp some call Niu Joisey...AND I believe no one was offended and put at any level of distress I may add!! Tarkis...aka....Wolffram |
Alsandyr - 06/03/99 15:22:58 SCA Shire/group: Black Garde | Comments: Well said my brother, -"All of them!" |
Alaric - 06/03/99 09:51:46 My Email:blakgarde@geocities.com | Comments: Neca eos omnes, Deus suos agnoscet! |
Wolf Kestris Rowanwood - 05/28/99 21:37:34 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/scawolfe My Email:wolffe@onslowonline.net SCA Kingdom: Atlantia SCA Shire/group: Stronghold of Raven's Cove, Coastal Alliance | Comments: Good to see you back. Hope to run in to you (not literally) some time in the near future. Take care and grow strong again. |
Wolf Kestris Rowanwood - 05/28/99 21:37:26 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/scawolfe My Email:wolffe@onslowonline.net SCA Kingdom: Atlantia SCA Shire/group: Stronghold of Raven's Cove, Coastal Alliance | Comments: Good to see you back. Hope to run in to you (not literally) some time in the near future. Take care and grow strong again. |
Kane - 05/15/99 22:10:37 SCA Kingdom: East Kingdom SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: This day will be remembered, the reasons, the climatic conditions were perfect, the site breathtaking in its beauty, a great field of talent and chivalry, I could go on. Congratulations to Gabriel of House Arindale, winner of the heavy tourney, and as we l to Eric Appolinaris, made finals. I think that all departed the field tired and in good spirits, can't ask for more than that. Congrats also to the shire of Montvale, a nicely run event, and possibly the most beautiful site I have been to! Vivant, AKA Alsandyr St. Claire |
Antonio di Napoli - 04/27/99 00:45:38 My Email:tony0em@gte.net SCA Kingdom: East ! SCA Shire/group: Owl's Reste | Comments: Congrats to Alsandyr & Wolfrem on their AoA's and congratulations and high praise to all the Garde for their fine work on the field at the war practice. In service, Antonio |
Antonio di Napoli - 04/27/99 00:41:16 | Comments: |
Wolffram - 04/26/99 15:41:11 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: La Guarde Noir | Comments: Gentlemen.....mere words cannot describe the acts of martial prowess that all guardsmen visted upon the field this day.Battle is not always about winning or personal achievements and besting a certain opponent.It is about brotherhood,working and fighting ogether and of course,striving for excellance in whatever we desire.It just so happens that this particular day,we wanted to get together to kick some arse,and.........I think we did that! Some of us were active in the SCA back in 1983 thru 1986...then th Guarde died.We had a lot of fun back then and things were good.THIS year, 1999 marks the first full year that we are back.WE are only one full year old!! I cannot easily imagine the potential and possiblities that await us as we grow.Brothers...trust me hen I say,THIS is the finest incarnation of the guarde with NO disrespect to our brethren who have come before us...they will always be remembered.I am greatfull to be a part of it and associated with all of you. |
Ruslan Novgorodcev - 04/26/99 02:43:04 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Holy Smokes, Oldtimers disease is tough. Big vivants to Druscilla, Magdelena, and Sidnie for the fabulous new sashes that the Brethern now sport, we have two new acolytes in Andrei and Gleniudo, Wolffrem looks smashing in "red". The swordstorm was fa ulous, Iam very proud. In Service, Ruslan |
Wulfbrand - 04/26/99 00:43:02 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Many heartfelt thanks to the brethren of the Garde that made this one of the most memorable events I have ever attended. Congratulations to Glenntonio for his authorization, to our newest members of the Garde nobility LORD Alsandyr and LORD Wolfrem, and vivat to LORD Wolfrem for his recent squiring to Earl Master Ruslan. As I stood side by side with my brothers, knee deep in the dead watching vultures pick at the corpses and the wailing of the women I realized how honored I am to be surrounded by such wonderful brethren. |
Alsandyr St. Clair - 04/25/99 23:01:53 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Le Garde Noir | Comments: This past weekend was eventful! I feel incredibly fortunate and proud to a member of this group of people! Mars was in the sky, chance favoured the prepared!!!! In service, ASC |
Ruslan Novgorodcev - 04/25/99 20:54:29 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings, I would like to commend everyone for all of their efforts at this weekends Southern Regional War Practice. We ran the gamut of doing well on the field both Saturday and Sunday, got lots of deserved recognition in Court, broke the local fire o dances, "complemented" the Queen on her manliness. Wow, what more can I say!!!! Congratulations to Glen "who soon shall have a Sicilian name and insight to the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa" who not only authorized but kicked some butt, to the newest Lords of the East Wolffrem and Alsandyr, the new and beautiful Baronial Coronets for Wulfbrand and Magdelena (courtesy of the rest of the co-conspirators and Lord Sean O'Duinn who made them), to getting to see Alaric "Einstein" the Bald (who took time out from tudying for a very demanding new job)and Gunther (who needs some work on gender differention), Druscilla who "finally" stopped from trying to get me going in revenge for not devulging anything in regards to the superduper top secret, megahushhush ceremony (and no Sidnie there were NO strippers) Hell, I hope I didnt forget anything. In Service, Ruslan |
- 04/04/99 03:30:32 SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Brethren, look forward, to your busy schedules, and let it be known that next weeks' end there is a most chivalrous event to attent in the shire of Montvale. Then, beyond... there is a southern region practice in Cair Adament, the following weekend. Th s will be an opportune time to dust off the cobwebs prior to practice in Owls Rest! Let's Go! |
Gunther von Hiller - 03/31/99 16:24:41 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Congratulations Andrei, from your absent friend Gunther. I am sure you'll agree that qualifyig as a Scadain fighter is one of those "unforgetable" life experieces" from what I read in the Blak Book (praised be the book)it sounds like you had a good day i deed! Best wishes to both your lady and yourself. |
Gunther von Hiller - 03/31/99 16:17:34 SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: |
Ruslan Novgorodcev - 03/31/99 02:16:19 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings Brethern, I would like to acknowledge a job well done by Alsandyr, Talon and Wulfbrand who both lasted multiple rounds of a 91 fighter list. Andrei not only authorized but entered his first tournament and was even called into Kingdom Court to eceive a prize for having impressed His Grace Duke Timothy. I, myself, took great pleasure in dispatching the "one" who had the audacity to lay his weapon on Talon and later Alsandyr. The following days practice was very benefical too. In Service, Rus an |
Wulfbrand - 03/29/99 17:06:54 My Email:sdietric@epix.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Congratulations to Andrei Vasilovich Nevsky for his recent authorization and display of martial skill. Earl Ruslan and Alsandyr demonstrated their martial prowess in a long day of honorable fighting. By the end of the weekend, many foes lay dying in the mud at the feet of the Blak Garde. Vivats to the Brethren of the Garde. Honor was in our hearts and death was at the end of our swords. |
Wulfbrand - 03/29/99 16:58:56 My Email:sdietric@epix.net SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: |
aSc - 03/27/99 12:16:30 SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: We prepare to set off for the first event of the year, I wish everyone the best, that even if they are defeated, let them not defeat themselves. My best wishes to everyone who could not attend, we will bring home honour. |
The Blak Garde - 03/18/99 00:43:41 | Comments: Please gentiles, if you happen upon this site, let us know-SIGN IT! or if you have some news let us know by signing. Thank you... |
Alsandyr St. Claire - 03/13/99 13:31:21 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: L' Garde Noir | Comments: We return from the warm Meridian sun, and I wish to share a little of what transpired at Gulf Wars VIII. Wollfromm (son of Micheal) and myself found ourselves in great company in the beautifully dark city of Orleans. Our companions, two warriors of grea renown, and their lovely ladies, wandered the byways and watched in ammazement as nocturnal entertainers plyed their trades in the french quarter. Jugglers, mimes, fire-eaters, liars, I mean storytellers, thieves, and other things... Then to the business at hand, we had travelled overland 1100 miles, to help represent the East at the War of the Gulf. We arrived, roughly 14 hrs before the rain, and thunder, and lightning. The sandy Meridian soil was quickly a landscape of standi g water. And everything was cancelled, so we left and due to painful oversight on my part ended up travelling 1250 miles to get home to the most beautiful of all shires, that of Owls' Rest. The positives; Got to speak with Prince Hans, fought many chivalrous fighters from distant kingdoms, met with the smith from Cold Steel Armory- and saw Wollfromms' Bascinet w/ klappevisor( By the way, I highly recommend Cold Steel Armory, their work is v ry good and they show an appreciation for their customers that many other artists don't share. The attention to detail and fine finnish work, coupled with their accurate delivery dates , makes them a fine choice for your fine armoring needs.) The helm is sweet!! And saw a lot of nice things in the merchants quarter. Thats about it for now, been up for 27 hours. Now, what I would like to hear is that practice for tommorow is a GO! aSc |
Wulfbrande of Tygre's Paw - 03/05/99 04:31:27 My Email:Wulfbrande@aol.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Tygre's Paw, Clann O'Choda, Shire of Barren Sands | Comments: Surfing through SCA household websites...nicely done site! |
alaric - 03/01/99 08:11:08 SCA Shire/group: blakgarde | Comments: roles for pennsic eh? I'll bring the whips... |
Alsandyr - 02/27/99 22:57:55 SCA Shire/group: L' Garde Noir | Comments: Greetings, Our sunday praktys, scheduled for tommorow has been canceled due to a mundane site problem. Our regrets... Also, "they" are calling for rain, so it appears we go without tommorow, unless you want to work out at Stephans' barn. I'll check with him to make sure they aren't expecting a foal bearing, or horse shoeing. On other fronts, start thinking about the roles you would like to volunteer for with regards to Pensic. ------out here-------- |
Alsandyr St. Claire - 02/22/99 23:36:25 SCA Shire/group: L' Garde Noir | Comments: Indeed, Lots of fun, too much food and drink. Sorry that everyone couldn't make it at the last. Good to see Rand, and so many other people. The ladies really put together something amazing, especially considering everything that went into that evening. In all fairness, Gunther Von Hiller did a lot of brainstorming with regards to the event. We should all be looking forward to the next feast in Montvale, where her excellency will be at work again. In a couple of weeks, Wollfromm and myself will be driving down for Gulfwars, we'll bring back souveneirs... There is a practice scheduled for this sunday, unless Krugers' neuro-physiologist admits him to Hershey Med Center. We need it! Before I forget, It was refreshing to see Alaric in attendance, flask in hand, back in black (finger nail polish.) God bless, Alsandyr |
Ruslan Novgorodcev - 02/21/99 17:47:53 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings Brethern, In state of amazement all I can muster is WOW!!! What an incredible feast. The hospitality, the food, the fellowship. I would like to thank Andrei&Svanna for their hosting, Druscilla, Magdalena, Ginny, Sidnie, Steph, Geneieve and a y others for the magnificent feast, Talon for the beer and especially the tap, Alysandr for the whole concept. Iam sure I have forgot something, but please thank all of you for whatever effort that you put forth to bring about this incredible feast. H mbly, Ruslan |
Wulfbrand - 02/15/99 17:29:32 My Email:mc8877@ark.ship.edu SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Ja, let's go kill people and break their things!! |
Wulfbrand - 02/15/99 17:29:19 My Email:mc8877@ark.ship.edu SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Ja, let's go kill people and break their things!! |
ruslan novgorodcev - 02/12/99 23:21:25 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings Brethern, As the cold embrace of winter begins to depart it is now our turn to make the final prepartions for the fast approach of competent foes. Let us take a deep breath and redouble our efforts, for this will serve to bring to fruition wha we all desire. The following are must do events: 3/27 Mudthaw NJ (MAJOR Double Elim Tournament & possibly next day practice at Duke Timothys abode), 4/10 Celts vs Cavaliers Montvale, PA (our Magdalena is cooking her first Eastern feast), 4/23-25/99 Sou hern Region Spring War Practice, Owls Reste, PA (yes Friday night is mandatory and it will be special, Saturday is what weve been training for, Sunday is a MAJOR unbelt tournament), 5/28-31 K&Q Archery/Central Region War Camp Dragons Aerie, CT (this is ou spring roadtrip on a holiday weekend). "ARE WE READY TO UNLEASH THE HOUNDS??? In Service, Ruslan |
Alaric - 01/20/99 11:55:41 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Tis good to be back! Release the hounds :) |
Alsandyr de St. Claire - 01/19/99 23:21:08 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Garde Noir | Comments: Alaric, It is good to have you back! Your efforts have not gone unnoticed! Well done! |
Alixandre de St. Claire - 01/15/99 21:29:39 My Email:Tempest@blazenet.net SCA Shire/group: La Garde Noir | Comments: Per Kruger, Practice scheduled for jan.18th will be " postponed" till the following weekend. However, the trip to Eisenthall monday evening is a go! out here--- |
Alsandyr - 01/02/99 02:06:17 SCA Shire/group: La Garde Noir | Comments: I would wish all the best for the new year. For The Garde, you will get back, what you put into It!!! Now is the time to train... See you all on the 10th my brothers lets get some work done! Alsandyr St. Claire |
Volffrempt mikosevaar - 12/24/98 18:56:13 SCA Kingdom: or is it principality? SCA Shire/group: as always and forever...the guarde Blak! | Comments: Ok..ok...no more sisters and mothers signing the blak booke.If anyone sees Alasynder soliciting and paying people off..please let me know...I guess he is a rather handsome,rugged man..uh..in a purely objective kind of way I mean...not that there's anythin wrong with that..... |
anonymous - 12/24/98 00:30:00 | Comments: May I just say that you have an awesome website! I enjoyed looking at all of your pics, but let me tell you what, that Alsandyr St. Claire is incredibly sexy! Merry Christmas to all! |
Tempest - 12/22/98 02:13:00 SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: My Brothers, I wish you all the best of holiday blessings. In the new year, we have many challenges to face. Change is always a difficult task! I feel proud to be associated with a group, so diverse, yet capable! Painful rulings now, mean peaceful sa ctuary in the future! In Service to The Garde, Alsandyr |
Lord Luetfried Ansbach of Haus Blutwache - 12/09/98 19:31:54 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire My Email:luetfried@hotmail.com SCA Kingdom: Drachenwald SCA Shire/group: Blood Guard | Comments: Greetings Blak Garde, It's been quite awhile since I've seen any of you guys (now that I moved to England). I'm glad to see that your Household is prospering. I've noticed that your numbers have grown quite a bit. Well I just wanted to write and wish you all Happy Holidays! Best of luck to the future of your Household. Keep on Hackin 'n' Slashin, Luetfried |
Wulfbrand - 12/07/98 01:37:29 My Email:mc8877@ark.ship.edu SCA Kingdom: EAST SCA Shire/group: BLAK GARDE | Comments: Hail My Brethren! Today was the start of a future more glorious than I had envisioned. Under our new leadership of Master Ruslan we shall crush our enemies and hear the lamentation of their women! A bright and prosperous future awaits filled with practice and much bl od, sweat, and beer! Feeling loads of love, Wulfbrand |
Ryggr Kveldulfsson - 12/02/98 05:19:21 My Email:Merk357@aol.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: House Silver Keep | Comments: Good tidings to one and all Blak Garde, and especially to my new Squire Brother Alsandyr St.Claire. He displayed great skill and ferocity during the Owl's Reste event last fortnight. As alwyas it was an honor to fight with all of you, and am looking forwa d to our next practice. I hope that everyone had a good thanksgiving and that all the bruises have healed(That way I won't feel bad about adding a few more). Also, I am anxious to instruct the Young Talen in the gentle art of fighting Great Sword. Let me know when the next practice is, and I will be there. Till then, keep the faith, as the Gods are alwyas watching! Ryggr Kveldulfsson |
Wolffram, Lt Blak Guarde - 11/30/98 01:59:51 SCA Kingdom: EAST SCA Shire/group: TBG | Comments: This is really turning into a pat on the back type aspect of the web page....but if it is....there is hardly one greater or more deserved than the recent bond of knight and squire.Congradulations to Alysandyr of the Blak Guarde and may this bond ever serv to strengthen both the fighting company known as the Black Guarde and the excellant household of House Silver Keep.Well done all!! |
Alsandyr St. Claire - 11/24/98 02:14:00 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings all! I would first wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. Then, greet Sir Gunther to the area, He will be attending our local fighter-practices and that will have a tremendous influence to our prowess-if we can keep up! Next year should be something special!!! Thanks to everyone for the effort!!!! Alsandyr St. Claire |
Wilhelm Cameron von Holstein - 11/17/98 20:41:05 My Email:scacam@interlynx.net SCA Kingdom: Ealdormere SCA Shire/group: Barony of Ben Dunfirth | Comments: Greetings from the newest Kingdom in the Known World. I was surfing the net and found your site.Excellent site We probably fought each other some time at Pennsic,I was with that group of crazies that charge the far bridge this past Pennsic and broke throu h the Eastern lines. Better to die quick and glorious than have a cold shower. I hope to meet your company next year. |
Wilhelm Cameron von Holstein - 11/17/98 20:34:34 My Email:scacam@interlynx.net | Comments: |
Wulfbrand - 11/16/98 21:15:33 My Email:mc8877@ark.ship.edu SCA Kingdom: Love SCA Shire/group: Bruises | Comments: Hail, Hail my Brethren!! Twas a lovely Sunday spent in murderous mayhem. Awesome indoor site (Many thanks Krueger) Even after a long hot shower I'm still stiff and battered. Alas alack I can't make this sunday cause I'm going home to visit the parentals. But I'll look forward to the next one so I can spend yet another glorious day beating and being beaten by my clos friends. FEEL THE LOVE MY BROTHERS!! Love and bruises, Wulfbrand |
Alaric - 11/16/98 11:17:01 My URL:your looking at it... My Email:blakgarde@geocities.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: ah, that would be Blak Garde... | Comments: not dead, carry on... |
Ruslan Novgorodcev - 11/16/98 03:22:59 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic.net | Comments: Greetings, Wolffram is correct. Sorry about the under the overpass part. Quick or dead??? Hell Iam just bruised up!!! Ruslan |
Wolffram - 11/15/98 23:37:20 SCA Shire/group: Blak Guard | Comments: UPDATE.....directions are..make left JUST BEFORE the underpass...there is NO sign saying exel..it is a cleaverly hidden warehouse that undoubtably traffics in human remains and body parts for foreign collectors...just kidding ALARIC.....be sure you have g od soled shoes( Cleat boys..lol)..its a bit slippy on the smooth concrete floor.It has been brought to my attention that we will have ANOTHER practice this SUNDAY in order to accommodate Steve..this is good with everyone...then every other sundays to foll w.Bear in mind we will ALSO adapt to have practices AROUND Xmas and turkey day ect.....so it will NOT be "everyother" Sunday..please stay in touch and stay informed.Lastly...If NON Blak guarde/silver keep fighters wish to attend WE will make this fine are a of death avail to most IF they call us in advance and lets us know who and how many...WE will then act to accomodate them as best we can.Remember ..there are two kinds of fighters..the quick and the dead....which one are you?? |
Ruslan Novgorodcev - 11/14/98 14:00:07 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic.net | Comments: Greetings Blak Garde, There will be indoor practice Sunday November 15 at a site provided by Kruegar. It is located very close the Harrisburg Farm Show/Harrisburg Area Community College. Take the best way to Cameron St in Harrisburg. From the south o Cameron you will pass the Farm Show on your left. Go to the traffic light on the far end of the parking lot (Elmerton Av). Make a left. Follow this road past the HACC main entrance, you will turn or bear right at the end onto Industrial Rd. Keep goin on this road past many warehouses. Go under the overpass. It should be the first warehouse on the left (EXCEL). It starts at 12 noon or what ever time Kruegar gets there. From the North take Rt 22/322 south. At Elmerton Av turn right and follow the bove directions. See you there, Ruslan |
Alsandyr - 10/27/98 04:13:02 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Warriors Heh! we'll see... |
Wulfbrand - 10/26/98 14:23:28 My Email:mc8877@ark.ship.edu SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: If Sunday was any indication of the Blak Garde's motivation during the winter, maybe we should try stamp collecting. |
Tempest - 10/22/98 01:52:14 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: The tapes do not lie! We have viewed them and we should all congratulate ourselves on completing the mission at hand. There is work to be done-the winter will attempt to thwart our efforts, this will not happen. Thanks to all that contributed, I look fo ward to seeing you all in armour soon- the pro-tour will be awaiting us in the ice thaw! Be ready, our enemies will be thinking of us! Alsandyr |
Rand Hawkyns - 10/21/98 21:32:08 My Email:rook@edgenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Barony of the Bridge | Comments: I will answer the call to Arms whenever the Blak Banner is unfurled! My sword and heart are committed to the greater glory of the Garde. |
Gunther von Hiller - 10/21/98 15:34:51 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: In reply to Good Count Ruslan, The only hinderence you provided was that I had to leap over the corpses of those you had slain on several occaisions! I think the Garde can live with that! Your companionship and words of encouragement mean a great deal to us all. Teach us Warcraft, Count, so we might serve the East to our fullest potential. |
Gunther von Hiller - 10/21/98 15:28:42 SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: |
Alaric - 10/21/98 10:30:01 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: It was an honor to have Ruslan fight at our side and we are definately up to the commitment of working harder to better the Garde! |
Ruslan Novgorodcev - 10/21/98 02:56:01 My Email:ruslan1@bellatlantic.netc SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: Greetings Blak Garde, It was with great pleasure that you afforded me the oppurtunity to fight alongside of you at Crusades. Hopefully I was not to much of a hinderance now that Iam well into my "golden years". Seriously, I believe that this is the sta t of something big that can only come to fruition through commitment and effort. Iam up for it how about you? Ruslan |
Wulfbrand - 10/20/98 16:32:13 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/2087/ My Email:mc8877@ark.ship.edu&sdietric@epix.net SCA Kingdom: EAST!! SCA Shire/group: BLAK GARDE!!! | Comments: Hail My Brothers! When the two greatest Armies of the known world are pitted against each other, one must be victorious. Though the Garde acquitted themselves mightily upon the field, we must prepare ourselves for a hard winter filled with practice so that we shall em rge victorious from the next encounter with Atlantia. The indoor site will allow the Garde to make vast improvements during the winter monts. A fine german philosopher once said, "That which does not kill you makes you stronger." We must take those wor s to heart and work our collective arses off in preparation for Spring. Every Gardesman is an accomplished fighter, now we must work upon becoming a skilled unit of death! Long may the Blak Flag fly! Love and scars, Wulfbrand |
Wolffram Mikosevaar - 10/20/98 04:04:33 SCA Shire/group: Commander Blak Guarde | Comments: Congradulations are in ordeur for the men of the Blak guarde for a well fought war with Atlantia.Special thanks goes also to those who may not fight,but assist the Guarde with acts that go rather unnoticed like waterbearing and combat photography and vide tape.We look forward to a winter of intense practice (thanks to a great indoor warehouse) followed by a spring of tournament fighting and war practice.While it is true that fair Atlantia gave us all we could handle..plenty of Eastern units performed well. s our new friend "Historicus" of the "East" cleverly points out ....spears DID rule the day.It also never hurts to have 25-50 more fighters wielding them. Heavy weapon calibration is never an issue where the Guarde is concerned because WE are usually the ne's being accused of hitting too hard.It was just a shock(literally) over the Mid Realm's lighter style.Only one Guarde casualty requiring stitches from one.....quite acceptable if not facially attractive/enhancing.And who said german dueling scars went ut around 1800?Lastly....it will soon be time to prepare for the annual feaste......time for all to enjoy the hard fought year......... |
Historicus - 10/19/98 19:37:28 SCA Kingdom: of the East | Comments: The heat of the crucible produces the best steel and during the Kingdoms Crusade event, held by the fair Kingdom of Atlantia, the fighters of the East felt that heat. Many would say that long spears and bows ruled the day while still acknowledging that the press of sword and sheild remain an important c mponent of any battle. During the early Pennsic Wars the square sheilds of the Mid-realm were stacked two high upon the bridges to provide a wall for a mass of spearmen to thrust over. It was an effective formation that frustrated the East. Now in these later years, the rule permitting thrusts to the face makes the spearman much more deadly. Woe to the warrior whose helm is not well strapped for I have seen the best equiped come from the feild with bloody face. Indeed, there is little doubt that some spearweilders do not yet fully know the force with which they hit. This is a heated game we play. It is well for the East that our Atlantian cousins will be bringing thier spears and bows to Pennsic. This humble historian acknowledges the weaponscraft of Atlantia and hopes that the love between East and Atlantia always continues to flourish. |
Greg - 10/19/98 12:25:46 My Email:roadrunner_30@yahoo.com | Comments: Nice hearse Page :) |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
Einarr Thorgrimsson - 10/12/98 03:21:15 My Email:einar@cvn.net SCA Kingdom: East | Comments: Hi guys, this is Einarr. I've been to a few fighter practices and I am wondering where the practice will move to when we wind the clocks back an hour. (end of this month). I would also like to get directions to the sunday practice if you could. thx Einar |
Alsandyr St. Clair - 10/04/98 05:13:57 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: the Garde | Comments: Tis well overdo to issue a hearty thanks to House Silver Keep for their assistance on so many levels. Without the help of Master Wulfgar, and Count Ruslan a lot of our recent strides would not have been possible. Also, thanks to Duke Ronald Wilmont for is armoring assistance, and technical advice. Gunther Von Hiller should be recognized for his service to the Garde and East Kingdom. Congratulations to Lady Melinda of Bailey and Sir Gunther, current officer of political correctness,East kingdom, for th ir recent engagement--many happy events, and best of luck in Crown tourney. Thanks to Talon of Berkely and his lovely wife for their many selfless deeds, and a hearty welcome to "stephan and Dara." We are all gearing UP for Kingdoms... and look forward o meeting many new friends. Alaric, this website needs a serious updating!! To those who have "reproducibles" get those items copied and destributed ASAP!!!!! We are short on TYM!!!!! -----Out here---- ^^Tempest^^ |
Terry Ash aka Remar - 09/25/98 01:38:40 My Email:Terry_Ash@msn.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Rose | Comments: |
Cindy - 09/23/98 06:11:11 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Alsandyr St. Clair - 09/18/98 03:30:22 My Email:tempest@blazenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: I am soo very pleased with the progress of The Garde. I would congratulate those responsible for the continued efforts of building the unit we envision. I had the good fortune to attend Legends of chivalry, in the northern region of this fine Eastern Ki gdom. I must say that it was one of the finest event sites I have seen, and the hospitality I was extended was above praise. I will look forward to any opportunity to travel north, and hopefully my brothers in arms will travel with me to experience for hemselves the good people of the north. I offer a word of gratitude to those gentiles I met @ Legends and look forward to returning the same hospitality when they find themselves in the south. Yours in service,Alsandyr |
Lord Gabriel of Maccuswell - 09/15/98 04:58:25 My Email:mastoid@eden.rutgers.edu SCA Kingdom: East! SCA Shire/group: Arindale | Comments: Hail to the Blak Garde! May I be honored to cross blades with your valiant warriors many times more in the battles to come. By the way, that's one studly lookin' guy duking it out with Alaric in the finals at Gypsies, Archers, &Thieves. |
Connar Tentburner - 09/14/98 14:16:24 My Email:connar67@aol.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Barony of Stonemarche | Comments: Hail Blak Garde!! I am Connar Tentburner of House Silver Oak in the Barony of Stonemarche. I recently had the honor of fighting beside one of your own at the Legends of Chivalry tourney held by the Barony of Carolingia in Dunstable, Mass. Please allow me o say that I was beyond impreesed with the honor, chivalry and fighting ability I witnessed in Alsandyr St. Claire. I am proud to have fought with him. If he is any example of the caliber of person you are made up of, I look forward to meeting all of you ne day. |
"Lady Rhi" - 09/11/98 23:12:42 My Email:muddshouse@desupernet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Wolfrem, our dear Lord Alaric was held at swordpoint to get that photo on the site!! I believe his life was at great risk! (How am I doing, AL?) |
Hamish MaCgregor - 08/27/98 21:12:41 My Email:hamishmacgrger8@hotmail.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: ArgentLoupe | Comments: |
Wolffrem - 08/24/98 17:32:32 | Comments: And one more thing.....If that pic of me in my underwear is not removed by this Thurs......fighter practice will take on a whole new meaning if you get my drift.....Alric..you and I shall duel..not to the death as one mayhap expect...but we shall duel to ne of my specialities....TO THE PAIN........... |
Wolffrem Mikosevaar - 08/22/98 03:07:58 My Email:ppayes@paonline .com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Guarde | Comments: For God's sake people..sign the blak booke....I happen to know a couple of people who have peeked but....shall we say....lack the courage to sign..need I remind everyone of that bare bottomed spanking incident at Pennsic?....sufffice it to say..it could h ppen again..anywhere..anytime..heheheh |
Lord Alaric the Bald - 08/01/98 09:14:28 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Very funny Ralph, now I'll have to kill ya... |
Ralph Granados - 07/31/98 13:59:23 My Email:ralph@pmha.org SCA Kingdom: N/a SCA Shire/group: N/a | Comments: Great site! I'm interested in the Mercernary unit of the Blak Guarde. (Strangely French in spelling) How can I be a part of the group with as little damage to myself as possible. For instance; I do not want a broken hand. Also how do I become involeved with as little cost as possible? And who is the bald guy? |
Christor deSinclair - 07/30/98 17:52:58 My Email:bondsl@3-cities.com SCA Kingdom: An Tir SCA Shire/group: Waste Keep | Comments: Greetings and salutations from Waste Keep! A dear companion, Lord Gunther von Hiller, told me of the valor of the Blak Garde, and I came to honor its history and people. Greetings from the Barony of Wastekeep, of the mighty kingdom of An Tir! Christor deSinclair (Shawn Bond) |
Baron Wulfbrand and Baroness Magdalena - 07/28/98 00:38:41 My Email:sdietric@epix.net SCA Kingdom: EAST! SCA Shire/group: BLAK GARDE!!! | Comments: As new members to the Blak Garde we want to say how pleased we are to be part of group that shows such honor, chivalry, and esprit de corps on and off the field. We look forward to a bright and glorious future with the Blak Flag proudly flying. FEEL THE LOVE MY BROTHERS!! Wulfbrand and Magdalena |
Gunther von Hiller, AoA - 07/23/98 14:35:11 My Email:Houde-Hiller@juno.com SCA Kingdom: Eastern SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: As a veteran of the Blak Garde I plan to provide whatever support I can for the company. I have recently seen the Garde melee and am proud to be associated with them. Long live their Royal Majesties the King and Queen of the East and Long Live the Blak Ga de! |
Gunther von Hiller - 07/23/98 14:27:55 My Email:Houde-Hiller@Juno.com SCA Kingdom: Eastern | Comments: |
ryggr - 07/23/98 02:54:37 My Email:merk357@aol.com SCA Kingdom: east SCA Shire/group: silverkeep | Comments: hey guys!!!! I finally got around to seeking out your web site, and I think it looks great. Keep up the good work. I will see you all on thursday for practice, and yes, Lisa will be there too. Mary will not be able to go to Southern Region War Practice, but may be here for Pennsic. Keep your fingers crossed.......... Well, that's all for now. Ryggr |
Duncan, The Mackinnon - 07/14/98 21:50:42 My URL:http://users.ids.net/~mmars/sca.html My Email:dunakin@ids.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: The Clan Mackinnon | Comments: Nice sight! I hope my clan's website is as well built someday. I really should talk to my brother about that soon.:-) anyway. I enjoyed reading your house's history. I love learning about our kingdoms past, and the households account for a lot of that. I' sure I'll see you all at War. |
Lady Rhiannon verch Gwasdewi Goch - 07/02/98 22:03:30 My Email:muddshouse@desupernet.net SCA Kingdom: Kingdom of the East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Greetings from Lady Rhi!! Would just like to say that I am honored to be a member of the Blak Garde and am very proud to call all the members of the Garde my friends! May the Blak flag always fly! |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Arie Grey bear - 06/27/98 00:58:51 My Email:klengkeek@hotmail.com SCA Kingdom: civilization SCA Shire/group: Shadewes Company | Comments: I am still alive!!! All our stuff is still in White River. The house mover moved our redneck castle two blocks and bent the frame. He dies this weekend if it isn't fixed and moved here. I'll try to catch you in the chat room sometime. |
Wolffram Mikosevaar Commander Blak Garde - 06/20/98 02:11:08 My Email:ppayes@paonline.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: I would say how pleased and honoured I am to include Baron Wulfbrand Weigand and his Lady Magdelena in the unit! I am even more honoured to call this man my friend both on and off the battlefield.I have fought him and having been on the receiving end of s me of his blows...know him to be an excellent fighter and an adversary no longer! VIVANT! |
Cian - 06/04/98 08:32:11 My Email:blakrose@swbell.net SCA Kingdom: ansteorra SCA Shire/group: elfsea | Comments: great idea----the honor of The Black Company is carried on in your ideas |
Amanda Anne Marie - 05/12/98 03:38:29 My Email:vfb@eudoramail.com SCA Kingdom: Calontir SCA Shire/group: Westumbria | Comments: I Amanda Anne Marie Chamberlenge, daughter of CountWilliam Chamberlenge, do take this tyme to greet the Blak Garde and send well wishes unto you the Blak Garde. |
Lady Melinda - 05/01/98 00:12:43 My Email:Melindab@kairoshealthsystems.com SCA Kingdom: East Kingdom SCA Shire/group: the Blak Garde | Comments: Hail to the Garde! May the flag always flie! |
Morrigan Graham - 04/30/98 22:29:44 My Email:morrigan@writeme.com SCA Kingdom: Antir SCA Shire/group: Redstone | Comments: as a 5 year sword brother to one of your founding members Rand Hawkins (then known as random) both mundanely and in the dream, let me offer you aid of arms by the ship Rhiannon should we ever find ourselves in the same war. (should we not be on oposite si es due to kingdom affileation). YIS Morrigan Graham Capt. and sailing master of the carroch Rhiannon in service to King Robert the Bruce by grace of the gods king of Scotland and with letters of marque. |
Lady Chaos - 04/20/98 08:30:50 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/dragonchaos My Email:chaosdragon77@hotmail.com SCA Kingdom: Redneckville/Biblethumper SCA Shire/group: NC | Comments: Lovely pages Sir's *curtsies*..I am Honored to meet such a fair group of Knights... |
elizabeth - 04/15/98 18:40:40 My Email:carnation@dynasty.net | Comments: |
Naomi Shifra - 04/13/98 20:14:26 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1299/index.htm My Email:quanyin@geocities.com SCA Kingdom: An Tir SCA Shire/group: Blathanor | Comments: Greetings from the Kingdom of An Tir! I am Shifra, the Healer and I was most pleased to find your site. The photos bring back fond memories...I, too, have taken many photos of battles, men in armour, and events. Please visit my site and see if you find anything you like. Blessed Be! |
Wulfgar - 04/13/98 00:29:16 My Email:norseman@voicenet.com SCA Kingdom: House Silver Keep | Comments: Nice site. It was cool to read about the history of the guard, and see all the names. There is one name missing from the list. Octa Bluetooth. Rhys, Octa, and I all joined at the same time. Later, Wulfgar |
Jarasiah McArynthaw - 04/10/98 21:43:17 My Email:McArinthaw@aol.com SCA Kingdom: Thee East SCA Shire/group: Thee Blak Garde | Comments: I would like to say that the Blak Garde is my home, where my brethren are true. I would also like to say to my Brethren that i will be back on the battle field to beat down thy foes. May our swords not fall, may our banner always snap in the wind and m y we always be victorious in battle. Hail to all that visit here and may you come to find us as your brethren. Jarasiah McArynthaw |
Wolf - 04/08/98 05:13:25 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/WolfDruid My Email:wolffe@onslowonline.net SCA Kingdom: SouthEastern(North Carolina) SCA Shire/group: Insipiant Stronghold of Raven's Cove | Comments: Lex- Nice to meet a fellow Druid. Got this URL from Dar thy Vampyra. Hope to meet you all at Pennsic this year. Keep up the great job on the site. |
Talishar of long - 04/04/98 03:18:35 SCA Kingdom: AEthlelmearc SCA Shire/group: St.Swithing Bog | Comments: very nice |
Rhiannon verch Gwasdewi Goch - 04/02/98 11:32:21 My Email:muddshouse@desupernet.net SCA Kingdom: Kingdom of the East SCA Shire/group: Shire of Silver Rylle | Comments: Definitely need more pics!! |
Christina - 03/31/98 04:08:31 My Email:bluejay407@hotmail.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Lions End | Comments: I just wanted to see where your link went to....so now I know to come back here and check out your site later...(we're in the chat room now) Christina |
James of OakRock - 03/29/98 12:20:53 My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~oakrock My Email:oakrock@earthlink.net SCA Kingdom: Caid SCA Shire/group: Barony of Angles | Comments: Nice work. I hope you find success which ever field your household finds it's self. |
Isabel - 03/28/98 23:18:17 My URL:http://members.aol.com/LizScott/index.html My Email:SerrangeI@aol.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Eisental | Comments: Great page. One thing-"flys" should be "flies." Other than that, good! Nice pics. Long live and blessed be! |
fooster - 03/27/98 03:33:27 My Email:crazyhorse@ezonline.com SCA Kingdom: none SCA Shire/group: none | Comments: most nonheiness mural |
Black Dog of Dragonshade - 03/22/98 06:29:39 My URL:http://www.3wave.com/~csanders My Email:culdhu@juno.com SCA Kingdom: Meridies SCA Shire/group: Shire of Nant-Y-Derwyddon but Clan Dragonshade | Comments: Cool Site. E-mail me, we may see each other at Pennsic. Visit another Merc Clan at our web page. Dog |
Persephonee - 03/13/98 20:31:29 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/5926 My Email:witchybitch@mailexcite.com | Comments: I agree, we're the only serious ones it seems! Lovely page, I like the background! Blessed Be! |
jungleofmine - 03/13/98 14:55:21 My URL:http://jungleofmine.home.ml.org My Email:jungleofmine@mindless.com SCA Kingdom: Jumanji SCA Shire/group: Bootless Dizzy-Eyed Wagtails | Comments: KEWL STUFF !!!! :) I think I gotta find where one of these enactment places is ???? :) |
Lexor Sha' Ducar / Kruger Von Buerein - 03/07/98 04:24:45 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/5948/garde.html My Email:lexor@epix.net SCA Kingdom: Eastern SCA Shire/group: Blak Garde | Comments: Hail, my Brothers! Both Kruger and I would like to comment on our pride for the Blak Garde. It is a long road before us, to once again grasp the burning brazier of Glory that the esteemed former members once held, but we are confident in our ambitions an eager to fulfill the role now given us. So say we both, Hail to the Blak Garde and my our banner never falter to the ground. |
Luetfried Ansbach - 03/06/98 04:44:07 My Email:gerilynw@bellatlantic.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: House Bloodguard | Comments: Welcome back Blak Garde! Sir Andreas der Eisfalke told me to come by and check out your page. I'm glad I did, looks like you guys have the foundation for a large household. I noticed that you have his armory page linked already, now that's what I like to see. Well good luck to you all. See you guys on the field. Luetfried Ansbach House Bloodguard |
Sir Andreas Eisfalke - 03/05/98 22:44:59 My URL:http://members.aol.com/icfalkarms/icefalcon.htm My Email:Icefalcon@juno.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: House Bloodguard | Comments: |
Sir Andreas Eisfalke - 03/05/98 22:43:13 My URL:http://members.aol.com/icfalkarms/icefalcon.htm My Email:Icefalcon@juno.com SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: House Bloodguard | Comments: |
Scott Lege - 03/05/98 01:23:17 My Email:rook@edgenet.net SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Barony of the Bridge | Comments: Call Me ! 401-348-9496 |
BRdlT - 03/02/98 15:30:50 SCA Kingdom: de l'Oriente SCA Shire/group: Blak Rose / Blak Garde | Comments: Previous message 2 typos: (1) SCA year is XXXII (thru May 1 when it becomes XXXIII) and not XXVI; and, (2) "ecruit" should be "recruit". For future reference, how does one correct an already sent message => your guestbook without sending a second, corre tion message? Soon it'll be time to start cutting throats ... Ha! The "nieu" Blak Garde gives my Blak heart joy whilst Blak thoughts entertain and delight! BRdlT. |
- 03/02/98 15:23:01 | Comments: |
Baron Robert de la Tour - 03/02/98 15:18:05 SCA Kingdom: East SCA Shire/group: Blak Rose / Blak Garde | Comments: Sacre Bleu! Le Blak Garde rides again! Mon Dieu! Raise the Blak Flags; adversaries feel "fire, fear foes,and flight"!, Well done, mon amis! Now, on to the unfurling of flags and oaths, surcoats and sashes, 04-25-XXVI(`98). Divyrd & Wolfrem command and ecruit by Lettres de marcque; look for me at a practice 04-12 or 19. Bon adventure! BRdlT. |
Jean-Richard deHolloway - 02/28/98 08:51:41 My Email:ARMORBUG@aol.com SCA Kingdom: Artemisia SCA Shire/group: The Thunder Clans | Comments: Saw your post on rec.sca.org and had to check out your site... Jean-Richard deHolloway Patriarch, GrimStorm Thunder |
Wormheart - 02/27/98 17:34:58 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/2062 My Email:fenris@vip.cybercity.dk SCA Kingdom: Ha-ha-ha! I stand alone SCA Shire/group: What? Are thy slow of wit | Comments: Greetings Mortals! I'm just drifting by to say hello to my new neighbours! Please feel free to visit my House of Horror and maybe... stay a while! Thy site is very interesting! Perhaps you would be interrested in the Temple in my house? Wormheart |