My Links

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you only came here in the hope of getting someplace else. ;) Thpppt. Well, here are my links, you ungreatful person, you. I hope you're happy. :)

School Phillips Academy Andover This is the school I go to. The kind of wonderful place where if you walk up to ten people and say "I had five hours of sleep last night", at least three of them will look at you and say, "You lucky bastard, how'd you do that?"

Modeled on the wide variety of purity tests at The Armory , and using HTML patterns provided there, I've designed this test to measure how much the school's gotten into your brain.

People "You are who you know."-Shadowrun saying
Mika Epstein - A fellow geek who lets me come over, eat her food, and read over her shoulder when she MUSHes, and who set up my first homepage for me. I left her original comments in cause I think they're cool. Also another Spawn of the Faculty at Midland-and a graduate of the place. [Mika: Have you tried to stop a 14 year-old from eating your food? Don't. And am I a geek? I dunno, I think I get out more often than Izzy does.] -Hmmmph. I don't /want/ to get out. And that's not what makes people geeks anyhow. :)

Abby Laughlin -A friend of mine from Dragonlance MUSH. She maintains a list of quotes from RP that are pretty funny, at least to me, and has a very cool homepage herself.

Tim Taylor - Computer programmer, roleplayer, and boyfriend-guy. We met at Boskone (leaving most people who know me rather non-surprised), I got him on to Dragonlance for a time, (being the sort of evil person who goes around addicting others to MUSHing), and we started dating on what has been decided was May 1st. (The question was emailed.) Most of the pictures that are at all current on here are stolen from him.


PernMUSH - Ah, Pern. Land of the dragons and online assorted crazies, friends, and people who simply defy classification. It has a web page at this address, Or, if you're one of those lucky people who Netscape Telnet likes, you can just go there.

Dragonlance MUX.

"Oom is at hand! Repeat!"

Subject to every crossover and filksong the warped brains of Abby and I can come up with, this is an incredibly fun MUX based on Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Dragonlance novels. Our homepage, such as it is, is here. Again, we have a telnet link for those too lazy to boot up SimpleMU or NSCA and type in the address. 6666. Players are always wanted, especially those with RP talent, writing ability, and not too much sanity. Come on down and say hi. I play Talia of Lune; ex-mercenary, Captain of the City Guard, Steward of House Lune, and all-around nasty person. (Motto: "Life's a bitch. So am I.")

Other Stuff

Yes, I occasionally do things besides sit around in a computer lab and type my little hands off. Occasionally. These are some of those things.

Books and Writing-My Drug of Choice

Writing: Doesn't everyone, these days? Especially on the net? Well, I can't claim to be very good, but eventually I'll put something up on the web and collect flames which manage to mis-spell four letter words. When I do, I will try to get it in The Wyvern's Library, an amateur writing gallery that also houses some of Abby's work. (The same site also has Lothlorien, amateur fantasy art. Abby's in Gallery 11. Visit. Comment.) There is also a tip sheet on writing here that's pretty good.

Aside from campy fantasy/sf, I also write satiric rants when I feel like it or have an English assignment. (My teacher, thank all appropriate deities, is a cool person who doesn't mind that sentiment makes me nauseous.) Here's an English 200 writing page which contains some really good essays by other people and a piece I did on Physical Education, the bane of my existance, or one of them. (It's under Analysis, and you have to click on 'more essays'.)

I've written more essays for class this term, and a few of them are here now. The Best Part of the Job is based on this summer when I worked in a convienience store. My coworkers were wonderful, and most of the customers posessed an iota of mental capacity. Really. Moving Day is another one about last summer. The two not about experiences involve me ranting about stuff, as usual. Not That I'm Bitter Or Anything is drawn from my experiences as approval wizard on DL MUX. You Vil Be Enlightened, Ja? is me being pissed off about my school's oversensitivity.

Reading: Later on, I'll have a list of best books, villians, etc. Now, because I tend to get negative and sarcastic things done first, I have a list of characters who make me want to hit them here.

Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll-or at least a third of the above.

Filk is.....well, it's filk. Adapting regular songs to fit science fiction, fantasy, or the even weirder world we live in today. You can see some of the songs I've played around with,or visit Blars' Filk Page, which has a good explanation of filk for those who don't know about it and some groovycool links. There's also a bunch of Dragonlance filks on the DLMUX homepage. Click around 'till ya find 'em.

Heartless Bitches International: Yes, it is the sort of thing I'd join. Yes, I have joined, and I had quote of the week once: "Misunderstood? You're an idiot! What's to understand?" It's a very cool page with plenty of rants, humor, and the Things That Make Us Want to Lose Our Lunches. While I can't link officially, since my email on how to do that has yet to be forwarded from CA, you can get there by typing You can type. I know you can.

This site was mentioned to me by a guy on DL who has been upgraded from 'Utter Moron' to 'Utter Moron Who Pointed Out a Cool Site'. And there was much rejoicing.

My Encounter with Kelly the Twit

An ongoing thing. She drew up an insipid little teenybopper quiz, sent it to an 'NSync Fan Mailing List'-just the thought makes me queasy-which got it to my sometimes insipid little teenybopper sister, who sent it to me. I wrote back, she replied, I replied. Still going on at the time of writing.

A friend's response to the aforementioned page, other obnoxious people doing idiotic things, the Littleton deal and the Shepherd trial,and reading far too many other rants produced Second Person Posessive, a rant on personal responsibility.

Vanity and Beliefs

Yes, I know very few people want to know more about me, especially after viewing this page. However, because I don't give much of a damn, I put up more stuff about myself anyhow. Such as this: Teen Suicide and Leonardo DiCaprio, which will later be turned into the Stupid People and Plans for World Domination section. Yes, I, like so many others, wish to take over the world. Go figure.

Also, for your further edification, here is the Stuff I Think and Mini-Rants homepage, also known as The Infrequently Asked Questions.

Stuff I have said that I'm especially proud of, or stuff people have said around me which I've found especially entertaining, is on The Quotes Page. Oooooh. The theories I've formulated about Stuff are at Izzy's Big Page O'Theories. Part one of a two part nauseatingly nostalgic thing written after listening to "Summer of '69" faaar too much. She's being sentimental! Run! Run for your lives!

Questions, comments, and general opinions can be directed to Idiocy will be mocked and then posted on this page.