I Still Don't Know What the Hell I'm Doing.

It's been ten months since Izzy Kunkle waged her last battle with History 310 in the nightmarish lab at Phillips Academy Andover. College applications done, she goes back to wait and to endure Winter Term, which shouldn't count for anything but does. Senior Spring is coming, though, a term where the sky is blue, the grass is green, and her class lies around and does nothing for three months.

Will Izzy survive the rest of Winter, complete with a blizzard in March, only to fall into complete moral denegeration and the lack of any work ethic spring term?

God, we hope so.

The Prelude Connections Characters and Scenes

New Stuff as of 03/10/01: Prologue and Quotes have been updated, the PA Purity Test, Essays, and the Theory Page have been added. New pictures coming soon, I swear.

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