Welcome to the official website for the IRC chatroom -- #comics. This chatroom can be found on the Oz.Org server in mIRC, or pIRCh.

When you have connected just type /join #comics, and join in on the fun.


1998 saw a number of new titles from all the major companies and some major happenings occur. Some were good and some were bad. It is time to set the record straight and see what was the best of 1998.

What was the best occurence in the comic market in 1998?

Please click the appropriate box and press submit.


Spidey starts over

Marvel Knights

Kevin Smith writes

Wildstorm to DC

New Star Wars trailer



previous survey
results here:

3. favourite comic
related movie
2. favourite movie
1. favourite cartoon


The #comics regulars

Here we talk about the goings on in the world of comics, what we've been reading, what we are looking for, and just about anything else that springs to mind. Our regulars are knowledgeable in the world of comics (or at least they think they are!), and can try their comic stores for the comics that you are looking for. This is also a channel that comes alive at night, having at least a dozen people in at one time.

So get mIRC from http://www.mirc.com and join in on the craziness.

** Take a look around the place **

Last updated 2nd February 1999-- Overdue survey results have been added. Check below the survey on the left. Three weeks worth of news also, check the archives. SUBMIT YOUR VOTE FOR THE BEST OF 1998!!! Here I am keeping some sort of bad log of this website. Expect a lot of crap in here, and often I won't add to it for ages.

This page gives all comic fans what they want -- up to date news all collected in one page, from magazines, the internet and more. This will be updated as soon as news arises (attempting to do it every week). Also old news is archived.

So many comics around, what can one do!? Check out the #comics Review Section, is what you can do! Here, myself and my knowledgeable regulars, will review a new issue, a back issue, or give a serve to something we think deserves one.

Here resides the regulars of #comics. Each one of them have passed a stringent test of mind and muscle, and have been given the mantle of #comics Regular. A wide variety of beings reside in here, so have a look -- but don't feed the animals!!

The interactive #comics links page. Make your favourite comic site known to all the fans by voting it into the Top Ten. Votes will be looked at and judge for suitability for our highly sort after list.


Disclaimer: This page has no affliation with comic companies or publications. This is a home made site that has been produced to entertain the public. All images used on the all of the pages found at this site are property, trademark, and copyright of their respective comic company and are reprinted without permission. This page is for entertainment and interest of comic books only.
Designed by Distorted Perception
Nick Greenslade ©1998