dimwitt suckered into seeing my site.
Here's the new deal.
I've changed my subject slightly and, I'm probably talking to noone since that's who visited my site previously, I will now have Star Wars trivia and, hopefully, soon, a section with my own ideas on Star Wars and my own Sci-Fi concoctions. I will try and get a link, from a friends site to get more people to view my site. If I get some visitors I will do as planned. I may also include some sort of humor section, I can be pretty funny I'm told. Also I have a few friends who have sites, I will get their addresses up on my site when I get links from them. Their sites include Pokemon stuff, Simpsons stuff, and Megaman X stuff.
New web ring.
For now I am going to put up a neat little java logo for my soon to be miniature web ring, the Sausage Ring. It's a little interactive applet that allows you to link to other sites or view pictures. To link to another site, double click the side of the Sausage Cube that you want to visit. If you just want to view the picture click it once. To zoom out from the selected picture, click the other mouse button. DAN'S KILLER HOMEPAGE is my friend's site that deals with Pokemon, games, and other stuff. JEFF'S WORLD is another one of my friend's site's that deals with.....well stuff. I know there's some stuff about Robotech on there. Also i'm working on a new section of my page about the SUPER GUYS, a band of useless superheroes, with useless powers, fighting useless villains. So far the cast list is being put up. I should warn you that this is an extremely silly page and none of it should be taken seriously. In the future there will be more sites on the Sausage Cube, when I get more people to join me, and when my other friend puts up his site.
New Page and New Story
I've just put up a rough draft of my SUPER GUYS PAGE, which can be accesed on the Magical Sausage Cube. For those of you who couldn't figure out how the Sausage Ring got it's name, you should be able to figure it out now. So far I've only put up 3 Super Guys, the rest of them will be up shortly, but I have to find out a little more about them first. The full lineup will include The Exploding Sausage Man, Human Target, Kevin Arnold, Toilet Man, The Liquid Plumber, Julie Andrews Woman, and last but certainly not least, The Bullet Proof Marshmallow Woman. Soon to be characters may include The Coat Hanger Man, Incredible Meat Grinder Man, Monkey Head Guy, Prepy Man, and the evil Wall Street Broker, accompanied by Lawyer Man.

New Sci-Fi Story.
I've begun to write the first episode of my new, serious, Sci-Fi Series, DAC 14. Set in the year 2283, it is about the creation of the first Android law enforcement agency, Dept. of Android Control(DAC). The mayor of New York decides to start the agency after a group of Android criminals starts to rob banks and generally wreak havok in the streets. The main charachters are Unit 14 of the DAC(pronounced DACK, by the way). They are the most advanced and powerful of the agency and are considered to be the Special Forces unit. The characters, based on drawings that I made, and still continue to draw, are as follows. JAZ(pronounced Jaze),is the android with the most personality ever made, and leads the group.He is average sized for an android,6'3", I'll probably put up his stats later.PADLOCK is the largest of the team standing at 8'7", he is also the strongest and head Security and weapons chief of the DAC. GHOST is the most mysterious and deadly of the Unit. He stands at 6'5" and has the ability to project holograms and make himself invisible. He also has the ability to create explosions from his hands and feet, when he punches or kicks something. He is sort of like a ninja. The story will probably have a bit of a MegaManX feel to it, since it was originaly based on that and later evolved into something of it's own, but it will be more serious and probably darker and with less oh boy I'm a robot man, look at me type of stuff. Since Androids make up 1/3 of New York's population and act almost completely human. The story will also have some good twists and plot changes to it. The DAC PAGE will be up as soon as I finish the first episode.

I'd also like to quickly say hi to my friends, returning Sarah's gesture. Ladies first. Aimee(Smoke on the water), Alison(bullt proof marshmallows), Amy, Sarah(Hi-5), and Mary. Now the guys, take a big breath, Dan(the Java man), Jeff(the wierd),Steve, Alex(got beat up by his drum), Mike, Brian(I'l beat your butt in Goldeneye), Rob(Same as Brian's says), Drew, Doug(the amazing cyclops), Pretty Boy Joe, Laughing Fool Joe, Goozler, Colin, Matt, Little Eric, Tall Eric, Tony(only cool kid at Platt that I know), Pete(nasty smile), and of course Murdy(hahahahI spelled it right finally). See most of you in school.

Here's the trivia. (Since noone really saw it I won't bother updating it)
Slight Changes(Don't Worry Nothing Big)
Well I've decided that since I have Images for other parts of my site already up, why not make the pages that are ready links. So here we are. The SUPER GUYS are now easier to access than ever. Now as for the DAC 14 page, It's not much yet but I suppose that I could put up the link if you want. Oh and by the way SIGN MY GUESTBOKK OR SEND ME SOME E-MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm So Happy
I looked at my page today, and my counter is now past 200 and more interestingly my super guys page has more hits than the main page. Kind of odd, but you know it's the most entertaining part of the page. Oh and by the way, I decided to put some music up on the site, so soon you will be able to listen to stuff while you look around my page. I may put up a few on each page, letting you choose what to hear while cruizing. Neat huh? Oh and by the way, I am in the process of composing a theme for DACĪ14, which you will hear while looking at that page. I'm almost done with it so it should be up in a bit
NEW MUSIC BY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've finished the 2283(you say it as two-two-eight-three by the way) the DAC 14 theme, and it's one of my best works ever. It's about 4 minutes long, even if the midi player thinks it's 24 hours long for some reason(I'll fix that in the future). I'm temporarily taking down a few of the themes, to feature it on the main page, but it will greet you on the DAC 14 page too, of course. I'm also anouncing the beginings of a new page of MIDIs that will be up when I make it obviously, which will have a name that tune sort of game with a MYSTERY MIDI evry so often, which you have to guess. They will usually be from movies but TV themes and Video Game themes may be included too. You can answer the MYSTERY MIDI at my guest book and your name will go on a hall of fame.
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Ok DAC 14 is finally here so go get it you fool.
New Songs
I have 2 new songs up that I wrote. I'm only putting Flux up on the main page, one of my personal favorites, and Fire from Asguard will only be up on the MIDI page. Well there's a scad of new Mystery MIDIs up as well as around ten new MIDI's in the list. So enjoy.
Fixed MIDI
Well the DAC MIDI has been fixed and it now displays it's correct time of almost exactly 4 minutes.
1.Who kidnapped Han Solo's children in The Crystal Star?
2.What species is the bounty hunter Bosk?
3.What does Han Solo smuggle?
4.What type of Astromech Droid is needed to plot hyperspace jumps in an E-Wing?
5.Who was the owner of Threepio and Artoo befor they crashed on Tatooine?
6.What species is Salacious Crumb?
7.What character in the Cantina scene was a Talz?
8.What is another name for the Sarlacc Pit?
9.What is the name of Dengar's wife?
10.What was the name of Princess Leia's Correlian Corvette in the beginning of the first Star Wars movie?
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
You can also contact me on AIM as Norse Fish.