Games I like.....


Baldur's Gate

This is a Awsome D&D based game. Based in the Frogotten realms Campaign. Here is the Plot line of the game:

The plot line of the game involves the regions around the cities
of Baldur's Gate and Amn. These cities are involved in a plot to
destabilize the entire Sword Coast and precipitate a war. Chaos
threatens to overwhelm the Sword Coast. The state of Amn is
under siege to the south, the High Moor is being overrun in the
north, and the region around Baldur's Gate is in turmoil. In an
area known for its ample resources, a crippling shortage is
slowly developing for the metal that is used throughout the
Realms for everything from swords to forks - iron. When iron
ore reaching the region is smelted, the resulting wares are
plagued with brittleness such that they crack and break with
little more than normal use. What's worse, trading caravans
coming from all directions into Baldur's Gate are under
constant attack from bandits and cutthroats who loot not for
gold and gems (althought they often take those too...), but for
iron. The armed factions in Baldur's Gate can scarcely keep
themselves armed and the commoners are suffering all the more.
Without iron they cannot mend their tools or purchase plows -
and everyone knows that if they cannot farm or craft, they will
starve come winter. Some blame Amn for the chaos, others the
trading cartels, and still others suspect even the Dukes of
Baldur's Gate. Yet, this contagion may be an early omen of some
greater evil.

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

You are the Chosen One, the direct descendant of the Vault
Dweller. The village elders have selected you to wear the sacred
Vault-suit of your grandsire and, in time, to ascend to the
leadership of your people. First you must prove your devotion to
your people. Your tribe needs help.

If you are truly the Chosen One, then you alone are capable of
claiming the heritage of the Vault Dweller, to take back your
birthright. Among the many wonders described in hallowed yellow
pages of the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide is the Garden of Eden
Creation Kit. The GECKTM is said to have the power to turn the
harsh Wastes into a fruitful paradise. The Vault Dweller's Survival
Manual promises the redemption of the GECKTM to all Vault

Your tribe has survived over ten-years of drought but now their
reserves are at an end. You must find Vault 13 and claim the
technology that your tribe needs to survive. If you fail in this
quest—your tribe will surely die. You must travel the perilous
Wastes on a holy quest to find Vault 13. The same Vault that
cruelly cast your grandsire out into the Wastes 80 years ago. The
Vault owes you. The Vault owes your tribe. Now it's time to

Some of the elders doubt that you have the strength of the Vault
Dweller running through your veins. They doubt that you are the
Chosen One. In order to prove yourself; you must brave the Cave
of Trials before the elders make their final selection.

Making your way through the Cave of Trials would be difficult for
some, but not for the Chosen One. Foul Creatures and Devilish
Traps are nothing to one of your quickness and resolve. You learn
to identify the sinking floor-plates in time to avoid the painful
whoosh of spears. Rabid beasts allow you to warm your muscles
for the hunt ahead. The Cave of Trials shows you some of the
dangers you may face and how to deal with them.

Even the most reluctant elder is forced to nod in silent approval of
your swift passage through the Cave. Your people are simple
herdsmen and farmers, they cannot give you much with which to
start your quest. You are given the Vault-Suit that your ancestor
wore when they came to this valley so many years ago. You are
also given the wondrous Pip-BoyTM device that your ancestor
found so useful in his long travels. With that and your trusty spear,
you are almost ready.

The Elders hand you a strange metallic water-flask. Not at all like
the hollow gourds your people use. The flask is inscribed with the
divine number 13 and is dedicated to some deity named
Vault-TekTM. The Elders explain that a passing trader sold the
holy relic to them. This trader lives in Klamath, a town some days
away. Your first step is to seek out this trader so that he may tell
you where Vault 13 is. Then you must make the perilous journey
to Vault 13 and demand the means of your people's salvation.
You must get the GECKTM and return with it. Then, and only
then, will the survival of your people be assured.

With grim resolve, you gird your possessions about you and cross
the swaying rope-bridge that defends your village. You leave the
hopeful farewells of your people behind. As you reach the far side
of the bridge, many questions race through your head.

Will I find the vault? When I get there, will they give me what they
denied my ancestor? Are there other Vaults that might help me?
Who, or what, set up the Vaults in the first place? Is it possible
that they're still out there? Watching, and waiting for some
unknown event to show themselves? All of this runs through your
head. As you turn your bare feet down the trail that leads away
from the village, you wonder when, and if, you'll ever make it
back. You wonder if you really are the Chosen One.


Meet Kerrigan From Starcraft. She was born with telepathic power. So She was Sent in to the ghost program. The in the Ghost program the "docters" installed cybernetinc thingys in her head to control her telepathy. After being left for dead on Chow Sara. She was found By Mensk The leader of the Son's of Korhal. Later Mensk abonded her to the Zerg. The Overmind found her and sealed her inside a crysilis to undergo mutation in to a infested version. She now has Many abilities As The Zerg's Queen of Blades. She can cloak,Consome and use Psi Storm. She is Cool!!!!


Is another Game I like I only have the Shareware version but I hope to get the full.I play at as AkrosDarkstar.

Warcraft 2

I have the Full Version of both Warcratf 1 and 2.
