Welcome to the fun filled Bio Page of me...Yer one and only host on this journey...Isn't this Fabulious? Ok..enough stupid shxt...DOWN TO BUISNESS...All About Me!

Back to the Palace

This would be me, and the other pic next to me would be Devan. (She's my best friend up in denver)

If your wondering who the hell we are..Well, keep reading and you may just find out. I, being Bill, live in good ole Colorado Springs Colorado. I am a student at Denver Technical College, majoring in computer programming. What fun that is let me tell you. I'm just your adverage 19 year old. I like to dance on the weekends, write my stories, novels, and poems. I've been told that I am a hopeless romantic, and I consider that my "character flaw."

What I wanted to do with these pages is just to get some aspireing authors works on them...You can send me anything you wish...stories, pictures, poems...And I will post them...Doesnt matter if you think they suck or if you think they are the best thing since sliced bread, I'll still post them no matter what...So don't be afraid, just send them in..Here's my E-mail Oljick@aol.com...So get sending...I cant wait to actually get some admissions from people...not just my friends :-)...Oh well..lets continue shall we?

Vickie, well..I'm gonna let her explain herself...as soon as she sends me the stuff she wants me to say...go figure..

Just some friends. All of us at TGI Fridays...aka our hang out...we have become the "regulars" Then we have our favorite waitress...Angie...she always hooks us up PHAT

Scott didnt want me to put this pic up..but guess what..I DID ANYWAY...This would be starting from closest...Scott, Kacy, then ME! Taken at the Renn Fest that comes to Colorado each year. Next time..maybe you'll get to see me all in my garb?? Who knows!!

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