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This page is ALWAYS under construction
May take awhile to relax


Remember everyone this site can only be kept up by you. Your contributions are greatly accepted. Either ICQ them to me at 10886577, or e-mail them to me at Dezrael's E-mail Address I am in the middle of a site over-haul at the moment, so PLEASE PLEASE be patient? Thank you. (updated 5-3-99)

Welcome travlers from around the globe. Welcome to my little strand of the world wide web. I am here to give young authors, poets, and musicans a place to send their stories, music, and poetry to be published here, free of charge. The only thing is is that I ask all of you to go back up towards the top of my page, click my sponsers banners, and..also send in your contributions.

The Bards room is currently open and ready for viewing. We havent had many contributions, but hopefully that will change with time? If you would like to contribute anything at all e-mail me at Dezrael's E-mail . Anything at all...includeing poetry, artwork, midis, mp3s (of your own making), stories etc. If you send in a long story, I will grant you your own page or pages on my site.

Our midi archive is up and running at full pace. Please just follow the links below to enter any part of this site. And please report the dead links to ME . I want to keep this site nice and neat. And as soon as I dabble into frames..I hope to make navigateing a lot easier.

I am also looking for a new title picture for the main page of my site. The one I have now (the gargoyle) Has been there for forever and a day, and I think its time for a change. So if you have one, or would like to make one just E-mail me and I'll be happy to look it over. If I like it, I will respond and say if I will or will not use it.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy your tour of Dezrael's Palace.

The Bards Room Dez's Bio Page Just The Links, But Some Good Ones The NEW Midi Page

People to hit this page since 2/20/98

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