If you wanted to see more pics by Jade Griffin, ya came ta the right place! Most of the art herein is on the Disney show "Gargoyles" but I do other pics, too:) Enjoy my growing collection.


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On with the pics!!

Welcome! -Jade Griffin
Jade Griffin by Other Artists:)

Um... Self-explanatory. Other char.'s of mine that have been drawn by different artists are found here, too.

Pics of Jade Griffin

Jade Griffin pics by...Jade Griffin!:)
Pics of JG's child side and 'G are
also found here.

Requested/Surprise Pics

I often surprise people w/ a pic or 5:)
So keep an eye out! I also do requests.

Other gargoyles

I have other characters besides JG, 'G, the child side, etc. and some aren't gargoyles. They are found here, along with drawings of gargoyles that appear in the show.
Check 'em out! Really cool!:):)

Other critters

Heck, _I_ don't know what's gonna show up here:) Mostly
my non-garg pics, and even a few of those! Ithyaka pics
and my other griffin pics are found in here, too.

[ Input!! ][Output!? ]

Last updated 4.25.07 : Not much goin on except prep for the Gathering and work on the Kids site.

Contact: email


Also: Here is the link to the net chat letter. For anyone interested, this is a little essay I wrote toward ppl who do not understand the internet or chatting. Please feel free to read and share it, but don't take credit for it.. :)