Rachel Ehrentreu
Works In Progress...
When Skies Are Grey
Rating: R to NC-17
Classification: XAR
Summary: "Only, the people who defeated the aliens, led by the President, became our Leaders and a much greater threat than we could have ever suspected, a much more sinister and cruel force than could have been predicted and by the time their true natures were revealed, it was too late."New Stories...
Revenge of the Muse with Ashlea Ensro and Anna Otto - 32K
This should make you all happy that Ashlea and I are leaving fanfic. How sick and twisted can we get? Read and learn. Rachel is staying and will have to work for all three of us from now on. This is a parody on The Fire Eaters.
Rating: NC-17
Category: SH
Summary: Quentin is the director of the upcoming feature movie, Anna and Ashlea are the writers, Rachel is the producer, and things are spiraling downward quickly.Queen of Diamonds - 11K
Rating: PG
Category: VA
Spoilers: Sixth Extinction
Summary: Love and other delusionsAnd The Blood Turns To Ice - 7K Older Stories...
Post-movie story and my second M/S UST story. I was in the car coming home after seeing the movie for the fourth time when I took out paper and started writing -- this was the result. It's also the closest I've ever come to channeling a character.
Category: M/S UST
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The movie
Summary: Flickfic - Scully's thoughts on the ice.At The Edge - 9K
This was my first M/S UST (almost MSR) story. I always said that I wouldn't write one because they all sounded alike to me but an image hit my mind and I had to get it down on paper. It was one of the only scenarios I hadn't seen umpteenth times and I'm debating about whether or not to write a sequel (so if you want to see one, write me).
Category: SRA
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Summary: Mulder witnesses a crime and goes to Scully for comfort.Bawling Out by FowlFire - 6K
Another challenge from a friend. CathyLex wanted to see a story with Skinner chewing out M&S but having them cry at the end. Of course I turned it into a BADFIC with slashy overtones...or not.
Category: BADFIC
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: All of them!
Bereft - 67K
My first fanfic ever. Came about from a mixture of anger at Mulder and a desire to know more about Krycek. Written in... mid third season I believe. An aborted S/K and earned me the nickname "Mulderer" among my friends.
Category: S
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Third season
Summary: Scully looks for answers to her questions about the conspiracies. Features Alex Krycek.Broken Hearts And Softly Spoken Memories - 4K
Anna and I were coming up with awful titles and I pulled this one out. She told me I had to write a story using it and thus my first Badfic was born. An awful MSR, truly awful, but in a good way.
Category: Badfic
Spoilers: All of them!
Summary: Mulder and Scully find true love and stuff like that.Built-In Mechanisms with Amanda Finch - 11K
Category: SAH
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Field Trip
Summary: Mulder and Scully talk on-line after the events of Field Trip.Collages of Emotion - 7K
When I was a noromo I wanted to make Redux II unshippy... so I tried to explain all of Mulder's feelings in an unromantic way. This was the result, one which I wouldn't necessarily agree with right now, but I like some of the things I did in the short vignette.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Redux II
Summary: Mulder's thoughts during the hospital scenes.Coming Soon To A Theater Near You... with Jennifer Stoy - 7K
Jen and I met in May for the DC eXpo and went to the Jefferson Memorial. While walking we somehow started talking about Disney and how they were more powerful than the consortium. Then we started thinking about how Disney can make any character in history sympathetic. When we got back home that night we wrote out this bizarre little advertisement. Just think of it as the Disney cartoon you never want to see.
Category: SH
Rating: PG
Summary: What would happen if you Disney-fied the Consortium?Damaged Goods - 13K
Named after a Christine Lavin song about a woman who has been hurt in love, this story is the third in the universe. Set post-Chinga, it tries to explain Scully's motivation and Mulder's actions in the episode. Also discusses how Scully sees herself in the grand scheme of things.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Chinga
Summary: Scully realizes her place in the game.Decline and Fall - 9K
This story takes a common fanfic theme and twists it a bit. Set after Biogenesis it's sort of an answer to the Scully leaves stories.
Rating: PG-13
Category: VA
Spoilers: Biogenesis
Summary: Someone's reached their breaking point. Set three months after the events of Biogenesis.Electronic Music - 3K
I promised myself I wouldn't write a post-Biogenesis fic, but then the muse hit me over the head and I had no choice. This is my interpretation of Mulder's insanity.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Biogenesis
Summary: Sanity slips and stumbles.Father of Mine - 4K
After Two Fathers my Spendermuse paid me a visit. After the first line there was no turning back. I began to wonder how Spender felt and tried to tie it into some possible spoilers I'd read. It turns out I wasn't quite right but, I still think it works. As I said before, Father of Mine is Spender's song and when it came time to title this angry vignette I had to use it.
Category: VA
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Two Fathers
Summary: Spender's thoughts - Post-Two FathersGetting A Life - 22K
This was my attempt at a Scully/Pendrell story. I wrote it for a few LabBoy friends (when he was still alive). I gave him some backstory and brought back Scully's good friend Ellen (from Jersey Devil). I could see this happening -- personally.
Category: SRA
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Herrenvolk
Summary: Scully sees a movie and her car is stolen, who shows up to help her?A Hostage of the Mirror - 23K
Continuing my habit of creating backgrounds for unpopular characters, after the Beginning I got this idea with Diana Fowley that wouldn't go away. When the muse strikes. So this is a story that is meant to shed some light on her.
Category: SAR
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: The Beginning
Summary:Everyone has a story to tell -- even Diana Fowley.Into Nothingness - 19K
I've always had a soft spot for Teena, I don't know why. I also love the idea of the family drama inherent in every mythology episode. I wondered why Teena hated the summer home so much and how the PLAM got there in the first place. This is my version of the events (oh and I call her Tina throughtout the story) leading up the abduction and her relationship with CSM.
Category: SRA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Demons
Summary: The abduction, aftermath, and Mrs. Mulder's relationship with The Cigarette Smoking Man as one author sees it.Inching Forward - 11K
Inching Forward - This story earned me the nickname Continuity Girl from my friend Ashlea and I also had to do some researching on hiccuping. Basically, I needed to understand Scully's behavior and needed more closure than the episode Arcadia gave us, so I started writing and this was the result.
Category: VHA
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Arcadia
Summary: Mulder and Scully have a little talk after the episode.It Will Never Be The Same - 9K
To fill in the plot holes/gaps from Redux II through the first half of the season I started my own little alternate universe in a way. This short series kept me from becoming disenchanted during the first half the season. In this series, Scully knows what happened in that diner while she lay dying. In this one, Mulder confesses what he's seen and Scully tries to deal with it. The title is from a song by Corrosion of Conformity which describes how Mulder would be feeling in Redux/II very well, imho.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Detour
Summary: Mulder tells Scully what happened while she was in the hospital.Late Night Choices - 12K
Anna wrote the brilliant Jack/Scully in Paris story and I got inspired to write one myself. This takes place during The Second Ones, but is an alternate scene. Also, I had to, for my own shipper self, give her a reason for her actions in Anna's story. Reading this does add a new layer of meaning to the last scene of the Second Ones.
Rating: R
Category: VA
Summary: Alternate scene for The Second Ones. Scully and Jack talk.Love In a Leather Bar by FowlFire - 6K
This story is what happens when a chat gets out of hand. Some people mentioned the plot of Marita and Byers meeting in a leather bar and then gave me the challenge. It was one which I couldn't resist. This is also the first one by FowlFire.
Category: Badfic
Rating: R
Spoilers: EVERY EP!
Summary: Byers meets his true love, Marita!Meaningless Life - 6K
This is directly from an idea Anna put into my head. After moving back to college I was bored and this story nibbled at the back of my mind. The first thing I did after setting up my computer was type it. Definitely one of my favorites and perhaps my absolute favorite.
Category: VA
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: The movie
Summary: Mulder's POV, conscience talking.Never Seen - 153K
I can't say too much without giving the plot away. Well, let me say that the story started out one way and somehow got away from me and went in an entirely different direction. You may have seen this story by the title of "Disoriented" but this is a completely revised version. Someone described part of this story as, what would happen if a cop was obsessed with finding a killer... and it turned out to be Mulder?
Category: XA
Rating: R
Spoilers: Third Season
Summary: During a routine case Scully's trust in Mulder is put to the test when it appears that he is not what he seems....No More Pardons - 13K
As a devout Mulderist and a shipper I was feeling some very strange things after One Son. Mainly I wished Scully find someone new quickly and Mulder take a long walk off a short pier. This was not good for "The Second Ones" therefore, I had to write something that would reaffirm my faith in Mulder, Scully, and their partnership. I know this story cheered me up a lot.
Category: VA
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: One Son
Summary: It began with a shot...Outrunning Moirae with Jennifer Stoy - 206K
This is co-written with an incredibly gifted author, Jennifer Stoy. Came about from another idea of mine and is one of my personal favorites. It is an alternate timeline after the events of "Patient X/The Red and The Black". I never thought it would take 5 or 6 months to write, but it was well worth it. Full of Jen's black humor, incredible characterization and wonderful scenes.
Category: XA
Rating: R
Spoilers: Patient X/The Red and the Black
Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate a missing girl and a mysterious medical patient. During the course of this search, loyalties are questioned, dangerous complications ensue, and you may not be who you are.A Perfect Family - 20K
This is basically a parody on all the Mulder and Scully with kiddies stories I've read. Especially ones where their kids wind up working on The X-Files. It includes a slashy scene and some very naughty behavior by the characters. Also was what first gave me the idea for BADFIC.
Category: SH
Rating: R
Summary: Parody - why M&S should not have kids.Poured Onto Paper - 9K
A Post-Milagro story, sort of sweet and yet a bit angsty. I wrote it while in IM with another author who inspired me and found me the great beginning quote.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Milagro
Summary: Which is more important, the heart or the mind?Redecorated Psyche - 12K
This one came about after a particularly disturbing rape story on ATXC. A friend of mine and I were talking and she said the scenario was possible...under certain circumstances. The one she mentioned was in Demons. Well, the idea haunted me and kept me up all night until I was forced to write it down.
Category: VA
Rating: R
Spoilers: Demons
Summary: What if Demons had ended differently?Red Letter Day - 6K
I figured that after The End there would be hundreds of burning office fics from Mulder and Scully's POV. The only one in my eyes that was left was... Spender. So I crawled into his head and this was the result. I figured he had a childhood story to tell, a reason for hating Mulder and a slightly malicious side. Sidenote: I think of "Father of Mine" by Everclear as Spender's song.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The End
Summary: And now for something completely different...Spender's thoughts, post-episode.Road Buddy - 5K
I promised myself I wouldn't write a post-Rain King story but...the shippy part of my muse had her say. So this is basically very cute fluff with a hint of UST. Category: V
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Rain King
Summary: Mulder and Scully talk while driving.Running in Place - 9K
Question: What happens when you stay up until 4 am trying to study? Answer: the muse brings a Mulder POV post-Dreamland II story. This is one of the rare pieces that people have called "cute and sweet" it is also full of UST.
Category: VAH
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Dreamland II
Summary: How does Mulder deal with the changes in his apartment?The Second Ones with Anna Otto - 446K
After getting letters saying how Anna and I should write something together (after the Meaningless Life trilogy...), I wrote a snippet of a possible story - which Anna adored. She wrote me back something which totally blew me away and a partnership was born. Somehow, what came out was equal parts mystery, science fiction, and drama. Or as one person said, this story looks through the glass darkly and bends it until it breaks.
Rating: R
Category: XA
Spoilers: The Beginning
Summary: A strange case threatens to tear Mulder and Scully apart. But much more than their partnership may be at stake.Secrets in Wood - 8K
I went shopping, got home, got attacked by some furniture, decided Mulder and Scully needed to share my pain.
Rating: PG
Category: XH
Summary: Mulder and Scully discover who is really behind the consortium.Straight Face - 4K
David Duchovny's performance in Pine Bluff Variant, especially in the execution scene was so unforgettable and brilliant that I had to write a story that took place in the insant before Mulder thought he would die. It was my first vignette from Mulder's POV, so it was an experiment to see if I could do it. Also, I read one or two vignettes where all he thought about was how he didn't get to have sex with Scully before he died... and being a noromo at that time, I couldn't see it. Even now I think he'd have more on his mind than just that.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Pine Bluff Variant
Summary: What Mulder was thinking during the execution scene.Test Subject - 7K
Second story in the "It Will Never Be The Same" universe. Takes place in the coffin scene of Emily. I wondered what Scully would be thinking and this is what came out. The original version was very mushy and sweet, this is...not. It also predicts something that happened later in the show -- Mulder's skepticism. It made sense to me that he would feel that way, which is probably why I have no problem with Patient X.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Christmas Carol/Emily
Summary: Scully's thoughts at Emily's funeral.Think Before You Use *That* Title! with Jennifer Stoy - 40K
How to explain this one... well from something that happened on ATXC involving title stealage because I wrote a story called Damaged Goods and this other girl wrote a story called Adagio and they both were titles used before. I met Jennifer Stoy through this altercation and I can honestly say that she's made me a much better writer. Anyway, she thought the best way to get revenge was to write a post-Red and the Black story set in a therapist's office with the characters arguing about titles. This was how we started talking and after trading parts for a few days we had a story. Featuring Krycek, Mulder, Scully, Mrs. Scully, Mrs. Mulder, CSM (Bob), Spender, and Bill Jr... it's a wild session.
Category: SHA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Fifth Season
Summary: The therapy session from HELL.Think Before You Use That Title 2: A Family Affair with Jennifer Stoy - 50K
The sequel to think before you use that title, and if you thought the first one was a big ball of wrong - you ain't seen nothing yet. Meet the Scully family you only thought you knew. Hysterical and painful at the same time.
Category: SHR
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Fifth Season through The Red and The Black
Summary: The dinner party from HELL-- starring the gang from Think Before You Use that Title.Trace of Red - 7K
This is the third and last story in the Meaningless Life Universe. Came about because I had to write an answer to Anna's brilliant Patterns of Faith. Hopefully I managed to end the series with a note of hope. It also completes Mulder's transformation into CSM and is probably the darkest thing I've ever written.
Category: VA
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A follow-up to Patterns of Faith, Mulder POV.![]()
The X-Files belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and FOX. No copyright infringement intended, no monetary profit is made.