Pages best viewed with resolution of 800x600 and using Netscape Nav/Communicator.

Click on My Magic World to Explore...
My pages have some java scripts so to get the full benefit you will need to enable it and also a lot of 3D animations, please be patient.I used to have frames but they bugged me ! so I had them removed and redesigned all of my pages and now anybody can come here, frames or no frames.Make yourself at home and if you have the time drop me (no bomb please !) your comments at my Guestbook. Happy surfing and have a nice cyber day.
Table Of Contents :
- Page 1 : A bit about the author (myself !)
- Page 2 : My Midi Collections (99 Songs WoW!!)
- Page 3 : My Pics and Graphics collections (home-made)
- Page 4 : My links page (be adding more soon)
- Chatrooms for virtual Place :
- The Canyon (Music and Java)
- UFO Rooms (with Music)
- The Lost Temple (with Music)
- Desert Sympony (with Music)
- Virtual Cinema (Music and Java)

To chat enter through Virtual Place (excite)

This site is rated with RSACI

Pages redesigned on August 24 1998 due to Creativity improvement ! thanks to Bisman
