Yo Mama is Rated R

Yo mama's so fat, when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips.

Yo mama's so fat, when I finished having sex with her and tried to roll off, I was still on her.

Yo mama's so fat, when I climbed up on top of her, I burned my ass on the lightbulb.

Yo mama's so fat, her ass looks like two pigs fighting over a milk dud.

Yo mama's so fat, she masturbates reading cookbooks.

Yo mama's so fat, last time she went to Sea World Shamu got a hard on.

Yo mama's so fat, when I have sex with her I have to slap her ass and ride the wave in.

Yo mama's so big, when you climb on top of her your ears pop.

Yo mama's so big, when I fingered her I lost a watch and two rings!

Yo mama's so stupid, she put a phone up her ass and thought she was making a booty call.

Yo mama's so stupid, she was on the corner giving out potato chips yellin' "Free Lays!"

Yo mama's so stupid, she thought menopause was a button on the VCR.

Yo mama's so stupid, the bitch snuck on the bus and paid to get off.

Yo mama's so stupid, her idea of safe sex is locking the car doors.

Yo mama's so stupid, she got fired from a blow-job.

Yo mama's so ugly, her birth certificate was an apology letter from the condom factory.

Yo mama's so ugly, her mom had to be drunk to breastfeed her.

Yo mama's so ugly, when your dad wants to have sex in the car, he tells her to get out.

Yo mama's so ugly, she can look up a camel's butt and scare the hump off of it.

Yo mama's so ugly, if she was a flavor da bitch would be oogalicious.

Yo mama's so ugly, when she takes her bra off she looks like she has four big toes.

Yo mama's so ugly, when she masterbates she gets arrested for cruelty to animals.

Yo mama's so ugly, when Yo father is having sex with her he puts two bags on her head in case one of them breaks.

Yo mama's so ugly, Yo father's breath smells like shit 'cause he'd rather kiss her ass.

Yo mama's so ugly, when she was born the doctor looked at her ass, then her face, and said "Twins!"

Yo mama's so ugly, she got a sex change and the surgeon had to flip a coin.

Yo mama's so ugly, your real pops could only be a fuckin' dog.

Yo mama's so ugly, she has to get the baby drunk to breast feed it.

Yo mama's so ugly, they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints.

Hey keep my mom out of this and I'll keep this out of Yo mama!

If I wanted any lip from you I'd jiggle my zipper.

If I wanted a comeback, I'd just wipe it off Yo mama's chin.

Hey I don't have a mom, me and my dad just use yours!

Man, that snap is so old you might as well be bustin' knock knock jokes. And speaking of knock knock, that's what my balls were doing on Yo Mama's chin last night.

Man, that snaps older than the crust in Yo Mama's underwear.

Yo mama's so nasty, she puts ice down her drawers to keep the crabs fresh.

Yo mama's so nasty, when she did the splits, she stuck to the floor.

Yo mama's so nasty, she had sex with a woman and got pregnant.

Yo mama's so nasty, I called her up for phone sex and she gave me an ear infection.

Yo mama's so poor, after I pissed in your yard, she thanked me for watering the lawn.

Yo mama's like a squirrel, she's always got some nuts in her mouth.

Yo mama's like a Snickers bar, packed with nuts.

Yo mama's like 7-Eleven... open all night, hot to go, and for 89 cents you can get a slurpy.

Yo mama's like a hardware store, 25 cents a screw.

Yo mama's like Humpty Dumpty... first she gets humped, then she gets dumped.

Yo mama's like the Bermuda Triangle, they both swallow a lot of seamen.

Yo mama's like the new AOL 4.0: Fun, fast, easy and free!

Yo mama's like a nickel, she ain't worth a dime.

Yo mama's like a chicken coop, cocks fly in and out all day.

Yo mama's like a streetlamp, you can find her turned on at night on any street corner.

Yo mama's like a telephone booth, open to the public, costs a quarter, and guys go in and out all day.

Yo mama's like a basketball hoop, everybody gets a shot.Yo mama's like a basketball hoop, everybody gets a shot.

Yo mama's like speakers, loud, ugly, lives in a box, and you can turn her up, down, on, and off.

Yo mama's like a turtle, once she's on her back she's fucked.

Yo mama's like a championship ring, everybody puts a finger in her.

Yo mama's like a paper towel, she picks up all kinds of slimy wet stuff.

Yo mama's like the sun, look at her too long and you'll go blind.

Yo mama's like a bowling ball, she gets picked up, fingered, thrown down the gutter, and she still comes back for more.

Yo mama's like a Christmas tree, everybody hangs balls on her.

Yo mama's like a door knob, everybody gets a turn.

Yo mama's like a carpenter's dream, flat as a board and easy to nail.

Yo mama's like a goalie: she changes her pads after three periods.

Yo mama's like a postage stamp, you lick her, stick her, then send her away.

Yo mama's like a hockey player, she only showers after three periods.

Yo mama's like a TV, even a 2 year old could turn her on.

Yo mama's like McDonalds... over 5 billion served world wide.

Yo mama's like the Pillsbury dough boy - everybody pokes her.

Yo mama's so short, she uses a condom for a sleeping bag.

Yo mama's so short, she can suck my dick standing up.

Yo mama's so short, she doesn't have legs, she has feet growing out her ass.

Yo mama's so short, she had to stand on three phonebooks to blow yo dad.

Yo Mama, Rated PG

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