Welcome to the Carnival. Home to the magic of The Bedlam Boys,Laughter the Dragon,, other fantastic stuff and of course Me.

These pages contain that part of my life I could put on the web. I hope you enjoy it. Most of the contents within are my own work so please do not copy or use without my written permission

Note: There are some images in these pages that have been sent to me by my friends. I do not claim originality for these and if I could find the author or designer. I would gladly give credit. If you know of said authors / designers then please inform me. Each non-origianl image is indicated as such"


My Web Cam
The Bedlam Boys
The Circus


Dragons' Den
The Inner workings of my mind
Random Ponderings
Quotable Quotes


Bloodbowl Teams
The Spelljamming Campaign of the Century


Some Links to my friends
My little page of games

For comments contact muzmonster@bigfoot.com
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