View the bitter lost mistakes of all those who have passed beyond.

Ashley - 10/02/00 03:58:31
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: My red furry underwear....which, come to think of it, are thongs!
Target or K-Mart?: Kmart, of course
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: Unfortunately, it's been more like the real life lately...except when we Tped Liz Baker's house and then went down the road and TPed her dad's tractor. That was the most redneck thing I have ever done....
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: Taco Bell Demon Spawn Bitch
Mad Hatter or March Hare?: Mad Hatter....He's just so...creepy. But in an interesting, fun way.

Ahaha, flames on the side of my face...I didn't notice that before! But I must say that the flames have subsided a little, although there's the occasional smoldering. Right now I am desperately trying to avoid writing something for english lit. I love Mr. Maxey and all, but writing a frame tale is not exactly what I wanted to be doing right now. In other news, we got first place at district, only three more weeks of musical hell left...We got kicked out of Taco Bell last week before band and Roy called the lady a bitch, not just called her that but SCREAMED it, so she came out and accused Joshy of saying it and he denied it, so she called him a fucking liar..So Kim's mom came in a filed a complaint about it! That was the biggest gossip until friday, when there was a wreck...A freshman died...Didn't know her, but it still sucks. I know everybody else, and that really blows because some of them were hurt really badly...hmm..It's getting late, and I should really do this now. I am almost done. Then I can sleep until sleep deprivation, I mean band, tomorrow morning. Nighty night!

jen - 09/20/00 20:56:41
My URL:/mccainfamily
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: commando
Target or K-Mart?: Wal-Mart
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: a fantasy would be better than this
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: Boba Fett
Better MacLeod...Duncan or Connor?: methos
Mad Hatter or March Hare?: which one

have no idea how i ended up on your web page. think it might have been trying to search for Marcus Cole missing him today:) interesting website

- 09/13/00 05:59:54


austin - 09/13/00 05:59:28
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: thong
Target or K-Mart?: target
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: caught in a land slide, no escape from reality.
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: stephanie the hut
Better MacLeod...Duncan or Connor?: duncan he would kick conners arse
Mad Hatter or March Hare?: mad hatter.... he is like so cool like yeah and like stuff

I love you and miss you. love buckhead

Sarah - 09/07/00 03:38:36
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: commando. how can something up your ass be sexy? just the phrase "up your ass" brings to mind thoughts of anal sex. and that is just wron . ewwwww. thats number one on my list of things i will never do!
Target or K-Mart?: Target! so many cool fuzzy socks!
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: its the time right before you die. the whole "life flashing before your eyes" thing just happens really slowly.
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: the pizza hut buffet, but i love their normal pizza. i ate there with hetteh and alicia and ryan once and before sweethearts ball last year. good times!
Better MacLeod...Duncan or Connor?: i cant remember who connor is, so ill say duncan. its been ages since ive gotten to watch though. of course you know that i like methos much better.
Mad Hatter or March Hare?: mad hatter

Hello Emmy! I just checked out your site, nice updates. I havent worked on my page in about 2 years i think. Oh well. College is so much fun. actually its a lot of work, but i have a lot of friends, so therefore it is fun. and the little girl with pigtail and gap teeth is 18 now :) and the sophomore is a junior, but ill let that nonupdate slide :) it's hard to believe that we are at this stage of our lives already. graduation seemed like a dream, and college is the slap in the face that tells you how real it is. pointless info: i have an odd history professor who signs off all of his emails with "Peace." also, we have chicken as a choice every day in the cafe. but today i had fish. enjoy life!!

you know you love me... - 09/06/00 02:00:13
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: who cares as long as you shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake that healthy butt....
Target or K-Mart?: well, since I bought that ficticious Target stock....
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: caught in a land slide, no escape from reality
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: your Jabba with his glob. Oh my!!
Better MacLeod...Duncan or Connor?: I will always love Duncan
Mad Hatter or March Hare?: I've always been partial to the Mad Hatter. I can relate to him.

that bit about kmart and target gives me an idea! We must expand our horizons I think! Look out Target! I love you Em. *HUG* I will give your kitties a kiss when I see them.

izzie's mommy - 09/04/00 23:09:03
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: big girl thongs
Target or K-Mart?: target need you ask
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: real/ fantasy I am where you are
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: pizza i always have tummy trouble
Better MacLeod...Duncan or Connor?: the cute dark one with the lond hair
Mad Hatter or March Hare?: march

you are an amazing creature love the bat-peg

The Madame - 09/04/00 21:34:38
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: commando wins over butt floss anytime
Target or K-Mart?: sorry Emmy, but I love KMart
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: the real life with a little fantasy thrown in
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: Pizza, definitely

*hugs* There you go...I needed one too.

Ann - 09/04/00 04:34:56
My URL:/Area51/Shadowlands/4449/
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: commando
Target or K-Mart?: Target to buy, Kmart for fun
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: Caught in the landslide, no escape from reality
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: Pizza
Mad Hatter or March Hare?: Mad

Whoa..I'm the 666 person to visit your page. Just thought I'd commemorate the moment!

Em - 09/04/00 02:25:54
Sexier...Thong or Commando?: Thong, so I'm told.
Target or K-Mart?: ooh. Target. sorry girls.
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?: fantasy
Scarier...Pizza the Hut or Jabba the Hutt?: Pizza the Hut
Better MacLeod...Duncan or Connor?: Duncan
Mad Hatter or March Hare?: Mad Hatter


LA mantequilla - 06/30/00 04:31:34
Give me one reason to spare your life: soy el diablo
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: lust!! haha, not really.....I miss you
Marcus or Methos the cat?: I liek all your kitties, but I liek dixie better
Holy Grail or Life of Brian?: Holy Grail, I think
Trent or Billy?: Billy has no band..I don't know if I liek that,,,,how about I just say Led Zeppelin and leave it at that
Cake or pie?: I'm really full, no thanks

Emmy, when you no longer can work, we need to play play play. My last day of the evil summer school is tomorrow. You should be dancin', yeah!

sarah - 06/19/00 00:32:18
Give me one reason to spare your life: i'm davy???
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: miss you!!
Marcus or Methos the cat?: um... dawson
Holy Grail or Life of Brian?: holy grail
Trent or Billy?: billy
Cake or pie?: apple pie!

hey emily! i know you work 3rds, but maybe we can go to lunch some time this week? i will try to call.

Edoc - 06/06/00 22:20:24
Give me one reason to spare your life: because i don't have one? :)
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: peachy
Marcus or Methos the cat?: uhm..... can't we just play rock paper scissors or something
Holy Grail or Life of Brian?: Definitely the Holy Grail
Trent or Billy?: Trent, Billy is about to be bandless anyway
Cake or pie?: Cake, unless the pie is better

Awesome site, I like your sense of humour, and everything you say about life makes a lot of sense :)

Ashley - 05/14/00 22:16:21
Give me one reason to spare your life: the world would end
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: perturbed
Marcus or Methos the cat?: i plead the fifth
Holy Grail or Life of Brian?: Holy Grail....a shrubbery!!!! although the poop dance in life of brian is quite a moment
Trent or Billy?: Billy, I am more familiar with him
Cake or pie?: depends on what kind...Ice cream cake is peachy

Woo Hoo new questions!

Emily - 05/13/00 04:10:51
Give me one reason to spare your life: because I am you
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: affection
Marcus or Methos the cat?: Marcus is perfect, after all.
Holy Grail or Life of Brian?: ooh. Holy Grail, if only because of the Dark Knight... and the huge tracts of land... and the autonomous collective... and the Knights who say NI....okay, Holy Grail for sure.
Trent or Billy?: Billy. With Billy, there would be love. With Trent, just sex.
Cake or pie?: Cake


Annnnnn - 05/08/00 02:53:38
Give me one reason to spare your life: You love me.
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: curiosity about the stories.

Wow, you mentioned me in one of your links! I feel so special :)

One who loves Wes Bentley (Ricky!!) - 04/14/00 05:10:15
Give me one reason to spare your life: I don't think your mom would like it.
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: gratitude...American Beauty!!!
What is your quest?: To live life the way I want it
What is your favorite color?: purple
Rate: new
Name one prospective prom date: you got one about everybody just names a prospective prom date for me?


your pooky - 04/05/00 02:12:55
My URL:http://it's almost finished!!!
My Email:you know
Give me one reason to spare your life: you love me always (and you know how I stan on the subject of Batman)
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: you're my bitch
What is your quest?: to seek the holy grail (there is no other answer)
What is your favorite color?: at the moment, charcoal
Rate: Billyish (yes, that's a word)
Name one prospective prom date: oh, Emy. There are several. You just can't expect to go with the man of your dreams. He doesn't live around here


Annie - 03/24/00 05:16:53
Give me one reason to spare your life: American Beauty
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: sunshine
What is your favorite color?: storm cloud
Name one prospective prom date: the Penis?

We need to go watch another amazing movie soon. We're on a roll - no crappy movies. But then again, they all seem to be messed up..remember the hamburger people? hehe. kiss kiss!

Ashley, AGAIN! - 03/22/00 03:19:41
My Email:can't tell ya!
Give me one reason to spare your life: I wrote the Pirate more manifesto if you kill me!
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: empathy
What is your quest?: To find lust, love, and adventures unparalleled
What is your favorite color?: purple!!
Rate: everlasting
Name one prospective prom date: If I knew, I would have a date now, wouldn't I?

Good job, and I live for new questions in here!! Take that, everybody! And I still want to see that damn movie! Heh, I am a wise one!!

you wish you knew - 03/20/00 18:08:44
My Email:none
Give me one reason to spare your life: your retarded
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: psycho
What is your quest?: to find you
What is your favorite color?: green
Rate: weird
Name one prospective prom date: a hot girl

where do you come up with this sick and twisted kind of shit you psycho.

Ashoway - 03/07/00 04:10:12
Suggest a suitable match for me: Vinyl, maybe not...
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: impatience
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): I am a pacifist..non-violent, you know...riiight..
Quotable Quote: "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"
Can you forgive me?: But of course
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: Felonies...many of them!

I'm bored Emmy...send me that page addy!!!! I NEED to see it!!! OK, I think you just did..see you Emmy, love you!!

Christa - 01/10/00 00:07:18
Suggest a suitable match for me: Marcus, of course. He's he only one for you.
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: I believe you are the most interestingly unique person I've ever known. I love you always. You're my Emmy Cat.
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): is it really necessary for me to answer. I think you know
Quotable Quote: "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not." (that was just for you)
Can you forgive me?: certainly, my dear
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: we would run around naked and act like wild ninjas and dream about gorgeous males all day long

you're lovely :)

Ashley - 01/02/00 03:03:35
Suggest a suitable match for me: hmmm...YOU KNOW....
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: extreme hero worship
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): I'm a failure...I haven't watched cartoons in so long...
Quotable Quote: "No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn." Jim Morrison
Can you forgive me?: Of course- I have difficulty holding grudges and anyway I don't get mad at you.
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: We would probably be loud, obnoxious, pornographic, and psychotic. We would probably become mad scientists or something.

Hi Emmy, I saw this on your ICQ and I'm I came, I saw, I wrote. Your rules should be standard practice, except I would like to be promoted to a position of power just because I am your friend. (It was just a suggestion!)

jeff - 11/02/99 20:12:10
My URL:i hate people
Suggest a suitable match for me: jim bean
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: dont like
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): the bickman(both of them)
Quotable Quote: yes
Can you forgive me?: no
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: i would go stale

leave me alone

tyler w - 10/18/99 19:58:02
My Email:toolman19_01@hotmail
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: chupas
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): el senior de bat
Quotable Quote: hola
Can you forgive me?: si
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: chupas mis cahones


Nick Strasser - 10/18/99 19:34:55
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: rage
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): Batman
Quotable Quote: Lick my balls
Can you forgive me?: Of course
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: I would eat you


Sarah - 08/03/99 22:08:44
My URL:/SouthBeach/Pointe/6691/
Suggest a suitable match for me: go for the jumping guy..
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: wonder
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): fraggle rock
Quotable Quote: "We dance 'round the ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost. (That's my favorite quote)
Can you forgive me?: of course i can!
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: We'd build huts and go swimming and talk. Eventually, we would probably try to get back to civilization though.

Hey Emmy! I was getting sick of coming here and seeing dustin's entry, so I thought I would sign this thing myself. Benny is here now...ugggh...big surprise. I'm going to go do something, I don't know what, but I'll figure it out. Almost time to go back t school. I don't know if that is good or bad. Well, talk to you later!

Abs - 05/30/99 23:40:05
Suggest a suitable match for me: William Fece
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: THose feelings a wet dog always seems t o have for dry normal people
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): The Tick
Quotable Quote: Always try to be sincere, even when you don't mean it -some guy
Can you forgive me?: what did you do?
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: The government would breathe a hearty sigh of relief

SAKJ forever!

Nate - 05/06/99 17:48:40
Suggest a suitable match for me: Methos...not your cat!!!
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): Chairface would win
Quotable Quote: You can get a lot farther in life with a smile and a gun, then you can with a smile alone. -Al Capone
Can you forgive me?: probably ;)
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: uhhhhh...I make you go get coconuts so I could make a radio

Yes you may talk to me other than my guestbook. Im getting my plates for my car soon. So I'll be able to drive. And there was much rejoicing...yea. I fixed my computer last night. but the bad part is that damned phone got turned off.

Nate - 05/03/99 14:37:57
Suggest a suitable match for me: Marcus
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: confused
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): whoa! That would be cool
Quotable Quote: "I do not like Green Eggs and Ham. I do not like them Sam I am.
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: You'd probably end up maiming me or something.

Hey, How's it goin? Just checkin up on ya. Em, you're freaking out. You need to just chill out about certain things. Life does suck, but no matter how hard it is, It will get better I promise. I do know how you feel, but dwelling on stuff like that will n t help. It will get better just before you graduate next year. I'm starting to get a little concerned. If you need to talk about this stuff you can always talk to me. Just don't lose hope that life will get better. If im overreacting and talking out of my ass then disregard the whole thing. See ya later.

Nate - 05/03/99 14:35:06
Suggest a suitable match for me: Marcus
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: confused
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): whoa! That would be cool
Quotable Quote: "I do not like Green Eggs and Ham. I do not like them Sam I am.
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: You'd probably end up maiming me or something.

Hey, How's it goin? Just checkin up on ya. Em, you're freaking out. You need to just chill out about certain things. Life does suck, but no matter how hard it is, It will get better I promise. I do know how you feel, but dwelling on stuff like that will n t help. It will get better just before you graduate next year. I'm starting to get a little concerned. If you need to talk about this stuff you can always talk to me. Just don't lose hope that life will get better. If im overreacting and talking out of my ass then disregard the whole thing. See ya later.

Sarah the Spirited - 04/24/99 02:33:05
My URL:/SouthBeach/Pointe/6691/
Suggest a suitable match for me: marcus seems to be the only really suitable person for you em
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: im thinking that lately you have a lot of ambition when it comes to this page
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): hmm...the tick
Quotable Quote: "Where are you gong on your honeymoon?" "To the Copa-Cabana!"-from "Dave the Pythagorean King"
Can you forgive me?: of course. but i dont think i need to....what arent you telling me? hehe
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: we'd make giant castles we could live in, write porn, dream of methos and marcus, and hope a couple hot guys got stranded with help keep us "entertained"

hey em! thought id check out your page. very nice! did you have fun in school today? ben said we wrote each others physics scared. i didnt get to bring my book home.....argh!!! damn the luck....damn the whole idea of writing each others tests. oh well. bye!

vort - 04/03/99 04:47:42
Suggest a suitable match for me: Marcus. He is your quintessential partner.
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: Thinkin' you're one groovy chick. Love ya!
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): As cool as the new Batman is, I have to say that the tick's invulnerability (and indomitable charm) is a definite advantage.
Quotable Quote: "Klattu, Verata, Nichto." - Bruce Campbell, Army of Darkness
Can you forgive me?: Oh yes.
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: I'd eventually succumb to lust and try to get into your pants. *innocent smile*

Less filling. Tastes great.

Nate - 04/01/99 15:07:34
Suggest a suitable match for me: Marcus
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: unprepared!!!
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): It will always be The Tick...SPOOOOOOON!!!
Quotable Quote: "Just listen to ole Jack Burton at a time like this...Well Jack says...What the Hell!"
Can you forgive me?: Of course
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: I'd wait on Ginger and Maryann to arrive then well..uh..never mind ;)

I forgive you. Just as long as you forgive me :) Feel free to talk to me anytime you wish. gotta go

Annnnnnnn - 04/01/99 03:07:23
Suggest a suitable match for me: Dusty :)
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: I feel all warm and fuzzy! :)
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): Batman
Quotable Quote: "Life is like a penis. When it gets hard, fuck it."
Can you forgive me?: Depends...what did you do?
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: We would eat pineapple all day and play in caves and sacrifice things to the island goddess.

Hiiiiii Emy Jo!! I like your new questions :) Love, Annnnnnnn

Emily - 04/01/99 02:56:52
Suggest a suitable match for me: umm.. John Malkovich?
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: undying devotion
The Tick vs. Batman (New Adventures): Batman. He's just too cool.
Quotable Quote: "You're having delusions of granduer again." "Well, if you're going to have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones."
Can you forgive me?: yes.
If we were alone on a desert island, what would happen?: Same thing that happens every night.

Come here often. Bring friends. Prove you love me.

Sarah - 04/01/99 02:06:51
Describe yourself in one word: poison
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: pride
Marcus vs. Methos: METHOS!
Who are you? (try to be deep): my name is Sarah Goodrich: I love to slip and slide.
What do you want?: an non clingy guy
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: methos not getting the spinoff series.

hey em! way to go, you updated the page!!!!!!!!!! well im just really bored, so im checking up on homepages. guess ill be going now. ann's cat is going insane. talk to ya tomorrow in school!

Jennifer - 03/17/99 21:07:24
Describe yourself in one word: goddess
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: you're so goofy---hehe--just kidding
Marcus vs. Methos: uuuuuhhhh -- Methos????
Who are you? (try to be deep): i'm a single white gal just looking at her friend's web site. If u would like to know more about this mysterious person e-mail me ;)
What do you want?: an e-mail =)
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: me without a boyfriend haha

well i like the site so keep it real---hehe i'm a G now!! well e-mail me and i'll pull my brother away from the computer and i'll write u back! BYE!!

Captain Clarence Pedro Thomas - 02/27/99 15:27:13
Describe yourself in one word: heavy
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: animalistic lust
Marcus vs. Methos: Marcus
Who are you? (try to be deep): Keeper of all knowledge
What do you want?: To win State
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: Methos didn't get the spinoff show

Ann and Jeff have a secret love tryst thing going on. No one will admit it. Maria and Matty should get together. True love. DEFINITELY. JAMIE COLE FOREVER!!!CHRIS JENKINS NEVER!!! patricia ann bordick is hot (so is her lawyer) *kisses em*

Nate - 02/25/99 14:35:26
My URL:/Hollywood/Agency/9712/
Describe yourself in one word: studly
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: you already know :)
Marcus vs. Methos: Marcus, you gotta love that facial hair
Who are you? (try to be deep): Im one of those people that is searching for something but does not know what it is.
What do you want?: a Pikachu
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: The making of "I Still Know What you Did Last Summer"

Hi, How are you? Seems like it's been forever since we've spoken. Not that I haven't wanted to. Just that i have this stupid long distance block on my phone. :( so i haven't been able to call. Im going to try to get a phone card today. I will call you as oon as i get it. See ya later.

Sarah - 02/12/99 22:27:36
Describe yourself in one word: amused
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: admiration. hehe. kill the boy
Marcus vs. Methos: methos...but ill admit...marcus is lovely for a guy with long hair.
Who are you? (try to be deep): i am Sarah....the pythagorean queen
What do you want?: to sign your guestbook
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: the whole freak posterboy thing...well...not tragic...but stupid

hey em :) have fun at the dance...muahahaha. maybe you'll see poster boy. thanks for my flower and the crack! youre so great! hehe. sign my guestbook! talk to ya later

Carpenter 3:16 - 02/11/99 15:01:03
Describe yourself in one word: disgruntled
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: to me you would be the only thing better than John Carpenter.
Marcus vs. Methos: Methos cause he's an immortal
Who are you? (try to be deep): the lonely vagabond searching for something
What do you want?: why would it be anything other than you? ;)
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: John Carpenter losings his rights for Halloween to Moustapha Akkad. that sucked

hi. my computer is permanently in disposed. I got mad at it. so i ripped it apart. That's why i havent been on ICQ. My mom and dad put a block on the phone so i wont be able to call until i get a phone card. gotta go. see ya later.

Marjorie Rouch - 02/08/99 05:01:16
Describe yourself in one word: initiated
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: "Oh no, not that one! Unicorn UUUUnicoooorn!" I miss you, darling
Marcus vs. Methos: which one was the grey kitty?
Who are you? (try to be deep): I am EMILY'S COUSIN
What do you want?: to find the others
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: King Haggard..."Nothing makes me happy. The first time I felt it, I thought I was going to die."

"You are true magician now" "And I thank you for that too." Well done, sweetheart.

nicholette - 02/07/99 22:41:58
My URL:i'll let you know when it's up and running
Describe yourself in one word: princess ;)
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: love ya! you're my special buddy
Marcus vs. Methos: i'm not really familiar with either one....i guess marcus, since you seem to recommend him so highly
Who are you? (try to be deep): i'm emmy's sparklie lady
What do you want?: love and happiness....and john malcovich when you get done with him

nice start. do i get a nice job when you rule the world, even though i've never seen b5? i could be #3 after your most honorable cousin.....

Ann - 02/04/99 21:18:26
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: I like you cause you are a nice girl.
Marcus vs. Methos: METHOS....*sigh* wow
Who are you? (try to be deep): I am Ann. You live to serve me. ;)
What do you want?: pizza....I'm hungry
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: When someone stole my kitty (spooky) :( :(

Hey Emy!! *hugs* I like your page...specially the make fun of others page ;) Come sign my guestbook too and NO MORE JEFF COMMENTS

'vort' - 02/03/99 03:38:20
My Email:witheld
Describe yourself in one word: paradoxical (i confuse myself)
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: fondness
Marcus vs. Methos: Marcus
Who are you? (try to be deep): a piece of a laughably tragic and grand puzzle struggling to be a picture alone
What do you want?: to understand. to learn. to love.
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: that i live in god forsaken southern CA

got mooky?

Sarah - 02/03/99 03:37:12
Describe yourself in one word: exhausted
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: my buddy!!!!!!!!!!
Marcus vs. Methos: METHOS. but i dont watch B5. and if its between your kitties..they are both cuties.
Who are you? (try to be deep): i am the bringer of broken hearts
What do you want?: money and power..that seems to actually last a while
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: the tragic tale of one Xipe Totec

well i dont know if my remarks are exactly deep...but then again ive been working on spanish dont expect too much. anyway em, cool page nifty gbook :) talk to ya at school tomorrow!

Emily - 02/03/99 03:33:45
Describe yourself in one word: free
Your feelings toward me in this exact instant: we are one
Marcus vs. Methos: I love them both... but Marcus is my One and Only
Who are you? (try to be deep): I am a force to be reckoned with. I am the one who watched.
What do you want?: Control.
The Greatest Tragedy of all time: Marcus's sacrifice.

Wander about my demenses. If you don't like something, politely inform me. May Marcus walk with you always.

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