They're doing it on PURPOSE!
Marcus Cole was my favorite character, you know. Coolest guy on Babylon 5. Once I had truly decided that he was my favorite, you know what? THEY killed him. Yup, they killed him.
And this guy? My dear departed William Boone? Heck, I stopped WATCHING Earth: Final Conflict when THEY murdered him too. Those bastards.
Now, I don't honestly know if Mulder is dead or not, since I haven't watched the last episode of X-Files shown, which was the last weekend of February 2001. I do doubt it, since I heard Duchovny promised to do another movie. He has only been presumed dead a half dozen times. REGARDLESS, this only proves my point that THEY are trying to kill my favorite character.
Now the point of this one is that THEY thought about doing it. The character of Methos was conceived to let Duncan MacLeod mercy kill him. Luckily, Peter Wingfield's brilliance saved him... but in a way, THEY did kill Methos by ending Highlander. That last movie... erk.
All right, Robert Downey Jr.'s character on Ally McBeal isn't dead either, but his fate IS up in the air. Ally is my guilty pleasure... mostly because I find it almost too easy to identify with her. I really REALLY like Robert Downey Jr... so obviously THEY have to stop that. He was arrested on my BIRTHDAY, for heaven's sake. THEY are thumbing their noses at me. I hope they don't kill him off too. Sigh.
There is a conspiracy afoot. I know it... I can sense it.
As an addendum, I realized how I am attracted almost exclusively to dark brooding men. Hehe. This page was so much fun to make. Beautiful.
And I love you still