The (Unfinished) Supreme and Holy Laws of the Universe According to Me

These laws are obviously not complete. As life passes, I will add more. Anyway.
  1. I am God. clarification: I am the Supreme Being on this world. (Better start with the big one.)
  2. I am always right.
  3. Egotism is the only reason to make a website.
  4. Children are the spawn of demons and should be dealt with accordingly.
  5. Trust no one.
  6. Trust Ivanova.
  7. Ivanova is God. (We trade off on weekends.)
  8. Women want sex.
  9. Women want lust.
  10. Marcus and Methos will never do battle, forcing me to choose who must live and who must die.
  11. When I rule the world, I will not appoint my friends to positions of power.
  12. When I rule the world, I will accept bribes. I will not neccessarily hold up to my end of the bargain.
  13. Marcus will NOT die.
  14. Power is mine.
  15. Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb *courtesy of Spaceballs*
  16. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
  17. The world will come to an end, preferably at my own hand.
  18. What do I want? Control.
  19. When I rule the world: Part 2 on Friends- I still will not appoint friends to positions of power, but I can offer a cushy job to those who pass the entrance exam. Tips for studying: Better brush up on Marcusian and Methosian lore. One mistake, total and immediate liquidation. Have a nice day.
  20. Marcus, being my High One, may visit me at any time and retains the title of 1st Most Honorable Consort, though I would never wish to intrude on his time with his 1st Earthly Consort, the Lady Susan Ivanova.
  21. John Malkovich holds the position of 2nd Most Honorable Consort.
  22. My Most Honorable Cousin and member of the Ruling Council in the City of Sorrows may have full use of any Consort not presently in use by me.
  23. Fan Fiction will become like Bibles of yore.
  24. I swear to rule justly and wisely in true B5-ish form.
  25. I will not forget my love.
  26. I will be happy.
  27. I won't be afraid.
  28. The Most Honorable Sarah is hereby granted a slot on the Ruling Council.
  29. Methos, My Lust, is hereby granted full status as 3rd Most Honorable Consort, though I would never wish to intrude upon his time with his own Earthly Consort, Duncan Macleod. To the shocked, I don't want to hear about it.
  30. No, not THAT one. Unicorn! Uuuuunicorn! Haggard! Haggard!
  31. Then what good is magic, if it cannot even save a unicorn?
  32. That's what heroes are for.
  33. That's EXACTLY what heroes are for!
  34. We take this time out to humbly and deeply thank Peter Beagle. You are a genius.
  35. Sometimes, you have to admit you were wrong.
  36. Sometimes, you have to say you're sorry.
  37. I can be a terrible bitch sometimes.
  38. We and the Captain make it happen.
  39. One chubby bunny.
  40. I haven't got it all figured out just yet.
  41. There's always someday.
  42. Sometimes, you've got to have faith.
  43. Even if the premise of X-Files appears somewhat dubious, give it the benefit of the doubt.
  44. Ladies, don't hit on Mulder. That automatically marks you for death/alignment with evil.
  45. Mulder, get with the program! You've got this hot redhead doctor running around with you across the country hunting a DOG. Obviously she loves you.
  46. The only mathematical equation you will ever need in real life: Mulder + Scully = Love (albeit a strange, cute love)
  47. I forgive myself for all of my mistakes. I'm starting anew.
  48. There's safety in numbers.
  49. Knowing someone 'likes' you isn't the same as that person showing you how they feel.
  50. Someday he'll come.
  51. Take me away.
  52. Make me so happy just smiling my way.
  53. I do stupid things.
  54. I make a lot of mistakes.
  55. I obsess too much.
  56. I probably need psychiatric care.
  57. I hear voices!
  58. A voice, that is.
  59. The Droll one speaks!
  60. And what a lovely voice, too.
  61. I wonder how many laws there will be.
  62. Every time I add to these laws, it ends up being a group of laws on one tangent.
  63. Final Fantasy II (FF4 Japanese) is the greatest of the Final Fantasy games. I'm willing to undergo hand-to-hand combat to validate my claim. Are you?
  64. Every time you send me things, I know your IP. Mwa ha ha.
  65. Final Fantasy III (FF6 Japanese) is also great. Just lesser.
  66. FF7 is marginal. Some neat music.
  67. We won't even discuss that whole 'gunblade' business. Or Squaw/Squall (whatever the HELL his name is)
  68. I wish I had more cleavage.
  69. Not that I don't have any, I just want more.
  70. I read Highlander porn.
  71. You can't stop me.
  72. I wish more people visited my site.
  73. Why aren't there any cute vampire men around here?
  74. I love vampires, incidentally.
  75. I wish I was a vampire.
  76. I have a biting fetish.
  77. How do you feel about that?
  78. *I need a love to help my find my way
  79. *I need a strength that I cannot betray
  80. *I need a word to say what I can't say
  81. *I need a lover, LOVER.. I need a lover, LOVER..
  82. *from "Cherry" by the Smashing Pumpkins
  83. Argh. I've killed off all of my main characters except Kain, of all people. And he's a murderer and a suicide, before his resurrection. Now, how to complicate matters further?
  84. I love Swan Lake.
  85. Well, it's time for one of my many Sci-fi shows. Stargate Sg-1, tonight. Bye kiddies, take care of yourself, and each other.
  86. Sarah is hereby removed from the Ruling Council. Any applicants? Remember, you have to take the Methos/Marcus lore test.
  87. I like porn.
  88. A lot, actually.
  89. FF7 didn't turn out THAT bad. But FF8 still irritates me.
  90. I hate Christmas.
  91. I like paper rock scissors.
  92. I still like yet don't like yet like my ex.
  93. But I don't want to date him.
  94. I resolve to move on.
  95. I resolve to not get discouraged so easily.
  96. I will be happy.
  97. I have powers... evil powers...
  98. Refer up six rules. It still applies.
  99. I need a prom date. The likelihood of me finding one is slim to none. Cheery, eh?
  100. I apologize for any moodiness.
  101. I should be happy.
  102. I got Smashing Pumpkins tickets, for heaven's sake.
  103. I'm an Indianapolis Star Academic All Star.
  104. Unfortunately, I'm still alone.
  105. Because who really cares?
  106. Sometimes I hate my life.
  107. Sometimes I'm actually happy.
  108. Usually the sadness wins.
  109. I just sit and deal with it.
  110. Wouldn't want to bum anyone out.
  111. I just want to take a nice long walk with someone who cares about me and discuss the world.
  112. It would be quite pleasant.
  113. I need to think about my future.
  114. I don't want to forget my past.
  115. I could use a hug.
  116. I need some fresh air.
  117. Maybe a nice massage.
  118. I'm going to try to be positive.
  119. I can get a prom date.
  120. I'm all powerful, right?
  121. I'm going to ask imminently.
  122. Maybe.
  123. Dammit, why do I have to do everything?
  124. Hey, I'm in the Big Apple.
  125. Yeah, I haven't updated since when, June? May?
  126. Those car horns just don't shut up.
  127. By the way, I got a prom date.
  128. We had a very good time.
  129. I finally met someone.
  130. Now he's 800 miles away.
  131. Bodes well for our relationship, eh?
  132. I will not be afraid of the big city (big, big city).
  133. For those of you who didn't get the above joke, it has to do with *CENSORED NATIONAL SECRETS*, and a whore on every corner. Aren't you glad you asked?
  134. I'm going to to do nothing today.
  135. Well, besides this website.
  136. I'm listening to Billy Joel right now.
  137. It makes me think of old times, and newer ones.
  138. It's sort of a sad smile, but also wistful.
  139. I could really use a hug right now.
  140. AUSTIN, you promised to read these. To prove it, please say the words "chicken frappucino" in conversation when next we speak. This is a test of trust, dear. I know this couldn't come up naturally.
  141. Mwa ha ha. I'll inform you lucky readers (all two of you) whether these famous last words were uttered.
  142. ANDY, your test message is this: please bring up the phrase "bootlicking pizza-lovers" in conversation. Feel free to invent a reason for saying so.
  143. I have such power.
  144. I love this. I hope people actually say these things.
  145. It would make my millennium.
  146. I hate people who can't spell 'millennium'. Not only do they inappropriately celebrate it, they can't even spell it.
  147. Ashley and Christa: Happy New Year in Moscow!
  148. I love you all.
  149. Please don't forget me.
  150. There's a trick to it. Pretend that you know what you're doing.
  151. I need a hug.
  152. Hugs rock.
  153. I hope this Christmas will be better than the last.
  154. I see how I reacted to last year's Christmas.
  155. Things are very different now.
  156. I have people who love me without question.
  157. I have a sense of security.
  158. Sleep is precious.
  159. Sometimes... love is not enough.
  160. I really like Fisher. Great voice.
  161. I'm so sad and sorry and selfish.
  162. Blargh. I really REALLY need a hug.
  163. I want to go home. I'm not sure why. I'll just fight with my parents and my brother and everyone else in the world.
  164. Not that I don't like it here... I just grow exceedingly tired of noise and people after several straight months of them. I suppose in time that will fade, but for now, I want to sit in a forest and just breathe... for about six days. I want to commune with nature.
  165. I'm afraid it's going to end... and I don't know how to handle that.
  166. I feel like it will end in fire... and I'll have to kill a bitch.
  167. I could definitely be violent if warranted. I don't want to do that. I do know that I am capable of it.
  168. I don't know why I feel such an ominous vibe. I want to be wrong.
  169. So I wasn't wrong. Not the end of the world.
  170. Sometimes, you have to start ALL OVER AGAIN. However, it's often more fun the next time around.
  171. I hate teases.
  172. But a kiss on the hand may be quite continental, and not teasing.
  173. I just can't help it. Dammit.
  174. ARGH!!!! I hate codependency.
  175. I'll repeat a conversation I had with someone merely because it's relevant.
  176. I'd rather have 2 real friends than 25 fair-weathers, though it does put undue strain on the few who have to shoulder all of my commentary.
  177. I paraphrased.
  178. I need a shoulder rub like nobody's business.
  179. Time passes... and I am still here.
  180. I think I'll make a livejournal at some point, perhaps. It might up the frequency of updating. Not that anyone else reads this.
  181. I'm getting addicted to Animal Planet.
  182. Don't delete my page! Even if it is dumb.