The (Unfinished) Supreme and Holy Laws of the Universe According to Me
These laws are obviously not complete. As life passes, I will add more. Anyway.
- I am God. clarification: I am the Supreme Being on this world. (Better start with the big one.)
- I am always right.
- Egotism is the only reason to make a website.
- Children are the spawn of demons and should be dealt with accordingly.
- Trust no one.
- Trust Ivanova.
- Ivanova is God. (We trade off on weekends.)
- Women want sex.
- Women want lust.
- Marcus and Methos will never do battle, forcing me to choose who must live and who must die.
- When I rule the world, I will not appoint my friends to positions of power.
- When I rule the world, I will accept bribes. I will not neccessarily hold up to my end of the bargain.
- Marcus will NOT die.
- Power is mine.
- Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb *courtesy of Spaceballs*
- Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
- The world will come to an end, preferably at my own hand.
- What do I want? Control.
- When I rule the world: Part 2 on Friends- I still will not appoint friends to positions of power, but I can offer a cushy job to those who pass the entrance exam. Tips for studying: Better brush up on Marcusian and Methosian lore. One mistake, total and immediate liquidation. Have a nice day.
- Marcus, being my High One, may visit me at any time and retains the title of 1st Most Honorable Consort, though I would never wish to intrude on his time with his 1st Earthly Consort, the Lady Susan Ivanova.
- John Malkovich holds the position of 2nd Most Honorable Consort.
- My Most Honorable Cousin and member of the Ruling Council in the City of Sorrows may have full use of any Consort not presently in use by me.
- Fan Fiction will become like Bibles of yore.
- I swear to rule justly and wisely in true B5-ish form.
- I will not forget my love.
- I will be happy.
- I won't be afraid.
- The Most Honorable Sarah is hereby granted a slot on the Ruling Council.
- Methos, My Lust, is hereby granted full status as 3rd Most Honorable Consort, though I would never wish to intrude upon his time with his own Earthly Consort, Duncan Macleod. To the shocked, I don't want to hear about it.
- No, not THAT one. Unicorn! Uuuuunicorn! Haggard! Haggard!
- Then what good is magic, if it cannot even save a unicorn?
- That's what heroes are for.
- That's EXACTLY what heroes are for!
- We take this time out to humbly and deeply thank Peter Beagle. You are a genius.
- Sometimes, you have to admit you were wrong.
- Sometimes, you have to say you're sorry.
- I can be a terrible bitch sometimes.
- We and the Captain make it happen.
- One chubby bunny.
- I haven't got it all figured out just yet.
- There's always someday.
- Sometimes, you've got to have faith.
- Even if the premise of X-Files appears somewhat dubious, give it the benefit of the doubt.
- Ladies, don't hit on Mulder. That automatically marks you for death/alignment with evil.
- Mulder, get with the program! You've got this hot redhead doctor running around with you across the country hunting a DOG. Obviously she loves you.
- The only mathematical equation you will ever need in real life: Mulder + Scully = Love (albeit a strange, cute love)
- I forgive myself for all of my mistakes. I'm starting anew.
- There's safety in numbers.
- Knowing someone 'likes' you isn't the same as that person showing you how they feel.
- Someday he'll come.
- Take me away.
- Make me so happy just smiling my way.
- I do stupid things.
- I make a lot of mistakes.
- I obsess too much.
- I probably need psychiatric care.
- I hear voices!
- A voice, that is.
- The Droll one speaks!
- And what a lovely voice, too.
- I wonder how many laws there will be.
- Every time I add to these laws, it ends up being a group of laws on one tangent.
- Final Fantasy II (FF4 Japanese) is the greatest of the Final Fantasy games. I'm willing to undergo hand-to-hand combat to validate my claim. Are you?
- Every time you send me things, I know your IP. Mwa ha ha.
- Final Fantasy III (FF6 Japanese) is also great. Just lesser.
- FF7 is marginal. Some neat music.
- We won't even discuss that whole 'gunblade' business. Or Squaw/Squall (whatever the HELL his name is)
- I wish I had more cleavage.
- Not that I don't have any, I just want more.
- I read Highlander porn.
- You can't stop me.
- I wish more people visited my site.
- Why aren't there any cute vampire men around here?
- I love vampires, incidentally.
- I wish I was a vampire.
- I have a biting fetish.
- How do you feel about that?
- *I need a love to help my find my way
- *I need a strength that I cannot betray
- *I need a word to say what I can't say
- *I need a lover, LOVER.. I need a lover, LOVER..
- *from "Cherry" by the Smashing Pumpkins
- Argh. I've killed off all of my main characters except Kain, of all people. And he's a murderer and a suicide, before his resurrection. Now, how to complicate matters further?
- I love Swan Lake.
- Well, it's time for one of my many Sci-fi shows. Stargate Sg-1, tonight. Bye kiddies, take care of yourself, and each other.
- Sarah is hereby removed from the Ruling Council. Any applicants? Remember, you have to take the Methos/Marcus lore test.
- I like porn.
- A lot, actually.
- FF7 didn't turn out THAT bad. But FF8 still irritates me.
- I hate Christmas.
- I like paper rock scissors.
- I still like yet don't like yet like my ex.
- But I don't want to date him.
- I resolve to move on.
- I resolve to not get discouraged so easily.
- I will be happy.
- I have powers... evil powers...
- Refer up six rules. It still applies.
- I need a prom date. The likelihood of me finding one is slim to none. Cheery, eh?
- I apologize for any moodiness.
- I should be happy.
- I got Smashing Pumpkins tickets, for heaven's sake.
- I'm an Indianapolis Star Academic All Star.
- Unfortunately, I'm still alone.
- Because who really cares?
- Sometimes I hate my life.
- Sometimes I'm actually happy.
- Usually the sadness wins.
- I just sit and deal with it.
- Wouldn't want to bum anyone out.
- I just want to take a nice long walk with someone who cares about me and discuss the world.
- It would be quite pleasant.
- I need to think about my future.
- I don't want to forget my past.
- I could use a hug.
- I need some fresh air.
- Maybe a nice massage.
- I'm going to try to be positive.
- I can get a prom date.
- I'm all powerful, right?
- I'm going to ask imminently.
- Maybe.
- Dammit, why do I have to do everything?
- Hey, I'm in the Big Apple.
- Yeah, I haven't updated since when, June? May?
- Those car horns just don't shut up.
- By the way, I got a prom date.
- We had a very good time.
- I finally met someone.
- Now he's 800 miles away.
- Bodes well for our relationship, eh?
- I will not be afraid of the big city (big, big city).
- For those of you who didn't get the above joke, it has to do with *CENSORED NATIONAL SECRETS*, and a whore on every corner. Aren't you glad you asked?
- I'm going to to do nothing today.
- Well, besides this website.
- I'm listening to Billy Joel right now.
- It makes me think of old times, and newer ones.
- It's sort of a sad smile, but also wistful.
- I could really use a hug right now.
- AUSTIN, you promised to read these. To prove it, please say the words "chicken frappucino" in conversation when next we speak. This is a test of trust, dear. I know this couldn't come up naturally.
- Mwa ha ha. I'll inform you lucky readers (all two of you) whether these famous last words were uttered.
- ANDY, your test message is this: please bring up the phrase "bootlicking pizza-lovers" in conversation. Feel free to invent a reason for saying so.
- I have such power.
- I love this. I hope people actually say these things.
- It would make my millennium.
- I hate people who can't spell 'millennium'. Not only do they inappropriately celebrate it, they can't even spell it.
- Ashley and Christa: Happy New Year in Moscow!
- I love you all.
- Please don't forget me.
- There's a trick to it. Pretend that you know what you're doing.
- I need a hug.
- Hugs rock.
- I hope this Christmas will be better than the last.
- I see how I reacted to last year's Christmas.
- Things are very different now.
- I have people who love me without question.
- I have a sense of security.
- Sleep is precious.
- Sometimes... love is not enough.
- I really like Fisher. Great voice.
- I'm so sad and sorry and selfish.
- Blargh. I really REALLY need a hug.
- I want to go home. I'm not sure why. I'll just fight with my parents and my brother and everyone else in the world.
- Not that I don't like it here... I just grow exceedingly tired of noise and people after several straight months of them. I suppose in time that will fade, but for now, I want to sit in a forest and just breathe... for about six days. I want to commune with nature.
- I'm afraid it's going to end... and I don't know how to handle that.
- I feel like it will end in fire... and I'll have to kill a bitch.
- I could definitely be violent if warranted. I don't want to do that. I do know that I am capable of it.
- I don't know why I feel such an ominous vibe. I want to be wrong.
- So I wasn't wrong. Not the end of the world.
- Sometimes, you have to start ALL OVER AGAIN. However, it's often more fun the next time around.
- I hate teases.
- But a kiss on the hand may be quite continental, and not teasing.
- I just can't help it. Dammit.
- ARGH!!!! I hate codependency.
- I'll repeat a conversation I had with someone merely because it's relevant.
- I'd rather have 2 real friends than 25 fair-weathers, though it does put undue strain on the few who have to shoulder all of my commentary.
- I paraphrased.
- I need a shoulder rub like nobody's business.
- Time passes... and I am still here.
- I think I'll make a livejournal at some point, perhaps. It might up the frequency of updating. Not that anyone else reads this.
- I'm getting addicted to Animal Planet.
- Don't delete my page! Even if it is dumb.