Welcome to the hell that I call my life.
I finally updated this page again. There is also a a new suprise here, its a mixed drinks site check it out. 6/22/00
Click here to hear the funniest wav you ever herd
I now have a section dedicated to things that piss me off click "here to see"

Click on the images above to see in order form left to right Music, Pictures, and Sounds from Star Wars
This is not a back to the future room it is for people intrested in time travel and ways to make it possible or not possible
Chat Room Inside

Talk about games in here bulitin board for hints or anything you want

Make sure you go to My poetry page
Now for some advertising
Get icq here and talk to the world. I have it so why don't you? It's free, fast, and fun
Want to talk to friends on aol but don't want to put up with their bad service, busy phone lines and people punting you? If you said yes to any of these questions then this is perfect for you

This also is free so just go there and down-load it. It is great better than regular im's from aol it gives alot more options. Definate plus to have. I love it. Would I lie to you???
Links to other sites on the Web
An excellent Poetry Page
A good friends Story Page
The City great site