Welcome to the
Official Homepage

Dave Kierstead (guitar), Craig Craswell (vocals), Ryan Langille (guitar), Brad Wood (bass), and Troy Arseneault (drums).

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In no way is "Snatch" responsible for copyright infractions.
It is a recreational band and doesn't make a profit playing
the music of other artists.

The band was formed in the fall of 1998. Each member of the band was in previous groups. Ryan Langille, Brad Wood, and Troy Arseneault were in a band called 20 cents each (1995-1998), Dave Kierstead was in a punk band called Pointless Behavoir (1994-1998), and Craig Craswell was in a band called Hutchkin Destruction (1993-1995).

Our Band plays songs of just about every variety. From Deep Purple to Pink Floyd to Pearl Jam to Snot. To see a portion of the bands playlist... Click Here

See a Snatch Interview in the SSHS Times.


Dave Kierstead
Craig Craswell
Ryan Langille
Brad Wood
Troy Arseneault


There are some links to pages of bands music we play and listen to. Check them out!


Here is a small gallery of pictures of the band.

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Since January 5, 1999

If you have any questions or comments email me at dizzy@nbnet.nb.ca