In this section I wrote some new magics I made. Mybe some of them wont fit your AD&D world, so you can change it how ever you want. These spells are only for mages.

Hokley's Stun
School of thought: Protest.
Range: 5 meters + 1 meter for level.
Components: Movment, talking.
Period of time: Immediatly.
Thrown time: 4 rounds.
Influence area: *Special.
Save rolling: Idle.
(for levels 2+)With this magic the mage can throw out from his fingers two sparks, and they go straight to the *enemy's eyes, and that can stun him for 1D4 rounds.

Imaginary Fireball
School of thought: Delusion.
Range: 10 meters + 10 meter for level.
Components: Movment, talking.
Period of time: Immediatly.
Thrown time: 2 rounds.
Influence area: Ball in radius of 8 meter.
Save rolling: Idle.
(for levels 4+)This is a great delusion spell. The mage throw a big imaginary fireball, the fireball looks just like the original Fireball spell, just bigger. The victim got a save rolling, if he succeed, he'll deny the spell, and nothing will happand, and the fireball will disappear. If he failed he'll run away fast has he can, for 2D2 rounds.
School of thought: Exchange.
Range: 30 meters, only on the mage's sight.
Components: Movment, talking.
Period of time: Immediatly.
Thrown time: 2 rounds.
Influence area: All the metals in the range (until 80 kilograms).
Save rolling: None.
(for levels 4+)When the mage cast the spell a purple\blue light piercing from his hand, and then, every metal in 30 meter (include magical metal)will be draged on the ground straight to the mage's hand. The mage can pull metals only until 80 kilograms.

Magic Needle (Written by Kit Nailo, Lea Ravenlock, Geromyte Strongbrew, and Shenea)
School of thought: Protest.
Range: 110 ft + 10 ft per caster level.
Components: Vocal, Material.
Period of time: Permanaent unless broken or dispelled.
Thrown time:
Influence area: Special.
Save rolling: Reflex 20 + int + 1\2 caster level.
The effects of this spell are as the name implies, a magical needle sews together two surfaces, The targeting is a little tricky so you can only use it on either stationary targets or targets you can preempt in their movements(predict). Has many uses, such as: sewing cloths, torture, magic attack, immobilizing, shutting someone up, surgery, your immagination is the limit!!!