
Climate/Environment: Every environment.
Frequency: Common.
Social Organization: Packs.
Activity Period: All Year.
Food: Meat.
Intelligence: Low (7-9).
Treasure: 4D20.
Inclination: Evil.
Armor Grading: 5
Movement: 12.
Hit Die: 3 (1D10).
THAC0: 18.
Attack Number: Weapon or nails.
Damage: As weapon or 1D6
Experience Points: 200-400.

The Trolloc is a creature taken from the epic 'The Wheel of Time' by Robert Jordan. The Trolloc is a very basic creature, he is created from mixes between humans and animals. Every Trolloc is different than the other, one may have nail of a tiger, or a long nose like a dog. The Trollocs usually gather in packs for attack, and usually led by a Myrddraal.
The Trollocs are acually stupid and since they have no knowledge of battle tactics the trolloc fists are commanded by the Myrddraal. Trollocs eat anything with meat, from rabbits to humans, and even themselfs casualties are high.