The Myrddraal

Climate/Environment: Every environment.
Frequency: Rarity.
Social Organization: Single.
Activity Period: Mostly at night.
Food: None.
Intelligence: High (16/17).
Treasure: None.
Inclination: Evil.
Armor Grading: 0
Movement: 20.
Hit Die: 10-20 (1D10).
THAC0: 15.
Attacks: Black Sword / Black Sword.
Damage: Special / Special.
Experience Points: 5,000 - 20, 000.

This creature is taken from the series The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. The Myrddraal is creature of the night, though he may be activate during the day. He is a horrible souless creature of the night created to kill, or commanding kill. Also known as: Eyeless, Fetch, Fade, Halfman, Lurk, Shadowman, and a dozen other names. The Myrddraal is kind of undead, but he cannot be bunished, destroyed or controled by the undead bunishing ability. He doesn't need any sleep, food, rest or any living place.
The Myrddraal is tought to fight from the moment he is created. He recieves his Black Sword - a deadly sword used only by Myrddraals, it's magicly black and dark. Anyone who tries to touch the sword after a Myrddraal is killed, will burned. If the Myrddraal successfuly make a hit, his Black Sword deals damage of 1d12. After the strike, in every turn the victim deals another 1d10 damage after the first round. The hit looks like a black stain on the skin. This can only be healed magicaly, and only then the every round damage will stop. His sword is a +2 sword.
The Myrddraal looks like an ordinary average man, wearing a long black, and dead cloak. They cloaks aren't moving at all, not even when the Myrddraal is moving or riding. His face are pale and he is eyesless. Although the Myrddraal has no eyes he sees ordinary in day, and in night even better than human. Looking in the eyeholes of the Myrddraal causes panic and fear, and anyone who'll do that will have to pass a saving throw or being frozen to the spot for 1d4 rounds. The saying "the look of the Eyeless is fear" is certainly true.
The Myrddraal also has the ability to step into a shadow and appear somewhere in a shadow anywhere in the world. Myrddraal are somehow out of phase with time and reality, this leads to most of their powers, such as their dead still cloaks, fear causing gaze, and shadow transport.
Myrddraals also can somehow 'link' a pack of Trollocs to themselfs, and by that ensuring their loyalty and even giving them a spite of wisdom. When the Myrddraal dies, the whole pack dies with him.
The Myrddraal is afraid of deep water, and wont step in to them, unless forced by a powersful leader. The Myrddraal is also not easy to kill. When killed, his body will keep moving, slashing his sword to anyway (he is not attacking, but a character may get a random hit if standing close to him). Ever when he finally dies, his blood is still deadly. Anyone who touches it will suffer 1D10 damage.