In this site, I will give you examples for special things you can put in your AD&D game, like: Magic items, new magics, adventures, tips and more. If you have any suggestions or comments you can send to them to me on my E-Mail.

1/24/00 - This update, I fixed some bugs, and added a monster.

1/30/00 - This time I added a new adventure (part 1 of 4), and added my GuestBook - The Book of Dragons.

2/15/00 - Changed my counter, and added the links page.

2/16-17/00 - Added the head pictures for all the pages, and the Home picture (I made them all by myself with Photoshop (the crack)).

3/4/00 - I've added a new monster on the monsters page: The Myrddraal.

3/5/00 - Added new monster: Trolloc.

10/17/00 - Finally returned to the favored site.. organized some links and such, and added an adventure: Disease.

6/8/02 - Finally managed to find the ID and password for this site's account on geocities, heh. Anyway, I feel like updating this hole, so here it goes.

Magic Items   Spells   Monsters   Adventures

Ohad Boaz,
Last updated 8 June, 2002