Riov Tafv's Rules of War

This started out as a discussion of strategic principles with a coworker, however I quickly decided that others could also benifit from this as well. While this list was created specificaly for the LucasArts game Star Wars Rebellion, it can be adapted to any strategic type game.

1. Use battle fleets for reconnanicance, not probe droids.
          This way if you find something you want you can go ahead and take it. Now you don't have to worry about it being gone when your ships arrive.

2. Perform recruitment missions on your capital planet.
          This saves you time since you are not shipping people across the galaxy. This is specific to the game Star Wars Rebellion.

3. Maintain a 5:1 numerical advantage in every size class to your enemy.
          This allows you to overwhelm any fleet that opposes you and utterly destroy it, while at the same time minimizing your own losses. Technolocical advantages can reduce the required numerical advantage, however the ideal is to bring in so much that it completely overwhelms your enemy.

4. Always deploy vessels in squadrons.
          Three ships of a class in the fleet optimize the formation capabilities. If you desire more than three then add a second squadron. Again this gives the enemy more than one target to concentrate on.

5. Do not invade piecemeal.
          If you decide to take a position determine the firepower needed to take it and then garrison it, then double that amount.

6. Completely secure a sector before moving on.
          Never leave an enemy in your rear so he can make a strike against you. Never leave the enemy a rally point in your territory, he can either evacuate from it or strike from there. This also allows you to bring in reinforcements faster than he can strike.

7. Always win over the population.
          It takes fewer troops to hold onto a planet that supports your empire than it does to garrison a planet that is loyal to the enemy.

8. Destroy anything within strike range.
          If it is within range for you to kill it, it is within range to kill you.

9. "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other bastard die for his." Gen. George S. Patton
          This one is very self explanitory and I felt that the quote should be placed on this list.

Any more ideas can be sent to for consideration.

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