IRV Honor's Blade
The games I am currently playing in. |
The games I have completed.
Game A0127.
 I was in a Romulan TFH vs. Steve Schreck in a
Gorn TCC. The game ended in a Gorn victory. The webpage for this game was taken
down at its conclusion.
Game A0136.
 I was in a Romulan TFH vs. Andy Palmer in a
Hydran TLM. The game ended in a Hydran vidtory. The webpage for this game was
taken down at its conclusion.
 I was flying the Romulan TFH against John
Hanna (aka. Gnaarl) in a Lyran TCC. This game was moderated by Steve Schreck.
The game ended in a victory for the Lyran Ace.
 This was a Tac-Intel squadron battle against
Neil Mahoney and moderated by Frank Brooks. We started the game with 300 points
including options on the Astreoid Field from Module B. My force consisted of a
Romulan BH+ and two K5Bs. Neil's force was two Tholian DDPs and a standard
Tholian DD. Neil conceeded after recieving internals on two ships and real life
not leaving him enough time to conduct this battle.
This was a Tac-Intel squadron battle against
Kaylon and was moderated by Chad Jenkins. We started the game with 300 points
including options on a two-by-two open space, fixed map. I had two Romulan
vessels, a Firehawk and a Battlehawk. Kaylon had a single size class 3
Andromedan vessel, a variant of the Intruder tenativly identified as an
Imposer. The game has been declared dead.
This was a Tac-Intel battle. This time my
opponent was Scott Yelton and was moderated by Nomad. The conditions were 500
points plus 20% commanders options on a two-by-two open space, fixed map.
Tac-Intel has revealed the following forces. Scott a Lyran CC, Lyran CA, Lyran
CW, and a Lyran DD hull scout. I have a Romulan KRC, a Romulan SKB, a Romulan
SKE, and a Romulan K5S scout. Scott conceeded due to real life and not readily
seeing a plan to victory. Although he couldn't see a way to win in his free
time that could be devoted to this game, I was very concerned that he would be
able to pull his forces together while I was reloading and win this one.
This was a duel under the rules found in the
Cadet Training Handbook. It was being played on a standard 42x30 fixed map with
start positions from (SG1.0) The Duel. I was commanding a Romulan KR and
Brian "Ogresbane"
I was flying a Romulan TFH against Crazy1's
Archeo-Tholian. This game was moderated by Galen. The game was adjudicated in
favor of Crazy1.
I was commanding a Romulan TFH against Lucio
Abbate's Kzinti TCC as a wildcard in round two. This game is moderated by
Patrick Abram. I conceeded the game when the deadline was reached rather than
go to adjudication.
This was a tournament duel against Jermoe
Gamble's Federation TCC against my Romulan TFH. The game was moderated by Allan
Hill. Jerome conceeded the game.
Fog of
I was commanding the Klingon D5K Legend Killer
in this Tac-Intel, limited communications, full-scale fleet battle designated
as CS11. After many mistakes during a 5 turn and more than 2 year long game,
the Klingon fleet was defeated. Even though I was on the losing side it was an
experience I am glad I didn't miss. Many thanks go to those who stayed with the
game even after the false starts. But most of all, thanks to David Crew, who
gave up his ship and took up moderating and kept the game going, even after the
other moderators gave up.
I was commanding my usual TFH against Foxbat in a Romulan TKE. This
game was moderated by Steve Barcroft.I don’t really remember how this one ended. I think because Foxbat never responded and the game was voided.
I was commanding my usual TFH against
Catman in a Wyn AUX (HB, Drn-B, Disr, PL-F). This game was moderated by Gnaarl. It ended in a victory by Catman.
In a rare departure from the norm, I signed up as part of
the Andromedan Forces on Route 2. The vessel I was commanding is a Cobra
Destroyer. This game just fizzeled out when teh moderators dissapeared.
© 1998 send mail to riovtafv@yahoo.com
Last updated April
15, 2005.
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