Romulan Imperial Sigil

Welcome to the IRV Honor's Blade

SUP-K 63

The flagship of the Romulan Fleet of the West.

PBEM Kills

I am Magna-Admrial (khre'Riov) Tafv tr'Alleinan, Commander-in-Cheif of the Romulan Fleet of the West. As a note, the Goliaths campaign fizzled out when one of the two alliance players decided he didn't want to keep explaining things to about twenty players, half of who has only started playing F&E.

I have been a player of SFB since the Captains Edition came out. Because of the limited number of players in my area and the fact I work the graveyard shift in real life I have decided to use PBEM to continue gaming. Now the Honor's Blade is out prowling the net for opponents to fight. As one of the few Romulan carrier admirals, I have begun to author and collect tactical articles to allow our small craft to be employed to greater effect.

SFB Games I am playing in.

SFB Games I am moderating.

SFB Games I am hosting.

Some Links to other sites.

Come visit Riov Tafv's Rules of War.
     This is a short list of strategic notes.

A couple of Tactical Notes.
     At this time there are only a couple of thoughts wrote down as I was writing up Sitreps for (SG34.0) Merchant, Pirate, Soldier, Spy.

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Last updated April 26, 2005.
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