Have I mentioned that Julia Rules?
On July 31, 1999 JuliaCon officially began. By the conclusion of this event on August 2, the participants ate, drank and most importantly laughed more than they thought possible.

I should have more pics by the end of the week.
Connie&Noah Mike Grasso Lemur Kitty Kevin Bryan Mike David Thayer Joe Mike Mike Mike Tammy Kevin Bryan Bryan Kevin Mike LemurKitty David Thayer Joe Julia Lori Ken Mike Joe Ken Tammy Lori Roger Mike Lori Joe David Julia Roger Julia Lounging Mike Connie Joe Mike Mike Joe Mike Thayer Kevin Bryan Thayer Kevin Bryan LemurKitty LemurKitty Muppet Mike Julia LemurKitty Julia JuliaCon Images

Since I am notorious for NOT taking pictures, I decided to have a little project. I vowed to take a photograph of every person that sits on one of Julia's couches for the as long as I was there...
Thayer Julia Roger Mike Mike Julia Ken David Ken Thayer Mike Ken Lori Mike Roger Lori Ken Roger Julia Mike Ken Lori Joe Ken Lori Connie Bryan Julia Roger Mike Roger Mike Julia Mike Julia Mike Roger Lori Ken Connie JuliaCon Images

And if you are wondering what all this is about, I invite you to join us on rec.arts.tv.mst3k.misc on your newsserver.

If you don't have a newsserver, try Mystery Science Theater 3000 Miscellaneous (rec.arts.tv.mst3k.misc).
Last Updated: August 8, 1999