Treebeard's Guide to

Hrhoom, hoom! Hello, once more. Treebeard here!
So you want to talk about Mordor, huh? Well, I live in the forest
and don't know that much of the servants of Mordor and the Evil
Things which crawl, but I'll tell you what I do know! And
if there's something you want to know that I can't handle, I'll
call over my friend Tom Bombadil!
Well, Mordor certainly isn't a nice place to live! No, no! HROOM! It makes
me a little fired up just thinking about that place and its evil servants!
I suppose if I'm to tell you about Mordor I should start with him, hrum! Sauron!
Sauron is The Enemy, and Lord of Mordor, but he is, too, a servant of Evil! He once rose to
power, a little while ago in Ent time, and tried to take over. Oh, I should tell you about the Ring, too,
I guess! Isildur's Bane! See, there were several rings forged, long, long ago by the Elven peoples, and these
rings were powerful. But then Sauron learned how to make one, and did, and it was the strongest ring and ruled the
others. Isildur's Bane, Hrum!! Sauron mastered men and monsters and nearly took over, until Isildur ran up and
cut off Sauron's ring finger, took the ring, and ran off! But then, he was cornered near the river of Anduin and died,
giving up the ring to the waters of the river! Several years later, a young Stoor (a type of hobbit) stumbled upon the ring
and his brother, Smeagol, slew him for it. Smeagol ran off and became Gollum, and in turn Gollum had
the ring taken from him by Bilbo Baggins, a good Hobbit, I hear! Baggins gave it to Frodo, a nice young Hobbit, too!
Frodo then found out about the ring and Sauron did too, and thus Frodo had to fly in the face of the Enemy, because if the Enemy
found the ring, he would have enough power to TAKE OVER! HROOOM! Hrum! But Frodo destroyed the ring in the cracks of doom, and
all was saved! Good, Frodo! Sauron was vanquished so he could not rise again!
As for what Sauron
was during his known life, he was a horrible, dark figure, and all one could see of him, usually, was
a great, lidless eye, as of a cats. Here, I'll draw you it:
He was powerful and could destroy men's minds easily, and his arm was long! But in all his power, he made a folly which cost him his empire!
Hra-hrum! Ha! Serves him right!
The Black Riders were nine slaves of Sauron, the men who had been seduced by Sauron into the land of Mordor. They are the Ringwraiths and
followed Frodo and his company, searching for the ring. They're almost invisible, or maybe they are-I haven't seen one. They have a keen sense of smell
and are cruel and ruthless. They lost their horses, I hear, when the waters of the ford hit them when they were pursuing Frodo!
So they changed into:
The Nazgul. These are just the Ringwraiths, the servants of Mordor, riding huge bird-beasts. The birds are loud
and ferocious, evilly bred by Sauron. They were the messengers and watchmen of Sauron, and slaves to him. Often they would be seen (I saw them
once or twice) flying at night to and from their master's lair, on his business! The main Ringwraith, the Captain, was killed by a nice little hobbit
I met named Merry, and another Ringwraith's bird was killed by an arrow from Legolas, a nice Elf I met a while ago. The rest died with Sauron's empire.
Orcs and Trolls

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