You've probably either read or heard about Dante's Divine Comedy and his tour of the 24 (original) Circles of Hell. Well, we've got news for you. There are now 25 Circles, and the latest one is the subject of the new book, GONE AWRY. This painstakingly researched novel answers a host of questions that have long puzzled our greatest minds, including:
GONE AWRY chronicles the curious adventures of Lester "Les"
Smart and his intrepid tour guide as they trek the vast expanses of the 25th
Circle (also known as "High Tech Hell"). In this humorous, satirical, and yet insightful
novel, we discover that there may be some truth to "Hubert's Theory." It just
may be that Earth and all its inhabitants are indeed but one of the Supreme
Being's experiments, "gone awry." Is
there a special place in Hell for telemarketers?
does God look like? And what's His/Her opinion on Internet stocks?
many pieces of luggage are you allowed to take to Hell? And do laptops count?
What are the consequences of computers in the classroom?
What would happen if college professors were required to have actual, real life experience in the subjects they teach?