Lunar The Silver Star Logo (Can't find a L:SSSC logo for some reason...)

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete! WHOO!

Here is the basic storyline... You play as Alex of Burg. You are to become the next Dragonmaster, as your hero, the great Dragonmaster Dyne! So, you and Nall (A white flying cat/dragon) team up with friends as you involve deeper and deeper into a plot where you save the world and your girlfriend, the extremely hot Luna :)

Best Character: That would be Laike. Tho you don't get to play him for very long, he has 500hp and is at lv 99 :)
Worst Character: Ramus. He has the weakest attacks in the whole game...
Main Character: ALEX!
Hardest bad guy: Hmm... that one sea creature you fight in Vane... or perhaps the last battle ;)
Easiest Bad dude: The 4 daemons you fight in the magic guild in Vane.
Main Bad Dude: Magic Emperor! (That bastard!)

Now for the stats... 1 to 10, 1 being lame ass, 10 being kick ass! ^_^

A 9! Actually artwork is better than 3d graphics (And those Animes are sweetly drawn :))

Hmm... 8. Offers no real challenge controller wise, which is both good and bad.

A good ol' 8. It's challenging, but hey, I beat it, so that has to say something! :)

Music and sound
A 9... this game has actual SPEECH, which rules :) And the music is great... the boat song made me cry ;)

A 10! Good plot twist. And that ending... I swear, I was TOTALLY crying...

I'll give it an 9. Very few improvements, a solid RPG! Good work guys! :)

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