(Like this hasn't
been done 10 times over...)
The basic storyline is this: You
play Cloud Strife, mercenary of hire. You join a rebel
group called Avalanche in hopes to bring down an evil corporation called Shinra (shin-RA) that is taking using Mako energy from the
planet, which is causing it to go to ruin. In the end, you
end up in the middle of the earth and fight the great SEPHIROTH!
Best Character:
In this game, there are no "best" characters 'cause
they don't have there own special attacks... in other words, you
can make Tifa to be your strongest character... but, I'm going to
have to go with Cloud 'cause with that hair of his and the limit
break "Omnislash" he kicks the most ass! And he has
that big ass sword! :)
Worst Character: Tifa, she has weak limit breaks.
Main Character: Cloud!
Hardest bad dude: The two monsters added to the
American version of FF7, Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon (If you
beat one of these, you are true FF7 master!)
Easiest Bad dude: Amazingly enough, Safer
Sephiroth (The final battle). I kicked his ass in 5 mins.
Main Bad Dude: Safer Sephiroth!
Now for the stats... 1 to 10, 1
being lame ass, 10 being kick ass! ^_^
A 8. Compared to other FF's, they were
great. But, for the PSX, not to good... the blocky shape of
the characters is what brought it down...
A 7. Some of those mini-games cause your fingers
to go all over the place, which is challenging in my present condition (I have weak fingers/hands from typing these opinions
out ;))
A 5... come on, Squaresoft! You can do better than
Music and sound
A 9. Some sweet music in this game, and some cool
sounds for magic and stuff too :)
4. Pretty weak. Hell, I could write a better
storyline than this.
6. This wasn't the best FF game ever made... it's
just eye candy.

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