Otay, so if you came here you want to know about me. Here goes...
Names: Kaire Bear, Brite Eyez, Kairi, Khalysto
Age: 20 (bday is same as Edgar Allen Poe's)
Hair color: brownish red
Eye color: normally hazel blue, but can change to just about any other color depending on my mood
Height: about 5 foot 3 on a good day... I know, I'm short
Marital status: VERY married to Nevarre
Kids: Alex, 3 and Djinn, born June 24
Fave music: Savage Garden, Smash Mouth, Don McLean, Days of the New, Creed, Matchbox 20, Cherry Poppin Daddies, Collective Soul, ummmm.. a bunch more I just can't think of them (it's 2 am what do you expect???)
Fave food: zitis, blueberry waffle crunch ice cream...
Fave color: teal green
Fave TV show: we just got satellite, and all of us sit together and watch Gargoyles on toon disney
Fave book: Hideaway by Dean Koontz
Smokes: menthol cigs... swisher sweets and black n mild cigars
otay I think that's enough rambling about me for now.. gotta go spend *qwality time* with my luverly hubby.. laters!