The Progress so Far
The mapping log:
- September-October 2000 - The first six maps where made (0, e1, e2, s1, s1e1 and s1e2)
- October 5th 2000 - The site is opened! Petition to join the Mystara Webring made
- October 7th 2000 - Improvements made to the site (lighter to load background image,
navigation problem solved, added starting point window and mapping log)
- October 8th 2000 - Map s1 (Darokin) was corrected
- October 17th 2000 - Map added (s1e3 - despicts the region around Ylaruam)
- October 18th 2000 - The site achieved the 100 mark! (a hundred people visited the site)
- October 19th 2000 - Minor improvements made. Joined the Mystara Webring!
- October 22th 2000 - Map added (e3 - western Northern Reaches)
- October 29th 2000 - Added section: Modified/Reviewed/Created Maps
- October 29th 2000 - Map added (n1 - Glantri/Wendar border)
- November 9th 2000 - Fixed map n1 (rapids and waterfalls were missing)
- November 21th 2000 - Map added (n1e1 - Eastern Wendar/Glantri)
- November 23th 2000 - Map added (n1e2 - Western Heldann Freeholds)
- December 23th 2000 - Map added (n1e3 - Heldann Coast)
- February 7th 2001 - Map added (s2e3 - Thyatis Mainland)
- Mars 2001 - The site achieved the 1000 mark!! (a thousand people visited the site)
- Mars 25th 2001 - Added the Thanks Page
- July 9th 2001 - Map added (s2e2 - Karameikos coast / Minrothad)
- October 24th 2002 - map added (s2e1 -
Karameikos/ Five Shires South coast and Ierendi North), minor fix to map s1e1 (road
missing next to Bridle)
This is the actual state of my
mapping project (I hope to keep at least two maps coming up every month):

Start the navigation !