The Introduction Manual of the Force For

The Jedi Candidate

The below link is to the Introduction to the Manual of the Force for the Jedi Candidate.

    This is book one in the Jedi series of lessons being taught by the Jedi Council and edited for publication by Tom Meseroll.These lessons are presented to the student just as if they were before the council in training. Book I is for the Jedi Candidate. Book II is for the Jedi Knight. Book III is for the Jedi Master. Each of these manuals gives the student the necessary tools, along with the training to become a Master of the Force. Much of the material from these books has been obtained using the temporal communication method described in the paper at Communications across Temporal Boundaries using Quantum Entanglement Each of these books is being translated and edited at the time of this page's creation. I have included the text from the Introduction to the manual below including the table of contents for the Jedi Candidate manual. Please feel free to send me comments on your thoughts or if you have original copies of the Jedi series which I have translated incorrectly please let me know. My e-mail is is not checked often. Additional chapters from Book I, although previously available, are temporarily being withheld due to legal concerns from Lucas Films. This will hopefully be resolved momentarily. Regardless, the response for the lessons has been most favorable. Thank you to all my loyal students. As you know, each Jedi candidate will progress along the path at a different pace. Haste, without complete understanding, will not promote mastery. Our goal is to give you the tools needed to become a Jedi (we will acheive this goal). Your goal, as student and Jedi candidate, should be to succesfully master each lesson before moving on to the next. Although the lessons are temporarily on-hold, please continue to master and re-learn from what has already been provided. And there is a new path we are now pursuing to get the lessons out. I will keep you informed.

Thank you, and May the Force be with you!



 The Jedi Manual Introduction