Truth or Dare

by Aya and Tboarder

Rating: NC-17 mostly
Pairing: Too many to name
Summary: Takes place after Catharsis. The Titans are relaxing with some friends, one thing leads to another and... voila :)
Archive: Yes please, let us know where (Archivists, email me off list for a txt version of the whole thing.)
Feedback: Pretty please? With nekkid Nightwing and Troia on top?
Disclaimer: We don't own them, wish we did, no money made off this. Please don't sue us, we have no money. Lyrics cited belong to Prince and Aerosmith, respectively.

Aya's Notes: This fic was born after much yapping about heroes acting like real people. Major humongo-jongo honkersized thanks to T, who wrote half of this, Mooncat, SteveZ, Dannell, Mercutio, and 'Rith for the inspiration when I hit writers block and everyone for all the encouragement to actually finish the darned thing. Y'all rock :) Smooches, Aya/Sarina Argus

TB's notes: Well, I wish real people acted like this. :) I wrote half of this, but I'm sure you all realize that Aya wrote the good half. I can't believe this thing took us a year to finish, so thanks to everybody who had the patience to wait for us to finish it. Thanks to everyone Aya thanked as well as anyone else who read and/or commented on it. Needless to say, this isn't gonna be the last you see of us! Thanks! Tboarder

It was the first time in years since they got together like this. With the old team, they always seemed to have time for barbecues, camp outs, get-togethers in general, but since then, since Kory and Dick's almost wedding, since Speedy became Arsenal, since all the chaos tore the team apart, they hadn't had the chance to get together. Sure, they would catch endless lunches with one another, or hour long phone calls, but tonight would be the first time they'd all been together on a night like this; no masks, no emergencies.. It was about time.

They all met at one of the Wayne country homes just outside Gotham Heights. Dick set this up earlier with Bruce, and wasn't surprised to find the refrigerator, freezer and bar fully stocked. There was even a large container of homemade pancake mix in the fridge. Dick shook his head and grinned. Only Alfred.

He brought Barbara up with him that morning. Most of the Titans knew her as the former Batgirl, but it was a well-kept secret she was also the voice and mind of Oracle, hacker and researcher extrordinaire for the many superheroes on the planet. When the party was being planned, he said he would be bringing Barbara as his guest. No one objected. Barbara hesitated at first, but Dick, the superior tactician, spoke first to Tim Drake to cover the computer consoles for the weekend, then to her father about what special provisions he would need to take her off with some friends. Gordon, who thought she spent too much time out of circulation, made all the arrangements and bid his daughter a good weekend.

The other guest he invited was one Helena Bertinelli, known in certain circles as Huntress. Helena, who recently met the Titans under less than flattering circumstances, was also hesitant, but seeing how Barbara had been railroaded, reluctantly accepted. She looked at this as an opportunity to interact with more of her other "colleagues." After working as part of the JLA, she was curious if all the other teams ran as strictly.

They all arrived shortly after three, carrying bags of food for the weekend. Raven, still the vegetarian, brought an exquisite tossed salad and tofu burgers, which drew boos and hisses from Vic. He preferred "a big hunk of cow." Donna and Kory brought several bottles of alcohol and drink mixers, so the first order of the day was to make the perfect margarita. Roy and Wally brought a selection of movies for them to watch when they all got tired of talking, not that it would happen. Wally joked they could have saved on rentals and brought a bag of old home movies. No one would get into them, so no one would know the difference.

They spent the afternoon swimming and eating, and yapping about old times.. The newbies, Jesse, Grant, and Toni found all the reminiscing fascinating.. It was the history of their new team told by the ones who went through it.. Terra at first felt nervous talking about the "old days," but Gar made her comfortable. No one really touched on what happened the first time she disappeared, or the fate of the more recent team. It was clean slate time, and she planned on taking advantage of it.

Bette listened to the conversations with a bit of envy. Though she was a member to some extent, she didn't feel like she belonged here. They spoke of past adventures and she wished she were one of them. But she, like Garth, had a life and responsibilities elsewhere. Now Garth was part of the new team. She was cheered by the fact that she was here now, sharing this time with them.

At sunset they all retired to the main room in front of a large fireplace.. Filled with good food, and a little alcohol, someone (who to this day remains anonymous) suggested they play Truth or Dare. Everyone was game and they spun one of the empty bottles to see who would go first. Garth drew the lucky position.

Garth stood up, surveying his victims. Smiling a devilish grin, he pointed. "Kory, Truth or Dare?"

Kory smiled. "Dare," she challenged.

He chuckled, "I dare you to kiss Gar the way he's always begged you to kiss him."


Kory stood up and walked over to Gar. She towered over him as he sat on the floor with his legs crossed. "Well Gar, it looks like your dreams are going to come true!" Kory smiled sweetly, with a slight touch of mischievousness to her voice. She knelt down over his lap, unbuttoning two more buttons of her already half undone blouse. For the first time in his life, Garfield Logan was speechless. Kory's breasts were all but completely bared in front of his face. She lowered herself a bit more so she was face to face with him. Unfortunately Gar couldn't look her in the eyes at all, his gaze following her chest down. He just sat dumbfounded as Kory's lips pressed against his.

First she kissed him very lightly, pulling back almost immediately to see Gar blushing so much; it looked like his face was going to turn from green to a permanent shade of red. She took his hand and lifted it to one of her breasts, placing it so her hardened nipple was between his thumb and finger. She started the kiss a second time, this time pushing her tongue inside his mouth, flicking it firmly against his. With her free hands, she reached down and quickly unbuttoned his blue jeans far enough that she could reach inside and grab his cock.

Gar was completely befuddled. All he could do was barely return her kiss and pray that he wouldn't do anything to embarrass himself. He moaned loudly as he felt Kory's hand start to massage his shaft, eventually freeing it from the confines of his jeans. As Kory kept passionately kissing him, she continued to stroke him, rubbing its head against her stomach. This was more than Gar could take but just as his body was starting to seize up, Kory broke away completely, causing him to fall backwards. Kory strolled back to her seat, content that her dare was achieved, and then some.

Roy stared in shock, first at Kory sitting back, bare-chested and grinning victoriously, then at Gar, lying back in such utter shock that he still hadn't pulled his pants back up. "Oh, that's gotta hurt! Those kinda cramps you should probably rub out! In private though... that's not my dare!"

"Oh god, I think I feel worse than when Trigon stepped on me..." Gar wept as he finally pulled his pants back up.

Kory stood up and looked for the next victim. "Barbara, Truth or Dare."

"I think I'll play it safe. Truth."

Kory smiled mischievously again. "Are you romantically in love with Dick?"


Barbara sat dumbstruck, stealing a glance at Dick, who sat across from her. He had a slight grin, and looked at her, now extremely interested. She looked at the group and felt the color rush into her face. "Um..." she started. "Is it too late to go with Dare?"

Kory shook her head, giggling. "Oh yeah, you chose Truth."

Barbara smiled nervously. "Well, it's hard to explain. Dick and I have a... special relationship."

Helena laughed. "Quick stalling Babs, spit it out."

Dick shifted in his chair, leaning towards Barbara. She smiled nervously at him again, trying to get the words right before she put her foot in her mouth.

"Before, when I was Batgirl," she said, "I would have to say no, not really. I mean he's a sweet boy, but I never got past the age difference."

Dick interrupted. "We're only five years apart."

"But back then, five years was a big deal," she countered.

Kory asked, "And now?"

Barbara looked at Dick, her heart racing from the look he was giving her. Oh god, she thought, to wake up every morning to that smile. To put up with his lousy jokes, one liners and wicked sense of humor. To have those arms around her every night going to sleep. To make love and be made love to by him for the rest of her life. She smiled at him. He was as beautiful inside as he was outside, and if things were different, she'd be all over him in nothing flat. But the day that bullet shattered her spine, she gave up on those kinds of dreams. If things were different...

"Now, there are other things to consider," she said quietly, staring into her lap. Kory was about to ask another question but Donna put a hand on her knee, stopping her. Dick wanted to say something, but thought better of it.. Later, he decided, in private. The room was quiet for a moment, then Barbara looked up with a small grin.

"My turn, right?" She surveyed the group. "Wally?"

Wally smirked, "I don't know what's worse, so I'll take Dare."

Barbara looked at him thoughtfully. "I dare you," she said, pausing for a beat, "to remove one article of clothing from each person here and put it on someone else."


Wally gave the type of smile usually reserved for toddler's who find out where their parents hide the cookie jar and in less than a heartbeat, everyone was changed.

Argent had been wearing a fancy black one-piece mini dress. By the time the tornado subsided, she wound up wearing only an open black sport jacket and a black lace thong.

Dick started out wearing a denim button-up shirt with a white Gotham Knights T-shirt underneath, blue jean shorts and sneakers. He wound up just switching T-shirts, losing his Gotham Knights shirt for a half-shirt with the Superman symbol.

Koriand'r lost her open blouse and gained a gray half shirt obviously made for a chest quite smaller than hers, possibly doing an even worse job of covering her up than her open blouse.

Garth originally had on a white polo shirt, khaki pants, and sneakers. He wound up losing the polo shirt and gaining a black Nirvana T-shirt, soliciting a suppressed chuckle from Roy. "Hey fishface, do they even know what Nirvana is a million leagues under the sea?"

Garth turned to give Roy a scathing retort and instead burst out laughing.. Roy went from wearing a hooded gray sweatshirt and workout shorts to being dressed up in a very elegant black mini-dress. "Y'know Roy, seeing you dressed like that makes putting up with you all these years completely worthwhile!" Garth managed to get out through his laughter.

Gar was wearing one of his usual ensembles, consisting of the loudest Hawaiian shirts on the planet, blue jeans and white high-top sneakers. His jeans were replaced by a long flowing skirt that, when combined with his loud shirt, made him look like he was attacked by a deranged florist.

Barbara started out in a pair of black stretch pant with a blue sweater. After the tornado subsided, she found herself stripped down to her lacy light blue bra and a pair of blue jeans.

Wally, by some sheer coincidence, wound up in the least embarrassing situation. He had a pair of dark green khakis with a dark red button-down shirt emblazoned with the Flash logo on the pocket. He just lost the shirt and ended up with a white tank top instead.

Donna had a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a white crop-top T-shirt with the Superman logo. She wound up losing her T-shirt and getting a dark red button-down shirt draped over her shoulders, left unbuttoned, showing off the leopard print bra she had on underneath.

Raven was wearing a long, flowing chiffon skirt with a loose white top, but lost the skirt and found herself in a pair of green silk boxers.

Bette wore a short light orange sundress with white ankle-high boots, only to have the dress replaced with Kory's oversized open blouse, revealing her white lace panties and bra.

Helena seemed to go through no change, wearing a white, oversized Bugs Bunny sweatshirt, ripped blue jeans and white sneakers. Her changes weren't visible, losing her silk green boxer shorts, and ending up with a white Gotham Knights T-shirt underneath her sweatshirt.

Jesse showed up very professionally dressed, with a black skirt, white blouse, black sport jacket, flesh colored panty hose, and black high heels. She lost her sport jacket only to have it replaced by a hooded gray sweater, making her look like Ally McBeal and Rocky's long lost child.

Grant came in wearing a black Nirvana T-shirt, jeans and high tops. After the tornado subsided, he lost his T-shirt and had it replaced with a feminine dark blue sweater, draped seductively off of one shoulder.

Terra had on a pair of black spandex shorts, a gray cut-off T-shirt, black combat boots, and a baseball cap. She went through one of the more startling changes, losing the drab gray T-shirt and ending up in a bright orange sundress, going from almost butch to overtly feminine in less than a tenth of a second.

Finally Vic, who really didn't need clothes to begin with, had a pair of sweatpants and a white tank top on. The tank top was simply replaced with a white polo shirt.

Wally kicked back in his chair after he finished and watched his teammate's reactions. "Now, before anybody gets up to kill me, remember, nobody here can catch me!" he gloated. "Now, Mister Nightwing, Truth or Dare."

Dick looked confidently at Wally. Even though he was wearing Donna's T-shirt, he didn't embarrass him as badly as some of the others. Their years of friendship meant that much to him apparently. "Truth."

"Okay Dick, what REALLY happened between you and Kory when she was staying at your apartment a couple weeks ago?"


Dick started to chuckle. "Why doesn't anyone believe nothing happened?" He looked at Kory, who had a Cheshire cat smile. She wasn't helping. He started to stammer, "C'mon, we're adults here, we can share a living area without jumping each other like rabbits!"

Roy stated dramatically, "Methinks he doth protest too much."

Wally nodded rubbing his chin. "Verily."

Vic grinned. "Aye."

Garth laughed. "Out with it Sir Richard, else we question the Princess."

Dick shook his head. "I swear, nothing happened." He looked at Kory, pleading. "Kory, back me up."

She nodded, "Really, nothing did happen." Her smile indicated otherwise.

Donna drawled, "You lie like a cheap rug."

"Seriously nothing did happen," Kory said softly, "though not for lack of trying."

Terra squealed, "Ooh details Kory, I want details."

Dick tugged at the collar of his t-shirt, uncomfortable for the first time that night.

He decided to try and save a little face. "It's my turn, I'll tell it." Everyone turned eyes to him, waiting. He thought back on those two weeks and tried to sum it up briefly.

"Well, Kory was staying with me, and one night after patrol, she was waiting up for me."

< "Hi Dick, I'm glad you're back," she purred.

All coherent thought deserted him. "I was just looking in on your boobs- I mean I just wanted to see if you were naked- I mean asleep!" He went to the side window and made a great show of locking it. "You should really keep this closed, Kory. It's dangerous." He purposely turned his back to her, hoping she'd cover up or do something else. He heard her get up from the couch and a half-second later he felt her hard nipples pressed up against his bare back. Her arms wrapped around his chest, stroking him lightly.

"I've missed you," she whispered against his neck, placing light kisses on his shoulder.

He gripped the closed curtains, trying to control himself. "I've missed you too Kory." He broke away from her and went to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water. She stood at the window, amused, then walked into the kitchen after him. He turned quickly to her and handed her the glass, evading her hands. "It's good to have you back home." He moved across the floor and put a chair between them. His shaft was already hard and pushed against the fabric of his sweats.>>

Dick spoke to the group again. "She said she wanted to... well, um, but I didn't, and I told her and that was it."

<<"So, what's going on?" he asked, hoping his arousal wasn't too evident. She set the glass down, still smiling and walked over, resting her knee on the chair.

"Oh, the same thing, everyone wants to get together and do lunch." She moved her hand to the bulge in his pants and cupped it softly. A shiver went through him and he started to back away quickly.

"Well doing lunch is good," he babbled, "I mean people gotta eat and lunch is a good time to do it. Eat, I mean." He backed into the arm of couch and fell over, landing on his back. Kory was leaning over him moments later, her breasts dangerously close to his lips. If he stuck his tongue out, he could taste her swollen nipples.

"Why are you running away from me?" she asked, giggling.

"I'm not running away from you. I was just making sure the couch wasn't to lumpy, cause if it was you could sleep in my bed."

Kory leaned closer, her nipple now grazing his cheek. "I could stay in your bed anyway."

Dick rolled off the couch, bashing his head on the coffee table, and jumped to his feet.

"Yeah, why don't you." He started towards the bedroom, saying, "I'll just grab a change of clothes so I don't wake you in the morning, and you can catch up on your rest."

"That's not what I meant, Dick," she murmured, catching him around the waist..

He turned and was eye to eye with her. "Kory..."

"I'd love to screw you 'til your eyes bug out." She kissed him softly, feeling his arms go around her, pulling her closer to him. He ran his hand through her hair, inhaling the soft fragrance of her perfume. His tongue darted in and out of her mouth, his hips pressing against hers...

He broke away abruptly. "I can't do this, Kory."

She cocked her head to one side. "Why not?"

He backed away from her into the bathroom doorway. "I know I'm a fool, but I can't. I mean I do want to, but I can't. It's wouldn't be right. I'm sorry."

He shut the bathroom door and stepped into the shower, still clothed. Turning the cold water on full blast, he stood in the shower long after Kory went to bed.>>

"Nothing happened. End of story." He sat in his chair, arms folded. Kory winked at him. He felt the blood rush again and quickly said, "Toni, Truth or Dare?"

Toni, unconvinced, started to protest. "You're leaving something out, Dick."

"No I'm not. Truth or Dare." The group heard a chuckle and turned to Roy and Wally. They were sitting with Kory, whispering. Roy broke into uncontrollable laughter. He looked at Dick, stifled a chuckle, and gave him a goofy grin. Dick looked at Kory, but she just gave him an innocent smile. He shook his head, defeated. "Toni, Truth or Dare?"

Toni, showing a little sympathy for him, dropped the whole thing and said, "Truth."

Dick sat back thinking. "Ok, Truth, what villain would you do if they weren't a villain?"


"That's an easy one!" Toni smiled. "It'd be Catwoman, in a heartbeat... Even if she wasn't reformed!"

A dead silence filled the room.

"What? Was it supposed to be a guy? Dick didn't say..."

"No, No! Please, continue!" Gar perked up, finally starting to regain his composure after Kory's "kiss".

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to Toni." Donna reassured her.

"It's okay, I was just worried I misinterpreted the question! Anyway, it'll take way more than this to scare me off!" She settled herself back into her chair.

"I've always fantasized about being in Gotham City, helping out because Nightwing and Batman are laid up with a cold or something. So anyway, I'm patrolling the city when I see out of the corner of my eye an open skylight at the Gotham National Bank."

"Um, Toni." Dick interrupted. "The Gotham National Bank doesn't have a skylight. They would never set up a bank with such an easy point of entry for burglars."

"It's my fantasy!" Toni smiled defiantly at Dick. "In MY fantasy, the Gotham National Bank has a skylight. So, I go to investigate it, knowing that a bank wouldn't leave their skylight open after hours."

"I'm sorry Toni. I can't visualize this." Dick interrupted again, grinning playfully. "I have to be able to imagine this... it's just not working for me so far."

Toni sighed in feigned exasperation. "Oh, Okay. I'm patrolling outside of Gotham Heights when I see an open skylight at one of Bruce Wayne's country homes."

"That's better" Dick smiled before getting elbowed gently in the side by Donna. "Let her continue!" she scolded him impishly.

"I fly down only to see the one and only Catwoman, looting the safe. 'Halt!' I call out to her. 'You're under arrest!'"

Terra burst out laughing when she heard this. "Jeez Toni, you sound like a bad movie!"

Toni ignored her and continued, softening her voice to a more seductive tone. "She just ignores my command and starts walking upstairs. I don't want to turn the situation violent, so I follow her on my energy slide up the stairs into the master bedroom. As she pushes the window up to escape, I realize I have to do something. If she gets outside she'll get away, so I grab her arm. She twists around like she's going to claw at me, causing me to fall backwards, bringing her to the floor on top of me. Instead of swiping at me, she starts kissing me, licking the inside of my mouth. Realizing that this may be my opportunity to help reform a master criminal, I eagerly return the kiss, pushing her mask off. I'm not ready for how aggressive she is as she quickly pulls my costume down around my waist, trailing her kissing and licking from my lips down to my breasts and back up again. Not wanting to lose the chance, I start pulling off Catwoman's skintight costume as swiftly as I can. She doesn't even break her rhythm as she kicks her costume aside. My hands are going all over her body, massaging her large breasts, rubbing her hips, caressing her legs, kneading her ass, fingering her pussy feverishly. She doesn't stop sucking on my tongue as I finger her to an earth-shattering orgasm. When I pull my fingers out, she finally breaks our kiss to lick them dry. She stands up and leads me to the huge bed, lying me on my back again. She kisses me gently, with her lips still glistening from her wetness and starts moving down, pulling my costume off the rest of the way. She crawls back up slowly and lowers her face into my crotch, licking me like a cat licks milk from a saucer. I start to shudder wildly, digging my nails into the bed, her shoulders, her arms, whatever I can get a hold of while she licks me to the most explosive orgasm I'd ever experience. Once my body stops convulsing, she moves back up to kiss me, her mouth almost full with my wetness. She returns my favor, allowing me to taste myself out of her mouth. When our kiss finally subsides, she continues moving up my body, resting her breasts briefly over my lips so I can suck on them. Finally, after what seems like a blissful eternity, she moves up far enough for me to get my first taste of her. As place both my hands on her firm ass as I flick my tongue over her clit, causing her to press herself harder against my face. I eat her out with all the intensity I can muster until she finally explodes to her second orgasm in my mouth. Both of us totally exhausted, we curl up next to each other and kissing each other lightly, we fall asleep in each other's arms. I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. My costume is still sprawled across the floor, but with both the loot that Catwoman tried to take from the safe and a single red rose."

Everyone in the room was dead silent again. Toni definitely liked the effect she was having on everyone. She draped a leg over the arm of her chair and called out "Donna, Truth or Dare."

Donna was feeling feisty. "Dare."

Toni slid her thumb under the elastic of her black thong. "Pick a chick here to make out with."


Donna scanned the room like a kid in a candy store. "I'll do it on one condition. I really don't want a big audience. After seeing poor Gar, I couldn't do that to one of you guys."

Gar said sarcastically, "Gee, thanks." Donna giggled, while Kory winked at him.

Toni paused a moment and acquiesced. "Deal. Out on the deck, two witnesses."

Donna smiled and said, "OK, you're one witness, and um... Grant is the other."

Grant's eyes looked like they would pop out of their sockets. He, like most guys often imagined what it would be like watching two beautiful women be intimate, but he never thought he'd have to be a witness to such a situation. He stood up slowly, embarrassed by the encouraging looks the other guys gave him, and walked towards the deck.

Toni, on the other hand, was not as thrilled. She had hoped she would be the 'victim' in this case. Since joining the new team, she often caught herself watching Donna work out and train. She even volunteered to spar with her just to smell the scent of her skin and feel Donna's muscular body against hers. She would lose more often than win, mostly because watching Donna would drive her to distraction. Tonight, it seemed, would be no exception

Donna walked over to the couch and extended her hand to Raven. Raven stared up at Donna, startled. She always thought of Donna as a sister, and never before entertained the idea of being intimate with her. Still, this was the game she agreed to play. If this was part of how it was to be played, she would participate. Donna would never do anything to make her feel uncomfortable, and after Toni's fantasy, Raven had admitted to herself, she was curious. She took the outstretched hand and stood slowly."

Donna led Raven to the deck, followed by Grant and Toni. She called to the others, "Back in a few."

Kory called out, "Have fun." The other ladies giggled at the remaining guys, who watched Grant with envy. Kory turned, looked at Gar and chuckled. "Gar, you're drooling."

Donna led Raven to the small bench that overlooked the pool. She sat down gracefully and motioned for Raven to do the same. Toni and Grant took a position on the rail, slightly out of the way.

Raven said nervously, "Donna, why me? I thought you would pick Kory or Toni."

Donna softly stroked Raven's cheek. "Because Raven, I thought you would enjoy this. If you don't want to, I can tell Toni. No one is going to force you into this."

Raven closed her eyes at the touch of Donna's hand. "I can't help but be a little curious. After hearing Toni talk, I think I would like to know how it would feel."

Donna smiled and slipped her hand under Raven's chin. Tilting he face to hers, she softly pressed her lips against Raven's, enjoying her exotic perfume.. This kiss lasted a few moments, then Donna pulled away slowly and asked, "Well?"

Raven's senses were off balance. She wasn't sure what she felt, but she didn't think it was a bad thing. "I liked that," she finally whispered.

"May I go on?" Donna asked.

"Please, just a little more," was Raven's response.

Donna moved a little closer and kissed Raven again, a little harder this time, slipping one hand to the small of her back, the other hand running through her hair. She pressed her already stimulated breasts against Raven's, feeling the heat from her body, and the loud beating of her heart. She moved her hand slowly underneath the back of Raven's blouse, stroking her sensitive skin with a feather light touch. Donna then moved her lips down her cheek and placed soft wet kisses on her neck, using her hand to open the neck of Raven's blouse. She slid her other hand to the back of Raven's leg, stroking the back of her knee lightly with her nails, then worked her fingers up Raven's leg, into the green silk she wore, up her leg to the rounded cheek of her bottom.

Raven didn't know how to respond at first. Then, when Donna touched her back, Raven slowly slid her arms around Donna's neck, pulling her closer. New sensations ran through her body, and she wished she could savor each one of them. When she told herself Donna would never try to make her feel uncomfortable, she never would have believed Donna would make her feel so... Words couldn't describe it. She wanted more.

Toni watched, a little jealous. Watching Donna stroke Raven's skin made her mouth go dry. She was so turned on by these two beautiful women in front of her. She bit her tongue lightly, hoping the burning she was feeling would lessen. It didn't work, and the shock to her system only made her hotter. She nonchalantly slid one hand down her body between her legs and was surprised by the wetness she felt. Slowly, she moved her hand back and forth, hoping to relieve some of the tension she was feeling.

Grant watched astounded. He'd had a crush on Donna from the moment he met her, but she seemed so perfect, so out of his league. Not to mention the difference in their ages. But sometimes he fantasized about what it would be like with her. These were usually detailed, erotic fantasies that would make him stroke himself while chanting her name. Now he was watching her with another fantasy lady, and he was hard in an instant. He tried shifting himself to ease a little of the pressure, but it wasn't enough. Maybe if I turned away a little, he thought. He turned to ask Toni a question and his jaw dropped as he listened to her moan while rubbing herself. Oh jeez, he thought. I've died and gone to heaven. Three beautiful women in front of him, pleasuring themselves and each other. Now his shaft was painfully hard. He backed away slowly, hoping to find a little privacy to relieve himself, but unfortunately misstepped and tumbled off the deck. The resulting explosion startled Raven, and she pulled away quickly, blushing profusely.

"I think we should stop for now Donna and check on Grant," she whispered, slightly out of breath.

Donna saw Raven's face coloring and smiled. "Ok." She called to Toni, who was already down the steps, helping Grant up. "Is everything alright?"

Grant moaned weakly. "Mostly." He staggered up the stairs, arm around Toni, with an extremely large bulge in his jeans. Donna eyed it thoughtfully, but said nothing. The foursome walked back into the main room.

Roy, seeing Grant's obvious physical state and the dreamy look in his eyes, said, "So, was it good for you?" Grant half glared at him, much to Roy's amusement. He laughed loudly, but kindly said nothing.

Donna sat down next to Garth and said, "Jesse, Truth or Dare?"

"So far Truth has been the safest route, so I'll take truth." Jesse sat back, wondering what she'd gotten herself into.

"Truth it is." Donna rubbed her hands together. "Have you ever, in the heat of the moment, used your powers to..." Her voice trailed off, seductively.


Jesse sat back in her chair and spoke confidently. "Sure, but it's not like what you think. We unfortunately can't take advantage of our speed on ourselves, since our perceptions speed up with the rest of our bodies. That doesn't mean we can't... umm... enjoy ourselves in less than a blink of an eye. Unfortunately, since Wally would be able to see everything, I can't do a demonstration for you." She smiled wickedly.

"Thanks a lot Wally!" Roy griped.

"I can always go into the other room." Wally smirked.

"Don't even think about it West." Jesse warned. "Now, when I'm with someone else? That's where my powers get really interesting! I can't use my speed too much with a man. I'd probably shatter his pelvis if I got too wild with it, so I hold back and only use it... umm... orally. I've also got a frictionless aura that prevents me from burning up when I'm moving at high speeds. I'm sure all of you can use your imaginations to see how useful that could be!" She glanced over to Dick and added with a wink. "The only power I haven't used so far is flight, but I'm looking forward to trying it out someday."

"Aww no, not another one!" Gar moaned to Dick. "How do you do that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Dick smiled back with mock innocence.

"You said you don't use your speed too much with men? Are you saying you've used it with women?" Toni asked curiously.

Jesse gave Toni a sly smile. "I'd love to tell you, but it's not your turn. I suppose I'd better pass the buck before your imaginations get the better of you. Grant, truth or dare.

Damage's heart leapt to his throat. So far neither choice has been what anyone would consider to be safe. He swallowed nervously before answering "I'll take truth."

"I'll go easy on you. Who do you want to go out with the most in this group?"


Grant a.k.a. Damage lost count of how many times he was embarrassed. He decided whatever the question, he wouldn't be the only red-faced person in the room. Jesse's question was pretty simple: Who would he want to go out with most in the group. The answer wasn't so simple.

First off he still had feelings for Terra. He loved her 'tude, her smile, the way she laughed. He knew she liked him too, but for some reason, they never went any further than being close friends. Still, sometimes he found himself watching her thinking of what could have been.

Toni was beautiful, exotic, and unfortunately, not interested. Until today, he wasn't sure why: hell, she wasn't even interested in the local studmuffin, Dick, though she did talk rather fondly of Robin for some reason. In either case, she was a good friend, nothing more.

Donna and Kory were fantasy women, the ones he would have wet dreams about. When he first met them, he was floored not only by how beautiful they were, but also by how sweet they were. They treated him like a kid brother, probably because of their age differences. But he'd have very adult thoughts about them and thanked God his uniform had a built-in cup to hide his erection..

Raven was a mystery to him. With her exotic beauty, she could grace the cover of any magazine. Her constant search for inner peace fascinated him. He'd asked her once before to help him develop a way to improve his control while using his powers. She reached out with her soul-self and guided him through a mental exercise that doubled the control he could exert. He'd never had anyone inside his mind like that before, stirring and stimulating him like that. It was one of the most erotic experiences he'd ever had. Her velvety voice echoed in his mind, caressing his inner spirit with her own gentle one. When the exercise ended, he felt both wound up and calm, and was surprisingly able to control himself until he made it back to his own room, where he had the most physically and emotionally overwhelming orgasm he'd ever felt. He never told her, but suspected she knew.

He just met Bette and Helena, and from what he knew of them, he was sure they'd join the fantasy ranks soon enough. He already knew that Bette was a very sweet thrill seeker, and Helena had a very wicked sense of humor. He also knew they each had a thing for Dick. Which left Jesse.

"I'd choose you," he said with a smile. Her eyes widened at that. The others looked on, stifling giggles.

"What do you mean you'd choose me?" she said, clearly confused.

"Jeez Jesse, don't act so surprised. You're gorgeous, especially in uniform.. You're smart, successful. You know what you what out of life and you understand the responsibilities we all have because of the powers we possess." "Plus," he added, "I've always loved fast women and blondes turn me on."

Jesse's face colored slightly during his recitation. She quickly looked at the others. Toni said quietly, "Well you do look great in that uniform."

Wally added, "Fabulous afterburners."

Dick smiled nodding.

Jesse took her seat stealing another glance at Grant, who smiled and winked at her. Grant leaned back and said, "Gar, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," he said, hoping it wasn't anything to do with Kory.

"I dare you," he drawled, "to name the one guy in the room you'd do and why."


Gar cleared his throat and lowered his voice by an octave. "I'm not picking anybody. Why would I want to let all of my adoring fans down like that?"

"Sorry Gar, you have to pick someone." Grant pressed.

"C'mon big boy, pick me! I'll give you the time of your life!" Roy called out, bursting into laughter.

"No, no! Pick me!" Wally joined in.

"You both know he won't pick either of you. We all know Gar likes his men with brains, so that only leaves one logical choice here." Dick smiled mischievously.

"You're right Dick," Grant interrupted. "But since I made the question, I think I should drop out, to give the rest of you a chance!"

Roy almost fell over laughing. "I can't believe the new kid just got a good one in on you!"

"You'd better be careful Grant, he'll have you stuck on monitor duty forever if you keep that up!" Wally added through his laughter.

Gar let out a wide grin. "Hey! You know how much I hate it when my fans fight with each other. There's plenty of me to go around!"

"Oh no. You have to pick one of them! You're not getting out of it that easily!" Donna chided.

"Alright already. If I HAVE to choose someone, I'll choose Vic... I mean, he can shape-change himself into any woman I'd want, right?

"In your dreams Salad-head!" Vic replied.

Gar tuned himself into a monkey and hopped onto Vic's shoulder. "Don't worry 'bout it! It's not like I'd ever REALLY choose you!" He gave him a big kiss on the cheek and hopped back to his own seat, turning back into himself. "Grant's so lucky I can't pick him right now... Helena, Truth or Dare?"

"I'll take truth this time around" she said, actually nervous about what kind of dare Gar would try to make her do.

"Okay, you're in tight with the whole Bat-family. Besides Nightwing, who it seems like everybody wants to sleep with, who in that group would you do it with?


Helena gave Gar a wicked grin. Throwing a glance to Dick, she said, "Well, gee Gar, I think it's pretty obvious. I'd choose Barbara."

Barbara's glass slipped from her fingers and shattered on the floor. Gar did the perfect spit-take with his soda, spraying Donna, Garth and Bette. Dick's jaw dropped and he looked from Helena to Barbara and back again.

Catching his breath, Gar asked, "Really?" Then catching himself, he lowered his voice an octave and repeated, "I mean, really?"

Helena sipped her drink. "Of course. You eliminated Dick. Robin is cute, but way too young for me. Batman is, well, Batman. I've always loved Batgirl." She smiled at Barbara again. "I mean she's this fearless, beautiful woman, playing with the big boys and more than holding her own." She sat back stretching. "I can honestly admit that while its not something I think about all the time, getting busy with Barbara is part of my fantasy rolodex." She looked back over at Dick with another wicked grin. She could see the wheels of his mind turning, but would ask him about it later. Barbara on the other hand, gave her a quizzical look. She smiled and winked.

"OK Bette. Truth or Dare?"

Bette answered quickly, "Dare, of course!"

Helena laughed, "I dare you to retrieve identify and return, if you wish, everyone's clothing."


Bette smiled. This would be easy. And fun. She stood up and let the blouse she was wearing slide back off her shoulders. She gave a quick spin and let it fall of, catching it with one hand. "I believe this is Kory's" she said tossing it to her. Kory took her shirt and cast it aside smiling.

She stepped behind Dick next and wrapped her arms around him and grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt with one hand. She slowly pulled it up over his head, sliding her fingernails up his abdomen and chest with her other hand. "This one has to be Donna's" she smiled as she handed it to her without removing her hand from Dick's chest. As Donna laid her T-shirt across her lap, Bette closed her eyes and used both hands to massage Dick's bare shoulders and chest.

"Hey Bette!"

Bette flinched and shot her eyes open as she heard her name called out.

"You're not finished yet!" Helena reminded her playfully.

"I'm thinking!" Bette shot back with a smile. She gave Dick's chest a light pinch and moved to Garth. She knelt in front of him and pulled his T-shirt off. She wrapped one arm around his back, pressing one of her breasts against his side. With the other arm she tossed the T-shirt to Grant who blushed as he set it aside. She gave a blushing Garth a kiss on the cheek and moved on.

She stopped in front of Argent, who had been staring at her nonstop since she removed Kory's top. She knelt across her lap, pressing her calves against Toni's thighs. Bette placed her hands on Toni's shoulders and slowly moved them down her chest to the buttons of her sport jacket. Toni shuddered as Bette began unbuttoning it. Once it was open, Bette removed it, baring Toni's breasts. Toni was unable to hold back by now. She pressed her head into Bette's chest and began kissing the inside of her breasts. Bette smiled and pulled back, mouthing out to her "Not now." as she moved to her next victim.

She walked over to a relieved looking Roy. "Thank God you're getting me outta this dress!" His frame was much wider than Toni's, so it couldn't be zipped up in the back, allowing Bette to easily yank it off. She threw it to Toni who just tossed it aside.

She stopped in front of Barbara's wheelchair and knelt in front of her. "Are you okay with this?" she asked seriously.

"Sure, go ahead. I don't mind." Barbara smiled to her warmly.

Bette moved her hands up and unbuttoned her jeans and cautiously pulled them off, both legs at the same time. She looked up again, concerned that she may have hurt her or caused her some discomfort. She let out a sigh of relief as Barbara still smiled, blushing slightly. "These were Gar's. Emphasis were." She grinned wickedly as she tossed the jeans away.

Wally came up next. She stepped up to him and pulled his tank top off, returning it to Vic. "You are absolutely no fun!" she teased him, noticing that he had the least to be embarrassed about out of everybody there.

She stepped behind Donna's back and pulled her shirt off, returning it to Wally, who smiled innocently as he put it back on.

She couldn't help but let her hands linger on Vic's back after she pulled Garth's polo shirt off of him. "Your skin feels so smooth and soft. I can't believe it's metal!"

Vic smiled appreciatively at the compliment. "Yeah, I can't complain about havin' this Omegadrome body. I'm tryin' to figure out how to alter its color so I won't always look like a freak."

"Well, I think gold suits you nicely!"

"Nah, gold suits Kory nicely, makes me look like one of those statues Gar's dad had sittin' 'round his mansion" he said, causing Bette to laugh as she moved on.

"Well Kory, looks like it's time to make all the guys drool and make all the women jealous!" she joked. Actually, she'd been waiting for this ever since their encounter in Dick's bedroom. She regretted not taking things further with her that evening. She allowed her thoughts to drift back to that night as she slowly pulled her T-shirt up, gently rubbing Kory's hardened nipples with her thumbs. She finally pushed them away and lifted the shirt higher, over Kory's face. Kory lifted her arms up to allow Bette to quickly pull it off entirely. Immediately, before she could toss it aside, Bette felt Kory's lips press against hers, her tongue driving its way into her mouth. Bette couldn't react at all, eyes open wide in surprise. When Kory finally broke the kiss she leaned in towards her ear and whispered softly "I just didn't want you to forget my invitation for you to come out with Donna and me!"

She broke away, blushing deeply. She stepped over to Grant and almost mechanically removed Barbara's sweater, trying to recover from Kory's kiss. She was finally able to speak as she handed Barbara her sweater. "I think this is yours" she said, feeling like herself again.

As she stepped up to Raven, she couldn't help but notice how nervous she looked. "Hey, you don't have anything to worry about. I'll do this quickly, you won't even know I was here" she tried reassuring her. She reached up and yanked her silk boxers off by their elastic. As she pulled them off her legs, she looked up and found herself staring at Raven's bare crotch. "Ohmigosh!" she blurted out, completely surprised. "I thought you had panties or something on underneath? I'm so sorry!"

Raven was blushing, but calm. "Do not worry about it Elizabeth. I was expecting this." She gave her a warm smile, calming Bette down.

She moved to Gar next to get Raven her dress back. She almost felt bad for Gar for what Kory did to him earlier. As she removed Raven's dress, she noticed that he still hadn't recovered from her attentions. She had to admit to herself that he was cute. She rested a hand on his lap, and whispered quietly in his ear "Maybe if I'm not to busy tonight, I can help you take care of this." Gar almost fainted as Bette gave his cock a light squeeze through his boxers and returned Raven's dress to her.

As Raven quickly got herself dressed, she moved to Jesse. She unzipped Roy's sweatshirt and pulled it off, allowing Jesse to put her sport coat back on. "How did you end up getting off so easily?" Bette asked jealously.

"I think Wally was scared of what I'd do to him if he embarrassed me too much." Jesse smiled.

"You're gonna have to teach me your secrets!" Bette replied, tossing Roy's sweatshirt away.

Terra bit her lip as Bette approached her. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Bette asked, noticing she didn't have a bra on. "I kinda like how my dress looks on you!"

"Nah, nobody else got out of it. I'll be safe, as long as Kory didn't ruin my T-shirt!"

Bette turned her around, so her back was to everybody. "I just don't want to make the same mistake that I made with Raven!" She slid the straps of her sundress off of Tara's shoulders and allowed it to slide to the floor. She looked up at her, surprised by how attractive she looked. She may not have been as well endowed as Kory, Donna, or even Toni, but she still looked beautiful and feminine, despite Terra's contrary opinions. She smiled and handed Tara her T-shirt back. "We'll go shopping sometime if you like the dress. I know where we can get some great ones for you!"

"Sure, I'd like that!" Terra said as she pulled her T-shirt back on, thankful that Kory didn't stretch it too badly.

"Okay, process of elimination say that these boxers must be Helena's and that she has Dick shirt on underneath her sweatshirt."

Helena noticed everyone staring at her. "Hey, they're comfortable!" she defended herself as Bette pulled her sweatshirt and T-shirt off, leaving her in a green bra that matched the boxers perfectly.

Bette tossed the sweatshirt back to her and help on to the T-shirt. "You must be crazy if you think you're getting this back sexy!" she winked at Dick, tossing the shirt away. "Okay, Vic, truth or dare?"

Vic looked around the crowd nervously. "Dare?"

"Okay, I dare you to give Gar a big, wet kiss!"


Vic stared at Bette for a moment, speechless. Bette gave him the wickedest grin, hoping he saw the humor in the Dare. His smile showed he did. He turned to Gar and said in a soft seductive voice, "Ooh Garfield, I jussst have to feel thosse musscular armss."

Gar looked in horror at Bette, then at Vic, who crawled across the floor like a hunting cat. Garth and Wally started the wolf whistles and cat-calls, while Terra and Toni chanting "Go Vic, Go Vic." Gar began to back up slowly, saying "Vic, don't. Bette, you suck! I swear I'll dare Helena to give you a big fat wet one too."

Helena shot back, "Been there, done that." The guys (including Gar and Vic) stopped dead and turned to Helena mouths open. Helena looked at them, smiling, then asked innocently, "What?" Roy's eyes about fell out of his head, Dick had a half grin. They looked at Bette, who was also aghast, blushing furiously. Vic started to chuckle and then resumed his pursuit.

He had Gar cornered and gently pinned to the wall. "Gimme some sugar, baby," he cooed, and kissed him dramatically. The kiss broke off a moment later, and Gar immediately ran to the buffet and grabbed several sodas. He then ran out on the deck and began to gargle, spitting over the rails. Vic rolled around on the floor, choking with laughter. Wally was wiping tears from his eyes, trying to catch his breath.

Gar came in, looking a little pale. "Oh jeez, that was awful." He looked hopefully at the ladies and said, "I don't suppose I could convince one of you ladies to help me get the metallic taste off me."

Kory stood and started towards Gar. "Sure cutie, I'll help."

Gar stared at her and backed away quickly. "Oh no, that's ok. Thanks, but no."

Kory gave him a mock pout and shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Vic took his seat again, smiling. "Ok. Raven? Truth or Dare?"

Raven looked at Vic, eyes wide. "I believe Truth would be a safer choice."

Vic leaned forward. He asked, "What all did happen that week you and Kory went away?"


Raven blushed shyly and glanced over to Kory who gave her a smile of approval. "As I am sure that most of you are aware, at that time I was having... difficulty adjusting to being able to express my emotions. Koriand'r took me to a deserted island just off the coast of Tahiti."

The sun was high in the sky as Raven and Starfire walked along the beach talking about anything that came to mind. Raven wore a pair of black stretch pants and a purple sweater and boots, while Kory wore a short black mini skirt with fishnet stockings, a red top and black boots. The conversation moved to Kory's life on Tamaran before she was given away into slavery.

"It was so beautiful there. The entire planet was like this single island, filled with beaches and forests and waterfalls. The people are so much more open than the people of Earth. Everything I just told you about your love for Dick and his love for you is based completely on Earth's customs, not Tamaran's. On Tamaran, if you found somebody that you liked, having sex with him or her was a natural occurrence. We also didn't worry as much about clothing. We wear it for practical purposes, not to make sure certain body parts are covered. It's not uncommon for people to walk the streets completely nude.

"It must have been difficult for you to adapt here then. How were you able to do so as easily as you did then?"

"It was difficult." Kory replied. "In fact I still have problems. There are times I wish that Dick would relax a little and allow me to live as a Tamaranean rather than as an Earthling. That's one reason I love coming here.. It's one of the few places on Earth where I can be myself."

"So, why did you bring me here then?" Raven asked.

Kory turned around to face her. "I want to help you find out who you really are, on the inside. You're as much of a native of Earth as I am, but I think I can help you, if you'll let me. I brought you here because, for the next week, I'm going to be myself, completely and I'd like you to do the same thing. You can do whatever you want while you're here." With that she pulled her shirt off and tossed it into the ocean. "Come on, let's go into the woods!" She grabbed Raven by the hand and pulled her in after her.

"Koriand'r told me that she made plans for us to spend the entire week there." Raven told the group. "We spent much time just getting to know each other better. It surprised me how little all of you really knew of me then. She helped me to open up."

Raven allowed Kory to lead her through the woods to a large clearing with a beautiful waterfall and spring. The sun shined brightly down on the two of them as they walked to the pool, hand in hand. Kory stood with her back against a single palm tree sitting on the shoreline. After a few serene moments, Kory finally broke the silence. "Raven, I'd like you to try something with me."

"What do you wish?"

"I want you to kiss me, the way you kissed Dick."

Raven turned bright red from the request. "Why?"

Kory reached out and gently stroked Raven's cheek. "Like Dick would say, I'm calling it a hunch. Please, kiss me" she said more quietly.

Raven slowly moved in closer to Kory and cautiously pressed her lips to Kory's. Kory pushed her hand through Raven's hair and gently pulled her head in closer. Kory's lips pushed feverishly against Raven's, her mouth opening and closing, pushing her tongue further into Raven's mouth with each kiss. After what seemed like a blissful eternity to Raven, Kory finally pulled back. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Yes, very much" Raven managed to say with a whisper.

Kory leaned down and gave her another short kiss. "I want you to make love to me."

"But, what about Richard?" Raven asked.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." Kory said, trying to soothe her.

Raven slowly moved her hand up to one of Kory's breasts, sliding her forefinger over her hard nipple. She instinctively moved and licked the other one, first just touching it lightly with her tongue then covering it with her mouth, massaging the side with her free hand. Her kisses eventually began trailing down Kory's body, first between her breasts to her abdomen. Raven reached the top of her skirt and waited shyly. Kory smiled, then reached down and lifted it up, allowing her to move between her legs. Raven flicked her tongue, weaving it through the netting of Kory's fishnets and sliding it over her clitoris. Kory's moaning drove Raven farther down, pushing her tongue inside her, first a hesitant probe, then going deeper, covering her tongue with Kory's wetness.

"We... we made love to each other. She showed me a way to express my emotions that I'd never felt before. While it was not the only thing we did while we were there, it is probably what I remember the most."

Raven sat nude on a rock underneath the waterfall allowing the clear water to flow off her body while Kory went down on her for the first time. Her body spasmed slightly as Kory slid a finger inside of her, then two. She watched intently as Kory pulled them out and sucked on them, tasting her cum mixed with the cool spring water. She did this again, this time reaching up and sliding her fingers into Raven's mouth, allowing her to taste her own wetness. As she sucked Kory's fingers, Kory cupped her mouth firmly between her legs again. Raven's body shifted and spasmed again as she felt Kory's tongue circling her clitoris and penetrating her. Her body moved with the rhythm that Kory's tongue was setting, her head leaned back as moans of ecstasy escaped her throat, the waterfall flowing gently over her chest. She swallowed hard and let out a scream as her first orgasm overtook her.

"I suppose it is a common way that people remember losing their virginity.." She finished off silently, more to herself than the group. She looked up, still blushing and said, just a bit more loudly "Garth?"

"I'll take Dare." he smiled.

Raven looked down and lowered her voice again. "I'd like for you to do a striptease for myself" she paused and looked up, smiling shyly. "For myself and Roy."


Raven's request was so shyly given, he thought he misunderstood her. "What?" he asked.

Raven, a little bolder now from the encouragement of the rest of the ladies, said a little louder, "I dare you to perform a striptease for Roy and me.."

Garth turned bright red. "Raven, you're kidding right?"

Donna drawled, "Oh no she isn't. She wants a nice dance."

Bette added, "And show us some skin too."

Toni jumped up giggling. "I have just the music." She grabbed Terra's hand and ran into her room to get the CD player.

Terra's scream echoed down the hall. "Oh gawd, Toni it's perfect." They ran back into the room and quickly set up the boombox. "Well Garth are you ready?"

Garth looked to the guys, hoping someone would bail him out. Gar smiled, saying, "oh no, I had to do a lip lock with Vic, you have to shake it for Raven."

Dick, ever the tactician, added, "You did say anything."

Roy started waving money. "C'mon sexy, I've got cash and I'm not afraid to spend it."

Garth looked defeated. "Ok. Dick, give me your denim." Dick laughed and handed it over. The rest of them arranged their chairs so that Roy and Raven were in front.

Garth stood back to them wondering what music the girls chose. The beat started and it took all his control not to fall down laughing. The bass pumped out loud as En Vogue sang "Whatta Man, whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man..." Knowing he had no way out of this gracefully, he swayed his hips in time, praying that no one told Arthur about this.

He swung around, denim shirt buttoned all the up. He walked forward, swaying left and right, then stopped, shaking his front at Raven and the rest of women. They screamed their appreciation between giggles. Raven hid behind her hands, her cheeks pink. Garth smiled, glad that he wasn't the only one blushing. He turned and faced Roy, who started tossing pennies, laughing. Harper, he thought, I'm gonna kill you. He strutted back to center and began to unbutton the shirt slowly, revealing his tan muscular chest. He rolled his shoulders one at a time, shrugging the cloth off his body. He let it fall in a heap and kicked it to Dick, who caught the shirt in midair and gave a falsetto scream, clutching it. Garth laughed and quickly undid his belt, then strutted back to Raven, holding the waist of his trousers up. Once in front of her, he took her hands in his and made her undo the button and zipper. Winking at her, he dropped his pants and stuck his black speedo-clad rear out, unfortunately in Roy's direction. Roy groaned loudly and slapped him away.

Garth stood up straight again and began to gyrate his hips between Raven and Roy. Donna and Kory whistled loudly and put dollar bills in the waistband of his shorts. Garth blew them kisses and turned to Roy, who took the bills from his waistband and replaced them with slips of paper with IOU written on them. Dick slipped him a gold card, while Wally wrote him a personal check. Garth shook his head and turned back to the ladies. Bette hopped up and whispered into Garth's ear then slipped a five into his shorts. Garth grinned wickedly and turned back to Raven and straddled her in her chair, gyrating his hips over hers. His mouth was a hair's breath from hers. She looked at him in shock then, at Bette's prodding, pinched his butt lightly. He stood up smiling, brushed against Helena lightly, then turned to Roy. That sent the guys into action, throwing twenties, fifties and in Dick's case, hundreds and the rest of his credit cards. Garth approached Roy, who was out of his chair backing away, hands up defensively. The music stopped and Garth started laughing, pulling all the money out. He handed Dick's cards back to him and started going through the slips of paper. Helena's phone number was written on one of them. He glanced up at her with a confused smile. She smiled back, winked, and mouthed, "Call me sometime." His eyes widened, and shot a glance at Dick. Dick blew him a kiss and laughed.

Garth dressed quickly, then said, "Terra, Truth or Dare?"

Terra said, "I think I'd be safer with Truth."

Garth chuckled. "Truth, do you still have feelings for Gar?"


Terra looked to the floor and started fidgeting with her bootlaces. "You don't hold back, do ya Garth?" She moved her gaze up quickly scanned over the group before lowering it again. "I guess the rules are that I have to be totally honest?" she paused briefly. "Yeah, I have feelings for him. Problem is, I'm not gonna follow through with 'em."

"Why not?" Donna asked, concerned.

Tears began to roll down Terra's cheek. "I just can't. I mean, it's hard enough for me to actually be here, to be accepted by all of you. Seeing me must always remind you of how the original Terra betrayed you. It's so strange, I've all but taken her identity, her family. Bryan still thinks I'm really his sister!"

Gar moved over and stooped beside her. "We know you're not her. You've proven to us many times that you're trustworthy, heck, that you're a part of our family." He took her hand. "You shouldn't feel like you have to prove anything anymore."

Terra pulled her hand back and shoved him away. "Damn it Gar, yes I do! You don't realize what this is like for me. I don't know who I am! I destroyed the Time Trappers probe before it could tell me who I am, why I'm here when the rest of the Team Titans faded from existence. I realized later that I had to know. I went out and dug up my predecessor's grave." Tears started to flow more freely. "It was empty."

There was a stunned silence across the room. Gar flinched back, away from her.

"That's the problem. I care for everybody here, and I would never betray any of you, but what if I'm not really me? What if I'm really Tara Markov, the girl who betrayed the Titans?"

"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Dick cut in calmly. "I was able to find out who Donna is. I'd be more than willing to help you."

"I know? I was frightened. I didn't want to be pushed away from the Titans. You guys and Bryan are the only family I know. I've been doing some checking on my own. I contacted the Justice League and had the Martian Manhunter check me out. No offence Raven, but he's a much better telepath than you."

"No offence taken." Raven smiled warmly. "What did his scans tell you?"

"Nothing. He couldn't find any trace of malevolence or duplicity."

"Well, that should be enough. I trust J'onn's word with my life." Wally tried reassuring her.

"It was enough for a little while, but J'onn's only human? well, Martian, but still, he's not omniscient. What if I am her? What if the original Tara Markov's personality is buried so deep inside me that even the strongest telepath can't find it? What if..." she paused and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "What if I get close to someone and I end up hurting them? I... I can't do that."

"What ifs aren't going to solve anything." Dick said. "I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to help you."

"We all will" Donna added. "I can take you to Themyscira and have the oracles there look at you. Your connection with the Earth mother, Gaea may help them learn more about you."

Gar gave her a warm smile. "I still trust you."

"Thank you Gar" Terra smiled. "That means so much to me. I still can't? y'know. I have to find out."

"We understand" Donna reassured her. "But don't forget, we are your friends. You may have no choice but to get close to us." She smiled wryly to her.

Terra chuckled. "We'll see about that. Anyway, we're supposed to be having fun here. Hey Harper!" she called out. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Roy called bravely.

"I dare you to have your way with one person in this room that you haven't been with yet."


"Excuse me?" Roy said surprised.

Terra smiled, "Two minutes. You have two minutes to get busy with anyone in the room you haven't with yet. Same deal as Donna, two witnesses, me as one."

"Right now?"

"Right now."


Terra loved the look on his face. "Gawd Roy, I never took you as a prude.." He started turning red at that remark. "C'mon, we'll go out to the back, I'll set up something for privacy."

Roy scanned the ladies carefully. For some reason he was very embarrassed by the proposition of 'entertaining' one of them, especially for an audience. He limited his choices to Raven, Bette, Barbara, or Helena. He eliminated Raven; she did her thing with Donna. Bette was out of the question, she was embarrassed enough from Helena's comment. Helena seemed like a possibility, but not like this. Not that he wouldn't want to; but not here, not now.

He went to Barbara and took her hand, kneeling before her. He said, using every bit of the famed Harper charm, "Miss Gordon, would you like to join me in the garden?"

Barb blinked and almost said no, but caught Dick watching her intently. She looked Roy in the eye, then glanced back at Dick. Roy caught the motion and casually looked at Dick. If he didn't know any better, he'd swear Dick was jealous. Barbara started to giggle, and he looked back at her, waiting for an answer.

Barbara gave him a devastating smile. "Yes, I think I'd like that." She made a move to roll her chair forward when Roy stopped her.

Easing the straps from her legs, he gently swept her up in his arms and carried her to the door. "Please allow me," he said suavely. He then turned to Terra and said, "You can pick the other witness." He smiled at Barbara again, while the ladies whistled their encouragement and walked out of the room. Dick watched them leave with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Terra grabbed Wally and followed them out.

Walking down the steps, Roy asked quietly, "Did you still want to do this? I saw Dick, he's gonna kill me." He chuckled at that.

Barbara giggled. "Of course I want to, Roy. We've been friends for a while, and I have to admit I've always been a little curious about that Harper mystique." She traced her finger along his jaw. "Care to demonstrate a little?"

Roy smiled at her, noting how beautiful she looked in the evening light. "As much as you want, Barbara." He lowered himself onto the grass, her curled snugly on his lap. He softly stroked her shoulder and asked, "Are you cold?"

She realized she was shaking a little. "No, I'm just a little nervous. It's been a while."

He chuckled again, catching Terra and Wally settling on the grass a short distance away. "Looks like the judges are here. Ready to give them a show?"

She nodded. "Whenever you're ready."

They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment or two, then Roy began stroking her cheek. She leaned into his touch, her eyelids closing slightly as she enjoyed the warmth of his hand. He carefully removed her glasses, then tossed them backwards, calling, "Wally, hang on to these." Wally zipped over, caught the glasses and resumed his post with Terra.

Barbara moved a hand to the nape of his neck and slowly drew his lips to hers in a light innocent kiss. Her lips were very soft and Roy drank in the scent of her perfume. He kept reminding himself, she's in love with one of your best friends. That fact was pretty obvious to anyone who saw them together. When he saw the look on Dick's face after he approached Barbara, he almost backed out. Then he thought if he limited himself only to the ladies that didn't think Mr. Grayson was all that and a bag of chips, he'd be pretty lonely. He pulled back slowly and asked softly, "Well?"

Barbara had a dreamy look in her eyes. Roy was a sweetie, even if he was a little cocky. He definitely knew how to kiss. "That was nice."

They heard Terra call out to them, "C'mon Roy, we wanna see some action."

Wally added, "Unless he's already back to being Speedy." The pair laughed loudly, bringing a pink tint to Roy's cheeks.

Barbara giggled and answered, "No, not yet, but I can tell you I am impressed with his Arsenal." Wally laughed even harder. Roy had a surprised, shocked look.

"Now I know where Dick gets his sense of humor from," he said with a smile. He then shifted over and lay her on the soft grass and covered her mouth with his. They kissed deeply this time, his hand stroking her cheek and neck, gliding over her shoulder and coming to a rest on her hip. She ran her fingers through his hair, amazed at how soft it was in her hands. One hand slid down his back, feeling the strong muscles under his warm skin. The kiss ended, leaving him breathing hard and her breathless. He whispered, "Keep going?" She nodded and pulled his head back down to hers, crushing her lips on his.

It'd been a long time since she had a handsome man in her arms like this, and she decided before they started that she'd take serious advantage of the opportunity. He let her hand play with the waistband of his cotton shorts, slipping in a bit to feel more of his muscular body. Her own body was tight with desire, her skin tingling. His mouth moved from hers down to her neck, his tongue licking the small hollow at the top of her chest. He tasted her shoulders, slipping one hand under the small of her back. He paused a moment, raised his head and asked, "Too much?" She shook her head. His lips curled into a faint smile. "Tell me if I'm hurting you." She smiled as if she didn't think he could hurt her.

He moved to the valley between her breasts, stroking the sensitive skin with the tip of his nose, inhaling her fragrance again. She let out small sighs, encouraging him. He came back up, capturing her mouth again. She deciding to be daring too, and slipped her hand into his shorts stroking the smooth skin of his hips and butt with her fingertips. Her touch was feather light, and drove him crazy. He started to move against her slowly, reacting to her hands pressing his hips against her. She then cupped one of his cheeks, nails digging lightly into the tender flesh. He groaned against her mouth, moving against her faster...

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Time's up." Terra shook the ground they lay on and giggled. "Nice job red. You too Roy." Terra winked at them, very turned on. Her nipples were hard and pushed against the thin fabric of her sports bra. She turned to Wally and asked, "What'd ya think?"

Wally, who turned away the minute they moved to the grass, shrugged. "I guess." He really didn't want to watch, but seeing Dick's stricken look when Roy and Barbara left the room, he had to go out there. It was nice to know that Richard Grayson wasn't perfect. He knelt down next to them with a smile. "So what do we say to Dick?"

Barbara giggled, ruffling her hair and Roy's. "Don't tell him anything, just smile. It will kill him." She turned to Terra. "Got it?"

They all nodded in agreement. Wally said, "C'mon Terra we'll go back first and say they needed a little more time to get presentable." She giggled and walked back with him to the house.

Roy picked her up quickly and laughed. "So how long can we torture him?"

Barbara gave him a wicked grin. ""Until I get bored." She looked into his eyes again hesitating, then asked, "Roy?"

He answered, "Barbara?"

"How was it?" she asked shyly.

He waited a beat, then said, "I enjoyed it a lot. In fact, I was wondering if you would like to go out some time, for real."

She blushed, surprised. "Yeah, I would." He kissed her quickly and carried her back to the house. When they entered the room, Dick was standing at the mantle, staring into the fire. He turned and watched as Roy settled her into her chair gently. Roy took her hand and kissed her palm softly, then took his seat. Dick quickly took a seat next to him.

"Well?" Dick asked.

"Well what?" Roy answered. "You know what I mean," Dick said.

Roy gave him a slick smile. "A gentleman never asks and an gentleman never tells." He settled back into his chair and stretched. Then he said, "Toni, truth or dare?"

Toni said, "I did truth last time, so I'll go Dare."

Roy gave another wicked grin. "Same deal. Two minutes, person of your choice."


Toni's heart skipped a beat and her stomach dropped. This was her chance to finally sweep Donna off her feet! While trying not to make it look obvious, she'd been staring at Donna for most of the night, the way her breasts filled her leopard-print bra, her long legs, her firm stomach, her gorgeous smile. She saw that smile turn towards her like she knew that she was going to be picked. Toni swallowed nervously and stood up. She stepped forward, and to her surprise, grabbed Tara's hand. "C'mon Tara." she smiled before her brain realized what she had done.

Tara stood up hesitantly. "Why me?"

Toni was asking that herself. "No" she thought to herself. "I'm not gonna have sex with Donna like this. It's too easy. When I sleep with her, it's going to be because I earned it, not because someone dared me to." She turned her gaze to the blonde standing next to her and spoke out loud. "C'mon, you're gorgeous! What other reason should there be?"

Terra bit her lower lip. "After my turn, I didn't think..."

"Hey, I wasn't even here when the first Terra was around. The only one I know is you, and that's good enough for me!" She squeezed her hand lightly and stepped to the back door with her. She at least got up enough guts to get Donna to be one of her two witnesses, picking Roy to be the other. When she opened the door she felt a cold breeze flow into the house causing her to shiver lightly. "It's starting to get cold out. Let's do this in the other room instead."

Terra just nodded her head quietly and allowed Toni to lead her. The room was almost bare of furnishings, having only a wide sofa and a large piano.

Toni gestured for Donna and Roy to take the couch. "Would you lie back on the bench?" she asked Tara as she pushed her own panties off and kicked them aside so she was completely nude. "We've only got two minutes, so I'm gonna make them count!" she smiled seductively, making Tara even more nervous as she laid back with her legs hanging off the end, her feet pressed against the floor.

Toni leaned down and started by giving Tara a kiss, first a soft touch of the lips, then quickly pushing her tongue into her mouth. Her hands started on Tara's bare waist moved quickly up to her chest, lifting her t-shirt to her neck. Her fingers teased her sensitive nipples as her lips moved swiftly down her body, her tongue seeming to touch every single pleasure area on Tara's body on the way down. She finally reached her shorts, which she deftly yanked down and cast aside, leaving Tara completely nude, save for her boots. She looked up briefly to see Tara's eyes closed and her breathing deeply. Satisfied that was definitely enjoying it, Toni flicked her tongue lightly against Tara's clit, sending a shiver up her spine.

Tara could do nothing but sit back and try to enjoy what was happening. Her body froze as she felt Toni's tongue penetrate her, gliding it's way deeply inside her before curling up and pulling out, covered in her cum. She felt Toni drag her fingernails down through her pubic hair as she penetrated her again.

Tara's crotch was completely soaked almost immediately from Toni's actions. As much as Toni wanted to sit back and savor the taste, to have Tara do the same thing to her, she knew that her time was running out. As she started attacking Tara's clit again, she lifted her rear up a bit, giving Donna and Roy a perfect view of her fingering herself with her free hand.

Tara was going crazy. Not only did Toni know what she was doing, but she was incredibly good at it! Her hands reached down below Toni's shoulders and scratched up as another spasm wracked her body. She finally let her arms rest limply over her breasts. Her body just didn't want to listen anymore. Yet another spasm hit as she arched her body up off the bench. It was all Toni could do to hang on as Tara finally cried out "Oooohhhh... Ffffuuuuuccckkkkkkkk!!!!!!" as she orgasmed violently, almost filling Toni's mouth with her cum.

Toni looked back as Tara's body relaxed again. Donna and Roy were sitting in stunned silence. Donna shook herself from her gaze and quickly looked down at her watch. "You still have 7 seconds left."

Toni smiled and stood up, her lips glistening wet. "I think she needs time to recover!" She trotted back into the main room, still totally nude and sat back, draping a leg over the arm of her chair. Finally licking her lips dry she called out "Barbara! Truth or Dare!"

Babs smiled nervously. "I know I'll probably regret this, but Dare."

Toni smiled triumphantly. "I dare you to fulfill Huntress's fantasy!"


Barbara smiled wickedly. Though she'd never admit it, this was also in her fantasy rolodex. She turned to Helena and winked. "Ok, two conditions."

Toni smiled, ready to agree to pretty much anything. "Shoot."

"I want an opaque light shield, since it's too cold to go outside."

Toni lifter her hand to make one. "Done."

Barbara added, "And two witnesses, my choice."

Toni shook her head, "Two witnesses, one of them me."

Barbara smiled and moved her chair to where Helena was sitting. She whispered something to her, causing Helena to giggle, "Girl, you are bad. I love it."

Barbara gave another devastating smile. "Dick? Would you mind?"

Dick's eyes about fell out of his head. "Wha..."

Helena said in a husky voice, "Would you be a doll and keep an eye on things?"

Donna squealed while Roy was suddenly overtaken by a coughing fit. Wally however was not so restrained, falling out of his chair, clutching his stomach, laughing. Garth chuckled, "I don't know who's more dangerous, Babs or Helena?"

Bette giggled, "Definitely Babs."

Dick, finally able to form a coherent sentence, said, "Why me?"

Barbara gave him an innocent look. "Because Dick, we've all known each other for so long, we know we can really trust you."

Helena nodded. "You would never say a word to you-know-who."

Barbara agreed, "He'd never understand."

Helena added, "You're a true gentleman."

Toni chimed in, "Who would never take advantage of a situation like this."

Barbara said, "A true leader who would do what was asked because he was asked to."

Dick felt the color rise in his face again. Barbara and Helena both gave him innocent looks, then smiled with just a hint of sensuality. He was toast.

"Uh... ok," he mumbled. He stood up slowly and both Helena and Barbara took his hands and led him to the ledge by the fireplace. Toni sat by him, while Helena helped Barbara out of her chair to a comfortable position on the floor. Toni created the shield as Barbara requested, so the rest of the room would be treated to a very erotic shadow play.

Barbara laid back, one hand pillowing her head. Helena propped herself up on her elbow and removed Barbara's glasses. She turned and handed them to Dick with a wink then smiled at Toni. Her lips curved into a soft smile as she turned back to Barbara. "I really don't know were to start," she said softly.

Barbara raised a hand to Helena's cheek and stroked it softly. "Kiss me."

Though Dick was helping her through her experience with Deathwing, Cheshire's damage was deeper, and cost her some of her trust in her female friends.. True, Bette eased her through the initial shock and pain, but she still had her doubts. Helena hesitantly lowered her mouth to Barbara's and gave her a soft, chaste kiss. Barbara ran her fingers through Helena's hair, drawing her down for another kiss, deeper this time. She slipped her tongue between her lips and licked Helena's lips gently. They kissed again, and Barbara slid her tongue between Helena's lips and teased her tongue. She wove her fingers through Helena's hair, letting her make the next move. She stole a quick glance at their audience; Toni wore a dreamy smile, while Dick watched, spellbound.

Helena was surprised at the chemistry she felt when their lips met. She felt the familiar tightening in her body, and purred against Barbara's neck. Barbara's movements coaxed her on; she slowly slid her tongue down to the hollow of Barb's throat, enjoying the sound of her purring. Growing a little bolder, she brought her lips back to Barbara's and kissed her again, letting her tongue slide in and out of her mouth, dancing with Barbara's. Barbara moved her hand from Helena's hair down her back to the small of her waist, slowly sliding the fabric of her sweatshirt up to bare her skin. Helena flinched a little at her touch. Dick noticed this with a little concern; very few of the Titans knew exactly what happened to Helena, and none of them spoke of it. Barbara also noticed and pulled away slightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." she said softly.

Helena shook her head. "Don't, it's ok." Helena rolled onto her back and pulled Barbara on top of her gently. She placed her hand over Barbara's and brought it to her lips, kissing it. Barbara smiled as Helena guided her hand down over the cloth-covered softness of her breasts, moving their hands in light circles before cupping them underneath. She then took Barbara's hand and moved it underneath her sweatshirt. Barbara began to stroke Helena's waist lightly, moving slowly, easing her shirtwaist up. Helena shivered a little, then felt the warmth of Barbara's touch on her skin. It flowed through her, gently filling the ragged holes Cheshire tore in her spirit. She smiled and gently moaned, then guided Barbara's mouth to hers, kissing her deeply, and leaving them both breathless.

Barbara then moved down Helena's body slowly, tasting every bit of her skin, leaving burning kisses on the tops of her shoulders, across the top of her silk covered nipples. Helena stopped her and rolled Barbara onto her back gently then slowly ran her tongue over her fire-warmed skin.

Toni watched, one hand generating the shield, one hand between her thighs.. She tried to control herself but couldn't help sliding her fingers back and forth across her clit, her fingers slick with her juices. She came once already, and played now just to feel the quivers pulse through her. She stole a glance a Dick, but he sat motionless, watching the two ladies. There was a large bulge in his jeans, his breathing heavy and his eyelids were lowered sensuously. Seeing him like this, she could see what everyone saw in him.. He did look good, she grudgingly admitted. Keeping the shield up, she used her other hand and quickly brushed against his hardness. His breath caught, he shuddered but couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful duo.

Helena's mouth traced designs on Barbara's body as she gently moved the blue lace away from her hard nipples. She raised up slightly, meeting Barbara's gaze then lowered her lips to an exposed breast. Barbara sighed softly, loving the feel of the soft wetness. Helena teased her nipple, flicking it softly until it throbbed. She then transferred her attention to the other nipple, sending small shocks through her body. Helena stopped again and glanced again at Barbara. Her chest was heaving, and the sweat on her body glistened in the firelight. Helena started to move again when Gar's moaned, "Oh my gawd, I can't believe this is happening." His voice broke through her haze and she froze.

"Oh God, I'm sorry..." she stammered.

Barbara smiled, propping herself up on her elbows. "Don't be. I liked it as much as you did." They both looked at Toni, her cheeks pink and her breathing a little heavy. She smiled and thanked them quietly. They then all looked at Dick: eyes half-open, jaw slack, and a noticeable protrusion in his jeans. They watched him for a moment and began to giggle. Their soft voices penetrated his fantasy and he snapped to. Seeing their smiles, he gave a sheepish one of his own.

"You did that on purpose," he said quietly.

Helena helped Barbara up, covering her shoulders lightly with one of the blankets warmed by the fire. Barbara said, "You need to be shaken up every so often Dick. It's good for you."

Helena fixed her sweatshirt then eyed him thoughtfully. He followed her gaze to his crotch. She gave him a knowing smile. "That doesn't look very comfortable. Would you like us to help you?"

Barbara giggled, "It would be our pleasure."

He felt the blood rush to his face. He saw his rock hard cock restrained by his jeans and felt it throbbing in response. Shaking his head, he chuckled, "No, that's alright, but would you guys mind if we sat here a bit?" Assorted giggles answered his question.

Several minutes later, Barbara sipped her drink lightly, surveying her possible victims. Remembering how rudely interrupted they were, she said, "Gar, Truth or dare?"

Gar looked at her startled. "Um... Dare?"

She gave him a wicked smile. "I dare you to give phone sex... to your fearless leader."


Gar let out a devilish grin that filled Dick with dread. He pulled out his cel phone and grabbed Kory by the hand. "C'mon, I'm gonna need your help.." He took her hand and dragged her into an adjoining room. If anything, this filled Dick with even more dread.

The phone in the main room rang and Dick picked up immediately. "Hello?" Donna grabbed the receiver from him. "Uh uh, we're all listening to this!" she smiled, turning on the speaker phone.

"Hey Sweetheart." Gar lowered his voice and tried to make it softer and more feminine.

"Umm... hello... "

"So honey, what's your name?"

"Uhh... Dick... "

"Dick, huh?" Gar almost couldn't stop himself from laughing. "Is that your real name or are you just trying to impress me?"

Dick groaned as the rest of the room broke out in laughter. "So, uhh... what's your name?"

"Gar...rrina..." Gar stopped himself. "Garina."

"So... Garina: Dick snickered. "What can I do for you?"

Kory whispered something in Gar's ear. "I hear you have a thing for... tall women." he said, trying to ignore Kory's breasts pressing against his arm.

Dick saw Barbara arch her eyebrow toward him. "Umm... yeah..." he mumbled, causing all the women in the room to laugh.

"Really? What a coincidence! I just happen to be 6'10"... in heels" Gar amended.

Dick decided to start playing along. "Wow... you sound gorgeous!" he almost laughed out. "Tell me some more about yourself."

"Mmm..." Gar glanced over to Kory, who was still leaning on his shoulder. "I have... uh... really tan skin... uhh..." he felt Kory's nipples press rub his arm again. "And boobs the size of Mount Rushmore..."

"Sounds like he's beginning to regret taking Kory in with him!" Donna whispered to Tara, who couldn't help bursting into laughter.

"Hey!" Gar cried out, not breaking character. "You have another woman there?"

"Oh, her?" Dick stammered. "She's... she's just a friend, that's all."

"Just a friend? And you have her listening in on us? What? Do you want her to join in? Is that it?" Gar started to rant, causing Tara and the others to laugh again. "And here I thought we had something special going on here!

'Like what?" Dick asked. "Garina, we barely know each other!"

"Oh, I get it now, you don't want me now, do you? You'd rather have that hussy in there with you!"

"Garina, wai..."

"Hussy?" Tara jumped in. "Who's he... she calling a hussy?"

"So! You're the one stealing MY man away from me! If I ever see you with him..."

"You'll what?" Tara defended herself. "Get your butt kicked?"

"Whoa, we've got a real cat fight building up here!" Roy laughed.

"A MAN TOO?? What IS going on there? What kind of two-bit whore do you take me for? I... I never!! Dick heard the line disconnect and fell back laughing.

When Gar stepped back into the main room, Barbara immediately chided him. "I thought the dare was for you to give him phone sex... where was the sex?"

"Hey, I was all set to go, I just never expected Dick to be such a slut!" he smiled innocently.

Tara jumped in next. "Boobs the size of Mount Rushmore? What is this fixation guys have with big breasts?"

"Hey, c'mon!" Gar defended himself. "Not all guys are like that!"

"Just certain ones." Barbara said, giving Dick a scolding grin.

'Hey, just because Kory..." Dick stammered.

"We've all seen you stare, not just at Kory!" Donna joined in with a laugh.

"I'm telling ya, a girl like me doesn't stand a chance!" Tara laughed.

"Geez Tara, you have nothing to worry about!" Bette gently nudged her with her elbow. "Yours may not be big, but they look spectacular on you!"

Tara blushed and immediately tried to change the subject. "Hey anyway, it's your turn Gar... who's the next victim?"

"Well, since Dick got off easy with this one, I'll pick him. Truth or Dare oh, fearless leader."

"You call that easy?" Dick laughed. "I don't think it can get ANY worse than that. I'll go with dare."

Gar laughed. "We'll see! I dare you to physically thank one of your 9,000,000 admirers."


Dick smiled. He stood up and went to Wally, extending his hand. "Wally, you're one of my best and closest friends. You've helped me through rough times, starting back when we were the sidekicks of some pretty awesome guys. We've been through a lot together, and..." he paused a moment dramatically. "And I just wanted to say thanks, I love you man." Wally, close to busting up, drew Dick into a manly embrace, doing a terrible impression of sobbing. They stood there a moment, while the rest of the group stifled their laughter. Gar shook his head; Dick was not going get off that easy.

"Uh-uh leader-man," Gar said, "I meant one of your many admirers."

Wally shifted his hip out, waving his hand in an overly feminine way. "And what am I, chopped liver?" he drawled. He then shook a finger at Gar, "You're just jealous." He threw an arm around Dick's waist and placed a loud kiss on his cheek. Dick quickly wiped his cheek off, laughing. "West, you are so dead later."

Wally slapped Dick's butt once and sat down between Kory and Raven. "Tease," he said, and stuck his tongue out.

Gar got his laughter under control long enough to say, "OK boss, you're off the hook. Anyone that has to put up with Wally deserves a break."

Dick chuckled, then went to Bette, kneeling in front of her. Taking both of her hands in his, he looked into her eyes and saying, "Now it's no longer a dare." He lifted one hand to his lips, kissing it softly, then repeating the action with the other. "Bette I can't tell you how grateful I am for everything you've done. You're a very valuable part of the team and I'm so glad you're back with us."

Bette smiled, her eyes filling with tears. "Oh Dick..." she said before throwing her arms around his neck and catching him in an embrace. He held her for a moment, stroking her hair, then pulled away. Kissing her forehead, he squeezed her hands once more and then took his seat. He surveyed the remaining victims with care. Then...

"Raven, Truth or Dare?"

Raven smiled nervously. "I suppose it wold be unbecoming of me to break our dare streak."

Dick grin was even wider. He settled comfortably into his chair. "Since you're one of the few people I know capable of doing this, link all of our minds and ... have some fun."

She seemed a little confused. "Yours and mine?"

Dick shook his head. "Uh-uh, everyone. Link all of us together and... let yourself go."


Raven lowered her gaze to the ground, hoping noone would see her blush. "Are you sure about this Richard?"

Dick just smiled warmly. "Don't worry, just have fun."

Raven closed her eyes and drew her mind and the three others together. She opened them and saw herself surrounded by white nothingness. She had a white diaphanous silk gown on that seemed to flow at will around her body, occasionally covering her, and occasionally not. She took a step into the barren whiteness that surrounded her, noticing that the emptiness gave way to a warm white fog. Looking ahead, she saw a familiar silhouette in the fog. Raven smiled and willed the fog to pull away from the figure, revealing Kory's nude body standing with her back towards her. She saw Kory look over her shoulder and flash her a warmly affectionate smile. Raven stepped behind her and wrapped her arms around Kory's waist, resting her cheek against the taller woman's back. "Koriand'r, you were my first, and thus far, my only lover. Our times together will always be remembered with great fondness."

Kory broke Raven's hug just enough to turn and face her. Looking down in her eyes, she almost broke out into tears of joy. "Raven, I love you so much. I can only hope that everything we've done gave you nothing but happiness." She reached up and stroked Raven's cheek with the back of her fingers.

Raven answered simply by leaning up and warmly kissing Kory. Her gown reacted to her desires, billowing off her body and fading into the nothingness..

Kory hesitantly broke the kiss, giving Raven several smaller kisses before fully breaking away. "I'm not the only one on your mind though, am I?" she smiled. "You want to explore, to learn..." She stepped back from Raven's nude body, her arms sliding from her, down her forearms, finally taking Raven's hands in her's. She lifted them both to her lips, gently kissed them, and stepped back into the fog. Raven again willed the fog to separate, this time revealing Kory standing behind Dick. Kory was dragging her nails up Dick's bare chest and kissing him on the back of his neck. Dick tenderly pulled away from Kory's embrace and stepped up to Raven, wearing only the bottom half of his Nightwing costume. He gave her a loving smile as she blushed and turned her head away. "There's nothing for you to be blushing about. You've been on my mind so much lately Raven. You've always been there for the team. No matter if it's Trigon, Brother Blood, or even Godiva or Doctor Light, you've been there, giving everything you have. And you've been there for me, helping me when I was brainwashed by Brother Blood, helping me through... my own frustrations." This time he was the one who blushed, remembering that One Lonely Night(tm). "I wish I could've been there for you more often than I have been, and I'm sorry." He tilted her chin up with his finger and kissed her affectionately, pressing his chest against her bared breasts.

Kory stepped up behind Dick while he kissed Raven and joined in, kissing Dick on the shoulders, on his back, then moving to Raven and doing the same. She drug her nails down Raven's back, over her bottom, and in between her legs. She gently pushed a single finger inside her, feeling her wetness build as she pushed it inside then out.

Dick's kiss deepened, his eyes closed, as he raised his hands up and lightly cupped Raven's breasts. His tongue danced with her's while he lightly teased her hardened nipples with his fingertip. He felt Kory's hands along his back again, this time moving down and slowly pulling his pants down. He felt her lips on the back of his thighs, along the curve of his butt, and then the small of his back, her hands moving along his hips, around to his fully erect cock.

Raven hesitantly broke the kiss. "Richard... you should know... whatever happens here, happens in the real world. Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." Dick smiled warmly and began kissing her again.

Kory positioned herself between Dick and Raven, wrapping her fingers around Dick's hardness and she began softly stroking him. With her other hand, she lightly traced her finger around the circumference of the head of his cock, and over the top of the shaft, feeling it throb under her fingertip. She slowly removed one hand from Dick, still stroking him with the other. With her free hand, she reached her hand to Raven's twat from behind again, this time separating her moistened lips with two fingers. She pulled Dick's throbbing penis in towards Raven's parted lips, rubbing the head along the outside and began slowly pushing it inside of Raven, first just covering the tip. She looked up to see them still passionately kissing and slowly pushed him deeper inside of Raven. Again she stopped, just before Dick was about to break Raven's virginity. Instead of looking up this time, Kory just leaned in and kissed first the remaining exposed section of Dick's cock, then his sac, then Raven's clitoris before pushing him deeper, breaking Raven's virginity completely.

Raven flinched a bit, but the pain was numbed mostly by the ecstacy. She eased Dick into her the rest of the way, her wetness allowing him to easily penetrate her. Their kissing became more intense as Dick began slowly thrusting in and out of her.

Finally, Donna appeared, unintrusively sitting to their side, wearing a short flowing creme colored dress that buttoned down the front. She had witnessed the entire scenario, from Kory and Raven's kiss until now, completely unnoticed. Although she was also surrounded by the nothingness, she was able to sit, as though on a chair, with her legs dangling down. Kory and Dick were her two closest friends in the world and Raven was the closest thing Donna had right now to a crush. Watching Raven kiss Kory sent a small shiver up her spine. Felling the heat rising in her body, she unbuttoned the first two buttons of her dress and slid her fingers between the top of her breasts. Another button was undone when Dick stepped in, allowing her to slide her finger over her stimulated nipple. Once Dick's pants were removed and Kory was rubbing his cock, Donna's hand moved from inside the top of her dress down between her legs, resting on her thigh. As Kory inserted Dick inside of Raven, she mirrored the action with herself, moving her hand up her dress, to the bare womanhood underneath and inserted her finger inside herself, to the first knuckle when the tip of Dick's cock was covered, to the second knuckle when he reached Raven's virginity, and finally all the way when he fully penetrated her.

Kory sat by Donna's side once Dick was fully sheathed inside of Raven. "X'Hal, they're gorgeous, aren't they?" she sighed, kissing Donna lightly on the neck and resting her head on her shoulder.

Donna simply nodded, totally entranced by what she was watching. Her pulse was racing as her finger was matching Dick and Raven's pace.

Raven's body was shuddering in delight. She lifted one leg up and pressed it against Dick's muscular bottom allowing her to pace his thrusting, slowing him down at times, speeding him up at others. They kissed fiercely, their tongues never breaking contact with each other. Raven's fingers clawed down Dick's chest, almost drawing blood, the other hand firmly holding onto his butt. She could feel every inch of him inside of her, his cock throbbing against the slick walls of her twat, the knob at the top massaging her where noone had ever been before. Her body began to jolt slightly as she felt her orgasm building.

Dick felt Raven's spasm and lifted her other leg up, wrapping them both around him. He sped up his rhythm slightly, feeling his own orgasm building up. He held Raven up with one hand under her bottom, the other pressed against the small of her back. Their kissing became even more intense as they each gently bit down on each others tongues. Dick's body began to shudder and stiffen sharply as he felt himself start to explode, unleashing his white hot lava into Raven's orgasming body.

Watching their simultaneous orgasms was enough to bring Donna to her own, washing wetness over her hand. Kory's head still relaxed on her shoulder as her muscles tensed up and relaxed. Donna closed her eyes and slowly licked the wetness off her fingers. She finally opened her eyes when her heart stopped pounding against her chest, only to see, instead of Kory, Raven was leaning against her shoulder. Kory and Dick were no longer there. "I... I don't understand. I know why you had Kory and Dick, but... why me?"

Raven smiled warmly and took Donna's hand in her's. "Kory is my past, my first. I will always cherish her, will always love her, but our time has passed. Richard is my present. He is where my current dreams lie, he is my anchor. You, Donna, you are my future." She stood up and kissed her lightly on the lips, bringing them all back into the real world.

Donna's eyes snapped open and she looked around. The rest of the group was looking expectantly towards Raven. "It is done," she heard her say.

"Done? Whadaya mean done? Nothing happened!" Gar protested.

"How long were we...?" Donna asked.

"About 3 1/2 seconds." Wally answered.

"Gods, it felt like..." Donna caught her breath. "Gods..."

Raven smiled impishly "Roy, Truth or Dare."

"Hey, I gotta be different. I'll go Truth"

"Very well, please tell us, what villianess would you enjoy... being with, besides Jade."


Roy sat back and chuckled. "Well she isn't a supervillain, but when I find her..." He smiled slyly at the memory.

Wally shook his head, "C'mon Harper, with that smile, this had GOT to be a good story."

"Spill it Roy," Donna demanded.

Roy sighed dramatically. "Well there really isn't much to tell, I was on a stakeout and she stole my wallet."

"Uh-huh, what happened?"

Roy blushed a bit, something very few people saw and even fewer people spoke about. "I was in New Orleans, working a sting..."

"Harper, remember, blend in" the sergeant said. "Not like this is gonna be a stretch for you, but this is where the goods are changing hands. Keep your eyes open..."

"And my pants closed," Roy finished blandly. "It's not like I haven't done this before, Vargas. You keep your eyes open, let me do my job."

"Suit yourself Mister Superhero. But remember eyes, not flies."

Roy shook his head, checked his collar mike and left the van. He walked across the street and got to the club. "Operative in position." Hearing the go, he walked in.

"Robbie's gonna kill me if he finds out about this," he mumbled, glancing at the barely dressed waitresses of the strip club. He thought to himself, passing off stolen goods here, yeah right, where they gonna hide it. He took a seat close to the stage and ordered a club soda just as the first girl hit the stage. Getting comfortable, he smiled. God, I have the toughest job....

About an hour later, he was tired of club soda and his head was starting to hurt from the loud overpowering bass that thumped out of the speakers. The women were over done and getting clumsier as the night got longer. However, just as he was about to call in a night, the music changed. Prince's shrill scream pierced the soft murmurs of the club before the bass pounded through the house speakers.

'Aaahh huhhh ..." the lights focused on the stage and a slim auburn-haired woman pounced on the stage, swinging around the pole with unusual grace. She landed softly, turning this way and that, swinging her hips in time with the music. Eyeing the patrons in the front row, she made her way down the catwalk, prowling the stage like a caged animal. Dangerous, exotic and extremely stunning. Roy was gasping for breath as she made her way to him

'...they say that you ain't you-know-what in baby who knows how long...'

She wore cinnamon, a fragrance that only added to her exotic appeal. He found himself leaning towards her as she dropped the white silk shirt on his table. When she dropped the silk leggings she wore, he didn't' know, though like most of the crowd, he didn't really care. C'mon Harper, he told himself, you're here to work.

'Gett off... if you want to baby here I am...'

He could hardly remember the rest of the show, wondering who she was and where she came from. The lights came up slightly and the dancers began to work the room, coaxing the patrons into requesting lap dances. He wondered if this is how the goods or cash changed hands, and wondered where the redhead went.

"Hello monsieur, are you waiting for someone?"

He flinched at her soft hand on his shoulder, where the hell did she come from? "N-no, not at all."

"Pity," she purred. "I'd 'oped you were waiting for me." Her soft French accent made her seem even more exotic.

"And if I was?" He told himself it was a way to see if they were passing the money through the girls. And that was it.

She smiled, stroking his chin with her nails. "Then I'd know I'd succeeded."


"Oui. Mais... not 'ere, will you come with me?" She held her hand out to him.

Taking her hand, "Where?"

"Come, I will show you." He followed her through the club to one of the back rooms where the dances usually took place. Scanning them quickly, he noted several surveillance cameras and microphones placed around the area, and he was certain it wasn't for the dancers' safety.

"What next?"

She led him to one of the chairs in the back of the room. "'ave you ever had a lap dance before?"

Shaking his head, "No, never." You're working, Harper, he mentally yelled at himself.

She smiled then, a predatory grin. "Then relax, mon chere." She cued up the music. "Do you like Aerosmith?" she asked as the soft guitar started in the background.

"Um... yeah..." On task Harper!

"Bien," she said, leaning over him as he took his seat. "And your name?"

"R-Roy." You're working Harper!

"Tres bien." Her lips were barely brushing his. "I'm LeBeau."

Sweet Emotion...

Her hair trailed over his legs as she swept across his body in one slow smooth motion. He felt the head of her hands through the thick denim as she clutched his knees, her fingertips pressing lightly into the fabric. Another cloud of her cinnamon perfume hit him, intoxicating him. She brushed his lips again with hers, her tongue darting out to tease him as she straddled his legs. In soft controlled movements, she brushed against the bulge in his jeans, sending shocks through his body, making his breathing ragged.

Remember why you're here Harper!

With both hands around his neck, she arched back, thrusting her breasts towards him, grinding her hips into his. He gasped in response as his shaft throbbed madly. Her now laugh drove him closer to the edge, knowing she reveled in what she was doing to him. She pulled away quickly, leaving him suddenly open and feeling vulnerable, his warm lap now cooling as stood once again before him.

She smiled and turned slowly, gracing him with a long look at her legs and shapely backside, smooth lean back and shoulders where her red hair fell just so. Looking over her shoulder, she gave him a sultry glance before turning again and teasing him again. The guitars started a new riff as she straddled him again, thrusting her hips against his again, riding him soft and hard, smoothly then rough. He gasped again, wondering what he was doing here. As she brought him to a shuddering climax, he realized he didn't care anymore. She swooped in quickly and planted a possessive kiss on his slightly parted lips, then stood and sauntered off. He tried to call her back but found himself still gasping. When he finally gathered his wits about him, she was gone.

"So I go back outside and tell the sarge that other than the cameras and the not quite so lovely dancers, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He gives me that look but says 'Yeah whatever, go home.' So I reach for my keys, get in my car and head out. Then I figure I should probably stop for something to eat since I don't have anything in my fridge and reach for my wallet..." Roy started chuckling then and reached into his back pocket. "My wallet's gone, and I found this in my back pocket." He held up a note and handed it to Dick, who read it to the group:

Round one, mine, mon chere. Until we meet again. L.

"You got ripped off by a stripper?" Gar was incredulous. Wally just laughed while Dick eyed the note, slipping into detective mode for a moment.

"You asked. And yes I'm looking forward to round two." He waited for the chuckles to die down before choosing a victim.

"Bette, Truth or Dare?"

Bette raised an eyebrow. "I'll probably regret this, but Dare."

Roy smiled then whispered something to Wally. Wally snerked but took off quickly, then returned, handing Roy something he tucked behind his back.. "I dare you to order us pizza."

Bette started laughing, "That's it?"

"Yep, just order us pizza." He waited a beat then added, "But while ordering, you have to use this..."


Bette grinned shyly as she took Donna's toy. "Umm... what do you all want on your pizzas?"

"Pepperoni and suasage" Vic called out immediately, desperate for some meat after eating Raven's tofu burgers.

"Jesse and I will split ours" Wally said. "Get us 6 larges, with extra cheese."

"Pineapple, anchovies, and jalapenos on mine" Gar called out hungrily.

"God, I think I'm going to be sick!" Bette smiled as she took everybody's orders.

"No more delaying. Go, order, and have fun." Donna smiled mischievously to her. "And try not to make too much of a mess on my... toy."

Bette turned bright red and moved into the next room. She reached up her skirt, slid off her panties, and picked up the phone. Her stomach tied itself in knots as she dialed, praying that whoever she talked to didn't realize what she was doing.

"Pizza Town. Please hold." she heard them answer and immediately put her on hold before she could reply.

"At least I can have some time to get into this then..." she thought to herself, holding the toy at eye level. "It's been awhile since I used one of these..." She touched her lips lightly to the top of the rod and slid it down her body, cradling the phone on her shoulder. With her other hand, she lifted her short skirt up enough so she could see what she was doing.

Closing her eyes, Bette touched the wand to her clit, sending a shudder up her spine. Her imagination soared as she began picturing her teammates in here with her, watching her. Not that it was a bad thing, she thought. She could see Dick's beautiful blue eyes focusing on her as she slid the toy into herself, wishing it was actually him that was penetrating her, not just some toy. Her breathing started coming out in short gasps as her mind wandered. Kissing Dick, feeling his chest pressing against hers, feeling him working his cock in and out of her wet twat. Dick wasn't the only one on her mind though. She imagined Wally standing behind her, pressing his own erection against her bare bottom. Their hands weren't content with simply her body though as they rubbed each other as much as they did her. She could "see" Wally's hands ending up on Dick's rear, setting his pace inside of her. She imagined turning her head and kissing Wally, moving back to Dick, then allowing them to kiss each other. Dick and Wally, pleasing her and pleasing each other, was enough to drive Bette up the wall with ecstasy.

She started working the wand even faster in and out of herself, teasing her clit with her other hand. She let out a loud moan when the other end of the phone picked up. "Thank you for holding. Can I have your address please?"

Bette swallowed hard, trying to both continue masturbating and think coherently. She managed to breathlessly gave the order, never stopping with the wand. She barely listened as the guy on the other end recited her order back to her, holding the reciever away from her mouth, praying he couldn't hear her moaning. Finally, as he read off her total, she felt an orgasm rushing over her body. She quickly acknowledged him, and tried pressing the phone back on the reciever, missing it entirely. Bette didn't care anymore as she came with a rush, leaning her head against the counter. Her mind was swimming... "Dick... Wally... oh god..." she was completely breathless as she pulled the wand out of herself and stepped into the main room. She flopped back into her seat and exhaustedly called out her next victim. "Donna, truth or dare."

"Dare, of course."

"I want to hear one of your favorite fantasies. Anyone, male or female."


Donna leaned back and smiled that wicked smile that made men's jaws fall to the floor. "Favorite fantasy? I'd have to say me and Big Blue..."

"Supes?" Roy was incredulous. "The ultimate boy scout? Tell me you're kidding."

Donna laughed. "Roy, that man has the chest, the legs, those eyes, and that smile...Gods, the man is sex on a stick... and what a stick."

Kory smiled, nodding enthusiastically. A secret smile curved on Raven's lips and she sighed softly, while Helena murmured "oh yes," and smacked her lips together as if savoring a tasty treat.

Gar stifled a chuckle. "OK, granted he's a great guy, but sex god? He probably wears a full set of pajamas to bed each night, kisses his mom's picture then turns on his nightlight before going to sleep."

Donna nodded. "I know, which is why he's so sexy. Nothing like corrupting a little innocence to all in the name of truth, justice and the American way.."

Dick laughed then. "I doubt Superman would see having sex as furthering the cause of justice."

Barbara nudged him, giggling. "C'mon Dick, admit it, he's sexy as hell."

"Babs, that man practically helped raise me. He taught me a lot of what I know. I've never thought of him that way."



"At all."

"Not even once." He glanced at the others with a smug little smile.

Raven eyed Dick, sharing a secret look but remained silent. Dick swallowed hard as his smile faded. Wally, however, caught the exchange.

"Dick, you lie like a cheap rug!"

Not for the first time did Dick's face flush faintly. Clearing his throat, he near shouted. "Donna, you were saying?"

Donna lowered her lashes. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours..."

Dick stared at her a moment, sharing a silent agreement. "Later."

Donna grinned. "Anyway, my favorite Superman fantasy..." She sat back and closed her eyes, relaxing in her chair. "I'm out on patrol, in my old Troia uniform, you know the one with the high boots and short skirt. Everyone seemed to like that skirt. Kind of a 'Amazon Warrior meets Naughty Schoolgirl' outfit." She winked at Roy, who nodded, chuckling quietly. "So I'm flying and run into him out on his own patrol and we decide to fly together. And we talk for a bit, silly things like how are the teams, how's Diana, what's he working on at the 'Planet.' We land on the ledge at the Planet and I have to fix the clasp on one of my boots, so I lean on one of the ledges, one leg up, and as I'm doing this I glance over and see him just watching me with that glazed over look in his eyes. And I smile and say, 'You alright?' And he snaps out of it and blushes and says, 'I was just noticing how much you've changed from your Wonder Girl days,' in that deep voice that sounds like hot caramel on ice cream..."

"Hot caramel on ice cream?" Gar stared, clueless. "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

Donna glanced at him with that look again, "You know what I mean, that deep rich voice you'd pay money just to listen him read the phone book. That voice." Several of the women nodded, murmuring their agreement. "Anyway, I smile and hitch my skirt up just a bit, showing off a little more leg, and I say, 'Good changes? Or bad?' And I see his eyes widen a little bit more and for a moment he's speechless. He snaps out of it and smiles, 'Good ones definitely.' So I sit really slowly on the ledge and get a bit daring. 'Like what?' and I cross my legs just so, swinging one and smiling wider when I notice his eyes following me. I pat the ledge next to me, inviting him to sit down, and for lack of a better excuse, he sits next to me. 'Well for one thing,' he starts, 'You're not a little girl anymore. Now you're talented and powerful. And a very beautiful young woman. I smile and move a bit closer. 'Not that young,' I answer, knowing that by the way I'm leaning, he can see straight down my top. I rest my hand on one of his and he jerks away like he'd been burned..."

"Superman is invulnerable..." Gar snorted. Tara promptly hit him with a pillow.

"Shut up, Gar, I want to hear this." Settling back into her place on the floor, she looked back at Donna. "Go on..."

Donna raised an eyebrow at Gar, then continued. "So he pulls away, and stands up real fast. 'We should get back to patrol,' he says, ignoring the spark he felt between us. I smile and stand, then take to the air, Superman following close behind."

"So we fly for a while, but it's a slow night so we decide to call it a night early, and he escorts me back to my apartment. I invite him in for coffee, and he accepts. We have coffee on the balcony, talking more about the teams, the people in our lives and pretty soon he's laughing about something. I smile and tell him how sexy he looks when he laughs, which makes him blush again. He offers to take our cups in and follows me inside to the kitchen. And I can feel him watching me, not really knowing what to think of the signals I'm sending. So I turn and let him bump into me, dropping one of the coffee cups. He apologizes of course, offering to replace it. I say 'I'd rather you pay for it... with a kiss.' He's stunned, and there's my opening.. I pull him into a kiss, and feel him tense up, not sure what to do. I refuse to let him go and deepen the kiss, pressing against him, running my leg between his. He finally pulls away, very breathless, and asks, 'Why are you doing this?' And I pull him closer and whisper in my best Marilyn Monroe voice, 'Because I want you...' Then I kiss him again, and he starts to kiss back, hesitantly at first, then I feel his hands on my waist and..." She sighed happily.

She sipped her wine then. "Pretty soon his hands are everywhere, awkward but enthusiastic, running across my hips, across the small of my back and the heat of his hand is enough to make me melt. I loop my hands into his waistband and slowly pull them down. Pretty soon, his cock is hard, throbbing and pressing against my belly, and I start to stroke him with one hand. He's moaning softly, but near screaming when I go down on him, licking and sucking him, his hands tangled in my hair, breathing my name over and over..."

"I don't let him come yet. I stop just as I feel his legs start to tighten, then stand and meet his gaze... And he gives me pleading look, 'Why did you stop?' I kiss him again, pulling him with me so he's got me leaning against a wall, then I raise up a little and he's in me, bit by bit, inch by inch, his jaw open, slack from what he's feeling, holding his breath through every moment. And when he's in me, I raise up a little, drawing him out a bit, then pushing back down. He's starting to move with me, his ass tightening with small thrusts. I pull his head down to my breasts and open my top so he can feel them, feel me..."

"He's touching and tasting me, out of control, thrusting into me, grabbing me, marking me... He moves faster, jerking forward harder and harder and soon his hands are on my hips and I'm on the carpet as he's riding me, deeper and deeper..."

"And he shouts my name into the carpet as he comes, sweat falling off of him, onto my skin. And his eyes are wide, glassy and he gives me that boyish grin that he always has. I draw him down into another kiss, and we fall asleep on my apartment floor." Donna smiled and stretched, then finished off the rest of her drink. "Good enough?"

Bette nodded, also glassy eyed. "Yeah, I think so." Clearing her throat, she said. "Your turn."

Donna sized up the group, picking her victim. "Ok, Grant. Here's a different one... Three people, three questions, anything you want."


Grant looked over the group carefully. "Three questions, anyone I want...." He sat back in his chair. "First question, Dick."

Dick nodded, "Shoot."

"Do you regret it? Becoming Nightwing and losing any hope of having a normal life? I mean you're a good looking, intelligent guy, rich beyond belief because of Mr. Wayne and because of your own investments. You could have anyone you wanted, male or female. And here you are, risking your life day in day out. I mean most of us have some power to back us up. But you. You're just a guy, and still the most dangerous one of the group. If the time came, could you walk away, no regrets?"

Dick sat back, nibbling his bottom lip as he gathered his thoughts. "Could I walk away, Yes. No regrets? Absolutely not." He took a deep breath then. "You have to understand, I got started because I had a score to settle and someone I trusted who I thought would let me. But once I got started, there was no turning back. You all know what I mean," he looked at his friends, all of whom nodded. "We all do this for two reasons, the first is a personal one, one that made us choose this life in the first place. The second reason is because once we got started we realized how much we were needed. The first time I walked away was because I lost sight of who I was. And once I figured that out, I realized that Nightwing is part of who I am, who I was meant to be, and to walk away from that would be killing off part of myself. My friends, my teammates needed me as much as I needed them. Could I walk away? I know I could. But I would regret it because I wouldn't be the same person I am today. Does that make sense?"

Grant nodded. "A lot of sense. You know I watch you and envy you. You've got it together Dick, I mean really together." He stopped as Dick began to laugh.

"It only looks that way. Batman taught me how to be a partner and to rely on myself, but the Titans showed me how much I needed a family and friends.. You'll figure it out on your own." He sat back and grinned. "Next question."

Grant frowned a bit then shook his head; "If you say so..." He surveyed the crowd again. "Barbara, pretty straight forward question."

Barbara nodded. "Go ahead."

"Some magic genie comes up to you with a proposition. He'll heal you; you'd be able to walk again, no complications, no relapses... if you kill the Joker. Personally. Would you do it?"

Barbara's eyes widened slightly as she sighed. "Good question..."

Grant leaned forward. "Well?"


"No?" Helena asked, shocked. "You could get rid of one of the evilest beings alive and be able to walk again..."

"But at what cost? I'd never be able to look at myself in the mirror, knowing that I'd become as evil as the man who did this to me. It wouldn't be for justice or self preservation, but for simple revenge and profit, which would make me no better than him." She shook her head slightly. "I'd do a lot of things to walk again, but take a life? No."

Grant sat surprised. "I didn't expect that answer, but it makes sense." He grinned slightly. "No wonder Dick likes you so much. You are two of a kind." Before she could comment on it, he turned to Roy. "Last question, Roy."

"42," Roy answered glibly, breaking the tension.

"No, really," Grant chuckled. "Roy, we all know Cheshire is Lian's mother. Suppose you'd accepted an assignment to neutralize a known threat, national security, the whole nine yards. Then when you get there, you find out the target is Cheshire and you have to be the one to neutralize her. Could you do it, knowing that you'd have to explain to Lian someday why her mommy died?"

Roy exhaled hard, running a hand through his hair. "Sheesh kid, you ask hard questions..." He sat quietly a moment, staring at nothing specific. "I don't know, and no I'm not copping out. It's hard enough explaining to her now that her mom is a bad person but she loves her with all her heart. That her mother needs help and even though I've tried to help her, she doesn't want help. I don't know how I'll explain when 'being a bad person isn't enough anymore. It's bad enough telling her that them police have her mommy in jail and that I had to help them get her. Will she hate me when I say what Cheshire did to me, to us? Will she hate Cheshire when she finds out that she's tried to kill me, and would kill me for the right price?" He shook his head. "I don't know what I'm gonna do when that time comes. And it's coming soon." He looked up then, scanning his friends' faces. "So yes Roy Harper, hero extraordinaire, is scared of something. Don't let it get around."

Donna smiled and put an arm around his shoulders. "You can handle it. And you aren't alone."

Roy touched her hand and grinned. "Yeah, I know." He finally looked at Grant. "Good enough?"

"Good enough."

Roy stood then and stretched, "Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm dyin... I'm headin' off to bed." He winked then, "Anyone care to join me?"

Dick stood, "Well since you have a thing for brunettes..."

Roy laughed. "C'mon tall, dark and gruesome. I'll even let you have the right side of the bed."

"In your dreams, Roy..."

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