Fic: Titans: A Night in the Life – 1
Rating: NC17 - F/F, M-solo, F-solo, minor M/M
Continuity: Takes place after both Truth or Dare and Shakespeare Was Wrong.
Archive: Red Room, Titan's Slash, Super Hero's archive... anyone else, just ask.
Feedback: Please? Either to the list or
Disclaimer: DC owns them, wish I did, no money made off this, wish there was. Please don't sue me, I have no money. Plus, my most extreme apologies for making Clancy sound like Groundskeeper Willy... accents are not my friend. :-)
Finally, I want to dedicate this to AyaJJ and Kerithwyn Jade, co-plotters, beta-readers, and the ones who kicked my butt enough to get me to finish this. Thanks! :-)
My name is Jessica Chambers, CEO of Quickstart Industries. I’m also known as Jesse Quick, co-leader of the Titans and the fastest woman alive. Even with super-speed I have difficulty making time for both. When you throw in Wally’s various emergencies, it’s no surprise that I don’t have much of a personal life. To be honest though, the Titans have done their best to fix that. Like tonight, I was invited to a corporate party being thrown by Bruce Wayne, to celebrate a new partnership between Wayne-Tech and Quickstart. Normally I’d go to these things alone, say hello to all the suits, and get out as soon as possible so I can get some real work done. Of course none of those parties had anything to do with Quickstart. This one did, so I was stuck for the long haul. I tried to make the best of it though. I went out and had a gorgeous red gown tailor-made for the occasion and hired Donna to take some publicity photos during the party. Dick arranged to have a limo pick us up at Donna’s apartment in New York to get us to Gotham City, since running or flying would probably end up ruining my dress.
I was ready to go, adjusting my dress in front of the mirror while I waited for Donna to finish getting her camera equipment ready. The dress cost me a fortune to have made. It was a long red gown, slit up the left side to mid-thigh. Wide straps wrapped around to the back of my neck and zipped up, leaving my back bare and giving it a half-collar that opened at my throat and dropped down to form a thin neckline. It was cut like a lightning bolt reaching down to my stomach, and was trimmed with gold, so it looked like Quickstart’s logo. My gold lightning bolt earrings were the only jewelry I wore.
Leave it to Donna to upstage me though. She came out in a stunning dark purple dress, long in the back, but sharply sloping up to a point in the front just above mid-thigh. It had a modest U-shaped neckline and was held up by thin spaghetti straps over her shoulders. Her back was completely bare though, her dress plunging down almost too far. Almost. It stopped before she revealed anything, but it was enough to turn heads. She slung her camera bag over her shoulders and smiled to me. “Limo’s here. You ready?”
I don’t know how people can make the Gotham/New York commute by car every day. Even though the limo was really comfortable and luxurious, I couldn’t help but think of how much work I could be getting done while I wasted time traveling. I’m certain I could’ve found a way to run to Gotham without destroying my dress. I found myself constantly starting my speed formula, desperately wanting to get to Gotham and get this over with. At least Donna had her camera equipment to prepare, so she wasn’t as bored as I was. By the time we pulled up to the Wayne-Tech Tower, I was almost ready to ditch the whole thing. I hate waiting, and that drive was a wait from hell.
That feeling disappeared the moment I exited the limousine though. The newly rebuilt Wayne-Tech Tower was one of the most impressive buildings I’d ever seen. It was over 100 stories high, packed with more state of the art technology than most small countries have. I could have spent days there and not get bored, it was that incredible.
Dick was waiting outside to greet us, dressed up in a black tuxedo. He looked absolutely gorgeous as usual. He stepped between us and took our arms to escort us in. Men were staring at us as we entered, thinking Dick was the lucky one. Yeah, right. I’ll admit, I suffer from a bit of hero worship when it comes to Dick. Partner to the Batman, leader of the Titans, solo hero, he really had it all. Our couple times together didn’t do anything to change that, in fact it probably made me that much worse. He’s THAT good. I felt like royalty as he escorted Donna and I to the elevator and took us up to the penthouse.
The penthouse was stunning, a masterpiece of architecture. It was primarily a huge, open area, like a ballroom, combining classical and ultramodern decoration. I still have no idea how they have offices up there. I went through the ritual introductions as we worked our way to our table. Bruce Wayne and two women I’d never met before were already seated. Bruce stood up and held his hand out to me with a smile. I took it, not expecting him to pull it up and kiss it lightly. It seemed that the stories I’d heard about his charming personality weren’t fabrications. “Ms. Chambers, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” he smiled. “This is my date, Selina Kyle.” he said waving a hand toward the brunette he was sitting next too. She simply nodded, looking like I didn’t matter to her. Bruce seemed oblivious though as he introduced me to woman Dick sat down beside. “And this is Dick’s date, Bridget Clancy. Lucky guy, isn’t he?” Bruce smiled as Dick’s date blushed appreciatively. No, Dick wasn’t the lucky one, she was. I’ll admit, I was feeling a bit jealous, not to mention alone. After the requisite small talk, our group split up. Donna was already snapping pictures, capturing Bruce and Selina whispering to each other, Dick and Clancy laughing on the dance floor, and me, by myself, sipping champagne by the window. I gave Donna a light smirk as she took my picture. “Are you sure you want to be wasting your film on me like that?” I asked.
Donna just gave me her patented Donna smile. “Are you kidding? These are the best pictures I’ve taken so far.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “So, what are you gonna call this one? Portrait of a Young Executive?”
“Probably something a bit less cumbersome” Donna laughed.
“How about Young Executive, Bored Out Of Her Mind?”
“Well, it’s still cumbersome, and hopefully not true” Donna countered.
“No, I’m sorry. I’ve just been stuck at so many of these parties with absolutely nothing to do and noone to talk to. I’m glad you and Dick are here.”
Donna smiled graciously. "Well I'm starving and I think its illegal to starve your photographer"
I couldn’t help but laugh. "Feeding you was on the contract?"
"It's in the fine print. Standard loophole, client pays for supplies, time and dinner."
Donna’s humor was contagious. "I'd get my lawyers on it... but I'm hungry too." We didn’t move.
"So, you're here, I'm here... and the buffet is over there..." Donna glanced over, trying to subtly clue me in.
"Are there people around it? I don't want to have to deal with any more small talk from people I've never met..." Yes, I was that desperate to avoid any unnecessary contact with these people.
"Just do what I do..." Donna smiled
"What's that?" I asked.
"Smile, wink at the cute ones, and nod like you know what they're talking about." Her instructions seemed sound, except for one minor detail.
"Cute ones? This is corporate party Donna... There ARE no cute ones" I laughed.
"Sure there are..." she winked at a relatively attractive guy in a black suit. "They're just taken or gay and taken"
"Like Dick..." I felt my face flush. "Taken, not gay I mean!" I tried unsuccessfully covering up my blush.
"Well he's not exactly taken, or gay..." Donna tried reminding me.
"Right now he's taken... it'd be rude of me to try to take him away from Clancy."
"You're too polite. All’s fair in love and war. Sex, that’s another ball game altogether.”
I arched an eyebrow at that remark. "What do you mean?"
"Oh nothing... C'mon lets eat, we're bordering on breach of contract here." Donna smiled and led me to the buffet table.
"How many more pictures do you have to take?" I asked, piling my plate with some of everything from the table.
"You're the boss. How many rolls do you want me to take?"
"Hah, I wish all my employees were as accommodating as you!” I laughed. “I just want to make sure I have enough to make up a good presentation to our clients concerning the partnership"
"Then relax, look gorgeous, which shouldn't be a problem for you, and have fun!" Again, Donna’s instructions made sense, except for one small detail.
"Fun? How? I've never been the type to try to have fun at parties like this... I usually just say hello to all the big-shots and sneak out before I get too bored..." Yeah, it’s as pathetic as it sounds.
"Don't try, just be your usual charming self and go with the flow."
I laughed again. "Gorgeous? Charming? C'mon Donna, I'm not paying you that much!"
"Oh shut up and eat." Donna smiled and led us back to our table and began to eat.
"Well, one good thing about these parties... they always have great food!" I scarffed down the food on my plate and began picking at Donna’s leftovers.
"Wayne’s parties always have good food."
"You've been to a lot of these?" I asked, pouring each of us a glass of wine.
"Oh yeah. Bruce throws good parties." Donna said, taking a sip.
"And you usually go with Dick?"
"Only when he needs a date and can't find one."
Now that shocked me. "Dick? Not able to find a date? I find that hard to believe!"
"Why does that surprise you?”
"I've SEEN how women flock to him.. Hell, I think I've been guilty of it myself" My face flushed again as I laughed.
"Gorgeous men have the same problem gorgeous women do. Great to look at, but no one really talks to them." Donna explained
I smiled and glanced over to Dick’s current date. "Well, it looks like Clancy's not falling into that trap."
"Clancy is a bit of a different story. She's not impressed. At all."
"Not impressed? Is she for real?" I laughed. “ Gay maybe?" I giggled playfully (It was the wine, I swear!), stealing a glance at Dick to emphasize my point.
"Clancy? Nah. Just Irish, very practical. Nothing impresses her."
"Practical doesn't mean unimpressable... I think I'M practical, but I've been... impressed on occasion" I admitted, hopefully not revealing too much.
"But Clancy's seen and been through a lot. Takes a bit to impress her."
"Geez, I'm starting to sound like a real gossip queen now!" I laughed.
"Well if you want gossip, this is the place to get it.”
Donna piqued my curiosity "Really? The offer's... tempting Tell me something good... anything."
"What do you want to know?"
"Anything at all... I want to see how much you really know." I challenged her.
"There's Selina Kyle, you know who she is?" Donna asked.
"Bruce's date? Don't recognize her...The name sounds familiar though..."
"It should. That's Catwoman. The one Toni's been drooling about."
Now the name clicked. Made me wonder if Bruce knew. "Uh huh..." I wanted to hear more.
"She's got her own rolodex of um... conquests. Dick is one of them." Donna whispered conspiratorially.
Interesting news, to say the least. "And Toni...? You mean she's really a lesbian?"
Donna looked surprised. "Yeah, you didn't know that?"
"No... I thought she was just being... over-sensationalistic at the party... you mean she really had sex with Terra in that room?" Okay, maybe I was asking too much, but Donna nodded and smiled in reply.
I was starting to get into the spirit of this gossip thing. "So, Selina's got both Dick AND Toni? Anyone else we know?"
"Selina? Other than Bruce, I’m not sure. Toni? No clue."
"Oh, I thought you were saying that they... this is why I don't gossip much" I laughed.
Donna poured herself another glass of wine. "I'm good, but I don't know that much. Talk to Babs or to Robin. He seems to have the inside track on gossip."
"I'll try that! Toni's really gay though? I'd have never thought... I mean, I really thought she was just trying to get a rise out of the guys at the party..."
Donna smiled and shook her head. "I don't think she's ever been with another guy, though again, ask Robbie. He seems to know a few things."
"Like Toni's sex life?" I giggled again (damn wine).
Donna nodded. "Among other things."
"And I thought Roy was bad!"
"As horn dogs go, Roy and Toni are about equal."
"With Robin a close third for knowing all this!" I laughed.
"No, Robin is a good kid." Donna looked left and right and whispered conspiratorially again. "But he gets the best dirt."
By now, curiosity got he better of me. I had to ask. "Are there any more Titans like Toni? I mean, that you know of..."
"No, but I know everyone's experimented “
OK, now I was officially stunned. "Everyone? Even you???"
"Well, I'm not really sure about Grant. As for me..." she gave me a not-so-subtle wink.
"Everyone... wow... I feel almost left out... almost" I smiled, trying to look too stunned.
"Don't get any funny ideas... I'd be feeling left out if I had an interest in experimenting" I smiled again.
Suddenly Donna looked serious. "So you don't have an interest? At all?"
I answered as honestly as I could. "None that I know of..."
"Well damn."
"Damn?” I swallowed nervously. “What are you talking about?"
"Well, I was hoping for at least a good night kiss. Seeing as I am your date." Donna smiled warmly.
I was absolutely shocked. "My date? A kiss? What kind of kiss???"
"What ever kind of kiss you like."
For the third time that night, my face flushed. "And what gave you the idea that you were my date?"
"Its part of the standard contract." Donna laughed.
"Hmm... I'm really gonna have to get my lawyers to go through it now..."
"C'mon. lets get dessert and get catty about the women."
That sounded like the best idea I heard all day. “Well, maybe having you as my date isn't such a bad thing after all!" I laughed.
“You'll find me very entertaining” Donna winked and led me to the dessert table.
Neither of us were very hungry, with each of taking only a small helping. We finished quickly and Donna suggested that we go outside and get some fresh air. I stood up and again Donna led the way, taking me across the ballroom, down a long hallway, and out to a large balcony overlooking the city.
It was an absolutely beautiful night. Gotham’s new skyline was truly a sight to behold. I leaned against the railing, marveling at how quickly Gotham was being rebuilt. Seeing the new Kane Building, One Gotham Center, and The River Court lighting up the horizon made it hard to believe that this was a ruined No Man’s Land just 4 short months ago. The wind at 100 stories up was enough to carry my hair and dress with it, it’s coolness causing me to shiver slightly. Donna stepped up behind me and took the view in over my shoulder. Her warm breath flowed across my cheek as she rested a hand softly on my back. Her warmth was intoxicating, sharply contrasting with the cold wind. She rested her chin lightly against my shoulder, her nose grazing against my cheek like a feather. I opened my mouth, to say something but stopped myself. There was no reason to break the mood with small talk.
I turned my head slightly towards Donna and felt her lips touch the edge of my jaw. I stood perfectly still, not sure if the touch was intentional or not. Her lips touched again, moving lower down my jaw line. Again, this time against my cheek. I turned my head more towards her. She lips touching my cheek again, her nose brushing against my cheek, her breath warming my face. Her touch slid slowly over my cheek to my lips. Our breath mixed as her lips touched mine, as light as a feather. I closed my eyes and Donna pressed her lips to my mouth.
All of a sudden, my body became aware of what was happening, of Donna’s breasts and hand touching my back, her tongue softly licking my lips. I began returning the kiss, touching my tongue to Donna’s, allowing Donna’s tongue full entry into my mouth.
Donna rested her free hand against my side and slid the nails of her other hand down my back and wrapped her arm around my waist. She touched her finger to my bare stomach at the bottom point of the lightning bolt design of my dress and started tracing it upwards cupping her hand under my breast when she reached it. My body shivered slightly and Donna broke the kiss. “Is that OK? I’m sorry if I...” her voice trailed off.
I turned to look Donna in the eyes and thought about what was happening for the first time. I’ve never kissed a woman before. I’ve never thought of kissing a woman before. “It’s OK.” I said. “I’m a bit surprised, but... I like it.” I like it. That was an understatement. Suddenly I wanted to see how far I could go with it. I kissed her again, allowing her to replace her hand over my breast.
Donna held the kiss briefly before breaking it again and looking me straight in the eyes, a warm smile forming on her face. “Do you trust me?” she asked.
“With my life.” I was surprised by the suddenness, by the absoluteness of my answer. She leaned in again, this time kissing my neck, licking up the hollow of my throat. She slipped a hand around my back and under my hair, quickly unzipping the neckpiece of my outfit. Moving her kisses down my neck, she eased one of my breasts out. The cool wind immediately excited my nipple to a hard bud. Donna pulled back and looked like she was surveying my half-bared chest. She licked her fingertip and touched it to my nipple, swirling it around the hard peak, the cool wetness stimulating it even more. I let out a slight moan as Donna moved in again and flicked my nipple with her tongue. The warmness of her breath contrasted perfectly with the cool breeze as she took it into her mouth. I braced myself against the rail with one hand, and started sliding my fingers through her hair with the other.
I was beginning to lose track of time, allowing myself to get lost in Donna’s caress when I heard the soft sliding sound of a door opening from the other side of the balcony. My heart stopped. My body froze. I wanted to pull back away from Donna and dress myself before we were seen, but I couldn’t move. Donna seemed to be too involved in sucking on my breast to notice. I was the guest of honor here. The chances of me not being recognized were nil. Suddenly I saw Dick’s head peek through the doorway. Thank God. My heart started beating again. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw Dick turn a bright shade of red when he saw us. As quickly as he came in, he turned and left, locking the door behind him. Always the gentleman. I returned my focus to Donna, who didn’t miss a beat, knowing that we wouldn’t be interrupted again.
I let the other side of my dress drop so I stood topless for Donna. She pulled back from sucking on my nipple and smiled approvingly as I did so. I tilted her face up toward mine and kissed her again. This time I was more aggressive. While Donna began teasing my nipples with her fingertips again, I slid a hand down over one of her breasts, down her stomach, all the way until I reached the bare skin of her inner thigh. I don’t know if it was our recent near miss, the intensity of the kiss, the sexual charge Donna gave me licking my breasts, or what, but I was definitely feeling adventurous. I slid my hand up Donna’s dress, along her inner thigh and cupped it squarely between her legs. Feeling adventurous doesn’t mean I was quite prepared for what I felt though. I expected silk panties, maybe satin. Instead, I learned that Donna was going native and was incredibly drenched. Maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised that Donna was pantyless considering the dress she was wearing. Her wetness though was a very pleasant surprise. It was... exciting to know that I turned her on that much.
Donna began kissing me even more passionately, rubbing her crotch against my hand. Honestly, I had no idea what to do next. Thankfully, Donna took matters into her own hands. She reluctantly broke our kiss and stepped back. Hooking her thumbs under her shoulder straps, she gave them a quick sideways flick and let her dress drop to the ground so she stood before me totally nude, giving me a moment to study her beautiful form, her amazingly firm breasts, her perfect legs, the perfectly trimmed patch of hair between her legs. God, she was stunning. Once she felt satisfied with the show she gave me, she knelt down in front of me, took the waist of my dress in her hands, and pulled it down the rest of the way. The dress pooled at my feet and I stepped out of it completely as Donna took it and tossed it gently aside, out of our way. I was wearing only a red silk thong by now, and Donna was at eye level with it. I braced myself against the rail with both hands when Donna placed a soft kiss against the soft fabric. I noticed then how drenched I was. My panty’s were soaked through. She gave it another kiss, right against my crotch. I felt like I was on fire. Donna seemed to be eager to move on though, hooking her thumbs into the waistband and eased my thong over my hips, drawing it down my legs, exposing me to her. She tossed my drenched panties aside stared directly between my legs, looking like she was examining me. Placing another kiss, she nuzzled her lips and nose through my sparse hair.
Donna seemed happy just placing little kisses around my crotch, nuzzling her nose in my pubic hair, licking the tops of my legs. Finally she brought her hand up and placed two fingers directly against my clit, sending a huge shiver up my spine. She slowly slid them downward, replacing them with her mouth. Touching my lips softly, she coated her fingers in my wetness and penetrated me slowly. I arched my back as she made the first, tentative push, biting my lip as she slid her two fingers the rest of the way inside me.
I felt Donna’s fingers probing inside me, sliding in and out, making me even wetter. Her tongue still concentrated on my clit, stopping only occasionally to lick her fingers clean of my juices. It felt like I was going to explode when she pulled out, sliding her wet fingers along my backside as she cupped her mouth over my crotch. Her tongue was working wonders inside me when my body froze suddenly. Donna was gliding the tip of her finger around my... oh god, I knew what she intended to do. My body clenched, expecting to feel a rush of pain. Instead... I can’t describe the feeling adequately. Her fingertip, still soaked, slid backwards. It was not at all what I expected... and nothing like I’d ever felt before. The combination of her tongue in front and her finger in back was perhaps the most erotic, most exotic feeling I’d ever experienced. I was almost incoherent with ecstasy, the only thing going through my mind being that I HAD to try this on Donna before night’s end. It wasn’t long before I felt an orgasm begin to overtake me. “Oh god, Donna... I’m....” Donna held her mouth firm against me and didn’t stop with her finger as my body seized. My wetness seemed to flow into Donna’s mouth as I let out a quiet scream. It seemed to last forever, and I was loving every second of it. Donna pulled back when my orgasm finally subsided. Her lips were shiny from my wetness, a thin trail briefly connecting my lips with her mouth. She eased her finger out from behind and stood up. She looked me square in the eyes again. licking her lips clean. A loopy smile formed on her lips. “Your turn”
I wanted to see how far I could go. Well, it was do or die time now. I knelt in front of Donna and placed my hands on her hips. It was different seeing another woman up close like this. Different, but definitely not unpleasant. Not surprisingly Donna let me move at my own pace, let me get the feel of what I had to do. I gave her clit a tentative touch with my tongue, testing how it felt. Again, this time touching just between her lips, taking a bit of her wetness. Her taste was intoxicating. Again I touched between her lips, this time holding it briefly, then pushing inside. My first time penetrating another woman. She was soaked, her warm liquid flowing effortlessly over my tongue and down my throat. I pulled out and closed my eyes, whispering as softly as I could “3x2(9yz)4a”. I touched again, this time using the speed force to vibrate my tongue. I couldn’t help but laugh as Donna let out a yelp and started giggling. I penetrated her again, cupping my mouth over her. Donna was almost incoherent, repeating “Oh gods, oh gods...” over and over again. I kept going, sliding my tongue in and out, teasing her clit occasionally with it. It wasn’t long before Donna’s climax overtook her. She let out a loud “Oh gods!” as she tossed her head back, then front, covering her face with her sweat drenched dark hair. More and more wetness flowed out. I held tight as Donna’s body settled from her orgasm, pulling back only when I was sure she was spent.
Donna dropped to her knees in exhaustion in front of me. I saw that loopy smile forming again behind the matted hair covering her face. She brushed it aside and pressed a deep, open mouthed kiss on me. I didn’t have the opportunity to clean my lips and mouth of her wetness, but she took it in hungrily, eager to taste herself on my cheek, my lips, my tongue. She hesitantly broke the kiss, still smiling giddily. “C’mon, we’d better get back to the party before they start missing us.”
I was disappointed to agree with her. “You’re right...” I said, slowly standing up and retrieving my dress.
Donna slipped her dress on then moved over to me to help zip my collar. We were heading out when Donna broke away, picking my thong up of the ground. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” she half-giggled.
“Nah” I tried giving her the most devastatingly seductive grin I could manage. “If you can go bare, so can I... c’mon, let’s go.”
She tossed the thong aside, hooked her arm in mine, and we headed back to the party.
Dick was still in shock from what he saw. He knew Donna was experimenting with women a bit, remembering her kiss with Kory the night Helena got kidnapped. Seeing her and Jesse like that though was not at all what he expected. The tightness in his pants reminded him that unexpected didn’t necessarily mean unpleasant. He wasn’t about to return to the party like that though. His bulge was too obvious. He slipped down the hall and used his key card to enter Bruce’s office. Bruce was busy entertaining Selina, so he knew he’d be safe here.
Dick stepped in, not bothering to turn the lights on. Bruce’s office was huge and dark, echoing Dick’s footsteps as he approached the desk. He was surprised at how little had changed since the last time he was here. In fact, Dick realized that he probably spent more time in this office than Bruce. He slid into the large leather seat behind the desk and closed his eyes. Images of Donna and Jesse filled his mind. Donna was his best friend. Apart from a couple of encounters, he never really thought of her as more than that. Jesse was... he still didn’t know what Jesse was. They were together a couple times, but he knew nothing could result from it. They were too much alike. Seeing them together though...
He reached his hand down and unbuttoned his pants, sliding the zipper down. Without getting up, he slid his pants and boxers down around his ankles. His manhood sprang to life, finally freed of its confines. He took it gingerly in his hand as his imagination started to wander. He pictured Donna and Jesse on the balcony, making out. His body shivered as he slid his hand up his cock, the image helping to stimulate him as much as his touch. His fantasy continued, the two women seeing him watching them, breaking off from each other and approaching him. Two sets of hands undressing him, two sets of lips kissing him. He stroked himself with a slow tempo, timing it with the slow touching he was receiving in his fantasy. It wasn’t long before he was nude in his dream, Donna and Jesse’s lips leaving little trails over his body. He touched his sac with his free hand, imagining Donna touching him there in his dream.
His tempo sped up a bit, imagining Donna and Jesse sliding their mouths over it, their hands stroking it, their bodies covering it. He was so hard now it was almost painful. He eased his grip and slid a fingertip from the bottom of his head to the base and back up again. He was so turned on now that his fantasy was dissolving, becoming more fragmented. Donna kissing him faded to Jesse licking him which faded to Kory making love to him. He took himself firmly with his hand again, his body telling him it was almost time.
His climax started slow, first simply enough to lubricate his stroking. His mind continued to wander... Kory... Jesse... Donna... Raven... His eyes closed tightly as his body locked and an image locked in his mind, a kiss. His orgasm flowed out, some into his hand, some splashing up onto his shirt, some onto his leg. As he massaged the last of his climax out, the final image, the final fantasy kiss took form, the kiss that drove him over the edge. It was Garth.
“Ms. Chambers! Donna!” Bruce greeted us when we got back to the table. “I was beginning to think our guest of honor snuck out on us!” He was still busy entertaining Selina and Clancy. Dick was nowhere to be seen.
“No, we just went out to get some fresh air. Donna smiled graciously.
“Y'didn’t happen t'see Dick at all, now?” Clancy asked.
“Hm, no, I’m sorry.” Donna answered.
“Ach, jus’ like ‘im, cuttin’ out on me like this.” Clancy scowled.
“Listen, Bruce, it’s getting kind of late and we have a long drive back to New York.” Donna cut in, trying to change the subject.
“My, it IS getting late!” Bruce looked surprised as he checked his watch. “11:30... where DID the time go. I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you take my personal limousine? I trust Constance implicitly.” He gave Donna a warm smile. What did that mean? Did he know what happened on the balcony? No, how could he? “Ms. Chambers, I’m hope you enjoyed yourself. I hope that our partnership with Quickstart Enterprises is a long and profitable one.”
“I do too.” I gave him the warmest smile I could. “Thank you. Selina, Clancy, is was nice meeting you.”
Selina ignored me. Clancy took my hand and smiled. “It w’s nice t’meet you too. Maybe I’ll see ye again sometime?”
Donna hoisted her camera bag over her shoulder and led me to the elevator. Just like Bruce promised us, a new limousine was there for our ride home. Constance opened the door for Donna and me, taking Donna’s camera bag to put in the trunk. Constance peeked her head through the window. “If you need anything, use the intercom. Relax, make yourselves comfortable. Bruce had me load up the bar for you.”
The window closed up and Donna stretched out her legs. “So, what’d you think? Do I make a good date?” she turned her eyes towards me and smiled.
“Not bad. Date’s not over yet though, so I can’t give you a full grade yet. You’re safe from a lawsuit for now though.”
“Good thing.” she laughed. “I’d hate for you to end up losing in court. If you want, you can run home now. I saw how antsy you were on the way here.”
“Nah, I think I just want to relax... besides, the driver DID say that we have privacy.”
Donna kicked her heels off and swung to the side and pulled her knees up under her chin. I slipped off the seat and knelt by Donna’s side, allowing her to stretch her legs out and lounge back. It was amazing how beautiful she looked. I almost unconsciously placed my hand on her leg and began rubbing it. Donna looked down at me and gave me that smile of hers again. Dropping a hand down to the hem of her dress, she started slowly lifting it, pulling it up to her waist. I could take a hint. I moved my hand up and started tracing my finger up and down her exposed lips
Donna bit her lip as I pulled her leg toward me with my free hand, kissing her knee and thigh once each. With her legs opened more I began exploring Donna’s slick folds even more. This was so much different than the balcony, more casual, more relaxed. Donna slid her shoulder straps down baring her breasts as I pushed a single finger inside her. I alternated between making eye contact and watching myself finger her, fascinated by both.
I pushed a second finger inside. "Touch yourself. I want to see you.. I want to watch you... get there" I said, blushing lightly. I sounded like a school girl, I don't talk like this... but Donna found it intriguing and she immediately slid a hand down between her legs and began fingering her clit for me. Pulling my fingers out briefly to lick them clean, Donna quickly replaced them with two of her own fingers, covering them with her wetness. She didn’t keep me waiting though as she pulled them right out an raised them to her lips, licking them clean. I repenetrated her and she went back to fingering her clit. It didn’t take us long to work out a rhythm between us, with Donna occasionally taking my fingers for either of us to lick her juices off. I could feel Donna’s climax building inside her. She turned in her seat, sitting up, I suppose expecting me to orally finish her. I had other plans though. I slid my fingers out, making sure they were well coated with Donna’s wetness and glided them back. Donna realized what I was doing immediately and smiled in approval. Following her example from earlier, I slid my finger slowly inside while Donna penetrated herself again from the front. This time, we weren’t able to establish any kind of rhythm. Donna was going wild, . moaning loudly as her climax quickly overtook her. I could barely keep my finger inside her as her body rocked. I could tell when Donna’s orgasm had passed when she pulled her hand from her crotch and began licking it clean. I moved in and did the same between her legs, licking her wetness out from between her lips, drawing little aftershocks in the process.
We both almost collapsed back into the seat when we were done. As Donna was fixing her dress I noticed that the limo wasn’t moving anymore. “We’re back in New York already?” I asked.
Donna gave me a sideways glance and smiled through her sweat-drenched hair. “We’ve been home for over an hour already.”
“Over an hour? That means...” Just then the door opened and we heard Contance’s voice. “Ms. Troy, Ms. Chamber, the trunk is unpacked for you.”
I think Constance noticed my redness as I stepped out of the limo. She took my elbow and whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry Ms. Chambers, I didn’t see anything.” My heart almost dropped. I guess that was what Bruce meant when he said he trusted her implicitly. Made me wonder... how many times did HE get lucky back here? The thought made me giggle slightly as Donna took my arm and led me to her apartment.
There wasn’t any talk once we got in. Donna dropped her camera bag and shoes on the couch, dropped her dress and went immediately for her bedroom. I followed her in, letting my own dress fall to the floor once I entered the bedroom. Donna was already in bad, lying totally nude on top of the sheets. She was so beautiful, her pale skin against the tan sheets, contrasted perfectly by her dark hair, both on her head and between her legs. I curled up beside her, just as nude as she was, wrapping my arm across her stomach. It was so comfortable. I looked up and saw her staring at me, smiling warmly. I couldn’t help it, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. Not like we were kissing earlier. Softer, more gentle, not as much tongue. We held the kiss for what felt like a blissful eternity. When I pulled back, Donna was still smiling.
“What was that for?” she asked.
“Hmm? What do you mean?”
“The kiss...” she clarified.
I smiled back at her. “Oh... well, you did ask for a nice goodnight kiss. Does that qualify?”
Her smile just widened. “Yeah, it was perfect. Thank you.”
Dick led Clancy up to her apartment and stopped at her door. “Look, I really am sorry about leaving you alone for so long. Really, you wouldn’t believe the mess I made of my shirt when I spilled that sauce from the buffet on it.”
“Nah, don’ worry. At least Bruce w’s willin’ t’ keep me company while you were cleanin’ yerself off.” Clancy smiled graciously.
Dick breathed a sigh of relief. He really hated lying to her like that, but, well, she probably would’ve killed him if he told her the truth. He wrapped his arm around Clancy’s waist and leaned in to kiss her goodnight when he heard a loud *crack* from outside. Just his luck. he pulled back and looked quickly up the stairway to his apartment. “Umm... I gotta go... I uhh... I think I left the stove on...” He winced at how bad that sounded.
Clancy dropped her eyes and pulled away. “Fine, well... I’ll talk to ye tomorrow then?”
Dick was already halfway to his apartment. “Yeah, definitely!” he called down to her.
Clancy unlocked her door and trudged in. She had no idea what was going on with Dick anymore. He’d show interest one minute, and try like the devil to get away from her the next. It was starting to get really frustrating. She removed her dress, threw on an old T-shirt, flipped on a fan, and flopped into bed, stomach first. All that was going through her head was that at this rate, she’d be alone in this bed forever. How could one guy be so cute, yet so damn frustrating? She tossed herself onto her back and closed her eyes, trying to get him out of her head. Someone else, anyone else... someone who she could count on, someone dependable, someone reliable, someone like a CEO of a multinational corporation. Jesse Chambers suddenly came into sharp focus in Clancy’s imagination. Tall, blonde, absolutely gorgeous, and probably utterly and completely dependable. Okay, so she was a woman. Clancy’s had a fling or three with other women in the past, so why not Jesse?. She let the fantasy flow, gingerly pushing her hand down her already wet panties. She found it surprising how easy it was to fantasize about this woman she’d only just met briefly that night.
Clancy lifted her T-shirt up, baring her breasts with her free hand as her other hand worked between her legs. She imagined it was Jesse’s fingers playing with her nipples, Jesse’s finger’s slipping between her wet lips. Her mattress squeaked softly as she turned back onto her stomach, pushing her panties off completely and kicking them off the bed. Quiet moans escaped her lips as she eased two fingers into herself again, lifting her hips up enough to catch the air from the fan on the back of her legs and over her crotch. It wasn’t long before she reached her zenith, moaning out Jesse’s name as her wetness flowed freely over her hand. She rolled back onto her back, not even bothering to pull her shirt down or retrieve her panties, and drifted off to sleep. Though tomorrow she may go back to fighting for Dick’s attention, at least for tonight, in her dreams, he had some serious competition. And if she ever met Jesse Chambers again...
- End -