Welcome to my home page about science fiction.

I include some fantasy stuff that's original and some Cyberpunk stuff.

Please visit the book that printed my cyberpunk story. Visit a book? Yes you can buy the book too. All at the Alt.Cyberpunk.Chatsubo Anthology web site.

I have added a page about my favorite character in Star Trek. Can you guess what race she is? Bajoran! And her name is Ro Laren. Check it out.

This is not just a list of links or just a fan page, although there's some of that too here. I have worked in science and think that science fiction is important not so much for speculation but as entertainment for the young scientist. I still read and watch science fiction even now as I am almost forty. I think women and girls too can enjoy science fiction.


I am mindful of the opinions of psychologists about watching violent film. One of my best friends who is also disabled with schizophrenia was a cartoonist for the film HEAVY METALand as well my friend who seems to be crazy but is not was the key grip on a horror science fiction thriller CUBE. As well another friend is the co-author of a music CD with his band VIRUS.


So beyond just entertainment for scientists I think science fiction and fantasy can inspire us to make more of it.

Like the works in the Alt.Cyberpunk.Chatsubo Anthology.

So enjoy a short browsing of my science fiction experience and check out my original content on Cyberpunk and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Of course, inspired by others but you can't find my opinions on this stuff elsewhere. Expect some cyberpunk role playing game stories from our Friday night game to be added soon.

Spaces inside this home page. Hope you enjoy your visit.




Updated August 4th, 2002.



This is a long list of my Sci-Fi experiences as a fan.

Science Fiction Novels


Science Fiction Television


Science Fiction Movies


Fantasy Novels


Fantasy Games


Fantasy Films

Heavy Metal
Dragon Heart
Dungeons and Dragons the movie
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Cyber Punk Short Stories by Peter T.

Nand Symptom.
A Day in the Life.

Cyber Punk Novels



Cyber Punk Films

Cyber Punk Games


Police, Spy and Military Novels

Police, Spy and Military TV

Police, Spy and Military Films



Copyright Peter Timusk 2000-2001.E mail the web master at at571@ncf.ca.

Updated January 22nd, 2004. Workers of the World Unite!


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