
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: September 30, 1500
Origin: Georgia, USA
Height: 188cm
Weight: 68 kg
B-W-H: 91-86-87
Blood Type: A
Likes: Designing, Drawing, Eating, Music
Dislikes: Curfews, Impossibilities, Insults, False Accusations
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Below are characters I have created along with a brief description of them. Click on them for a more complete description and pictures. Please do not use these pictures without my permission. If you would like to use these pictures please contact me at Valkyrie_2000@hotmail.com. I have also had a little fun with avatars, which are small pictures used on programs like AIM(Buddy Icon) or on web forums like the one at AnimeNation. The avatars can be found here.
 All work copyright Adrian Haager ©2001
Munch Munch - She is a charcter I
made for the Anime RPG, Big Eyes Small Mouth. She is a cat-girl who has the ability to use magic. She is also very skilled with the Rapier. |
Mamoru - He is an original character which has not yet made it into any RPG. He exist solely as a member of the Crusader Knights, the group of adventurers in my story. |
Celeste - This character was made for the story I am writing, she is a most interesting character as you will be able to see by the pictures. |
Di Di - Another character made for the story I am writing. She may look like a normal teenager but does her past hide forgotten secrets? |
Johanne - Johanne is a character I made for AD&D.
He is a human fighter and has far too many weapons for one person to carry. |
Damean - He is a character I made for the Starwars
RPG. He is a Jedi in training. He has certain...problems. |
Space Boy - Space Boy is actualyl named, Douglas
Caine. All his "friends" call him Space Boy because he has a tail
and claims to be from space. Has an Interstellar Swiss Army Knife. |
Kijago - Evil bad guy number 1 from the story I am writing. Constantly after the group. Adds a sense of suspense not knowing when he will strike again. |
Janus - A Lycanthrope(shape-changing man/beast), that is in an RPG I am involved in on the Animenation Forums. |
Valkyrie - The Archangel of Destruction from the Animenation Temple RPG. Also shows up in Munch-Munch's story. |
Gabriel - A bounty hunter that is currently involved in two different RPGs that occur at two different points in his life time. Has been searching for his fiance' for over 5 years. |
Ryvane - A master swordsman from the story I am writing involving Munch-Munch, Mamrou and Celeste. Son of the Great White Katta. |
Alexander - Alex is a character I made for another
Big Eyes Small Mouth
game. He is a Marine and good at his job. He is faster
than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall building in a single bound... |
Gimei - A character I made for another Starwars
RPG. This character is a rebel deep covert operative who got caught
behind enemy lines. He took cover as an Asteroid Miner and put his
stuff in a "Box" |
Misc. - Here you will find a collection of pictures I have drawn that arnt defined characters. Check back often as I will add more pictures as I complete them. |