Well, of course this is gonna
be a T/R page!
Can't you see the syrupy pink background?
This is dedicated to the Tobias
and Rachel Cause- getting those two together, whether it be in the books
or in large amounts of fanfic :)
Here is my exceptionally large list
of T/R quotes!
(I put anything RESEMBLING T/R,
even if it's just Rachel mooning
about Tobias' eyes :)
... and eyes that seemed hurt and tender and hopeful all at once...
<I guess it always was insane
to think we could fight the Yeerks.>
<Rachel... I never told you...>
<You didn't have to, Tobias.
I knew.
I ran to him. I don't really know
why, I just did.
I wanted to touch him. To know
he was real....
There are definitely some nice things
about being a hawk.
And flying with Rachel is probably
the nicest.
<I don't feel sorry for you.>
<Good. Because, you know, how
you think about me is sort
of important.>
Rachel's a human. A real human.
I'm a hawk.
You think Romeo and Juliet were
doomed, just from being
from families that didn't like
each other?
Well, you can't get any more doomed
than caring for
someone who isn't even the same
Tobias? Dead?
If David had hurt Tobias, I would...
See, I cared for Tobias. I don't
think I even knew how
much I cared till right then.
'Pretty upset over that Bird-boy,
aren't you?
What, did you like him or something?
That's it, isn't it?
Aww, how sweet.'
<For you, Tobias.>
Rachel would be beautiful in the
middle of mud slides and hailstorms.
On a sweet, sunny day, she made
my heart ache.
'Stop being an idiot! I care about you.'
'What am I supposed to do, Tobias?
I'm a girl. You're a bird.
This is way past Montagues and
Capulets. This isn't Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio
coming from different social groups
or whatever. It's not like you're black and I'm white like
Cassie and Jake. No-one but a moron
cares about that.
We are... we can't hold hands,
Tobias. We can't dance. We can't go to a movie together.'
<I... God, Rachel, don't you
think I know all that? Don't you think I want to have all that?... >
<Have you ever known a person
who seems to walk through life with her own
personal spotlight on her? That's
<So says the flea, all nice and
warm in his honey's back fur.>
<What did you say?> Rachel demanded.
I guess she was shocked that I'd dare to make any remark suggesting she
and Tobias were more than just friends and Animorphs.
Like that was some big secret.
Quotes to add? Fanfic to write?
Send it all to cmuir@ihug.co.nz
Want to go back?
Thank you Rachel who told me one I missed. Your prize: This lint.