This fanfic will offend Bill Gates,
Americans, George Lucas, Animorph fans,
Jello lovers, people who watch T.V, people who
eat rice cakes,
people who like Elvis, people who like old movies,
people who like the letter Q, people who are
politically correct,
people who like lavender, people who like monkeys,
people who
like beans, people who like George Harris, people
who like
George Harris eating beans, and intelligent people
Somewhere, not that far away, and not that interesting
two people sat gazing in a mix of horror and
curiosity at a bowl.....
<Is this edible, friend Tobias?>
<They say it is.> The hawk hopped over to
the green, shiny
jello in the plate.
<What is it's composition?>
Tobias looked at the paper box the goo came in.
<Uh....Polydexatrose, Hydrogenated Vegetable
Oil, Modified
Stabiliser Starch, Aspartame and Carbo-Tapioca-Droxygenates.>
<What does that translate into?>
<Whole lot of crap in a bowl.> Tobias poked
it with his beak.
It wiggled dangerously.
Axelrose-Eggnog-Ithmus put his hand in the bowl
and began to
aquire the Jell-O.
<Ax? That's not a good idea.>
Axelrose finished aquiring it and began to morph.
<That is really not a good idea.> Tobias thought
for a moment.
<Hey! Jell-O doesn't have DNA!>
The author coughed into it's hand. 'Plot hole.'
<Already? Oh, man, this fanfic is going to
Tobias watched in wonder as Ax melted into a
hideous green mass.
The Jell-O began to ooze towards Tobias.
The Jell-O still oozed.
<Ax? I don't think you have control.>
The Jell-O began to slither up Tobias' talons.
He tried to fly away, but he was stuck.
<AAAAGHHHH!!> cried Tobias as he was imbibed
into the hideous goo.
Then, for him, everything went dark.............
He woke up in a strange room. Tobias looked at
his hands- or
what wasn't his hands. His hands were hawk. So
was the rest of him,
because if you have hawk talons there is a good
chance the rest
of you is hawk. Unless, of course, you're some
kind of freak, like
Pat Buchanan.
Tobias stared at the harsh metal surfaces.
If he were Marco, he'd
probably be going insane with pleasure overload
with all the
reflective metal....
A bright flash in the centre of the room broke
his chain of thought.
Light swirled around like those swirly around
light-things you get
in fanfics like these, before coalescing into
a single form.
<Elfhelper-Signalflare-Shameful!> Tobias gasped.
That's right, Elfhelper.
Elfhelper seemed to have aquired some....new
His Andalite head was obscured by a large black
from which breathing came rythmically and in
a wheezy sort of way.
Flowing from around his neck was a black cape,
which had unfortunately
gotten itself tangled in Elfhelper's hooves.
And to cap it off,
Elfhelper now wore stylish black gloves.
It was a totally new Elfhelper! In fact,
if it hadn't been
for the 'Hi! My Name is Elfhelper!' badge,
Tobias wouldn't have
recognised him.
<Tobias.....Elfhelper never told you what
happened to your father...>
<No, he didn't - hey, YOU are Elfhelper!
Why would you need to say
a dumb thing like that?>
<Good point. I'll try another line.
'the Ellimist never told you
what happened to your father!'> Elfhelper tried.
<He told me enough! He told me YOU killed
him!> Tobias said,
suddenly realising that he was lying and the
Ellimist had told
him no such thing.
<You're lying, Tobias. The Ellimist
told you no such thing.>
Elfhelper supplied.
<Dammit, this conversation is heading for
the same place Chester's
brain resides in - wherever THAT may be.>
Tobias was beginning to get agitated.
<Allright, Elfhelper, you've suddenly appeared
here and now you are
plying me with incredibly vague statements about
my father.
And why are you wearing that stupid mask?>
<It seemed like a good idea when I bought
it,> Elfhelper admitted.
<But anyway, I'll get on with what I was saying.>.
Elfhelper swirled his black cape dramatically
around for effect.
<Tobias, I am->
<What? What?>
<Tobias, I am the guy who gave you
morphing powers in Book #1,
the Invasion! I just thought you'd like to know.>
<You are? Oh, my Go- Hold on! I already know
<You do? Okay. Bye.> Elfhelper coalesced into
the swirly-light thingy
again and flew up into the roof.
<Wait!> Tobias cried. <You never
told me if you were a good witch
or a bad witch!>
Suddenly, a brick flew out of nowhere and hit
him on the head.
<Aah! Brick out of nowhere!> Tobias screamed
and everything,
instead of going black, went a pretty shade of
<Eww! Fuschia!> Tobias said and sat up. He
was staring at
Marco's shirt.
'Tobias! We found you sitting here encased in
Jell-O bowl!' Marco said.
Tobias hopped to a standing position. <Where's
Chester shrugged. 'I haven't seen him. That Jell-O
on the floor was nice,
though. Andalite flavor!'
Tobias went as pale as a red-tailed Hawk could
(Author's note: which isn't very pale)
<Oh my God, you ate Axelrose! You BASTARD!>
Losing control,
Tobias began to furiously peck at Chester's stomach.
Chester, unable to take such violent disruption,
blew green, jelly-ish chunks all over the room.
They were rather shiny and reflective, as Marco
was quick to note.
Then, in a scene oddly reminscent of a much more
well-done one in
'Terminator 2', the jello pieces began to move
to the centre
of the room,
where they re-coalesced into a green-ish blob
of jello.
Tobias once again went pale. <Oh no, not again!>
The Jell-O coalesced into a strange, humanoid
and broke open to reveal....
Yasmine Bleeth!
<Preeeeetttyyyy,> Tobias said, his eyes rolling
in a disconcerting fashion.
The Jell-O pieces moulded themselves up around
Yasmine Bleeth
and out fell Axelrose again.
<Damnit! I want Yasmine!>
<Sorry, friend Tobias.> Ax stuck his hand
down Chester's
throat and got out another oozing piece of Jell-O.
He attached it to his head, and it grew into
a stalk eye. <Better.>
Axelrose quickly killed Chester with a slab of
<I never want to get eaten again, so I'll
dispose of him.
Any objections?>
'Isn't it a little late for objections?' Cassie
cleaning out an empty cage.
<I suppose so.> Ax held Chester's head in
one hand. <Alas,
poor Chester, I knew him well.......>
'Eewww! Put that down!' Marco squeaked shrilly.
Jake threw the head into a bin. 'There lies Chester,
but not forgotten until the next stupid character
the author
throws into this stupid fic.'
The author kicked Jake's butt into sometime next
'Crap!' said someone from Sometime next Tuesday.
A whole lot of elves blew into the room and began
to sing,
'Jake is gone! Jake is gone!
This is why we sing this song!
The writer he annoyed, our credit cards our void!
Jake is gone!'
At this, they won a Grammy award and promptly
<That was pointless,> said a bald eagle, coming
into the barn.
'So is this fanfic, Rachel,' said Cassie, not
looking up.
<Touche.> She looked at Tobias. <Can I
talk to you?> She asked
Tobias' eyes lit up like a dessicated corpse
thrown in a fire.
<Sure! Coming!>
He flew at top speed over the heads of the others,
not caring
how many bleeding gashes he left.
'What's his problem?' Chester asked, picking
his head up out
of the bin.
Axelrose rolled his eyes. <Rachel beckons.>
Chester reattached his head. 'Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh,
say no more,
guv'nor, say no more! Rachel, eh? Hmmmmmm, wonder
what they're doi-'
Axelrose got tired of Chester's empty, cockney-accented
and promptly cut his head off.
'Awww,' the head groaned.
Rachel walked off with Tobias. <So, what did
you want to talk about,
Rachel?> he asked eagerly.
Rachel's eyes opened wide, in an innocent, breathless
kind of
way. 'Well, Tobias, this is really important.
You see- Look!
A small, androgenous animal up a tree!'
<Can I eat it?>
'NO! It's a small, helpless animal!' Rachel climbed
up the
tree and fetched it. 'Well, you see, Tobias,
what I really
meant to talk to you about was-'
A tree fell and squashed him flat.
'Oh, did that hurt?' she asked, picking up the
huge tree and
throwing it away.
<No,> he lied. Then he stopped. <Hey, how'd
you get so strong?>
'Mom's making me take modelling courses. If I
want to become a
supermodel, I have to- well, why do you think
they call them
supermodels? Anyway, this is really important,
so listen carefully.
A helicopter hovered overhead, completely blocking
out what she said.
They both stared at the sudden helicopter-out-of-nowhere.
It was a pitch black colour, not unlike the helicopter
chased Mulder and Scully in that X-Files movie
when they're
in the cornfield. What made this occurance
stranger was that
the barn was gone and Tobias and Rachel were
standing, as she
noted, next to a corn field.
<Uh-oh....the idiot has done it again!> Tobias
'Errr, done what again?' Rachel asked, suddenly
feeling dumb.
<Chester has been playing with one of Ax's
shiny devices again!.
We've been sucked into the X-Files movie!>.
'Ohhh dear. Did you see that movie?'
<How the hell would I have? I'm a hawk,
remember? I can't exactly
walk into a theatre and ask for a ticket.
Been there, done that,
got the t-shirt.>
'Why don't you just morph into a human?'
<There are two main problems with that.
The first is, its logical.
The number one rule of this fanfic series is
that logic should
not apply. The second rule is somewhat
worse. You see, you
all have morphing suits. I don't.
When I morph out from a hawk
to a human, I don't have a suit on.> Tobias'
eyes suddenly lit
up like fairy lights. <How you all manage
to keep your composure
looking at me naked is somewhat beyond me, as
was how I managed to
get into your award ceremony naked. Come
to think of it, it hasn't
been mentioned me wearing clothes in a human
morph OR getting around
this problem.>
A large crack in the fabric of space-time opened
up above the pair
(and the ignored helicopter, which was running
out of gasoline).
Out of it fell all the members of the net-community
who are Tobias
fans, who immediately began protesting about
this screw-up
(except for the grosser ones who liked the fact
that he wasn't
wearing much, and that was about one third).
'Hey! They can't be here! Get them OUT!' The
author screamed.
The author clapped, and they all disappeared.
Tobias, having suddenly and illogically morphed
back to human, stared.
'Run!' screamed Rachel in a cliched way. They
ran, the helicopter
following them.
'So we're Mulder and Scully,' Tobias puffed as
he ran along.
'Yeah...... the truth is out there,' Rachel said,
running faster.
Tobias, even though he was out of breath, brightened.
'Weren't they supposed to have a big making-out
scene in that movie?'
'Hope not. Imagine the things we might have to
'Okay,' Tobias smiled, and imagined all the things
they would
probably have to do (and that he would enforce).
Then, ironically, Chester pushed the 'fix rip'
button and they
were back in the woods.
<DAMN YOU, CHESTER!> Tobias, now hawk, wept.
Rachel brushed herself off. 'That was exciting.
<Okay, tell me the thing you wanted to tell
me,> Tobias pressed.
Rachel looked blank. 'Oops. I forgot. Sorry.
Let's go back.'
The hawk began banging his head against the tree.
Somewhere Else, Which Could Have Been Somewhere
In Canada,
But Since That Would Be Strange, Was Not Canada
But Somewhere Else,
Which Was.......
<NOOO!> screamed Visser Three. He bashed his
hand against the wall.
<Not again! They said they were going to cancel
it! I paid them to
cancel it! But they didn't! God help me!!!>
But God didn't, as he had friends in at the time
and anyway, Visser
Three hadn't bribed him recently which he usually
did in times of need.
'What's wrong, Your Most Wonderfully High Gracious
Niceness Personage
Majesty?' a nearby underling grovelled.
Visser Three flicked him a few bills. <I've
been invited to the annual
Visser's Convention! All Vissers have to go.
Usually, it's so
undescribably horrible I fake death to get out
of it. But then
they don't pay me, so I have to go!>
'Take maternity leave.'
<Do I look pregnant to you?>
The underling thought about answering that truthfully,
but instead
he said that Visser Three looked great.
Visser Three pinched his stomach. <You're
only saying that to
make me feel better.>
'I'm not! You look great. You always look great.
You could win
a prize for sheer greatness. You're underweight,
<Underweight?!> Visser Three swore and killed
the underling.
A new, fresh one replaced him.
<It's my turn to carpool, too. Damn these
'Visser One has to go as well,' the underling
reminded him.
Visser Three brightened at the fact she would
have to endure it too.
He looked at the paper. <It's on Earth. I
just hate Earth.
It's so.... so......>
<That's not what I was going to say!> Visser
Three killed the
underling and replaced it with a toy monkey that
<You understand me, don't you?>
The monkey blew off smoke.
<I knew you would. Now, for the convention......>
The monkey blew off another puff of smoke.
<Great idea, Monkey! But I can't send them,
they're too decorative.>
Visser Three peered out at the Hoot-And-Jeers,
who, after all
these months, were still dancing around an empty
butterfly net
singing, 'We have the Animorphs!' He shuddered
at the thought of
another two years of parading.
The monkey continued to sit there and give Visser
Three passive
smoker's cough.
<No, Monkey, even if I cough up enough gunk
to drown the entire
Visser's convention, it still won't get me out
of it.> He shuddered,
remembering last year's convention where he had
gotten drunk and
made a pass at a Visser who although then had
looked like an
attractive female was actually a Yeerk-Controlled
male. That,
and he had lost his mood ring in the process.
The monkey blew again.
<Oh, damn, Monkey! You're right! What if he
IS there this year?>
Visser Three cried. In his distress, he ate a
piece of the floor
with his hoof.
Monkey calmly smoked.
<Oh, yes, I should stop worrying. I'll have
a look at the Vissers
I'm carpooling with. Well, at least I'm not carpooling
with Visser
One!> The Andalite Controller went pale. <TOUCH
WOOD!> he screamed
over the intercom system.
Everyone in his blade ship made a rush for an
unfortunate human
who was whittling a stick. He was squashed flat
by a couple of
Taxmen and some
Hoot-and-Jeers all rushing to get at the stick
to protect their
Visser from bad luck.
Monkey blew a smoke ring.
<Oh, you are right, Monkey. There's no such
thing as luck.>
Visser Three looked out the window at the stars.
<I've got a bad feeling about this,> he said,
waving around a
lightsaber, shoving a Taxman in carbonite AND
dumping a cargo of
George Lucas was in the board room when it happened.
A board manager was describing something to him.
'Well, you see, Mr Lucas, if we invest our stocks-'
He sat upright. 'I feel a disturbance in the
infringement policy!'
'Oh, God, not again,' one of the board members
'Well, yes, Mr Lucas, but-'
'Someone just ripped me off!' He stood up and
sounded an alarm.
'But sir-'
'Quiet, you! We need my lawyers! May the sue
be with us!'
The board manager sat down and groaned.
Back In The Barn Which Isn't In Canada Incidentally
Could Be In A Pinch
'Hiya, everybody!' drawled Jake, coming into the
'Hi, Doctor Jake!' chanted everyone.
'Is it next Tuesday already?' the writer wondered.
Jake looked around. 'Chester, Cassie, Ax, Marco.
Tobias and Rachel?'
'They're not here, sir,' said Chester, polishing
Jake's boots.
'Hmm,' boomed Jake. He looked at Chester. 'Lick
harder, boy.
I want to see my face in those when you're done!'
'Hey, why is everyone sucking up to you, Jake?'
asked Rachel,
coming inside.
'I told them that the author would give them
a pay rise.'
'But they don't get paid!'
'Don't tell them that. It would just confuse
the issue.
Where's Tobias?'
'He said he was going to bang his head on a tree
for a while.
He'll be back soon.' Rachel sat down on a hay
'Hey, have you seen that movie?'
'What movie?' Cassie asked.
'The X-Files one.'
'Let's go see it. I've got nothing better to
do today,' Jake said.
Marco frowned. 'I was going to give my hair a
deep rinse,
rub avocado over my face, take a mud bath, pumice
'You can do that anytime, Marco. You do that
before bed,
anyway,' noted Jake.
'Yeah, but tonight I was going to an electrolysis
with my beautician.'
Rachel sighed. 'Marco, just come see the movie.'
'Can I go?' asked Chester excitedly.
Everyone looked at each other. <Sorry, Chester,>
Ax spoke up.
<You got banned last time because of what
you did.>
Chester slumped.
<You should be used to it. You're banned most
'I can have fun by myself, you see if I don't!'
he fumed
and went into town.
Jake rolled his eyes. 'Let's hope he gets run
<He probably will. He likes playing in the
road.> Tobias
flew in and landed on a rafter.
'Come on, Tobias. We're going to see the X-Files
Tobias looked at the author. <Please? Can
I go, huh? Pretty
please with a cherry on top?>
The author sighed and raised the Logic Barrier
'Okay, let's go,' said Jake heartily. He could
have said it
brainily. Or spleenily. Or liverily, but those
organs aren't as
good-sounding as 'heartily' and that's what counts,
except in
major surgery.
In Visser Three's Blade Ship, Which Not In A Pinch,
Even With Special Effects Or A Smoke Machine
Believed Canada Except By Those In The South
Visser Three looked at the five Vissers in front
of him and glared.
<Why couldn't you have gone in your own ships?>
'Because it's a car pool, and carpooling makes
for less pollution,'
said the Hoot-and-Jeer Visser Twenty-Five brightly.
'Pollution? Is that a disease or a syndrome,
wot?' asked the
confused Visser Eleventy-One, who happened to
inhabit a human
aptly named Tim Nicebutdim.
'Shouldn't it really be a ship-pool?' asked Visser
'I mean, we are in ships.' He scratched the arm
of his host, Bob Saget.
'Carpool sounds better,' disagreed the Taxman
Visser Fifty-Six.
'Maybe we should be in Pool Ships,' human Visser
Fourteen mused.
(Author's Note: Incidentally, the Yeerks were
so superstitious
that there was no Visser Thirteen. There was
of course the
Council of Thirteen, but they were untouched
by superstition
and old wives' tales. At least, that was what
they pompously
told everyone.)
'Then it would be a Pool-Pool, stupid,' Visser
Forty-Three jeered.
'Don't call me stupid, Home Video man!' retorted
Visser Three groaned inwardly. <Why did I
have to be stuck with
the stupid, low-ranking Vissers?> They were all
crammed in his
office, and since every Visser simply had to
bring their armies,
they came too. He looked out the office window
to see his special
army of red-and-black Hoot-and-Jeers playing
tag with the others'
armies on the bridge. <No touching the strange
You might catch something!> he told his army
sharply. They stopped
playing for a moment, then resumed when he turned
his back.
The normal Hoot-and-Jeers weaved their way around
them, skipping
and pretending to catch invisible things and
'Animorphs! Animorphs! We have the Animorphs!'
'I say, could you stop that?' Visser Eleventy-One
saying to his monkey. 'It causes melting of the
marrow, you know. Or was it the ovaries? Maybe
gall bladder.'
'Lungs,' Twenty-Five said knowingly.
'No, no, I'm sure it's the liver. Then you go
apricot and
your eyes fall-'
<Monkey can smoke if he want to! He's a Visser,
you know.>
'Him? He seems awfully small for one, old chap.
Or is that
the police? You have to be tall to get in the
police. Why,
I once tried to join the police, and-'
<The Council voted to make him one this morning,
since he's so
much smarter than you,> Visser Three said snidely.
Eleventy-One blinked. 'I never was one for brains.
I couldn't
remember my tables. But as for tennis, well,
I was grand-'
Visser Twenty-Five did everyone a favor by knocking
him out.
Visser Three sighed with relief. 'He'll be awake
by the time
we get to Earth,' Twenty-Five was saying. 'Then
we can place
him in a corner.'
'No, the middle of the room. He'll get trampled
'No, on the ceiling! He'll fall.'
'How on earth did you ever get to be a Visser?
How are we
supposed to get on the ceiling?'
'You're the Hoot-and-Jeer. Jump!'
There was a pause. 'I can't. I've sprained my
'Oh, you big liar, you! You're just saying that
you're a coward.'
'Actually, I think he can't-'
'Shut up, Fourteen! This isn't your business!'
'Don't talk to me like that, you-'
Monkey blew a puff of smoke.
'Oh, you're right, Monkey,' Visser Fifty-Six
said happily.
'We shouldn't argue, this being the Vissers convention
and all.'
(Author's note: Ha! And I bet you
thought only Vissy 3
could understand him 'cause he was insane!
Visser Fourteen blinked away a tear. 'Group hug!'
The awwww track went as Vissers Fifty-Six, Twenty-Five,
Fourteen and Forty-Three hugged. It was a strange
because Taxmen were not meant to hug humans.
Nor were Hoot-and-Jeers.
Visser Three made a loud gagging noise as he
was wont to do.
He quickly found a parking space at the back
of the convention
centre by shoving Visser One's blade ship in
the 'Tow Away' space.
Grinning evilly, he walked to the door with the
others (who were
lugging Visser Eleventy-One) and stopped by the
door. All the
Sub-Vissers were having a fun time outside, since
they got to
have an outside party and a Slip'n'Slide to keep
them happy
and out of everyone else's way. Already, they
were setting up
a long rubber mat and the Sub-Vissers were squealing
with excitement.
The bouncer took one look and let them in. Visser
Fourteen took a
quick, terrified look inside and shook his head.
'I can't go in!'
<Why not?> Visser Three asked tiredly.
'Someone's wearing the same hat as me,' he whispered,
to his hat stacked with fruit, flowers and a
fake dove.
Visser Three removed the hat and flung it to
a Sub-Visser,
who screamed with glee and began to eat it. <Now
go in before
I kill you!>
Fourteen submissively went in.
Visser Three sighed and weaved his way to the
chairs reserved
for the top Vissers, one to ten. Visser One raised
a cool eyebrow.
'Look, here comes Visser Three, otherwise known
as Visser Failure.'
The other Vissers giggled nervously. Visser Three
sighed and set
down Monkey on a chair. <Comical, Visser One.
How long did it
take you to think up that one?>
'That wounds me.'
<I hoped it would. Oh, and incidentally,
I saw your ship parked in the Tow Away section.
How very stupid of you.>
Her eyes flicked open and she ran outside.
Visser Three whacked his tail on the stage the
chairs were placed on. <Quiet!>
The Vissers went to their chairs quietly.
<First off, Vissers Twelve, Ninety-Two, Twenty-Seven
and One Hundred and Seventeen regret not being
but they are unfortunately dead. Also, Visser
One seems
to have vanished, so you didn't see her here
and she doesn't
get paid. That clear?>
'I saw her a moment ago,' protested a Taxman.
Visser Three pulled out a Dracon gun and shot
<Did anyone else see Visser One?>
Everyone shook their heads.
<Good. Now, this is the Visser's convention.
All of you are ignorant fools who don't know
anything about leadership and think that Andalites
special kinds of flashlights. This convention
is so we can all
say we at least tried with you.>
The Vissers clapped politely.
'Don't be so hard on 'em, ole hound dawg,' murmured
Visser Two,
who happened to be Elvis. He chomped on a chicken
'Yeah! They don't know what we know!' piped Visser
Five, who was
a large purple and green dinosaur with an inane
'Well, whatever they do know, I didn't have sex
with Monica Lewinsky,'
persisted Visser Eight.
'Oh, shut up about that,' said an irritated Visser
in the end seat.
Visser Three glared at them both.
After gabbing for about twelve minutes until
everyone was asleep,
the Vissers got bored and headed off to the bar.
Whilst a couple of Sub-Vissers played musical
instruments (badly)
and sang favourite numbers, such as 'Just Gotta
Hate Those Andalites',
'Damn, Andalites Are Stupid' and 'Andalites,
Muahaha!' the vissers
gathered around trying to get themselves as drunk
as possible.
Visser Three looked at the bartender. <Visser
'Yeah, got stuck with bar duty this year. Want
some fruit juice?
It's good for you.'
Visser Three looked at the Hoot-and-Jeer.
'Okay, okay.' The Hoot poured him something dark.
Monkey puffed on the stool next to him.
<I know it's not good for me, but it passes
the time, Monkey.>
'Coo-ee!' a falsetto voice rang out. A human
male wearing a
lavender shirt and loose pants came jingling
towards him. He
almost passed out from the perfume.
'Why, it's my old friend Visser Three! We met
at last year's
convention. You know, the one on the Homeworld?'
Visser Three went pale.
'Oh, you remember me! Visser Sixty-Nine! We had
a very interesting
meeting!' Visser Sixty-Nine fluttered his eyelashes.
'Won't you
introduce me to your dah-ling friend here, Vissy?'
Visser Three closed his eyes and opened them
Monkey puffed.
'Oh, why, that's soooo amusing!' The man giggled.
He hopped onto the stool next to monkey and looked
Visser Three seductively. 'Would you like to
continue the
conversation we were having last time, Vissy?'
Visser Three ran away.
'He really wants to take it somewhere private,'
Visser Sixty-Nine
smirked, and began to follow. 'Yoohoo! I'm coming,
Monkey blew a ring.
'Damn, you're right,' sighed Visser Four. 'I
feel sorry for him, too.'
In A Place Which Certainly Wasn't Canada But Might
Have Been If
Canada Was This Place
Chester WAS having fun. Damn, was he having fun!
He betted
he was having more fun than anyone else in the
whole entire world!
He splashed his hands down in the mud puddle.
'Aah! Oh, no, Super
Chester! I'm drowning! Don't worry, I'll save
you!' He splashed
Suddenly, he spotted a helium balloon bobbing
down to him. His
eyes brightened. 'Ballooonnn!'
He touched his hand to it and, a moment later,
he was soaring
into the sky.
<Wheeee,> he said to himself. Damn, was he
having fun!
He floated around until his helium began to make
him sag, lower,
and lower, until he floated into a window and
into a room.
He demorphed and looked around.
Opening the door, he saw hundreds of bored-looking
humans, Taxmen and a few weirdo aliens never
seen in Animorphs but
that had wandered off an X-Files set. 'I will
save the Earth!
I will destroy the Yeerks!' he muttered in his
best heroic tone
(which wasn't very good- he sounded like he was
an advertisement
for Malibu Barbie) and slowly morphed into his
latest, most
powerful battle morph- a llama.
<Die, Yeerks!> he yelled and ran into the
Almost immediately he was set on about 100 Hoot-and-Jeers.
<Take that!> he yelled and spat on one.
'Ewwwww! Llama spit!' the Hoot-and-Jeer yelled
and went to wash.
He was losing, and even though he was Chester,
he knew it. He was
running out of saliva.
<I die for the Earth! I die for honor! I also
die for Froot Loops,
those tasty loops of sugar!>
Suddenly, the door opened and 10,000 lawyers
poured out all chanting,
'Sue them! Sue them!'
One of the lawyers jumped over to the Hoot-and-Jeer
gave them new sheet music and then bade them
to play.
A lifting Star Wars (tm,
copywrite Lucasfilm 1977, 1981, 1983.
The words 'star', 'wars', ' Lucasfilm, 'George',
'Lucas', 'the',
and the letter P are used here without the consent
or knowledge
of Lucasfilm, and this fanfiction should not
be viewed by them.
So if you know someone who works for Lucasfilm,
spewed merrily from the instruments of the
orchestra. In a blaze of light, sound and
specially re-enhanced
special effects, George Lucas strode into the
room. Next to him
hovered several small CG droids who, allthough
they were not present
in the original version of his entry, had been
specially inserted
into this sequence to make it more enjoyable
and fufill Lucas'
vision for this entry.
<Keen beans!! Golly-gee, how do you
keep your eyelashes so waxed
Mr. Lucas?> Chester asked.
One of the CG robots whacked him.
The head lawyer, wearing a foreboding black suit
and wielding a
deadly suitcase, bowed. 'Welcome, my master.'
'Will they pay us?'
'They will pay us, or lose their shirts, pants
and investment
capital, my master.'
George strode purposely up to Visser Two, took
out a large
cheesecake and force-fed the Elvis-controller.
'Ahhhhhh! Not Cheesecake!' Elvis screamed
in horror.
'You have payed the price for your lack of vision!'
George cackled.
Whilst this was going on, the other lawyers faithfully
litigation against the Vissers. When approaching
Visser Eight,
the controller suddenly began crying falsely.
'I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky!'
For this, the lawyer
sued the pants off him. The head lawyer
looked on in disdain.
'I find your lack of pants disturbing,' He growled.
With that, the plaintiffs moved into full swing.
All the Vissers immediately got the pants sued
offa them, and
because they weren't wearing any pants, they
ran out of the room
in fright. The lawyers gave evil laughs, and
Chester stood in the middle of the room and gave
a llama bark. He
had won!
The Yeerks were vanquished! He was the only one!
Suddenly, a whole lot of pretty girls in llama
costumes jumped to
him and began to sing:
'Chester, Chester the mighty,
He's great, especially with cheese!
Chester, Chester the mighty,
Watch out, or he'll spit on your knees!'
<Thank you, thank you,> Chester told them
and they vanished back
into his imagination.
He morphed back into his human shape, which wasn't
much prettier
than the llama, and walked outside- a man, a
Outside Which Wasn't Canada So Just Believe Me When I Say So
'I repeat: I did not get it,' Tobias was saying.
'Tobias! I told you! Mulder and Scully go and-'
'Well, I liked Scully,' Jake was saying above
Rachel, 'but she's
not as cute as you, my gorgeous little Cassie
'Course not, my Jakey-wakey hugglepuff!'
Everyone immediately threw both him and Cassie
into a trash compactor.
'I have decided to throw away my running gag
about not being
able to speak properly,' Ax said.
'Why, Ax? Everyone gave laughs when you did that.'
Marco said.
'Yes, but now I am being rejected for large stud
movies. My fans
are annoyed.
They all want to see me with my clothes ripped
'Ax, you're an Andalite. You don't wear clothes.'
'I do when I'm human,' he said smugly and immediately
a fan came
out, ripped his shirt and fainted.
'That happens so often,' he sighed.
'Hey. Lookie!' said Rachel. 'Chester, outside,
without a leash!'
'Isn't that illegal?'
Chester walked up to them proudly. 'I went in
to the hall, and
there was this Visser convention, so I morphed,
and took 'em ALL out!
And, like twenty
Hoot-and-Jeers one side of me, twenty on the-'
'Chester, go home and go back to sleep.'
'But I really did, Rachel! And I defeated them
all, and I-'
Rachel picked him up and threw him into the horizon,
whilst he
squealed miserably.
'There goes a liar and an idiot,' Tobias stated
For effect, the laugh track, the awww track AND
the woooooooo
track all went.
'Rachel! The 'wooooo' track! Doesn't that mean
we have to-'
A bank safe fell on him.
'Tobias! Are you okay?' Rachel lifted the safe
off and threw it
onto a pedestrian.
'Why do I bother?' he wheezed.
Visser Three ran into the convention hall and
locked the door
behind him.
<Can't....find......here,> he panted.
Then he looked around. <People?>
He sniffed. <Okay, did someone fart? Are you
hiding? Did Kathy
Lee Gifford come inside?>
A nearby TV screen flickered to life next to
him for some unknown
reason. A smarmy looking Vegas showhost
immediately filled the screen.
'And now, all the way from Nevada, please welcome
those fabulous
The audience stated clapping and cheering, as
Visser Three looked
on in shock.
'We've got the Animorphs, we've got the Animorphs,
yes yes yes we do!'
The Hoot-and-Jeers danced around a large, very
shiny butterfly net.
Visser Three swiped his tail in fury, and the
set exploded.
He then wearily collapsed at the bar, looking
for anyone left.
He found someone.
Monkey sat, puffing on a stool.
<Monkey! At least you didn't abandon me!>
The Monkey let out three rings in perfect time.
<Why no, I forgot your nickotine gum.
But that doesn't
matter, you can't chew anyway.>
He picked up Monkey. <Come on, Monkey, let's
go home.>