And we'll only be makin' it right
Cause we'll never be wrong
Together, we can make it to the end of the
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the
I don't know what to do, I'm always in the
Something poked into me. <Aah!> I cried as
a sharp, shining
object withdrew itself from my wing.
All my sleepiness and grogginess subsided and
I awoke fully.
I was in a box; Ramonite, I guessed. One wall
was clear and the
top had just shut on me.
I was staring at Rachel. It wouldn't have been
that bad a sight to
wake up to if her eyes hadn't been alight with
cruelty; if her mouth
wasn't sneering at me.
It hit me.
Rachel- Yeerk-
<NOO!> I screamed to myself. <You fool-
it was all a trick- why
didn't you see?!> Rachel didn't love me, she
never could have.
It was simply a Yeerk trick. I had been blind!
'Why, hello, Tobias,' she said calmly. The voice
had an adult tinge
to it, as if Rachel was just a skin covering
the person inside. Which
she was, in a way; her beauty hiding the disgusting
<Y.. yeerk...> I finally managed.
'Why, yes. Astute. Slow, but astute.' A smile
spread on her face,
one with cruel mirth. 'Did you guess before?
Or will you admit
I played my part to perfection, son of Beast
<I will admit to nothing!> Desperately, I
cried: <Rachel! Fight it!>
'Oh, you needn't tell her to fight, human,' the
Yeerk said calmly.
'She's already fighting. And screaming. And weeping.
She's quite
disappointed in you, Tobias.'
It was all too fast. I felt like curling up into
a ball and dying.
'Of course, without you, I wouldn't have done
it. You attack Visser
Three. You leave Rachel. Of course she would
be made into a host!
She was practically unconscious.' She grinned
at me. 'You blindly
believe that a human loves you, a freak! Your
naïvete almost makes
me smile. Then you drop your guard totally- next
thing, I am Visser
Seventy-Two. Are you proud at what you have helped
me accomplish?'
<The others-> I croaked.
'Will all be made into hosts, soon. And as for
you...' She shook her
head. 'Visser Three- no, now Visser One- will
arrive. Then he will
kill you. Elfangor's son will die.'
<Death is better than being a host,> I said.
She smiled cruelly again, and it tore at the
shreds of my soul.
'Tell that to your beloved Rachel.'
The Yeerk left me, weeping angrily to myself.
Have you ever had a moment of single clarity?
One moment where you
can see all? I had one then. Rachel was taken,
Jake, Cassie, Marco
and Ax were not. I had to get out of here, and
get them to safety.
<Yeerk!> I suddenly cried to her.
Rachel's face turned around to sneer at me. 'If
you're going to beg
for mercy, it won't work.'
<No, I'm going to do something better. How
angry would Visser Th- One
be if I committed suicide before letting him
kill me?> The sudden
anguish in her eyes told me more than words.
'Guards- stun him,' she said shortly.
I had already begun to morph Hork-Bajir. I could
feel my bulk pressing
against the sides.
'Get him out- no, not that way!' The Hork-Bajir
guard had opened the
top. I leaped out with my deformed limbs and
attacked the Visser.
'Aah!' she cried, flailing her arms. No, this
wasn't my Rachel.
I put my blade to her throat. 'I can kill you,'
she threatened.
I laughed. 'You're helpless when morphing. I
can kill you in a second.'
'You wouldn't kill your Rachel, would you?' she
asked hopefully.
I lifted her up easily and stared her in the
eye. 'My Rachel died last
night. Now, I want safe passage out of here.'
She shrugged. 'It doesn't matter whether you
get out or not. We're
taking over this town, then, the world! It's
lost to the Yeerks.
You've lost, Tobias! The Animorphs have lost!'
I tightened my grip and walked to the stairs.
No-one tried to stop
me- the Visser held them back.
We reached the end of the steps and I looked
through the door.
The school entrance. I dropped Rachel roughly
and began to run.
I don't know whether they sent people after me.
But I morphed as
I ran. I was pure terror, and that fueled me.
Pure terror and guilt.
I flew to Jake's first. <WAKE UP!> I screamed
outside his window.
A pair of sleepy eyes greeted me there. 'Geez,
Tobias, you'll wake-'
<Rachel is a controller. They are taking over.
They've won!>
I was slightly hysterical at that point.
Jake woke up. 'What?!'
<We can't waste any time! They'll be going
after everyone, you,
your family->
'Have you got the others?'
'Get them.' Jake looked thoughtful. 'I think
we're going to have to
hide our families. Where?'
<Not with the Hork-Bajir. There's not enough
Jake sighed. 'Tell everyone to come here. Don't
say to tell their
families anything, okay?'
<I'm going. What about your cousins? Jordan?
Jake looked stern. 'They'll be the first ones
the Yeerks go to. If
we can save them, we will; if not.' He left it
<I understand, my friend.>
I visited everyone. Marco was all for telling
his father there and
then. <What if he's a Yeerk?>
'He's not! I-'
<Just shut up and get your butt to Jake's!>
I was only then realizing
what I had done. Just like how Elfangor had created
the Abomination,
Visser Three, I had created the second Abomination-
Rachel. And now my
world would suffer because of me.
I flew into Jake's room. Everyone was there-
except there seemed to
be a big, gaping hole where Rachel should have
Aximili flexed his deadly tail.
<What are we going to do, Prince Jake?>
The door opened. Ax prepared to fight whatever
came through.
It was only Erek. 'I heard about your situation,'
he said calmly.
'I suggest you move. Visser Three has totally
taken over the police
force and anyone of importance in this town with
Rachel's help.'
He looked at me, and I wondered if he had known
all the sordid
'We need to get our families and get out of here,'
Marco said.
'There is no time.'
'We'll make time!' Marco sounded venomous.
'I've already lost a mother. I'm not losing Dad.'
'There is no time,' Erek said more forcefully.
'Look out the window!'
I looked out. I could see a black limo coming
down the street.
<Visser Three,> I said. <And Visser Seventy-Two.>
Everyone stared at me. 'What?!" Cassie asked.
I sighed. <Rachel- is a Visser already.>
Cassie began to cry quietly. Marco began sprouting
'What are you doing?' Jake asked him.
'I'm going. I'll take Dad to the Chee. I'm not
losing him.'
Erek sighed. 'If you must. But hurry!' He turned
to us.
'I'll lead you to our home. You will be safe
there, for a
little while.'
I had a thought. <The Hork-Bajir,> I said,
my eyes filling with
Then I calmed down. <The Ellimist will block
the valley.>
The others morphed silently to bird. It was all
so confusing.
One moment, we lived in a semblance of normality-
the next,
hiding out with the Chee.
I guess that ended my life as a child. I grew
up, then, with
the Animorphs.
Marco returned with his father, and later with
some other free humans.
They grew hard to come by.
The Yeerks took over the town. Of course, the
Yeerks knew there
were Chee out there, but we blocked off the entrance.
obviously thought the humans had bolted for safety.
So, we didn't
get caught.
The Chee kindly hollowed out a living space for
all the free humans-
of which there were only about thirty. We all
changed in there,
Cassie wilted like a flower. Ax grew stony, thinking
the world lost
to the Yeerks. Jake played 'Heroic Leader of
the World' which pissed
me off. But then again, everything pissed me
off. I was introspective,
going over every detail of my last night with
Rachel and saying,
'Why didn't I notice that? You fool! You stupid,
dreamy fool!'
Marco, surprisingly, was the strongest one. He
believed that we
could get free humans and mount a rebellion.
I hadn't the heart to
tell him that there wasn't a chance. The Yeerks
had won, and we were
stuck in the Dog heaven with the Chee.
He also approached me a lot. 'Tobias, why don't
you talk to us any
more? You're usually outside the base, hunting,
trying to get yourself
killed! It isn't your fault.' He was sixteen
when he said this.
His hair had grown again, and his dark eyes studied
me seriously.
<Isn't it, Marco?>
'No, it isn't. It was just a mistake. We'll rescue
I glared at Marco. They didn't know about my
mistake, exactly how
Rachel had caught me off guard.
I didn't want to tell them. What would I say?
'Well, see, I thought
Rachel was in love with me, so I let my hormones
do the thinking!'
Instead, I flew high above the city and watched
the changes take
The Yeerks had won. The forests were cut down;
grass dwindled into
barren desert. Every city was a dark space-port.
It grew harder for
me to get out without being seen.
Then, they discovered us.
I was sitting around, watching the others talk.
We only had
40 humans; I was eighteen. I felt far older.
I heard a rumbling noise. <What's that?> I
asked sharply.
Jake looked at me in some surprise. I didn't
speak often. 'What's
He had grown tall, hulking over the diminuitive
form of Cassie,
who he was sitting next to.
I listened again. It sounded like... I don't
know. A tank. A-
Some earth crumbled down from the ceiling. Then
more, then a whole
shower. 'Jake!' a Chee said, running in. It was
Chee-Linnus, an
android the others knew but I didn't talk to.
'What is it, Lin?' Marco asked. He'd grown muscular,
but he was
still short.
'Yeerks have been detected. Erek sent me- you
must leave! Now!'
'We'll fight!' Jake yelled as the rumbling grew
<We must protect you,> Ax said to the android.
He was looking like-
well, the same, just a little bit bigger. And
sadder eyes.
'You must not,' Linnus said, looking back. 'We
will hold up this
place forever, if needs be, but you could not
hope to survive! Out!'
'They finally kicked us out,' Marco joked weakly.
Jake glared. 'Come on. Through the tunnel. We'll
morph when we get
to a safe place, then come back for the Chee!'
<What safe place?> I muttered.
We ran through the tunnel to the outside. It
looked like it was dusk
outside, even though it was probably only 10
in the morning.
Large machines that looked like crosses between
tanks and
earth-movers hulked outside. A troop of Hork-Bajir
assailed us.
There must have been at least fifty.
'They called out the cavalry!' Marco breathed.
We stopped dead.
A helicopter whirred above us. 'Capture them!'
a very familiar voice
'I want them alive. Half of you- down to the
Chee. The rest,
capture the Animorphs.' The voice laughed cruelly.
'Of course,
they don't have to be that alive.'
My heart skipped a few beats. <Rachel,> I
said grimly and began
to fly up.
<Tobias, no!> Ax called desperately.
'I'll get Rachel. You guys get away!'
I could see them run to a ruined shell of a building,
morphing. Rachel's voice, much louder, yelled
again. 'Don't just
stand there! Get them!'
Do you know how hard it is to maneuver with
blades spinning just
above you, creating an invisible tornado? It's
I rocketed into the open hatch. <Hello, Visser
Seventy-Two,> I said.
Rachel merely blinked. 'Don't be silly. Haven't
your little Chee
friends told you? I am Visser Ten now. ' She
grinned mirthlessly.
'Time flies, doesn't it?'
She grabbed a Dracon beam and aimed it at me.
'Don't move, Animorph.'
Visser Ten squinted and looked at me. 'My, this
looks familiar.
Hello, Tobias.'
I shrieked and went for the pilot, tearing and
ripping with my beak.
'Aah!' the unfortunate human cried, ribbons of
blood appearing on his
The helicopter took a dive. I fell out, tumbled,
and righted myself.
I could see the scene below- a tiger, wolf, gorilla
and Andalite
fighting a horde of Hork-Bajir. I dived down
and ripped at one's
<Tobias!> Jake yelled to me. <I'm going
to distract them! Get the
others. Go!>
<I'm not leaving you!>
<GO!> Jake's voice was rigid with command.
<Yes, Jake.> To the others, I said, <Come
on! I'll lead you- we'll
go behind those buildings and morph into birds.>
<Jake!> Cassie called, distressed.
<No, Jake. We ain't leaving you, man.>
<Prince Jake! We will fight with you to the
<Go!> Jake said again, tearing savagely at
a Hork-Bajir. It fell and
didn't get up again.
Cassie lingered- most likely sending a message
to Jake. I went back
and herded everyone to the ruins where they morphed
into birds.
I flew up. Jake was surrounded by Hork-Bajir.
<Oh, God!> I said, horrified. I tucked my
wings and dived
I sank my talons deep in the Controller's eyes.
He stumbled back,
out the circle. Shapes, just beside me! Ax, Marco
and Cassie had
joined the fight, bird-style.
<Get out of here!> Jake roared and leaped,
meaning to pin a
Hork-Bajir. By some freak move, the Hork-Bajir
raised it's
arm-blade in a perfect angle. The blade shoved
it's way into
Jake's tiger head as he turned it.
He died instantly.
Sometimes I wonder whether that should make me
feel better.
The fact he died instantly. Like that's supposed
to lessen the pain.
Not surprisingly, it never does.
The tiger body flopped to the ground, the claws
sunk in the
Hork-Bajir's neck. For the Hork-Bajir, it would
but not instantly.
That never made me feel better, either.
<JAKE!> Cassie cried. It was an awful thing
to hear- a cry of infinite
pain and loss. She dived, scraping two
Hork-Bajir and sinking her
talons into a third.
'Idiots!' a voice, cold and calculating,
came from the helicopter.
'You killed the ringleader. Visser One was looking
forward to
decorating his head on a pike.'
<We have to go!> I said. I felt sick.
<Tobias- Jake,> Marco sounded lost.
<We have to get to the Hork-Bajir! Do you
want to die as well?>
I didn't care whether they hated me. I had lost
Rachel; now I had
lost my leader and my friend.
<Jake!> Cassie cried again.
<Come on, Cassie! He wouldn't have wanted
you to get killed!>
<Prince Jake-> Ax started.
Marco pulled himself together. <He's dead.
Let's go!>
So Jake was the first one to truly die. Sometimes
I'd wish it
had been me; Jake had a purpose. He was our anchor.
I was a lost soul, bitter and consumed.
Yes, we found the Hork-Bajir valley. Inside,
the vastness was
covered in trees; the Ellimist had done it's
job well.
Toby, now almost adult, looked at me. 'Tobias?'
<Yes.> I flew onto her arm.
'We feared you were dead. Ket! Jara!' She called
them, and they
came over. They looked very much the same.
'Friend Tobias?' Jara Hamee asked.
<Yup. Hi.>
'We thought you dead!' Ket said excitedly.
<I'm not. But some of my friends are.>
'I'm sorry,' Toby said gently to me. She looked
at my friends,
who were demorphing. 'Jake and Rachel?'
<Rachel is worse than dead. She's a controller.>
Toby nodded grimly. Then she raised her head.
'I knew that you
would come back if you were still alive.'
<Yeah, well, now I'm here.> I explained the
situation to her.
Ket and Jara listened, probably didn't get half
of it, but got the
major points.
'Friend Tobias stay,' Jara said.
Ket nodded enthusiastically. 'Tobias here. Stay
'Thanks... For giving us shelter,' Cassie said
awkwardly to Toby.
Cassie looked more tired than I'd ever seen her.
'Just wonderful,' Marco muttered. 'Stuck in a
valley, forever doomed
to eat pine-bark with space goblins.'
'I'd thought some humans might come after the
Yeerks took over,'
Toby said, leading us away. 'So I planted vegetables.
You humans
eat them, don't you?'
'Oh, yes, vegetables are fine,' Cassie said.
<How did you know the Yeerks would take over?>
I asked her.
She looked at me. 'I went travelling outside
the valley. I saw the
Yeerk's weapons out in the open. So I prepared.'
Toby led us to a
honeycomb of caves in the rock wall that surrounded
the valley.
'You'll be safe here.'
<Thanks, Toby,> I said.
Aximili waved his tail around. <She is right.
We are safe. There are
many Hork-Bajir and one Andalite.>
I guess it was mildly funny. But I was too queasy
and depressed to
laugh. I hunted a little- probably the best food
I'd had in a long
time- and found a new perch in a tree outside
the caves.
That was home number two. We were a little happier
there; well, as
happy as you can be when you've betrayed the
only person you'd ever
loved and watched the person who led you fail.
Happy, no?
One day, we heard a commotion outside. I flapped
to the next tree
whilst Cassie, Marco and Ax ran to see what it
A female figure was holding up Fal Tagut like
he was a small baby.
'Marco!' she said, annoyed. 'Could you tell them
I'm not a Yeerk?'
'Linny?' he asked, bewildered. He turned to Fal
Tagut. 'She's a
friend, Fal. Nothing inside her head! Free!'
Fal Tagut stopped struggling and Linny set him
<What are you doing here, Linnus?> Ax asked
She looked at us. 'The Chee...' Her voice almost
seemed to be caught
in her throat. 'They failed.'
<What?!> I asked. <The Chee lost?>
Tears ran down her face. Although I knew they
were holographic,
she really meant them. 'We wouldn't fight, wouldn't
defend, wouldn't
move. They either took the humans away or destroyed
'Dad?' Marco asked desperately.
Linnus pulled a piece of bloodstained paper out
her pocket and shook
her head. 'He was already wounded. He didn't
want to be taken.
"Linnus," he said. "Help me die; don't let them
put one of those
things in my head." I tried to heal him, but
it didn't work. He
wrote this note, and then I gave him an injection.
He went to sleep.'
Linnus looked at Marco. His face was the same
as it had been in the
tunnel; empty. 'I'm sorry.'
Marco silently took the letter. He took it into
the cave and read it.
I don't know what was in it, but he spent a lot
of time in his
roughly-formed room over the next few days.
<What happened to the Chee?> I asked Linnus.
She looked blank.
'The Chee can be destroyed. They were ...destroyed...'
She took a
shuddering breath. 'The Yeerks put them through
everything they could
think of. Liquid metal. Acid. Finally, after
this torture, their
bodies were strewn across the ground.' She looked
away. 'I watched.'
<Did any other Chee survive?> asked Ax.
She shook her head and began to walk away.
Cassie, who had been
silent all this time, stopped her. 'Linny, stay
with us. Don't commit
suicide by going back there. There's so much
you can still do.'
'What?' asked Linnus, half-roughly, half-depressed.
'There's nothing
'Yes, there is,' Cassie said firmly. 'There is
always something left.
Never forget that! Rescue some dogs. Rear them.
Protect the last
essence of the Pemalites. You owe them that.'
Linnus looked at Cassie, then walked out the
entrance of the valley.
She came back some hours later, carrying a whole
armful of puppies.
'I found them in a ruined building,' she said,
her face finally
smiling. 'Their mother wasn't there.'
'So you're taking my advice?' Cassie said.
Linnus nodded. 'Like you said, I have something
to live for.' She
sat down quietly and began dribbling something
in their mouths from
her fingers.
So Chee-Linnus stayed with us. We now had the
last of the free
Hork-Bajir, the last of the free humans, and
the last of the free
dogs. All we needed now was to get into the Guinness
Book of World
Before the Yeerks had total reign over Earth,
Ax and Linnus went out
of the valley to scrounge metals and electronic
equipment the Yeerks
left on their junk-heaps. When they came back,
they spent about three
days setting up what looked like a massive radio.
<What on earth are you doing?> I asked irritably.
Linny looked up. 'Nothing from Earth, Tobias.
We're going to hook
this up to my systems and try to call the Andalite
I glared. <Like they'll ever give us assistance.
I haven't seen any
Andalite ships around for the past five years,
have you?>
'Shut up, Tobias,' Marco said irritably from
the cave entrance.
I hadn't realized their machine would work, but
it did. Ax had a
silent conversation with the head Andalite, Lirem-Something-Or-Other,
and came back looking rather sick.
'What's the matter, Ax?' Cassie asked.
Ax's "voice" was barely a whisper. <They want
me to go back.>
'What?' Marco asked. 'They can't- you-'
<I no longer have a prince. I must comply.>
Ax continued to look dazed. <When- uh, in
about two Earth days,
I believe, the transport will come. I gave them
my co-ordinates.>
<Fantastic,> I said coldly. <We'll be down
to three members. It'll
be really fun when the Yeerks come in and we
only have three
morph-capable people!>
'It's not like you'd be helping, Tobias!' Marco
said, angry.
'All you've done for the past three years is
sit and stew with
this crazed notion it's all your fault! When
we try to help you,
you just tell us to shut up and leave you alone!
We've left you
alone! You're not helping to-'
He shut up, because I had flown away.
Looking back now, of course he was right. But
I thought I didn't
need any of them. I didn't even need Tobias.
All I needed was my
anger, my hurt, my guilt, and I was set for the
rest of
my sorry life.
I didn't see Ax leave. When I knew that he had,
I didn't care.
It would have scared me if there was enough Tobias
left in me-
the fact I didn't care my shorm and uncle was
leaving without
saying good-bye.
I didn't talk to the others for long periods
of time. I would
fly off; first just in the valley, then around
the desert
surrounding it, then finally to the city.
The Ellimist's created world had been right in
all aspects except
one; the first time I had visited the city the
Yeerks had created,
everything was covered in misty, grey light.
Now, everything was
black. It suited me, somehow.
I lived for another two years. A horrible truth
dawned on me;
I was immortal. Every time I morphed, I reverted
to the young,
original hawk. Beyond death, I would haunt this
valley until it
was uninhabited and until I went insane.
Cassie noticed. 'Tobias-' she started hesitantly.
She knew that the
slightest thing would happily send me off in
anger. 'Have you noticed
you're not aging?'
<Oh, no, I haven't. I've just been living
in this body for
years now.>
'Living?' Marco snorted. 'More like only existing.
You don't live,
Tobias. Hell, you aren't even Tobias any-'
'Shut up!' Cassie hissed angrily to Marco.
I looked with my laser-sharp glare at Marco.
<He's right about one
<I'm not Tobias any more. Tobias is no longer
Cassie, with softening eyes, said, 'Tobias, it's
okay to grieve-'
<Grieving? Is that what you think I'm doing?>
'Well, yes. Aren't you grieving for Rachel, that
she's now lost to
the Yeerks?'
I almost laughed. <I'm not grieving. I'm angry
that I'm so stupid.
I'm angry that I'm so blind!>
'It isn't your fault, Tobias,' Linnus said, coming
into the
conversation suddenly.
<Yes, it is,> I said. I was suddenly tired.
I was always having mood
swings when I talked to Cassie, Marco and Linny.
I'd feel angry,
insanely angry, then tired, then often sad. <A
lot of things are my
fault. I think... I'll have to go and make them
Cassie interpreted the situation immediately.
'I'm not letting
you go and get yourself killed.'
<Letting who go? Tobias? Or the strange person
that's living in
his shell?>
Cassie got a strange look on her face and whispered
something to
Linnus. Then she straightened. 'Look, Tobias,
you won't tell anything
to me, right?'
<I don't need to.>
'I once read a story about a girl who- well,
it doesn't matter,
but she wouldn't tell her secret. So this king
said to her, 'If
you won't tell your story to me, tell it to that
old stove in the
'Meaning Cassie reads too many fairy-tales,'
Marco said with a grin.
She rolled her eyes. 'Meaning, if you won't tell
it to me, will you
record it? So one day, when you're ready, you'll
let us hear?'
<Why?> I was confused.
'You need to bleed, Tobias. Rachel is this wound
that won't heal,
because you keep picking at it with all your
hollow guilt and sorrow.
If you bleed, if you let the guilt and sorrow
come out, you'll heal.'
That's how this started. I knew it wouldn't work;
but I did it to get
Cassie off my back. Linnus and Marco made a strange
little machine
that I could record my thoughts to. They all
promised they wouldn't
listen; for some stupid reason I trusted them.
Maybe it was old
Tobias speaking. Maybe I was sick. Who cared?
I told everything. It all came out in a maddened
rush as I remembered
things I hadn't thought about in years. Of course
it was hard; but
I never cried.
Never physically, anyway.
Something about saying everything I felt gave
me a spark of hope.
Could I still make a difference? Something Rachel
had said to me,
years ago, still burned.
What were we doing? We were trying to destroy
the Kandrona-
'But things are connected in millions of ways,'
Cassie was saying.
'They say a single butterfly, beating its wings
in China, can start
a tornado in America.'
<Yes,> I'd said, <but how does a butterfly
know when to beat its
'It doesn't,' Rachel said. 'I guess it beats
its wings the best it
can, and hopes it will all work out. It's a butterfly.
It just does
what butterflies do.'
I wasn't a butterfly, but I was Tobias. What
things mattered to him?
I hadn't listened to him for so long I had forgotten.
<Life. Love. Hope.>
What do we do?
<I get off my butt and get my life back.>
It was time to start listening, again.
I talked to Linnus that night. <Linny? I'm
going away again.
Tell Cassie not to worry, okay?>
Lin looked at me keenly. 'You're going back,
aren't you?'
<I guess it's time to assault Hell again.>
'It hasn't been assaulted for a while, has it?'
Linnus' human
hologram smiled a sad smile. 'I'll be there with
you in spirit,
my friend. I wish you wouldn't go without help.'
<It's a win-win situation, Linnus. Whatever
happens, I win.>
I hesitated. <Linny, if I don't come back...
Open the recording.
I want them to know the truth.>
I didn't look back, not once. In a way, I never
looked back again
for the rest of my life.
I flew around the city, carelessly flying above
the hunter robots
that were stationed around. I was too small to
really interest them;
they were looking for bigger animals and ships.
I flew down to the open Yeerk Pool. People were
still in the cages.
What cut me was that they still cried for help-
they still had hope.
In this hell, they wouldn't find any.
I hid in a wrecked building- not knowing why.
Did I think I could
make some difference? Give hope? I didn't know
what I wanted anymore.
A Bug fighter hovered over the pool, then landed,
spraying brilliant
everywhere. I'd known she would come back; this
was the rat's nest,
and she was the biggest vermin of all.
A desperate plan formed in my mind. She had to
come back to soak up
Kandrona rays; Rachel would be free for that
little time. I'd rescue
A number of questions should have formed in my
What if she's guarded? The Visser's not going
to give her up easily.
And if she's sedated, Tobias? What do you do?
They didn't.
The Visser walked down the a ramp. Four Hork-Bajir
and one human
walked with her. They disappeared from sight
to underneath the pool.
I was ready- I had begun to morph fly as she
had come in off the
Bug fighter. The ramp shut just after I hauled
myself in.
Underneath, it surprised me. It was a pretty
nice office- carpet,
plants, nice chair, all the stuff you'd expect
to find in a human
The Visser was walked to another room. This one
had no carpet.
All it was was a bed with strange metal straps.
A table was nearby,
loaded with more drugs and hypodermic needles.
The Visser pushed a
button, and part of the floor moved away to reveal
a small Yeerk pool.
The human held her arm gently, and she moved
her ear down to the grey
liquid. A Yeerk slithered out.
Rachel immediately began to pull away. But the
human shoved a needle
in her arm and pumped her full of whatever it
was. She slumped,
and the Hork-Bajir strapped her to the table.
The human walked away, leaving only the Hork-Bajir.
I watched him
walk up the ramp and away.
Silently, I demorphed and morphed to Hork-Bajir.
I called to the
guards. 'Andalite bandit! In the Pool! Everyone
up, now!'
About two Hork-Bajir came up. 'What?'
'Don't stand there! The Visser needs you up there,
I guess they were pretty dumb. 'The Visser?'
one said fearfully.
'Yes. Get! I'll take over!'
They both ran up as I went into the Pool room.
'Where did they go?'
asked one. I picked up a hypodermic needle. 'Hopefully
the same place
you'll be going,' I said and pumped him full.
He looked dozy for a
moment, then slumped.
Quick as lightning, the other attacked me. I
shoved him up against the
wall with my arm-blade at his throat. 'I can
kill you,' he bluffed.
'Not before I kill you.' The words seemed familiar,
'What do you want?' the guard rasped.
I shoved him over to the next wall, grabbed another
needle and
helped him to sleep. 'Heh-heh,' I couldn't help
saying, pleased.
Looking over at the drug tray, I realized I had
a problem. There
were three kinds of needles. One had to be a
stimulant, the other
I knew was the tranquilizer, but I had no idea
about the other.
'Sorry, Rachel, but I guess I'm going to have
to go for luck,'
I said to her sleeping body. To myself, I said,
okay. Whoever loves
me, let me pick the right one!
I picked a dirty-yellow one and took Rachel's
arm. With my clumsy
Hork-Bajir fingers I pumped it.
The effect was immediate. Rachel's head jerked
violently, and her
whole body shuddered. She looked at me. 'Go away!
Don't put that
slug in my head! Just kill me! Just-'
'Rachel, it's me,' I said softly.
Rachel squinted at me. 'I'm having another of
those dreams, aren't I?
In a moment, they'll come and take me away and
put him in my head...'
She began to cry angrily. I undid the straps
and carefully lifted her
off, trying not to stab her. She fell weakly
to the ground, as if she
had forgotten how to walk. 'I'm not dreaming,
am I?' she said to the
'You're not.' I lifted her face off the floor.
'Rachel, it's me-
I didn't know what to expect. Screams? Her trying
to attack me?
I was expecting her to turn away and say, 'Betrayer.'
Instead, she looked at me. Being a Yeerk hadn't
made her any less
beautful on the outside, but now she was Rachel.
That in itself
was beautiful.
'Tobias?' she whispered. Then she threw her arms
around my neck,
ignoring my blades. 'Tobias, I'm sorry, so sorry-
I betrayed you, I-'
'What?!' This wasn't the answer I wanted. 'You
didn't, you were a
Yeerk- I should have known, I hurt you-'
'You? Hurt me?' She made a noise that was supposed
to sound like a
laugh, but came out a raspy cough. 'Tobias, she
knew you loved me,
that I loved you and took advantage of it! I
betrayed you with that.'
She began to cry again into my neck.
<Well, isn't this a tear-jerking conversation?>
a thought-speak voice
Rachel started, then began to morph. I looked
up. <Ax?!> I said,
<No longer. I am Visser Twenty-Five.>
Rachel had half-morphed to grizzly. <We infiltrated
the home-world.
I personally oversaw the infesting of Ax.> She
sounded like her heart
was going to break. <We have to stop him.>
<There must be some other way!>
<No other way. Let's do it!> She roared, and
rushed Ax.
Thwap! His tail sliced a large chunk out of her
shoulder. It didn't
matter, because her momentum carried him into
the wall of the next
<Guards!> Ax cried. About 20 Hork-Bajir ran
down the ramp.
<So, you see, Rachel, Tobias,> he said. <I
seem to be on the winning
side. And I don't necessarily need you to be
<Do what he says,> I hissed to her. <I'm
not losing you again!>
<To be a Yeerk again? No, Tobias. Free or->
<Hold on.> I had an idea. I turned to Ax.<We'll
both go freely if
you just let... us... have one last moment.>
<If you'll both go quietly? Yes, but please
don't make me physically
<Tobias?> Rachel said to me. <You know
I love you, but->
<Okay, look like you're completely lost in
what I'm saying.>
Rachel turned to me with her bear head. <Okay,
now what?>
<On the count of three, charge into the other
room. Ax'll be
expecting it, but we just have to take the chance.>
<One, two, three!>
We both hurled ourselves into the room and shut
the door. It was made
of some very thick metal; obviously the Visser
liked privacy.
<We need to do something, and we need to do
it now!>
Rachel had a look around the room. <Tobias,
how would you like to
destroy the Yeerk pool?>
<What?> I was checking the door. Although
it was locked, about three
Hork-Bajir were pounding on it.
<I can destroy the foundations. It was always
an option when we built
this thing. But it would probably mean our deaths.>
<Rachel, death means nothing to me any more.>
<You know I love you...>
I laughed rather sadly. <I didn't, actually.
But I'll take your
word for it. Can we hurry up here?> Someone had
gotten a Dracon
and was busy demolishing the door.
Rachel pulled up a computer screen out of the
wall. She tapped on
it for a while, then hit a button. <We have
three minutes to get out
of here. Let's go!>
We unlocked the door and faced three Hork-Bajir.
The rest
had gone out.
<The Pool is about to explode!> Rachel taunted.
<Hope you like fire!>
They all took one look at each other and ran
<So. You've set the explosives off,> Ax said
<Yes, you Yeerk scum. Are you going to run
or stay here and fry?>
I asked.
<I'll see your deaths before I die!>
Rachel moved forward, but I stopped her. <My
I looked at my uncle. <May I be forgiven for
what I am about to do,>
I said to Ax.
<What? Die?> asked the Visser.
<No.> I lunged with an arm-blade towards his
chest. He caught it with
his tail.
<Tobias, a Hork-Bajir against an Andalite?>
I could hear the tension
in her 'voice'.
Ax whipped up his tail again and it dug deep
into my chest.
<Tobias!> Rachel cried. I fell to the floor,
weakening. Rachel whacked
Ax once, not caring that he about sliced her
paw off, and sent him
reeling across the room. <Morph!>
I did so. I felt my arms dwindling down into
hollow bones, my eyesight
Ax had gotten up and to a computer console, obviously
Rachel's plans.
Rachel tore into him from the back with a growl.
Ax screamed in
thought-speak- his tail was now hanging on by
a few threads.
She pushed him out of the way and began to talk
with the computer
in thought-speak.
I flew onto Rachel's shoulder. Another Hork-Bajir
had come into the
room to assist Ax.
<We'd better hurry up!>
I was too busy watching the numbers on the screen
when Ax fired a
Dracon beam. It burned off half of my right wing.
<AAAH!> Pain! Sudden, searing pain like nothing
I'd ever felt!
<Tobias!> Rachel picked me up and glared at
Ax. Then she sent a last
command to the computer.
I heard a deep, rumbling noise, and then I was
deafened with the
sound of the explosion. A rock fell on Rachel
and I, and then
I knew no more.
I didn't want to wake up. I was dreaming... I
was on my perch
in the Hork-Bajir valley, and Linny was waking
me up...
<Tobias? Are you okay?>
I had opened my eyes, but it was still dark.
And dusty.
<I'm here.> She sounded subdued.
<Where are we?>
<The rock's surrounding us. Tobias->
<I know. We're not going to make it, are we?>
<I don't think so. But I love you, Tobias->
<How can you after what I did?> I said, more
speaking to myself.
<Tobias, I was the one hurting you. I'd forced
you... > Rachel
trailed off.
<If you could go back- would you still do
<Yeah. But hopefully, I wouldn't have a slug
in my head.>
There was a long silence in the cave. If there
had been light,
it would have found a hawk and a grizzly stuck
in pools of their
own mingling blood.
<What are you doing?> Rachel asked Tobias.
He was startled. <I was just recording something.
Marco had set
up this program..>
<Marco did something with computers and he
didn't hurt himself?>
They both laughed silently, although they were
getting weaker.
Tobias went back to his recording.
I guess this has turned into my hirac delest.
What do I say?
I'm not eloquent as Elfangor. I haven't just
saved the world.
<Tobi?> Rachel asks, reading my thoughts.
<Do you think we made a
<I don't know.> I feel myself losing blood.
I'm so tired...
<Don't go to sleep,> Rachel says immediately.
<I don't want you to
go.. Tobias! Don't leave me!>
<I won't. I'm not ever leaving you again.>
Cassie, Marco, don't weep for me. Someone once
'It's better to forget and laugh than to remember
and weep.'
My life's not flashing before my eyes, but everything
else is.
Songs I never sung. Words I never spoke.
Every waking moment I...
<Tobias? Don't go before I do.>
Fly too fast and soar too high...
<I told you. I won't be without you... Rachel...>
Drifting further from your love...
<I love you.>
Forgetting why I'm meant to fly...
It's getting dark. <I love you too.>
Every... waking....
Then, in the silent darkness, the hawk weakly
presses against
the bear's chest, a delicate bundle of feathers.
Then they
slowly stop breathing.
Cassie sighed and turned off the recording. Her
Tobias and Rachel, both aged 14 stared back at
'Man, Mom,' Rachel breathed finally. She looked
nothing like
Cassie's Rachel- more like a small Marco gone
female. 'So that's why
we're named after them.'
'That's so sad,' Tobias said, tears pricking
his large, dark eyes.
'Yes, it is.' Cassie looked away. 'I still miss
She had been listening to the recording every
day for the past
twenty years.
The End... Of the Beginning...
I take no responsibility for this fanfic! - Guardian
'Every Waking Moment' belongs to Tamara Houghton.
'Total Eclipse Of The Heart' belongs to Bonnie
Don't sue! Puh-leeze!
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