Chat Regulars!

If you've never been onto #Animorphs, either leave now or go there.
This page will show some of the idio- uh, I mean, people on the chat.
We're all different.
(Big duh there)
We're all strange.
We all eat sugary snacks....
Here we go!


ALICORN -     'She who talks of Unicorns.'

Nickname: Ali

Alicorn's normal form is a winged unicorn; but she's human a lot of the time
in chat. (Remember, humans just wanna have fun.) She's actually quite sane;
but that only means that she doesn't obsess over red-tailed hawks. (Insert by SD) When we're in the channel at the same time, and we're bored. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
She's happy. And happy, and happy s'more. And hyper, and hyperglycemic.
(Insert by SD) When we're in the channel at the same time, and we're bored. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

QUOTE: Nothing. Often she sits in chat simply grinning a lot.


CHEE-DOLUS -     'He who runs the chat- whether you like it or not.'

Nickname: Chee

Chee is well... a Chee. He often uses his human hologram. His name means 'Trickster.'
What else can I say? (Without him hurting me?)

QUOTE: 'You hawk molester!' (This is always to me.)


COBRAGIRL - 'She who is Always Alert.'

Nickname: CG

CobraGirl is a cobra. But since being a snake isn't all that fun and since mice aren't that
great to eat, she's human.
CG is also sane. (All the ops are. Strange why Chee doesn't op me.)
She's friendly; she writes great fanfic; uh... what else can I say? Give me something to
say about CG :)

QUOTE: 'Neep!'


TYGRESS -     'She who talks of Unicorns to She who talks of Unicorns.'

Nickname: Tyg

A tiger/human hybrid. Tygress is very, very nice; except when her computer
pisses her off. (Which is quite a lot of the time.)
She, like Alicorn, is rather sane. It's Tygress you walk up to in chat, because
everyone else is either screaming at each other or playing with dolls.

QUOTE: 'I'm trying to work on my page but you guys are too distracting!'


SILVER DRAGON - 'She who obsesses over Dragons.'

Nickname: SD

(What she said about herself)
I live in the chat. I'm there all the time 'cept for when I sleep and go to the bathroom. I'm also the most innocent thing on 2 legs, nice, polite and just an all around nice person. Really! Don't listen to the other chatters! They don't know what they're talking about.... :)

(What I said about her)
She's a dragon, like the name, but she's human unless she needs to fight.

(In the chat, that's quite a lot. Chee has a nifty little AniTV Converter which
changes you from a normal person into a bloodsucking AniTV actor! Do you
have any idea how aggressive AniTV Rachel is?)
Anyway, getting off Sidetrack Lane, SD is sarcastic, yet amiable. She's nice,
like Tygress, but she can be as nuts as the rest of us.



BRIAN (Or Jallak, now) - 'He who watches too much B5.'

Nickname: Uh, well, Brian! Also Norn-Boy.

Brian is quiet. I'm sure, though, that he could engineer large weapons of destruction.
Couldn't you? Aww, good boy! He plays around with Norns, and I've heard him
have large, jargon-filled conversations with Chee about space physics. (Big 'eh' for me.)
He also writes great fanfic.

QUOTE: 'Hello Friendly Peoples!'


GUARDIAN -     'She who is.... indescribably strange.'

Nickname: Guard

Guardian is one of the species of 'Guardians'. Since I cannot think of things
to say about myself, I shall let my co-writer say something about me.

'What can one say?  Apart from being pathologically insane, criminally dangerous and enamoured of someone (Heh.  Heh.  Heh.), she is also quite witty, in her few moments of lucidity.  The 'someone' in question may or may not know who he is, but he and Guardian are currently embroiled in a cliche'd love/hate relationship (thanks to Tygress and Alicorn for agreeing with me on this one :)

That's a dirty lie! Unless, of course, the guy has red feathers...

The rest of the time she should be avoided, much like one would avoid ye olde
bubonic plague.  Thus speaketh Piett, th'eternal tome of wisdom.'

If you'll excuse me, I must go and put ground-up glass in Piett's cornflakes.

QUOTE: 'Damn straight!'


LATHREN-NAT-SIRINIAL -     'He who gets pissed easily.'

Nickname: Lathren

Lathren is a very cute human nothlit. (In his own words, of course.) He used
to be an Andalite. He's insane. He eats too much pizza.
Anything else? Not really....



 CHRONO TRIGGER -    'He who rides the wind.'

Nickname: ChronoT, CT

Chrono is nice, I guess. So far, he hasn't shown any major insanities or
obsessions. (Yet, I say. Yet!)

QUOTE: 'A penny for your thought..... Ten bucks if you shut up.'


ANIDALITE -     'She who hates KansasNet (Don't ask!)'

Nickname: AniD

AniD is a nice girl, except when she goes after KansasNet frothing at the mouth.
She's Andalite, but she morphs human a lot. (Everyone does, for some reason!
When will it go out of fashion?!)
She's not very sane.... but she's nice!

QUOTE: 'If at first on Kansas Net you don't succeed, go into options,
contifigure, uncheck the box marked '60 second timeout', change location to
New Location 57, add three more for future reference, delete the first 4,
switch programs, re-synchronize your account, re boot the computer, and try
again in DOS.  If after that you don't succeed, sit down and dream about
hacking into Kansas net someday.  Works for me...'


TAURUS -    'He who Godmodes... yeah, whatever'

(What he said about himself)
Trash-talkin' ska-lovin' god-modin' (yeah, whatever) old fart.
Often found infecting channel with rat poisoning to get kicks (eeheehee).
Most annoying person there, on occasion. Is absolutely
sure Guardian and _______ have a thing for each other (nyah)
although both ends of this little agreement would rather nuke each other
than really come out. *sobs* It's like a romance movie!...
(What I said about him)
He's on drugs. I don't know what, and I don't know how much, but he is.
(Can I have some? :)

QUOTE: 'Hot damn!'


KHAR'PERN -     'She who is NOT a male, (sometimes assumed because
of her nick 'Khar') and if she catches you calling her that she will kick your butt!'

Nickname: Khar

From Khar about her name:
Hmm...lessee. I'm pretty sure people are wondering where I got my name
from (I didn't make it up, not creative enough) so I'll tell that. 'The Ghatti
Chronicles' is the book, and I-meaning my namesake-is a calico ghatta who is
really clever. She kicks! In fact, I think I'm going to 'peak now, because
that's what she does to communicate. Mindspeak = thoughtspeak, you get the
Yes, I do.
Khar is hyperactive, but I've gotten used to it. OWW! Don't hit me! I'm just
about to get to the nice stuff! She's very nice once you get to know her, and a
good friend! Yes! Very! You don't have to hit me now!

QUOTE: 'So long and thanks for all the fish.'


KASKID -    'He who hits me if I call him the "old fogey".'

Nickname: Kas

Kaskid is a werewolf, but in his human form he's a lovable
blue-eyed guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. (Hah! Got you there!)
Of course, in his wolf-form, he's silvery gray with teeth that could
bite through your arm, but I prefer to ignore his personality when he's
in that form.
Kaskid ain't insane, but he's slightly strange. Still wonderfully nice, tho!

QUOTE: 'I forgot to send in my quote to Guardian, so she's going to have to
make up one.'


ANIDRAGON -     'He who eats the Winner Tacos.'

Nickname: AD

Dragon/human, he has unlimited morph time in either, but he prefers human.
He likes to do slightly impossible things, like morph from rhino to tiger, without acquiring either, but he's mostly sane. (Oh, no, not another 'Superman'. I hate characters who are 'better' than the Animorphs! No offence intended, Kiwi pal. I'm just ranting. I always do this. Rant! Rant! Rant!)

QUOTE: 'To be continued...sooner, but later, so in the meanwhile, have a Winner Taco!'

ALICE -     'She who is Addicted to Sugar and Types Neil Stories.'

Nickname: Well, uh, Alice.

Alice. What can you say about Alice? After reading her Neil Stories
(Which I may put up soon as soon as I get my ass ready) you assume she's nuts.
All I can say to this assumption is, jolly well assumed.

QUOTE: 'If you even think about calling me Alice in
Wonderland, don't assume I won't kill ya.'


ANIKAT -      'She whose title goes here.'

Nickname: AK

(What she said)
AniKat is a strange girl, who is still *waiting* to get mIRC
(therefore cannot be on 24 hours a day, just rarely).  Sooner
or later, it'll happen.  Meanwhile, NO Winner Tacos.  Please.
AniD's best friend, which **might** be a good thing if you're an
optimist.  She has her mind set on the fact that Guard and ______ have
a thing for each other.  You get to make the rest up.
She's nuts nuts pinenuts walnuts hazelnuts peanuts brazil nuts coconuts.

QUOTE: 'Smile.  Tomorrow will be worse.'


ALEX -     'He who I haveta make up a quote for. Godammit.'

Nickname: Alex. Also Mien. Don't ask.

Alex is..... *drumroll* a Guardian! Which kind of explains why he's my half-brother :)
He's got black hair, silver eyes, and he also looks like a stick. (Sorry, Alex, but you
do! Eat more Panskits or something!)
Alex is obsessed with Javascript. I don't even want to know. He's nuts
(and it came from my side of the family)

QUOTE: *snickers before she puts it up* 'Del who?'


ANIBLAIRE -    'He who likes Jeri Taylor! Eww. And probably Jeri Ryan. They're both
                         hideous she-demons.''

Nickname: AB

(What he said)
Cycaen/Human Hybrid, as in, weird fantasy story species
Calm, until gets denied AOPs when goes crazy, insults the
founder, and gets kicked three times in 20 minutes.  Crazy about Star
Trek and writes weird Fanfic about demons.
(What I think)
Ewww! He likes Jeri Ryan and he's a Trek Troll! I'd hate him if he wasn't
so nice! (And if he didn't write nice T/R fanfics.) Okay, so that's exaggeration.
He's not that much of a Trek Troll and I hope we can wean him off 7 of 9.

QUOTE: : 'If you wanna kill someone right, hire a professional!'


TALEN -           'He who I can't really decide what to put in here.'

Nickname: Talen, now. Querida. (Only Guard calls him this, though..)

What he says about himself:
16 years old going on 3, Talen is the author of the #animorphs fic without a name, and perhaps the first one that makes no references to animorphs at all. No longer reads the books, because Australian bookstores are shite, but hangs around the channel in order to bask in the glory that is Guardian. Or maybe just because he has so many buds there. :-) Officially the only person who'll own to being Kat's godfather, except now he's an uncle since he adopted Guardian as his little sister. Note to all anti-Guardians or Gatekeepers out there; Talen is here, and he's nasty. You've been warned....
What I say:
*Insert blubbery pile of schoolgirl slush* ...... and, like I've said three thousand times, I love the stupid bugger. *blows him a kiss*

QUOTE: "Of course, I could always- bugger!"
"If a tree falls in the forest and hits a mime, does anybody care?"
"When you've got Briman and Conrado up to their necks in cement, what have you got? Not enough cement!"


NUTCASE - 'She who is a girl, despite what some may believe.'

Nickname: NC and Nut

(What I, SD, said about her)
Well, I dunno what to say about NC...she's MAKING me make a profile for her! Lazy peoeple! Lazy Guard! Anyhoo, here goes! She's nutty and psycho like the rest of us. And she has an unhealthy obsession over Jake. Also, pray that you're NOT the only guy in the channel, and stay away from her when she has The Formula with her ;)

QUOTE: 'Life's a b!tch, then you become one (that sums up my life!)'

JHAWK - 'HE who's arch nemisis is NutCase'

Nickname: JH, JHawk

(What he said about himself)
Me? You want me to talk about ME? I am semi-deranged, and the worlds smartest hawk (According to me, anyway. Hey, now if its MY profile and I'M writing it, I can do whatever I want, right?). My lifelong dream is to become an op. (Yeah, and win me the lottery while I'm dreaming.) Or to get even with NC. Someday, NC, I will get even!!!
>>At this point, JHawk's speaking becomes incoherent.<<

QUOTE: 'People are idiots.' or maybe 'NC really sucks.' Wait. "NC is a sucky idiot." No, that makes it seem like she's *smart*. Here we go. "NC is an idiot and she sucks." Perfect!!

ENDER - 'He who is too lazy and mean to write his own bio.'

Nickname: Ender, Enderino, Pervert.

What he says about himself: "'Of course, when asked about himself, Ender says: 'I'm a alright kinda bloke. The IQ of a 8 sideways, alround computer wizard. A bit sick, but that's love for you. Oh, yeah, and I work on the Forte story with Talen & Guard'"
What I say: To illustrate this illustrious.. um...... ah....... guy, I'll open up a singing plot describer.

'He's a pervert
Candy coated;
He can't charm you
(Take my word for it)
Corrupted my younger brother, hits on my guy;
His name is Ender, and I tell no lie!'

He's an Aussie. Stay away from him.

QUOTE: 'I'm the KING, dammit!!'


Honorary people who I don't really see around chat but SHOULD
go here.

NARH-HUNT-SEMITUR -     'He who I can't remember the title for. Oops.'

Narh's really nice. He's sane, too! Isn't that a strange combination?
But he's Lathren's friend, (which speaks volumes) so there MUST be
something bad about him! *grins innocently at Lathren*

QUOTE: 'Godammit, Guardian forgot this too!'



Everyone else.

Go to the first #Animorphs songs.

Go here to learn about the ''#Animorphers of the Month' competition!

This is on! All hail! There can be only one great Animorphs chat,
and I haven't found it so far!

Anyone who wants to be put up- I haveta see you at least once in the chat.

I'll be putting a lot more people up here. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Have I done your bio wrong? Email me on

Go back to my page?