Video/Audio/Chat Conference

Copyright © 2003 Alaa Masoud

This program is under the GNU General Public License.

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Loading projects files:

All COM components were created in VC++ 7. However VC++ 6 version projects are also included.
You need to modify the include directories to include:

  1. The DirectX 8.1 header files.

You also need to modify the library directories to include:

  1. The DirectX 8.1 library files.

  2. The DirectX 8.1 DirectShow BaseClasses. (\Debug and \Release)

The VAC UI application was created in Delphi 7. I didn't test it in previous versions of Borland Delphi, but it should load normally. You may only need to remove the XPMan unit in the uses clause of Main.pas. You will also need the DirectX 8.1 unit files. They are available from


If you encounter any errors, please send to

Thanks for downloading VACC.